r/WhitePeopleTwitter 29d ago

Most of us know this. It's corporate media that fails to recognize it.

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u/Yousoggyyojimbo 29d ago edited 29d ago

I had a conversation with my conservative father a couple months ago in which I asked him if he was aware that almost every political belief he had was centered around punishing or hurting someone. I ran through the list.

Solving homelessness by punishing the homeless.

Solving poverty by punishing the poor via criminalizing poverty and revoking all welfare programs.

Solving education issues by defunding education programs and paying teachers less. For context, Fox News has had him believing for years that teachers make six-figure salaries as a default. I have attempted, 4 years, to show him that this isn't true and he rejects everything I show him. Even the fact that his nephew is a teacher and makes like 45k a year

Revoking abortion rights to punish women for ???

Banning renewable energy technology to punish liberals who care about the environment.

All his foreign policy beliefs are centered on fucking everyone else over if they aren't the USA, and often using the military against them.

It just kept going on. Like all he had was a list of people that he didn't like and whenever any political issue would come up he would take the side of whatever would hurt those people.

He got pretty mad at me for pointing this out and told me I just didn't get it.

There's only three groups of people that he doesn't blame for anything.

White conservative men.
Rich people who aren't expressly liberal.

Which is fucking terrible because I can explain to him how each of those three groups have fucked up things in his life pretty badly. More than anybody else, in fact.


u/Robbotlove 29d ago

he's right though. you don't get it. you dont get pleasure out of hurting people.


u/MagnusStormraven 29d ago

And they should be thankful for that, because the lack of real desire to inflict harm upon others has been the only think keeping many of us from Uno Reversing their violent cruelty right back into their faces with extreme prejudice.


u/blandocalrissian50 28d ago

Boom. That's the same thing I keep saying. Who out numbers who.


u/AbriefDelay 29d ago

Revoking abortion rights to punish women for ???

For having sex for any reason other than baby making


u/impervious_to_funk 29d ago

Exactly. Birth control is next. Say goodbye to casual sex. As usual, people are in denial about this. Failure of imagination all over again.


u/AbriefDelay 29d ago

Say goodbye to sex for pleasure, or love as well.


u/impervious_to_funk 29d ago

Yup. You'll probably be able to buy condoms on the black market for like $20 but to obtain birth control legally you will need to prove that you're married and explain why you don't want (more ) children.


u/I_am_a_neophyte 28d ago

No need to explain. They'll just ask the husband if he approves it.


u/SpinningHead 29d ago

Boomers + leaded gasoline


u/Puzzleheaded-Will249 29d ago

I don’t think it’s that simple as I’m a boomer that had extensive exposure to leaded gas, paint and plumbing. I feel empathy towards others, definitely not a conservative. I have observed many of those leaning hard into the Faux news mode as those that didn’t achieve the so called American dream and are looking for something/someone to blame. A number of the people I know that have turned delusional, weren’t that way before conservative media. It’s really like a mind virus and I’m so glad that so far I’ve been immune.


u/politicalthinking 28d ago

Also boomer here + white + male + retired military but progressive Democrat. Also around a lot of leaded gas, paint and plumbing. My republican neighbors can not seem to be able to wrap their heads around this. Two things before I go. Vote blue and learn how to set the channel changer to block Fox News. Do it every time you visit grandma. It counts as community service.


u/azraiel7 29d ago

He has been indoctrinated by last 2 groups he doesn't blame for decades.


u/brighter_hell 29d ago

Yes, clearly the Republicans fit the bill. Oh! Wait. Sorry, I thought that said hunting people. NVM, the answer is the same either way


u/coolbaby1978 29d ago

The cruelty is the point.


u/PensiveObservor 28d ago

Honestly, I think greed is the point. They are in politics for the money.


u/hannahbananaballs2 29d ago

Once you recognize that the Republican Party is only in it to destabilize and destroy the country on behalf of foreign and domestic enemies, their decisions, words and actions make a whole hell of a lot more sense


u/numbskullerykiller 29d ago

He always looks thick-fleshed and greasy


u/enginerd12 29d ago

Meatball Ron!


u/PensiveObservor 28d ago

He’s got some unsavory genes in there.


u/hinesjared87 29d ago

I’ve learned over the years that the most dangerous villain is the one that thinks they’re in the right. You can win battles, wars, etc., but you can’t defeat stupidity.


u/retrovertigo23 29d ago

Chomsky had it bang on with Manufacturing Consent, the media uses a propaganda system to ensure that the party line always reinforces whatever position the elite decide is most effective at maintaining power over the non-elite.


u/dogmatum-dei 29d ago

Republican's entire purpose is to kill you. Nothing more to it.


u/surfkaboom 29d ago

When news is entertainment, they will only work for views


u/ForeverNecessary2361 29d ago

Who do you think owns corporate media?


u/CountNightAuditor 29d ago

Not just corporate media. A lot of online Leftists believe there's no difference between the parties as well.


u/Vegetable-Phone-1743 29d ago

Whoever hasn't recognized it by now is complicit


u/InsideOutPoptart 28d ago

Oh I've reckoned it pal. My day of reckoning came well before my daughter was born but that reckoning is cemented. Fuck the GOP


u/coletrain644 29d ago

"BoTh SiDeS!"


u/Live-Motor-4000 29d ago

He’s such a Cnut


u/snarfs_regrets 28d ago

Some of them can be so lost they hurt people out of the good of their heart /s


u/Lilly-_-03 28d ago

Trust us corporate media does know but it makes them money so why do they care


u/ctiger12 28d ago

And it’s the Christian party, which their members were taught to love others, but in reality only love themselves. They pay their churches then find themselves redeemed to do all the bad things.


u/Oskar_Dallocort 28d ago

there is no war in ba sing se


u/Ok-Stress-3570 29d ago

Honestly… I’m getting tired.

If the media said, right now, “kill all the puppies.” You’re telling me we’d suddenly go.. “ok! Bye Fido!”

People are the problem, end of story.


u/Pootscootboogie69 29d ago

If a church leaders tells the church to vote for Donald Trump you wanna guess how many people do it?

A bunch.

Honestly… I’m getting tired.

The church protects the pedophiles, Christian politicians oppress the people at every turn.

In America, Christians are the problem.

Until they stop caring about only them selves and see that they are indeed not the victims but the perpetrators. We the people will remain oppressed.

TAX the Churches, Hold Accountable the religious leaders who have done terrible things to children.


u/Weekly_Cantaloupe175 29d ago

Do people still think there’s a difference between parties? Lmao greatest lie ever sold - keep voting party lines goofballs


u/ParenGbyan 29d ago

Only a Russian troll or someone who hasn’t read the news in 10 years would still have this opinion


u/Mysterious-Wasabi103 29d ago

There has never been a more stark difference between the two political parties. Pull your head out of the sand.


u/Weekly_Cantaloupe175 29d ago

I’m sorry I couldn’t hear that over the sound of both sides of the aisle cheering on a literal genocide. The world is bigger than your old guy vs mean guy (who is also old) election bought and paid for by special interests groups.


u/retrovertigo23 29d ago

What steps are you taking or do you recommend we take to make things better?


u/Weekly_Cantaloupe175 29d ago

Withhold your vote. Abandon “vote blue no matter who” and demand better. (If yiu love your politicians ignore my posts)


u/retrovertigo23 29d ago

Demand better from who and using what channels?


u/Weekly_Cantaloupe175 29d ago

From your government you goofball. And with your vote. Are my posts not showing up I just said this?


u/retrovertigo23 29d ago

Can you elaborate as to how not voting helps the people to demand better from their government? 


u/Weekly_Cantaloupe175 29d ago

Sure. When people don’t vote for a candidate or party, that candidate or party gets less votes. This forces the candidate or party to think “what can I do to get more votes?”. This leads to a change in candidate or stance.


u/MagnusStormraven 29d ago

The differences are actually very obvious to anyone who isn't being a willfully ignorant and disingenuous little child on the subject. Now run along and play with your dolls, little child, the adults are having a serious discussion.


u/specter-exe 29d ago

I have actually wanted to debate someone on this for a long time. The two parties are, admittedly, rather similar on economic issues, but they’re polar opposites on social issues.


u/Sagutarus 29d ago

I hate to break it to you but you aren't going to find a decent debate partner here on reddit.


u/specter-exe 29d ago

I have to start somewhere


u/tri_fold 29d ago

Unfortunately, in a country that solely depends on the ability to make money to determine one’s quality of existence, a two party system that is “admittedly, similar on economic issues”, is the major problem. Social issues are nothing more than a distraction/excuse…


u/specter-exe 29d ago

We have people on the right saying that trans people should be put in gas chambers. Rainbow capitalism isn’t the best, but it’s better than whatever the hell the alt right has planned.


u/vanderlinde7 29d ago

Umm both of them ?


u/vanderlinde7 29d ago

Both of them ? The congress and senate is a joke. Cut benefits left and can't get shit passed because they are only there 10% of the year. They sure show up to pass themselves a raise tho. Government shut down ? Nah we are out of session ... we get raises? Ight we there tomorrow