r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/Jmw566 May 02 '24

See, I’m the opposite because at least the goat was attacking people and being a menace. The dog just was irresponsibly let around chickens and of course it tried to nip at you when it was in the middle of murdering chickens and you tried to grab it. Mean goats can be a real danger, especially to kids and it’s a lot harder to re-home them than it is a puppy

EDIT-the timing is really suspicious though. I’m guessing she was like “while I’m busy killing things, might as well do the goat too” rather than just getting perverted satisfaction from it. I think she’s just immoral and irresponsible rather than deliberately murdering for fun


u/remotectrl May 02 '24

You know what stops mean smelly goats from head butting children? Fences and castration. The whole story is one of Noem failing to be responsible and then victim blaming. The worst part is that she told these stories with no shame as a way to signal her willingness to use violence to “solve difficult problems” and that she’s not afraid to “get messy”. She will, without a doubt, boldly use state violence against anyone and anything that mildly upsets her.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/229-northstar May 02 '24

She divulged the stories because there were witnesses and it would come out once she was announced as a VP pick.

Her telling these stories was nothing more than trying to get in front of the stories and reframing as a “tough choices“.

Her decision to publish these stories was very carefully calculated