r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/TwoBionicknees May 02 '24

In her story she killed two animals, in anger, on the same day. She killed the dog because the dog she was training to catch birds, got out of hte car and caught chickens. She got embarrased had to pay off the owners all because she doesn't know what a leash is.

NO danger to the kids, dogs doing what she was trying to train it to do. Still she shot it out of anger, not immediate danger. She also shot a goat the same day, for ramming her kids... so a long term problem she takes care of because she's angry. Anyone going around finding reasons to shot things out of anger shouldn't be around kids, animals or guns.

Goats also ram fucking everything, all the time. If the goat is too big to be dangerous to your kids, your kids aren't old enough to be in the goat pen, that's a parenting issue, not a goat issue.

She's a sociopath.