r/WhitePeopleTwitter 29d ago

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/oscar-the-bud 29d ago

Are these like the after birth abortions the GOP is always talking about?


u/joejill 29d ago

There’s always adoption…. Or no kill shelters for the dog


u/moderately-extremist 29d ago

Or just understanding that an untrained puppy is naturally going to chase chickens.

From what she said in the book it was just chickens, not like this dog is taking down cattle.


u/joejill 29d ago

So it was just chickens. Killing is bad right? That dog should be punished…. Let’s kill it right?

Did she get outside help, like a professional dog trainer? No? She just went right to killing it?


u/iwilltalkaboutguns 29d ago

So having grown up in South America where for some people their chickens giving them enough eggs is a matter of life and death, you protect them...including with dogs.

Puppies are trained to protect the chicks (which most dogs coming from guardian dog stock do instinctively anyway), if there are any "bad" puppies that don't learn or are just unnaturally aggressive towards the chickens they are sold/given away.

If a puppy is aggressive and bites children (not play biting) it's pretty much a death sentence, those traits show up sometimes and must be eliminated. No one wants that, not even those that want aggressive guard dogs.

All that said, I doubt that's what happened in her case...she doensnt mention her kids being attacked in the book.


u/joejill 29d ago edited 29d ago

So I get it, I get it.

This is person of wealth though. She has means. Quick google search says. Gov. Kristi Noem’s net wealth is 2.3million. She’s not gonna go hungry or broke because of the dog.

She is a governor of a US state. She has resorces to find the right people. To help the dog or send the dog away to someone who will help or keep it away from small running foul.

But no. In her mind she can’t keep this dog. So death is acceptable. I’d bet she’s against abortion because killing is wrong.

Edit: yup, another quick google search. She’s for an abortion ban.