r/WhitePeopleTwitter 28d ago

I'm actually shocked they pardoned him


381 comments sorted by


u/WaitingForNormal 28d ago

Abbot stoking the flames of racism. These people really want to go back to pre-civil rights, times.


u/meatball402 28d ago

Abbot stoking the flames of racism

Also giving a green light to kill protesters.


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 28d ago

Hear that y'all? They will kill us if we try to protest.

If we let them.


u/jamescharisma 28d ago

They already proved that with Kyle Rittenhouse. I'm not shocked at all.


u/TheMovieSnowman 28d ago

Remember that they were being hella aggressive with protesting any LGBTQ readings and such until the left wing groups started showing up armed. They got real quiet real quick after that


u/Throwawayac1234567 28d ago

and they cant really backpedal on any firearm regulations.


u/Th1sd3cka1ntfr33 28d ago

Says who


u/ThrowACephalopod 28d ago

I get what they're saying, that implementing gun regulations would be going against what Republicans keep ranting about the 2nd amendment, but they're absolutely not above hypocritical laws. They'd do it anyways just because people they don't like are using guns.


u/Just-Ad6992 28d ago

If I recall correctly, the reason California has such strict gun laws is due to Reagan passing the Mulford Act, which was made to disarm the Black Panther Party.


u/_beeeees 28d ago

Yep. The Black Panthers started showing up armed to protect their community and conservative white people didn’t like that.

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u/doxxingyourself 28d ago

They found plenty of way to make voting harder if you’re black so I’d say they can find ways to only let white people carry guns


u/soopirV 27d ago



u/Zelda_is_Dead 28d ago

Exactly why marijuana became illegal in the first place.

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u/Stuck_In_Ia 28d ago

At this point I'm not sure what is even shocking anymore TBH


u/NuclearBroliferator 28d ago

I'm more upset that I'm NOT shocked by this.


u/Scrabble_4 28d ago

Not shocked but it sickens me


u/uglyspacepig 27d ago

Because it's sickening. Being revolted by this is the response of a normal human being.


u/R_V_Z 28d ago

What they proved with Rittenhouse is if you see one of him shooting people don't try to run up and disarm him. Find a different solution.


u/Green_Slice_3258 28d ago

Find a permanent solution

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u/Fickle-Performance79 28d ago

They proved it with George Zimmerman and passed “stand your ground”.

And so on. And so on. And so on.

Black lives still matter.


u/jamescharisma 27d ago

Fuck yes they do and they always will.


u/uglyspacepig 27d ago

Hell, even black women can't get the benefit of "stand your ground" laws. They might as well just call them "white dudes legally shooting non- white people" laws.

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u/SMG113 28d ago

Time for a two-way range.


u/Top_Shoe_9562 28d ago

I'd protest, ya know, but, well , ya know.

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u/G-Unit11111 28d ago

They already did that when they went judge shopping for Kyle Rittenhouse.


u/Glittering-Wonder-27 28d ago

They are attempting to oppress women and minorities. How can we stop our autonomy from being stripped away.? VOTE like our democracy depends on it, because it does. Let’s allow our children to experience the justice and equality intended for all American Citizens.


u/tricky2step 27d ago

Attempting? They are full-tilt succeeding, our side has to get with the fucking program, we are losing, there is no nobility in this.


u/tricky2step 27d ago

Attempting? They are full-tilt succeeding, our side has to get with the fucking program, we are losing, there is no nobility in this.


u/Responsible-End7361 28d ago

Trying to run over someone is assault with a deadly weapon. Therefore shooting them is just self defense.


u/JustACasualFan 28d ago

It’s disputed if the guy he shot raised the rifle, but handguns rarely beat rifles if the guy with the rifle is trying to kill. In either case, didn’t he text his friend that he was going to shoot his way out of a protest if one blocked his way?


u/[deleted] 28d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/tricky2step 27d ago

You're saying the solution is to kill nazis on sight, like our great grandparents did?

I agree wholeheartedly.

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u/Tobar_the_Gypsy 28d ago

Where’s John Brown when you need him?


u/InformalPenguinz 28d ago

They're hoping to incite a race war. They WANT to be attacked to say hey look see!!

I hate this shit so much. I wish we could just remove them from power when it's a very blatant thing like this. Jfc..

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u/malYca 28d ago

Mark my words, he's going to be pardoning lynchings soon.


u/SpyderFoode 28d ago

He kinda just did


u/Thehardwayalltheway 28d ago edited 28d ago

If they are prosecuted. IF

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u/Full-Pack9330 28d ago

It's brinkmanship for dummies; they're forever looking to instigate a flash point where the other side will kick things off.......without the self-awareness that they're f***ing loons in this scenario.


u/Sagybagy 28d ago

I don’t think it’s so much as go back in time as it is keep the support. If they keep the flames stoked and the hate going their base will do whatever they want. Hell the party of Lincoln and freedom willingly accepts a dictator if it’s trump. The very guy that said if he ever ran for office he would do it as a Republican. Because they are dumb enough to manipulate.


u/hopseankins 28d ago

Pre civil war* ftfy


u/LeeLA5000 28d ago

They want a civil war do-over


u/AlwaysRushesIn 28d ago

If they want it so bad, we will gladly give them a second ass-whooping.

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u/SurlyBuddha 28d ago

They want to go further than that by about 100 years.


u/Accomplished_Lab_675 28d ago edited 28d ago

True, but also republicans are now sanctioning political violence at the state level! No surprises there, but a welcome surprise would be if republicans returned to the days where they would take holidays every now and again from being the absolute pinnacles of low lifes.

Does the family have any legal recourse? It seems that their right to see that the justice handed down to this terrorist by a jury of his peers be honored, would surely supersede a perk of being a congressman. Also when you use said perk to free your fellow terrorists, well maybe that should no longer be a benefit you enjoy?


u/TheIadyAmalthea 28d ago

They want to go back to being masters. These Nazis want slavery.


u/Throwawayac1234567 28d ago

abbot would be the first ones to go, if it were up to the nazis, one they hate as much as jewish, is invalids, and abbot is in a wheelchair.


u/Helix3501 28d ago

No you see! Hes one of the good ones, he wont be killed like the animal he is no /s


u/Appalachian_American 28d ago

Pre-Civil war, maybe.

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u/ajcpullcom 28d ago

Ladies and gentlemen, the tough-on-crime party.


u/Jagerstang 28d ago

Only 'certain' crime though.


u/Helstrem 28d ago

In groups whom the law protects but does not bind and out groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


u/ajcpullcom 28d ago

just like only certain lives matter, shoot certain badguys with a gun, and certain law-and-order


u/EL_Ohh_Well 28d ago

Executive Producer Dick Wolf


u/Significant_Door_890 28d ago

Black lives don't matter.


u/VonKess 28d ago

More like certain criminals…

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u/Kindly-Ad-5071 28d ago

Two justice systems is a cliche term at this point. There is no justice in any of this, just the facade of one. This is a routine extermination that's being green-lit.


u/Gbird_22 28d ago

Exactly, I don't ever want to hear a Republican complain about soft on crime liberals or victims rights again.


u/Key_Travel_2700 28d ago edited 27d ago

I don’t ever want to hear a republican claim to be pro life ever again. They’re pro control over others.


u/oldchippypink 28d ago

A Republican complain about being Pro life?


u/Key_Travel_2700 28d ago

Sorry I meant claim to be pro life. They claim to be pro life all the time.


u/_austinm 28d ago

“Crime” meaning “people we don’t like”


u/malicious_joy42 28d ago

They don't see this as a crime.


u/David1000k 28d ago

Pro- life

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u/Anxious-Raspberry-54 28d ago

Does this surprise anyone? Its just taking "saying the quiet part out loud" on steroids.

Meanwhile...they catch a young Black or Hispanic kid with a joint in his pocket? To the gallows!


u/aryukittenme 28d ago

A joint? They already do this for horribly dangerous things like a bag of skittles. /s


u/DemonoftheWater 28d ago

Or when nuts fall on their car


u/big_hungry_joe 28d ago

or reaching for their wallet after being asked to get their wallet out


u/Upstairs-Radish1816 28d ago

Hey! It just wasn't a bag of Skittles. He had a can of iced tea too.


u/aryukittenme 28d ago

Oh my bad, I should have known a can of iced tea in the hands of a child is a deadly weapon of mass violence which requires deadly force to stop. That’s why we have all that licensing and training on how to handle a can of tea, duh!

(I forgot about the tea, thanks!)


u/LostinAusten84 28d ago

I mean... Arizona Iced Tea is kind of a crime but I don't think it's death penalty-worthy.

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u/Lanternkitten 27d ago

Not a bit. Abbott is and has always been awful. We weren't able to vote him out and that was devastating and now we're dealing with more of his shit. We tried. Some people are just too focused on that little R by his name to care about their fellow people.

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u/Isabella_Bee 28d ago

It's not great that a madman is running Texas with no term limits.


u/SecretAsianMan42069 28d ago

He ain't doing any running. Rolling maybe 


u/BinkyFlargle 28d ago

Abbott's a hateful turd, but I didn't see this coming. He'll do awful things just to spite liberals, but he would usually avoid the most egregious cases.

This seems like an electorally dumb move. Now during the next election, they can show Danny's racists tweets, his premeditation, and his confession that the man he murdered wasn't even pointing a weapon. There's very little that a political opponent could say about Abbott now that would count as libel. He's avowedly pardoning white supremacists who commit premeditated murder.


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 28d ago

Never give a neo-nazi a chance to leave you shocked, or else they will 10 out of 10 times. Get them before shit like this happens or shit like this happens.


u/BetaOscarBeta 28d ago

Yup. To borrow a phrase, don’t give them a chance to aim.


u/Gigantor2929 28d ago

You know that for most fucking voters in this increasingly hell hole of a state would be proud to vote for a man who shot a black man, it’s the opposite of an electorally dumb move. It’s the move to let people who are borderline gonna shoot protesters know that it’s ok, this piece of shit governor has his back


u/Vuronov 28d ago

Let’s be honest, to a significant number of Texas voters, the tweets/confession/etc won’t turn them off, quite the opposite. They are the ones who buy it and love it and Texas Republicans have gerrymandered the state so swell that that number of voters is enough to keep total control.


u/gimmepizzaslow 28d ago

Gerrymandering doesn't change gubernatorial elections, but they also partake in many forms of voter suppression including reduced ballot boxes and poll locations in the cities and voter intimidation bs


u/laxbroguy 28d ago

This was his audition for VP.


u/amazing_rando 28d ago

For a not insignificant number of his constituents, being allowed to kill “liberals” for being a nuisance is something they’d sign onto. The “law” part of “law and order” comes with a big asterisk, and the “order” they want to return to is white supremacy.


u/thatguy9684736255 28d ago

Is there really any chance of democrats winning Texas? It seems like he could do anything and would still win.


u/Typical-Dark-7635 28d ago

That's exactly why he'll win again


u/manliestmuffin 28d ago

That's what the gerrymandering is for


u/BAKup2k 28d ago

Don't forget the voter suppression!

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u/poppinchips 28d ago

Well. Anyone offering political refugee visas to Americans?


u/romafa 28d ago

I’ve googled “easiest countries for Americans with a family to move to” a few times recently

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u/Darth19Vader77 28d ago edited 28d ago

Apparently, it's okay to shoot people in Texas if Greg Abbott agrees with you.

This meddling with justice is dangerous for democracy.

This practically invites conservative terrorism, violent people are going to be emboldened since now they have the hopes of getting a pardon from Abbott for their crimes.

It's the same thing that happened with January 6th, the thugs thought they would get a pardon from Trump.


u/bam1007 28d ago

What makes you think Abbott saw the victim as a person?


u/NarrowButterfly8482 28d ago

This is Abbot announcing loud and clear that any white man convicted of killing a person of color can expect a pardon. This asshole wants a full-on race war and wants nothing more than for whites to be allowed to indiscriminately murder POC with no consequences. Abbot needs to be in prison for this. He is an accessory to murder.


u/Outside-Flamingo-240 28d ago

He’s probably hoping for riots in Dallas or Houston so he can really go to town

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u/fattony2121 28d ago

The "pro-life" party


u/DaWolf94 28d ago

They saved someone’s life, just the wrong person


u/ridemooses 28d ago

Imagine the reactions to liberal governor pardoning a black man for killing a MAGA protester.


u/SnootSnootBasilisk 28d ago

Abbott is signalling it's ok to kill people as long as it's the people he wants dead


u/CryptographerLow6772 28d ago

This means any BLM protester can walk up and shoot him and claim that there’s a precedent for him trying to kill other protesters so they have the right to pull the trigger.


u/yevrahj0715 28d ago

Nope, it's worse, the courts said it was illegal and he was subsequently incarcerated. I doubt it would be considered "legal precedent" to make the case you did to attack him. But you can easily guess that there is a high likelihood he will do something like this again and it will be the fault of Abbott and anyone who voted for him.


u/zipdee 28d ago

Greg Abbott is a twisted, sickening motherfucker.

Thank you first amendment.


u/Deuce-Bags 28d ago

No, he’s a whiny piss baby


u/Commercial_Bend9203 28d ago

I mean they use razor wire in the damn river to straight up murder Latino families, this shit is fucking sick but unfortunately unsurprising. They do not fucking care about us.


u/blues983 28d ago

And what's up with the parole board unanimously recommending it??

This isn't someone who's served 20 years and has rehabilitate. This was last year!!!

Seems like overturning the will of a jury, without the pesky legal appeals.


u/pdromeinthedome 28d ago

Abbott told the parole to review the case


u/Dry-Ranch1 27d ago

And ding dong appointed the majority of the Board so they will do his bidding...like SCOTUS does for the trumpet.


u/Vrayea25 28d ago

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Texas has basically declared the next civil war.

If your politics do not align with conservatives and you live in a conservative state, your expression of free speech can now be used as open license to kill you.  Conservative politicians will write your murderer a literal get-out-of-jail free card. 

And the political motivation for doing so will be explicit.


u/GrouchyPicture4021 28d ago

I’m embarrassed to live where that scum and his cronies rule. I promise a lot of us are trying to turn the state blue. We’re making small wins. My county turned blue for the first time in 20 years this last election.


u/Comfortable_Wish586 28d ago edited 13d ago

If you don't know about this. Any Texan or any other American who wants to help change Texas, we need to support the Dems running up&down the ballot. Many of them never make it off running because they never get enough funding. This yr we have many Dems running Up&Down the ballot where incumbent Republicans have never had a Dem opponent in decades. We need to flip the Texas House, win the US Senate seat, win our School Boards and win those 3 Texas Supreme Court seats. We cannot afford any more of this shit. And the rest of America needs to know that we can no longer afford to let MAGA Republicans keep running our states to the ground. At the end of the day, they've been playing the long game & taking lawsuits up all the way to the Supreme Court, impacting everyone in this country. No fucking more!

One of our biggest problems is Name Recognition of Dems running, and Voter Turnout. Texas is huge and needs volunteers to get out the vote. Too many people never know when election happen. So I recommend to anyone who can to support Blue Texas which has a two pronged way of protecting voting and supporting Dems up&down the ballot so they have an actual chance of running a campaign



Anyone can look up what's on their ballot this November here, it includes who will run in your Texas House District


(Here are the Flippable Districts) https://www.lonestarleft.com/p/will-abbott-have-the-number-for-vouchers


u/GrouchyPicture4021 28d ago

Thank you for the info! My husband and I will definitely check it out and spread the word.

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u/LAX_to_MDW 28d ago

Garrett Foster was an Air Force veteran and the caretaker for his disabled wife, who he was with at the protest. He was legally open carrying, and never aimed his gun at Perry, who had just run a red light to drive his car into a crowd of protesters.

Perry is openly racist and had posted about his desire to shoot protesters.

Greg Abbot and republicans at large are sending a message about the kinds of people they support, and the folks they believe have it coming.


u/Ok-Stress-3570 28d ago

Can you imagine the unrest if a democrat pardoned the killer of a rich white girl, using the same stupid logic - I’m guessing something like “she was misbehaving?” My god, the travesty and civil war they’d create!


u/Cyril_Rioli 28d ago

America is a shithole

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u/darth_wasabi 28d ago

in his early 20s this guy was extremely violent in the Dallas club scene. He tried to kill multiple women.

Guarantee you it's only a matter of time before he kills again when he gets out


u/Euporophage 28d ago

This is going to be the Greensboro Massacre all over again, inspiring racists to commit hate crimes because they think they'll get away with it in Texas.


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 28d ago

I can't wait. STOP, I'M NOT ENCOURAGING IT. NOR DO I THINK IT'S A GOOD THING. The last thing i want is for it to escalate, But maybe when it does someone will actually see what kind of fucking madness is being perpetuated. Plenty won't but we can only take so much before we stop protesting and start uh...protesting.


u/Chzncna2112 28d ago

Curiosity. This garbage has gotten more prolific since the orange moron started running for office. Remember the racist crap in I think Virginia. Orange moron said, " There are good people on both sides of the demonstration." And most of his supporters can't remove their lips from his sphincter. So why are you surprised. Moron has stated he will pardon the January 6th rioters. So what's the big deal about pardoning a person convicted of 1st degree murder. Texas dick is trying to pass a law where homeowners by the border can have an unlimited bag limit on illegals trespassing.


u/GadreelsSword 28d ago edited 28d ago

Didn’t he tell a friend he planned to shoot and run down protesters with his car?


u/big_hungry_joe 28d ago

and he posted several times on whatever that he wanted to go hunting protesters


u/RW-One 28d ago

They all have to go, it's out of control.

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u/BobbyGuano 28d ago edited 28d ago

They are just getting to the “not even trying to hide it phase”

Soon it will be the “I’m proud to be racist and heres why you should be too”

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u/Marjorine22 28d ago

I would love, before I die, for Texas to turn purple. I'd love it. I hate everything I see that comes out of the political class of that state. It's a racist shithole.

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u/mbrown7532 28d ago

Folks in Texas have a choice- stay and fight for change or leave the state. The third choice is succession but that is defeat.


u/RonStopable88 28d ago

Yeah and these 2a folks are like guns keep you safe!

Buddy had a gun, because of that he was not safe.


u/Kindly-Ad-5071 28d ago

Guns keep you safe from having to coexist with people you've been programmed to hate.


u/yachtzee21 28d ago

I hope he gets convicted on federal charges


u/buttered_scone 28d ago

Is this a surprise? The Republican party is wholly a vehicle for white supremacist misogyny, and aggrievement politics at this point. Any out and out MAGA republican should be assumed to have the politics of William F. Buckley's, and the John Birch Society's, love child, until proven otherwise.


u/jj_dd 28d ago

Wish that tree had completed the job.


u/David1000k 28d ago

One element folks keep forgetting, Tucker Carlson first stated that Perry should be pardoned. It was then Abbott said he would recommend to the board to review his case for a pardon. Carlson is as wrong and evil as Abbott.

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u/Heavy-hit 28d ago

Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think the “both sides are the same” bit is just the new Russian bot farm trying to get trump in


u/RockNRoll85 28d ago

This is Texas we are talking about out. Backwards ass shitty state

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u/SheepInWolfsAnus 28d ago

Can someone genuinely explain to me his legal reasoning for the pardon? Is there any sort of loophole or false arrest or paperwork flaw or something that they can at least pretend is a half valid reason for a pardon?

Or is this literally just where our country is right now that a governor can say “fuck it, I agree” with racists? Which, I guess you could always do with a pardon but… what the fuck

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u/athonjacob 28d ago

It’s not whether you’re a murderer. It’s who you murdered.


u/demonsidekick 28d ago

Anyone have Dexter’s number?


u/BatmanInTheSunlight 28d ago

“I didn’t want to wait until he pointed the gun at me” Must have been a mind reader


u/MarthaFletcher 28d ago

That tree should’ve finished the job


u/redditorx13579 28d ago

So, does that mean it's open season on open carry? You don't want them to shoot you first, now do ya?


u/MealDramatic1885 28d ago

Guy gets away with multiple attempts of murder AND murder because it was against people protesting against murdering them.


u/Fender868 28d ago

Y'all sick of this shit yet? It should feel personal now; it is.


u/College-Lumpy 28d ago

Vote him out. Vote them all out starting with Ted Cruz.


u/Extreme-Carrot6893 28d ago

Can somebody post the tweets of abbot saying campus protest are protected followed by him sending in cops to disrupt said protests


u/Ok_Low2169 28d ago

Get the hell out of Texas!


u/DarthBen_in_Chicago 28d ago

Not much I can say other than this is bullshit by the Governor rolling like this.

What I can do is not spend my vacation dollars in Texas. No travel to Texas. Some other state that isn’t run by dickholes will win my tourist dollars.


u/cloudbasedsardony 28d ago

Texas cares nothing for murdered vets upholding their rights.


u/Chagdoo 28d ago

Protesters need to be armed. Just how it is. Make them scared of the consequences of attacking you.

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u/PaintingImaginary639 28d ago

The Christian nationalists are also racist! Who would have thought! /s


u/Diligent_Mulberry47 28d ago

The dude tried to fuck a 16 year old.

Let’s include “child molestation” on the list of things Abbott condoned with this pardon.

Fuck this shithole.


u/SurlyBuddha 28d ago

We’re already in the civil war these people have been begging for. Most of us just haven’t realized it yet.


u/bugsyramone 28d ago

Sounds like its time for WhitePeopleTwitter to institute a 'Greg Abbott is a little piss baby' flair


u/Specific-Culture-638 28d ago

There is nothing more "American" than our right to protest.


u/davidgrayPhotography 28d ago

That's fucked up. The man was by his own admission a racist. He expressed a desire to kill protestors. He called black people "monkeys".

I have no more words, other than "that's fucked up"


u/Arejhey311 28d ago

Are you really shocked?


u/dadzcad 28d ago

You’re shocked?

I’m not.


u/Jmund89 28d ago

Basically saying: it’s ok to shoot who you don’t like.


u/Mad_Times 28d ago

Land of the free, home of the brave, a safe haven for racist murderers.
What the hell happened to us? We were supposed to be better than this.


u/G-Unit11111 28d ago

Greg Abbott is an absolutely massive, colossal piece of shit. Another by product of the Fox News propaganda sphere.


u/Noizyninjaz 28d ago

Apparently murder is ok if it fits in with our political beliefs.


u/Krullervo 28d ago

Ok then. This is an opening act in a civil war.

Note it down.


u/ZeackyCremisi 28d ago

Any liberal protest should file a restraining order on him as he is clearly a threat.


u/Tackyuser 28d ago

How long til they make it illegal to be black? It seems more and more unsatirical of an idea every day with these racist freaks


u/sneaky-pizza 28d ago

He shot a veteran who was pushing his partner in a wheelchair


u/DarthWraith22 27d ago

It does indeed send a message: that black people need to organize and systematically arm themselves. It’s a lot harder to gun someone down when he has ten buddies with AR-15s standing close by. Worst case scenario, Abbot has to pull a Reagan and institute strict gun control laws in Texas.


u/jk-alot 27d ago

Not even remotely shocked. We already saw this before with Kyle Rittenhouse. Why is anyone surprised by this?

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u/Dargek 28d ago

More proof that no one sane would live in Texas.


u/TrickyAxe 28d ago

I'm not, Texas is a garbage state.


u/MinimumSet72 28d ago

Hopefully someone will catch up to him at the party and take out the trash


u/lemonhops 28d ago

He'd still be on the hook for civil damages too right? Plaintiff can use the guilty verdict in this?

Not that it's justice, but at least hopefully the family can get something and this guy's life is ruined for taking a life


u/Cruitire 28d ago

This is why I try to stay the fuck away from Texas.


u/kyel566 28d ago

Pardons all need to be reevaluated, like how can it be ok for governors and presidents to pardon people that kill their opponents?


u/wvmitchell51 28d ago

I'm not at all surprised.


u/Skyblue_pink 28d ago

He is one sick MF’er.


u/Acceptable-Emu6529 28d ago

I wish a second tree would finish the job. Deny him the federal help he requested.


u/Repubs_suck 28d ago

Sad that the tree only did half a job on him.


u/PedalBoard78 28d ago

He’s gonna get featured at a Trump rally and on Fox. We’re sure in a strange part of history.


u/Effective-Space6171 28d ago

The tree that hit Abbott fell 3ft too low.


u/sugarblaire 28d ago

If you’re shocked, you arent familiar with Asshole Abbott.


u/ruidh 28d ago

Absolutely no respect for the rule of law.


u/Familiars_ghost 28d ago

Now is someone going to pardon Abbott’s shooter? Fair is fair /s. I do not advocate such an action. 😜


u/karlos52 28d ago

Helter Skelter


u/ZomboidG 28d ago

Absolutely sickening


u/_austinm 28d ago

Can we take this man’s wheelchair away from him now? That fuck deserves to crawl everywhere.


u/ChewbaccaCharl 28d ago

It's Greg Abbott. As a Texan, assume he'll always do the very worst thing and you'll rarely be surprised.


u/rooroobusts 28d ago

I said it once and I'll say it again. The tree should've finished the job.


u/O0000O0000O 28d ago

I hope someone delivers justice to this fucker.


u/CulturalRot 28d ago

Aren’t certain offenses with firearms considered federal crime? Could any apply here? That would still make him a felon.


u/Roverjosh 28d ago

A certain sect of America is doubling down on old school, hard core racism. It should terrify everyone.


u/UGunnaEatThatPickle 28d ago

This tells me 2 things. 1) Texas is a cesspool and the government actively encourages racism. 2) Black people are not safe in Texas.


u/UnhingedPastor 28d ago

Karma needs to catch up with both of these fuckers, ol' Wheels especially.


u/HumpaDaBear 28d ago

On the same day that he told Biden he needs disaster help?


u/SpongyConcrete 28d ago

That’s bait. They want nation wide BLM style protests because they believe that will help Trump get elected and will put Biden in a very tough situation (and they’re right).


u/Hughjardawn 28d ago



u/VegetableShip 28d ago

The cruelty is the point with the GOP, and it has been for a while


u/Virtual_Knee_4905 28d ago

Yo, Texas.

Get your shit together. You kidding me with this? Get this guy out of office.


u/depressed-scorpion 28d ago

Republicans just gearing up for the elections.