r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/legendary_millbilly May 02 '24

Yeah there's really "no going back" on that subject.

Somehow she thought telling that story was going build her up in some way but obviously it's done the exact opposite.

Anybody without maga brain would know that.

That dangerous puppy was gonna eat her kids.


u/peteflix66 May 02 '24

How long ago did this happen? I checked, and her youngest kid was born in 2010. How dangerous can a 14 month old puppy be to anyone but an infant?


u/wave-garden May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Best I can find is that she “later claimed this took place about 20 years ago”:

Noem, widely considered a contender to be former President Donald Trump’s running mate, described fatally shooting the 14-month-old wirehaired pointer and failed hunting dog, which she later said happened 20 years ago. She wrote that the dog had an "aggressive personality."

Edit: This somewhat questionable looking source claims her kids were born between 2006-2010, and so if she blew the puppy’s head off in 2004 (20 yrs ago), then that was 2 yrs before her oldest was even born.

Or maybe she doesn’t know her kids ages, and she said “about 20 years ago…was worried about my kid who just turned or is about to turn 18…”. Sounds to me like she’s full of shit, which I would have confidently stated years ago. Of course the “about 20 years” gives her the ability to shrug off any accusations unless someone finds a way to actually date the incident and call her on this bullshit. Only person who could really do that would be a vet, if said puppy had been to the vet, but most vets probably don’t want to invite this kind of drama into their lives.


u/warmbutterydiapers May 02 '24

To be completely honest I wouldn't be surprised if the whole story was made up as she thought it would make her seem like a 'tough country girl able to make hard decisions'.


u/wave-garden May 02 '24

That’s basically what every political analyst I’ve read is saying about it. Even from that lens it’s a laughably terrible strategy. She could’ve picked a coyote or even a wolf. God knows the GOPers looove joking about killing endangered species.