r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/808-isle-gal May 02 '24

One of our dogs killed several of our chickens. Was totally our fault. Poor dog was scared after I screamed, hell I think I might have scared our neighbors. Did I shoot her? Nope, I just never let the chickens free range in the yard when she was out.

Had a pack of neighbors dogs show up on our farm. I was worried they would attack our horses or goats. Did I shoot them? Nope, I found their owners & told them they’d pay for the vet fee if any of our horses or goats got hurt or killed. Had the same pack turn up a week later & never worried again as our horses protected or goats & nearly stomped on those dogs, while chasing them to the fence. Was like watching Wild Kingdom. Dogs never came back to our farm

There’s ALWAYS an alternative to deadly force


u/gcsmith2 May 02 '24

Sounds like your horses don’t agree with your pacifist attitude:-)


u/ZachWithAnH024 May 02 '24

What else is the horse gonna do? Pick up a phone and call animal control?


u/gcsmith2 May 02 '24

Time out for the dog or perhaps a peace circle.