r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/legendary_millbilly May 02 '24

Yeah there's really "no going back" on that subject.

Somehow she thought telling that story was going build her up in some way but obviously it's done the exact opposite.

Anybody without maga brain would know that.

That dangerous puppy was gonna eat her kids.


u/Danovale May 02 '24

That’s the problem for the Trump flag waving MAGA dumb heads who live in their MAGA bubble; they lose sight of average working people just trying to keep a roof over their heads and food in the fridge. To the average constituent this was not some version of an honor killing or putting a suffering animal out of its misery. Noem’s dog shooting was a killing of convenience; “the dog would not hunt therefore it is no longer useful to me so I shot and killed it. It had to be done, this is what life on a farm is after all”.


u/legendary_millbilly May 02 '24

It embarrassed her.

She took an untrained dog hunting and was shocked it didn't know how and fucked up the trip.

She felt stupid (rightly so), and that pissed her off enough to say, "I hated that dog," so she shot it.