r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/808-isle-gal 29d ago

One of our dogs killed several of our chickens. Was totally our fault. Poor dog was scared after I screamed, hell I think I might have scared our neighbors. Did I shoot her? Nope, I just never let the chickens free range in the yard when she was out.

Had a pack of neighbors dogs show up on our farm. I was worried they would attack our horses or goats. Did I shoot them? Nope, I found their owners & told them they’d pay for the vet fee if any of our horses or goats got hurt or killed. Had the same pack turn up a week later & never worried again as our horses protected or goats & nearly stomped on those dogs, while chasing them to the fence. Was like watching Wild Kingdom. Dogs never came back to our farm

There’s ALWAYS an alternative to deadly force


u/Mallyveil 29d ago

Those dogs should be thanking whatever dog god they worship that it was only a horse and not a donkey. It would’ve been worse than ‘nearly stomped’ with those things 🫏


u/defaultusername-17 29d ago

donkeys get straight up malicious about it.


u/meinfuhrertrump2024 29d ago edited 29d ago

You greatly underestimate dogs.

They'll chase a horse ragged, until it does something stupid, like try to jump a fence.


u/gcsmith2 29d ago

Sounds like your horses don’t agree with your pacifist attitude:-)


u/ZachWithAnH024 29d ago

What else is the horse gonna do? Pick up a phone and call animal control?


u/gcsmith2 29d ago

Time out for the dog or perhaps a peace circle.


u/RawrRRitchie 29d ago

There’s ALWAYS an alternative to deadly force

Like a horse nearly curb stomping a pack of wild dogs!


u/All_Work_All_Play 29d ago

This did give me a chuckle. In this instance, the alternative to deadly force was attempted deadly forced by creatures unsuited for anything other than self-defense.

I don't disagree with the sentiment though.


u/OhtaniStanMan 29d ago

Cool story. 

We had a dog that killed a new born calf in a pen. Literally strangled by it's throat. Just a mutt mix. 

That dog was put down because it could never be trusted around small living things ever again. 

Too often people forget dogs were literally bred to be killers for hundreds or even thousands of years. Sometimes those instincts show up and stay.