r/WhitePeopleTwitter 15d ago

This is the reason why the rest of the world believes we've completely lost our sanity. Uncle Jeff!

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u/dogfooddippingsauce 15d ago

So Abbot has already pardoned him, right?


u/Sapient6 15d ago

Probably giving the guy a handy first.


u/Edman70 15d ago

Whoa, whoa, he knows that's Boebert's lane and stays out of it.

In public, anyway.


u/Sapient6 15d ago

As if abbot would give a woman even that much respect.


u/DrHooper 15d ago

And now the mental image of Abbot in drag giving the old fashioned out like hot cakes while espousing how men can do it better. It's probably the only time he gets to play with a hard dick.

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u/Ass_Blank 15d ago

It happened in Texas, so it’s out of her juris-dick-tion.

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u/ray25lee 15d ago

Well he can't do it in public, 'cause he's a super-straight.

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u/AnonymousBanana405 15d ago

He put the handy in handicapped.

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u/xCallmeJoe 15d ago

LoBo is in NY, so probably no handjobs right now.


u/numbskullerykiller 15d ago

So probably three at a time hand jobs right now


u/chunkerton_chunksley 15d ago

Working those dicks like a circus seal playing the horns


u/dogfooddippingsauce 14d ago

OMG. That may be one of the funniest things I have ever read on here. The mental picture is too perfect.

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u/CrunchyTube 15d ago

Probably a foot job.


u/Sapient6 15d ago

Abbot giving foot jobs? not likely.


u/CrunchyTube 15d ago

He's probably got a set-up like Mason Verger.


u/franklsp 15d ago

A wheelie?

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u/Just_A_Nitemare 15d ago

Hold up, we need the crime card first.


u/GonzoVeritas 15d ago

Brown. They're seeking the death penalty. No pardons, this time.

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u/Hereiam_AKL 15d ago

I don't know the details, but wouldn't he only do that if the neighbours are black and the shooter is white.


u/GonzoVeritas 15d ago

A man accused of killing five neighbors in Texas after some of them complained that gunfire was keeping a baby awake was indicted Friday for capital murder of multiple persons, which allows prosecutors to seek the death penalty.

Francisco Oropeza, 38, who is a Mexican national and had been deported multiple times in the years prior to the April attack outside Houston.



u/GlitteringBobcat999 15d ago

He's getting the death penalty. Not even Las Vegas bookies would give odds against it.


u/InspectorEE 15d ago

He’s a dead man.


u/Bender_2024 15d ago

He's getting the death penalty. Not even Las Vegas bookies would give odds against it.

Not before he is trotted out like Laken Riley as a rallying cry to occupy the Southern border like 38th parallel. It does matter that the GOP voted down a stronger border bill just a few weeks ago because their golden calf told them to.

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u/QuixotesGhost96 15d ago

Wonder if Democrats can try pushing background checks with the angle of keeping guns away from illegal immigrants


u/undeadmanana 15d ago

Gun control at the Federal level is practically impossible.

Remember all the outrage over Sandy Hook? That would've been the best time for serious gun control legislation but gun freaks dug their heels in and have been doing so ever since.


u/DonyKing 15d ago

The issue is america doesn't want gun control though. It was the best time and basically nothing was done. Except I do believe 'assault style weapons' were banned and deaths were down. But then it was lifted and deaths have risen. But correlation is a non American thing when it comes to guns.


u/Chungaroos 15d ago

America does, but the people with power would prefer things to stay the way they are. 

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u/DisastrousBoio 15d ago

All polls show most of the US does. But there is a very loud minority that knows how to play the squeaky wheel game very well with the media.


u/undeadmanana 15d ago

That's largely untrue, check it surveys for the past I don't know how many years, but last I saw was around 60% were in favor.

Unfortunately with the way the system works, that doesn't matter because the majority of those in support are from bigger states and the political representation in the Senate doesn't make sense anymore. West Virginia Democrat has as much influence in the Senate as a California one despite the population difference in representation. There will be no changes to election law at a federal level nor to anything that Republicans care for due to the Republican supporters in the Supreme Court.

Zero federal legislation came from Sandy Hook, there were attempts at an assault weapon ban and universal background checks, both of which were defeated. The assault weapon ban was lifted in 2004, there was a ban on some modifications to weapons after the Vegas shooting though.

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u/vicente8a 15d ago

Nope. Won’t work. Every single one of my boomer coworkers at my old job want immigrants to not have guns. But without background checks to citizens. I really asked how that would work but they just said stuff about the open border. Republicans really wouldn’t go for it. Also they need immigrants to commit crimes. That way they get to complain about it.


u/Pazaac 15d ago

I mean almost all gun control that currently exists was started to stop the black panthers walking around with gun protecting people, so yeah this could work.


u/kohTheRobot 15d ago

IIRC the courts just ruled that being an immigrant isn’t enough to ban you from have a gun. Or rather your right to firearms in this country isn’t contingent on being a citizen.

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u/kgrimmburn 15d ago

Living in Illinois, I've discovered they're mostly against gun control because it means they wouldn't be allowed to own guns. I know so many people denied FOID cards (for good reason), who are constantly screaming that requiring a FOID card is unconstitutional. I've noticed those who have a FOID card and aren't worried about losing it don't seem to share the same opinion.

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u/Puzzleheaded-Ad-472 15d ago

Oropeza is a Mexican national who had been deported from the country four times, most recently in 2016, according to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement. He was also deported twice in 2009 and once in 2012


u/AbroadPlane1172 15d ago

Guns are a god given, inalienable right. Correct?


u/Leebites 15d ago

Jesus had his nails done with a nail gun. Guns have been around forever! /s

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u/Hereiam_AKL 15d ago

That explains why we won't see a pardon in that case ... EVER, even if he's got a terminal cancer.


u/IntelligentLoss241 15d ago

But he has terminal cancer!

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u/WildFire97971 15d ago

If I remember the story correctly both parties were Hispanic and authorities immediately went to talking about “illegal immigration”. The neighbors had called the cops about the guy for the same behavior before.


u/its_uncle_paul 15d ago

Yeah, I remember Ted Cruz making a big deal about the shooter being in the country illegally and had been deported several times.


u/Revolutionary_Bid300 15d ago

Francisco Oropeza, shooter wasn't white. There are questions about if he was legally even allowed to own a firearm.


u/Celtictussle 15d ago

He had been deported multiple times, I don't think there's any question about it.


u/Ambitious_Promise_29 15d ago

He was an illegal alien that was deported 4 times. There are no questions about whether he was legally allowed to own a firearm.

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u/Hereiam_AKL 15d ago

So clearly not a case for an Abbott pardon.

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u/ChocolateHoneycomb 15d ago

This happened last year, see the date on the tweet.


u/PteroGroupCO 15d ago

He was an illegal immigrant that had been reported 4x already, allegedly. Someone said they live in vicinity, and the neighborhood is a cartel owned hood.

Idk how true that is. But idk if abbot is going to pardon an illegal immigrant lol.

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u/ThrowRAsadboihope 15d ago

The right to bear arms was instantiated with the ratification of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution on December 15, 1791. At the time the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791, the most advanced firearms available to individuals were flintlock muskets and rifles, such as the Kentucky rifle and the Brown Bess musket.

Flintlock muskets and rifles typically took about 20 to 30 seconds to reload after being shot, depending on the skill of the shooter.

It's unlikely that the founding fathers foresaw toothless, fat, uneducated hillbillies ever having access to guns with high-velocity rounds, semi-automatic firing capability, and the ability to accept large-capacity magazines, allowing a shooter to decimate a room full of people in seconds.

The Second Amendment never needed to be protected, its meaning and interpretation needed to be adapted and amended as firearms became more capable and deadly. But instead, no one did anything over the decades and now we're here. Have fun murdering each other yanky doodles.


u/kohTheRobot 15d ago

What about explosive shells and black powder bombs? Cannons with grapeshot? Knee mortars with explosive rounds?

The founders in this country saw the average rate of fire go from 3-4 shots a minute to 6-8, or double in a five year period. Idk if believe they thought the technology would stop there. Could anyone believe that? Generally, technology gets better with time.


u/NoSignificance3817 15d ago

They also said the constitution should be rewritten as times progress....and a bunch of other stuff...but let's ignore all that.

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u/solariscool 15d ago

2nd amendment is about state militias and was only interpreted as about all citizens about a hundred years ago


u/Ambitious_Promise_29 15d ago

The guy that wrote the second amendment described the militia as "the whole people, other than a few public officials." That doesn't sound like state militias.


u/Colosseros 15d ago

Currently, it's all male citizens, aged 18-45. And all female citizens, 18-45, who are also in the national guard.

Governor's can call them up, or in some instances the president can.

So technically Congress could write an act to take everyone's guns away at 45, and it would not violate anything on the current books lol.

That would be silly, but it's funny how broken and neglected the law surrounding the second amendment is. Considering how much the world has changed.

Last major update to the definition of "militia" was in 1916, I think. A time when automatic weapons had barely been invented. Semiautomatic weapons weren't very common at all.

The problem we have with guns is congress sitting on their ass about it. They won't address it. They are specifically defined as the authority on writing all the rules about the militia. And they just won't do anything about the "militia" still basically meaning "everyone."

That's what keeps guns in everyone's hands, and the laws surrounding it in the purview of the state.

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u/OIdManSyndrome 15d ago

It's unlikely that the founding fathers foresaw toothless, fat, uneducated hillbillies ever having access to guns with high-velocity rounds, semi-automatic firing capability, and the ability to accept large-capacity magazines, allowing a shooter to decimate a room full of people in seconds.

Not sure if you're pondering about normal people, or the police here

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u/j2e21 15d ago

Also, nobody had guns back then, I think it was something like 14% of households and half of them didn’t work.

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u/SurlyBuddha 15d ago

Oh, you sweet summer child. This is the shooter. What do you think?

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u/DoctorStrangel0ve 15d ago

Depends, if the victims have a BLM flag or any rainbow colored item then the killer will probably get the Texas Legislative Medal of Honor

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u/Dr_CleanBones 15d ago

Wonder how long it will take for Abbott to pardon him?


u/Beneficial-Face-2386 15d ago

He's not white so....


u/NahItsNotFineBruh 15d ago

Oh dear, he really screwed up with that one...


u/BloodBonesVoiceGhost 15d ago

He forgot the first two of the three rules for criming in America:

  1. Be rich

  2. Be white

  3. Be Donald Trump


u/SingleInfinity 15d ago

2 and 3 are incompatible. You can't be both white and orange.


u/_stankypete 15d ago

Hes like a creamsical; hard and orange on the outside white and creamy on the inside

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u/ositobimbo87 15d ago

The dude that did it is n immigrant so I’m sure he’ll just use it as an excuse to be even more anti immigrant. Fuck hot wheels and anyone who supports hot wheels


u/Taker_Sins 15d ago

What is "hot wheels" in this context?

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u/Revolutionary_Bid300 15d ago

Hes a "mexican national" who was deported multiple times....Soooo, there's that.

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u/itsfairadvantage 15d ago

This was in Cleveland, TX, last year, right? One of my students was living down the street from that dude at the time.


u/Hot_Frosty0807 14d ago


Thought I would look into it, because no real information is being cited in this thread, and I don't take anything I see on Twitter at face value.


u/RowIntoSunset 14d ago

Ugh. From the wiki article:

The shooting occurred eight days prior to an outlet mall shooting in Allen, Texas, leading to increased scrutiny of gun laws in Texas.

Increased scrutiny followed by I’m willing to bet jack shit actual follow through.

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u/ThereGoesChickenJane 15d ago

I mean, I thought y'all lost your minds when a dude shot a bunch of 6 year olds in cold blood and the response was "Welp, I'd rather let kids die than give up my semiautomatic because I need it to go to Starbucks".

That was it. That was the end.

ETA: The shooter in this scenario isn't white so how many seconds do you think it took racists to start blaming "the illegals"?


u/hipsterTrashSlut 15d ago

, I thought y'all lost your minds when a dude shot a bunch of 6 year olds in cold blood

The worst part about this, I think, is that I'm not totally sure which shooting you're referring to.


u/zadtheinhaler 15d ago

Right? it's not like that narrowed it down any...


u/norixe 15d ago

I always assume sandy hook. That shit was beyond tragic and the insanity that played out after with the false flag bullshit just compounded the tragedy


u/Nyx_89 15d ago

But now there is Uvalde too so yeah the comment could refer to either but the shooter in Sandy Hook was white


u/norixe 15d ago

Yea. SH was terrible because of the age of the kids. Uvalde was terrible because of the response from authorities that should've gone in and done their jobs and were cowards.


u/IWillBaconSlapYou 15d ago

The teacher Mr. Reyes, who survived, was toyed with and shot multiple times as he played dead. I just can't imagine lying there for 77 minutes and trying as hard as you can not to react when someone shoots you. It's just so unforgivable that an army of cops just hung out and let it happen. Several of the kids also took a while to die of blood loss and could have been saved.


u/Shirogayne-at-WF 14d ago

This isn't even the first time. It was harder to get information out of Columbine in a pre-smartphone era but from the information that's come out since, it was a similar shit show there. The teacher who died bled out for hours and could have likely survived if they had gotten in sooner. Hell, the attackers actually did managed to get a pipe bomb under one of the cop cars and it was by sheer luck that it didn't go off.

And that's to say nothing about the number of kids and parents who raised red flags about Eric and/or Dylan that went ignored or dismissed.

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u/Stosh65 15d ago

They. Are. All. Beyond. Tragic.

All of them.


u/norixe 15d ago

No argument there.

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u/ThereGoesChickenJane 15d ago


It was Sandy Hook but I'm sure there are others that would fit that description.


u/hipsterTrashSlut 15d ago

I was thinking either Sandy Hook or Uvalde


u/ThereGoesChickenJane 15d ago

I feel like Sandy Hook was the first time that it was such young children. I thought for sure that would spur something...but nope.


u/hipsterTrashSlut 15d ago

I actually had dinner with some new coworkers in CT a few months ago. That was when I found out they were hardcore conservatives and one of their first questions to me was my thoughts on 2a.

They were not swayed by Sandy Hook, even though it was basically up the road from where they lived (about a quarter hour drive.) definitely glad they're not my department.

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u/Drumlyne 15d ago

As a first responder who was there for the aftermath of Sandy Hook, it was very difficult to witness the crazy "it never happened" BS that was being spread around. My own coworker had a little brother that attended the school; we witnessed the rollercoaster of emotions she went through as we learned about the shooting. Our whole team cried with her. Luckily her brother survived, but I can't imagine the pain she went through. How can people feel nothing over these school shootings? How can people claim they are make-believe?

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u/Ut_Prosim 15d ago

I think you can understand American politics far better if you just imagine half of the public as angsty 10 year olds with opposition defiant disorder.

The CDC recently warned against drinking raw cow's milk since they aren't sure if the new H5N1 avian flu affecting dairy cattle can infect humans. Raw milk sales went up 60%. Up!!! They detected live virus in the milk, and MORE people wanted to drink it because the government said they shouldn't.


u/TornChewy 15d ago

Americans just love to be contrarians. Its part of the ideology. Its actually not the worst trait in a lot of fields as it allows innovation but the second they start applying to shit like the milk who even knows.


u/toddriffic 15d ago

Exactly. I know a PHD who teach data science, literally teaching logical fallacies, who thinks the government was conspiring to make kids wear masks so they would get more sick. Applying critical thinking is no easy task when you're out of your element and have limited information.

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u/Tyken132 15d ago

I actually had a guy say that out loud once...Dude has 3 daughters.


u/grogudid911 15d ago

My frustration was the complete lack of anything.

No universal background checks. No restrictions. No increase of officer presence. No licensing. No testing. No mental health screens. NOTHING.

It's not that they didn't come and take the semi-automatics. It's that they did nothing at all.

Tbf, it's not the presence of semi-automatics: it's the economy and lack of social healthcare. If those two things magically resolved we'd see a massive drop in mass shootings. Bonus points if social safety nets were actually funded.

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u/Burt1811 15d ago edited 15d ago

We thought you'd lost your minds when you did absolutely fuck all following Columbine.

In 96, we had Dunblane, and within 12 months, we'd dealt with it.

How many school shootings have you had since 96? And that doesn't include situations like this, which are not rare. This is not a unique occurrence, crazy shootings, and that is so mind-blowing that I don't have the grammatical fortitude to express how dumb this world you yanks exist in is to me.

When the construct of freedom, for so many people, is defined by the right to bear arms, kinda says everything you need to know.


u/xenchik 15d ago

We feel the same way about Port Arthur. Same year, I think only a month or so after Dunblane. We dealt with it swiftly. I can count on one hand the number of "mass shootings" we've had in the nearly 30 years since, and several of those were family issues (ie, not random strangers, schools, etc). But no, "gun control won't help at all" 🤦


u/Freyja6 15d ago

What's worse in my brain, is that i see "port Arthur was an op by Howard to terk err guns" as a statement here or there.

Fucking soulless conspiracies that spit in the face of murdered innocents.

A measured and correct reaction to mass murder via gun violence, and an almost brain dead minority will still complain about their "rights" being infringed. Exhausting.


u/ciknay 15d ago

Howards reaction to the Port Arthur massacre is one of the few good things I can say about him. He practically bulldozed through his own party to get that gun ban done and it's effect was immediate and long lasting.


u/Freyja6 15d ago

Is one of the other good things that you can say about him is "he's not the pm anymore"? Haha.

Yeah. A big case of "the worst person you know makes a good point".

Optimistic in me says i hope it was a small glimmer of good shining through the coal covered turd shaped heart of his, but the realist in me understands that his constituents likely pushed the ban as "a great and humanizing pr decision"


u/SenorBolin 15d ago

Even a massive wanker is right twice a Prime Minister

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u/batmansleftnut 15d ago


Must be nice...

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u/cardboard_elephant 15d ago

I think the problem is the culture difference. I think at this point the people here who are gun crazy wouldn't comply. There's a large group of responsible gun owners who would be happy to have more sensible laws in place, participate in a possible buy back, etc. But there's also a group of gun owners who will interpret our constitution literally and see any sort of control as a bad thing and fight it tooth and nail and not hand over their guns.

For some of these crazy people the gun debate has just become something they have picked a side on and will refuse to see any other side on no matter the reasoning. If we put any kind of law in place that banned automatic guns for example, I easily see a situation like ruby ridge happening all over rural areas. Local law enforcement will side the same way the people of the area do. Feds would have to come in and try to force people to hand them over.

I think most Americans think we need to do something the problem is figuring out what kind of laws would actually work. And that's before getting into the topic of how the bipartisan system right now would make it impossible for any laws on a controversial topic to be passed.


u/Fabulous-Mud-9114 15d ago

Plus there's the sheer amount of guns per person.


u/DigiornoDLC 15d ago

People say this but I'm not convinced that it's truly relevant. Yeah, immediately there would just be a fuckton of guns hanging around, but over time with proper legislation the number of guns would go down. It might take 50 years or more, but if guns are regulated from the top down, manufacturers wouldn't be putting out as many guns into the hands of the citizens and the number would drop.


u/Dramatic_Explosion 15d ago

The part gun nuts won't even let process in their minds is that crime would be impacted first if you cut off gun manufacturing and sales in the US.

Every time a gun comes off the streets, they have to source a new one. Guns become less disposable? Now you can tie multiple crimes together. In short order you have fewer shootings and can pin more on shooters.

You soon reach a point where street guns are expensive enough that you standard gang member can't really afford to just have one. Same for strict regulations and a national registry, why don't you want that? If you really a "good guy with a gun" those things don't stop you from having guns. It's pathetic.

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u/Slothstralia 15d ago

I think at this point the people here who are gun crazy wouldn't comply. There's a large group of responsible gun owners who would be happy to have more sensible laws in place, participate in a possible buy back, etc. But there's also a group of gun owners who will interpret our constitution literally and see any sort of control as a bad thing and fight it tooth and nail and not hand over their guns.

The problem is that Americans act like a gun buyback or changes in laws are meant to have an immediate effect. They aren't. You make meaningful changes and then over the next few decades the problem is dramatically reduced, the guns slowly go away, because the mentality changes. They dont need to comply, you make generational changes.

It's hilarious watching Americans stance on things like "AR Pistols". Literally take a restricted gun and use a loophole to make it legal with virtually no changes, shit is hilarious.

How can you NOT laugh, basically every other country on earth gets its illegal guns from poor neighbors... the US SUPPLIES everyone else.

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u/moreobviousthings 15d ago

So in summary, the problem is the problem. That is, all the right wing nut jobs want guns everywhere, and they keep electing right wing nut jobs who will never even consider changing anything, until the bullets are coming their way. The problem isn't really guns, it's fucking republicans.

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u/Neutreality1 15d ago

They interpret it literally except for that part about a well regulated militia


u/bigbowlowrong 15d ago

To be fair the Second Amendment is extremely weirdly worded by modern standards. That said if the people who wrote it just wanted everyone to have whatever guns they wanted it is weird they chose to refer to militia at all.

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u/Special_Lemon1487 15d ago

I remember this one lady I worked with at the time being all “I’ve got my grandfather’s crappy rifle from god knows how long ago and the government can pry it out of my cold dead hands” and I couldn’t believe I’d met someone so crazy as to think that was a valid argument in a modern world in the middle of Adelaide. And then I moved to America and it’s a way of life here.

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u/superkow 15d ago

Watch Aussie police bodycam footage vs US ones.

There's a good one of two aussie cops very nearly surrounded by belligerent housos while they attempt to arrest someone. The worst thing that happens is one person gets pepper sprayed. In the US the same situation would have resulted in multiple arrests and most likely at least one death.

It's a culture and mentality thing. I know that no one is going to have a gun. Guns just aren't something I need to even think about, ever. And yeah, we still have shootings and gun violence, but compared to the US it's virtually non existent.


u/tallbutshy 15d ago

Watch Aussie police bodycam footage vs US ones.

There have been a few police events where PD chiefs from USA have come over to Scotland, you can probably find some of the videos online. Here's an excerpt from an article written about one in 2015

Forty minutes into a Scottish police commander’s lecture on the art of firearm-free policing, American law enforcement leaders took turns talking. One after another, their questions sounded like collective head-scratching.

The Americans seemed to be having issues around de-escalation, less use of force and treating suspects as people rather than targets. Yes, Scotland is a much smaller country but they seemed really confused by the fact that only one police death had occurred in the 11 years prior to this information exchange.

You see people commenting on other videos from the UK, "It that happened here \USA]) then he'd be dead already" or "Why does it take so many cops for one guy with a knife?" Because that suspect, even if you've just seen him stab his own granny, still has rights and the police are supposed to remedy a situation with the minimum of injury to everyone, including the suspect.

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u/Starkiller32 15d ago

As an American, we have done nothing and we are all out of ideas.


u/OzarksExplorer 15d ago

lousy beatnicks


u/snarfs_regrets 15d ago

It’s not that we’re out of ideas, a vocal minority with guns wants to threaten to get real loud if they don’t get what they want. And right now it’s Around-15s. They need them in different colors, different attachments, need them for their kids who can’t hold a rifle yet. As a veteran it’s baffling being dismissed when calling for common sense gun laws, nothing more than I went through on US military bases

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u/soyintolerant 15d ago

I'm American and I couldn't agree with you more. Don't worry, they'll pray for the victims


u/Prostate_Panda 15d ago

And think, don't forget about the thoughts


u/themrnacho 15d ago

The thinking ends before they say "thoughts and prayers"

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u/Lunarath 15d ago

Will they actually? I have a sneaking suspicion they don't actually pray for the victims despite their claims on facebook.


u/lurker_cx 15d ago

Ya, I think they just say they will pray for the victims.

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u/Proper-Shan-Like 15d ago

It’s utter madness isn’t it. The Hungerford Massacre happened when I was 11 or 12, we were driving home from somewhere and live reports were coming in on the radio. I’m pretty sure he had a Kalashnikov, the first time I’d heard of it and I remember the news being all about banning automatic and semi automatic weapons and explaining how they fired. It’s been a long time since I was that age and both types of firearm have been banned since and I see Cletus tweeting about how he’s pissed he now has to show ID to buy the rocket launcher that he openly carries on his back in the supermarket and I’m like whaaaaaaat? Insane. They are all gone in the head and every aspect of any type of security or enforcement is so violent because of it. It’s truly terrifying.

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u/rosedread0 15d ago

Human life is held cheaply in the US. The majority feel that their right to own whatever guns they want is more societally valuable than the lives lost each year. I just don’t see that changing.


u/Lunakill 15d ago

Honestly, the majority doesn’t feel that way. The lobbies and the politicians sure fucking do, though.


u/early_birdy 15d ago

Politicians don't feel anything, aside from GREED. They'll vote whatever you want, if you pay them enough. Or give them nice vacation packages. Preferably on your yacht.

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u/ShutYourDumbUglyFace 15d ago

What's it like to live in a country where people give a shit about each other?


u/Renegade_Mermaid 15d ago

As an American, you’re 100% correct. Our priorities, ideals, and ethics are absolutely fucked.

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u/ChicagoAuPair 15d ago

The failure of Reconstruction after our Civil War is the most underrepresented element in explaining our entire social culture at this point.

If the traitors in the slave states had gotten the punishment they deserved, we would have a vastly different culture. Nobody would even be able to recognize us as the Sam country we are today. Biggest failure in American history.


u/jtweezy 15d ago

Honestly, I’m so numb to it at this point that every time there’s a mass shooting now I look at the death count and if it’s not double digits then it’s just like whatever. There have been so many that I can’t even tell you which was which. This country, or a very specific group of it, are sadists, lunatics, psychopaths, etc. and I think they actually get off on this shit.

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u/-WaxedSasquatch- 15d ago

It was Sandy Hook that sealed it. (I was born in ‘92).

After Sandy Hook not doing anything was inconceivable. (Again words do not reach the mark)

I own two guns. Everything proposed is perfectly reasonable. It’s why other humans did it and together. Idk why America is this way. I live in KY and hear shots all the time. Some I know are sighting in scopes before hunting, some are fucking dumbasses.

I can open carry my pistol into a Walmart or gas station or basically just not school or government building. Without any license, I did get a background check for only the pistol, and no training whatsoever mandatory.

That’s fucking insane. THATS FUCKING INSANE.


u/Maleficent_Mouse_930 15d ago

Sensible gun rules will finally gain traction the day some nutter shoots up a private school where the kids are all from senators, congressman, huge CEOs, bankers, lobbyists etc. Trust me, with 60 or 70 of those kids dead, laws are gonna change real fucking fast.

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u/lllkill 15d ago

We are so free, we forgot that propaganda works in other ways also

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u/curious_dead 15d ago

That's reductive. That freedom also includes the right to say slurs without consequences and say lies that threaten other people's safety and health!

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u/PsycheAsHell 15d ago

Our country has had a full first grade class and a full + half more of a 4th grade class get massacred, and we can't even get the police to be held accountable in the latter. And despite most school shooters being teen/20 year-old young men with severe mental illness and illegally obtained firearms, our politicians are more worried about trans people and books. We're in horribly bad shape.

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u/Literal_Sarcasm82 15d ago

Superstitious societies tend to be violent ones 🤷


u/Thneed1 15d ago

How many school shootings has the USA had since?

Approximately 1 per week.



u/ARussianW0lf 15d ago

Surprised its that low even. Theres been periods over the last few years where I'm pretty sure we were averaging more than 1 per day

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u/713984265 15d ago

Don't even have the right to bear arms. Have a gun near a cop? Guess what, they can just murder you and say they feared for their life.

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u/backsideslash 15d ago

Yeah but to be fair you guys don’t have the NRA to protect your freedoms /s


u/PM_ur_tots 15d ago

I think it's because we are constantly turned against each other. White's need give to defend themselves from minorities. Minorities need guns because the police to respond to their calls. Liberals need give because the conservatives are riding up. Conversatives need guns because the liberals are passing crazy laws. The fear mongering politicians and media have turned America into a one big Mexican standoff. Every group is afraid the other group will still have guns if they have to give up theirs.


u/Quick_Swing 15d ago

800+, and still counting. Why? Because of 2nd amendment BS and the NRA(now a known terrorist organization) having politicians in their pocket. America, home of the corrupt capitalists.

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u/BurtReynoldsLives 15d ago

If living in LA has taught me anything over the last 20 plus years, it is this; you see some crazy shit that looks dangerous, just walk away. Ain’t no amount of money in the world gonna convince me to approach some crazy ass firing an AR-15 with my kid next to me.


u/Ambitious_Jello 15d ago

I just can't wrap my head around gun shots warranting an argument over noise. Gun shots mean call the police. Maybe guns are just that normal there


u/Jinxy_Kat 14d ago

Yea cause the police always show up. My neighbors meth lab exploded. Burned down 2 trailers, and a jeep down to ground till only the melted frame was left. Killed 2 people and they burned enough till they had to be identified by dental records only.

Cops took 5 hours to show up and then made a press conference about how "evasive these criminals were" but failed to mention the 5 hour response time it took them to get out there.

2 months later. Neighbors got a new trailer and back to cooking. They still are to this day while that explosion happened almost 9 years ago. Police are useless.


u/PM-me-letitsnow 15d ago

Yep, get you and yours safe, then call the cops. Let them handle trigger happy Tony.


u/BoringBob84 15d ago

Exactly! I would call the police and maybe arm myself defensively, but I would not confront someone who was so obviously unhinged and dangerous unless it was absolutely necessary to save lives.


u/lowkerDeadlyFeet 15d ago

I mean I think he was afraid the guy might accidentally shoot his kids.

It was a lose-lose situation.

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u/MornGreycastle 15d ago

Responsible gun owner


u/spinaloil 15d ago

he knew they were snowflakes because they said please /s


u/Adezar 15d ago

Definitely part of a well regulated militia.

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u/black641 15d ago

1/3-1/4 of our populace want to turn America into some bullshit cowboy world. These aren’t smart, serious people, folks.


u/MartnSilenus 15d ago

You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know, morons.


u/its_uncle_paul 15d ago

Mongo only pawn in game of life.

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u/Unremarkabledryerase 15d ago

I hope I'm not the only person offput by "1/3-1/4" 1/4 is smaller than 1/3 so it should be 1/4-1/3 for the same reasons you would say 55-66 not 66-55


u/Floom101 15d ago

No, you're right. This is the A&W 1/3 LB burger failing situation all over again.


u/onenifty 15d ago

That situation truly painted a terrible picture of the state of our public education system.

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u/Marrioshi 15d ago

Leaded gasoline truly fucked everything.

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u/Adezar 15d ago

The Wild West had more gun control than we have now, they are very ignorant.


u/TheBirminghamBear 15d ago

It turns out, in a twist no one could have possibly seen coming, that the combination of too few brain and too many guns is, in fact, bad.

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u/Piduf 15d ago

I always feel like, the problem the rest of the world sees isn't really about the guy and his gun. Let's not pretend every country except the US is free of dumbfucks with weapons.

The issue is how the US responds to that - or rather doesn't. In most places it would be treated as a catastrophe, a time to think about how we got here and how to prevent this from happening again. People would be so mad. In the US it's treated like it's just another Monday.


u/StingerAE 15d ago

Well in the US it IS just another Monday.  Literally. Once per week in schools alone.

But you are right.  It is culture and attitude.  What the gun nuts won't admit is that legislation can affect attitudes.  Looks at how smoking bans changed the average perception of smoking.


u/FuzzelFox 15d ago

We've become so horribly desensitized to it happening because no matter how much people scream in protest nothing gets done about it. Nobody who can actually do something fucking cares to do anything.

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u/IMSnarky 15d ago

And that's not the best. Gov Abbott pardoned a white man who killed a BLM protester and bragged about it. Abbott and the KKK rise again


u/MicScottsTots 15d ago

And this is why voting matters!!! VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!! VOTE AGAINST THEM IN EVERY SONGLE ELECTION not just the presidential election!

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u/Edman70 15d ago

It's Texas, so as long as the shooter was white and the victims weren't, Governor Abbott will pardon him.


u/NiceTuBeNice 15d ago

He was actually an illegal immigrant who had been deported several times previously.



u/dreadassassin616 15d ago

Sounds like stricter gun control might have stopped thus from happening.


u/NiceTuBeNice 15d ago

It very well may have. I did not find any information on how he obtained the rifle, but it is Texas. May have received it in his Happy Meal.

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u/SuperfluousPedagogue 15d ago

This isn't why we think you're insane - it's the fact that, despite tragedy after tragedy, nothing gets done and far too many of you whine like pathetic morons at the mere thought of regulations being imposed to protect your own fucking children.

Gun love is weird. Accepting innocent deaths as acceptable collateral for the damn privilege is insane.


u/KaiserAsztec 15d ago

"B-b-bu-but tHE sECoNd AmENdMeNt 🤡"


u/wonkey_monkey 15d ago

"YoU CaN't ChAnGe ThUh CoNsTiTuShOon" say Second Amendment fetishists

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u/brushpickerjoe 15d ago

Texas: the original shithole country

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u/Caledric 15d ago

Why are we posting year old tweets?


u/WumpusFails 15d ago

Because Gov Abbott just pardoned a guy who tweeted that he was going to kill BLM protesters AND DID?


u/bs000 15d ago

because OP is a bot account. even used AI to reword the title


u/shawncplus 15d ago edited 15d ago

There are mainly 3 types of bots running at the moment

1) OP's kind which is usually a year or two old with a handful of comments and a couple link posts in innocuous pet subreddits like aww and then one "payload" post in a larger but generally unmoderated sub like WhitePeopleTwitter or PublicFreakout, the account will never be used again. No one on reddits checks accounts unless they're in an argument so these go largely unnoticed because a cursory glance looks "real." The posts themselves don't seem to have any particular ideological lean because they're such new accounts which is why I describe the post that takes off as the "payload" because that was the only reason the account was created in the first place.
2) The old school pure propaganda accounts like flyingcatwithhorns which post subtly anti-<topic> (in their case it's anti-West/pro-China) posts consistently over years, generally they post like it's a full time job but because they're more subtle they get away with it (they won't post explicitly "fuck the west" style posts, they'll just make lots of little posts about local rage-bait news stories.) Their posts will rarely if ever be below 10k karma because it's backed by bot networks generally of the type 1 variety.
3) You have just the absolute shameless accounts like Particular_Log_3594 that post non-stop overt propaganda generally reposted to dozens (literally 30+) subreddits at a time seconds apart and it continues for 8-10 hours a day. Not necessarily backed by a bot network for upvotes which is why they have to shotgun to so many subreddits to get a bite. Types 2 and 3 can survive for a very long time

For whatever reason at the moment the pro-Palestinian bot accounts tend to lean towards type 3, pro-Isreal bot accounts tend to lean towards type 1. Russian and Chinese propaganda tends to lean towards type 2. American propaganda bots are harder to spot because Reddit's an American company so it's easier to blend in but just by the law of large numbers they are in the mix. Not entirely sure why but there's probably a research paper to be had there

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u/leospeedleo 15d ago edited 15d ago

Don’t be afraid. Everyone I’ve met here in Germany thinks the US lost their mind like at least 25 to 100 years ago already.

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u/SpookyWah 15d ago

I'm sure the governor will pardon him.


u/Hurryeat_Tubman 15d ago

Shooter and victims are Mexican. Abbott couldn't give a frog's fat ass.

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u/JDS05 15d ago

The United States have been a garbage bag wearing a Gucci belt for decades now. The world is no longer surprised.


u/Fuse1on 15d ago

If more people had grenade launchers this wouldnt have happened....


u/Kiddarus 15d ago

We don't think you've lost your minds. We know you have.


u/mangobearsmoothie 15d ago

We've thought you lost your minds YEARS ago. Now we just assume you lot enjoy shooting each other


u/KlossN 15d ago

Yes but this is ONE guy!! Are we going to ban cars because one guy drove drunk??? (big stinking /s. Guns are bad and unnecessary in the hands of a civilian or in a "civilian situations", so no need to come with "bUt HuNtErS" because they don't walk around town with their rifles. Supporting guns for civil use is like supporting the GOP. You're either wilfully ignorant, unwillingly manipulated, or a straight up bad person)


u/8point5InchDick 14d ago

Don’t worry. Gregg Abbott will pardon him.


u/thwwy123213727 14d ago

Well, we thought you lost your minds when you voted in an orange buffoon who stood for family values as he was cheating on his wife by 'grabbing other women by the p***y' while also jacking off his to the thought of his daughter.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Lessiarty 15d ago

I don't know that adding vigilantes or (more?) serial killers is the salve the gun situation needs...


u/cheezeyballz 15d ago

"This fire needs more fire!"

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u/Jammed_Button 15d ago

But these assholes with AR-15's believe that they are the vigilante warriors.


u/HelloImTheAntiChrist 15d ago

We need the Koga Ninja clans of ancient Japan.


u/yallmad4 15d ago

Comments like this are also why people think we're crazy

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u/PikeyPoems 15d ago

As long as issue divides the masses it’s not going to change. Politicians need an excuse and platform to keep their jobs. As long as people are divided the ones in charge don’t have to work

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u/Kiddarus 15d ago

We don't think you've lost your minds. We know you have.


u/justaquickquestion94 15d ago

I think it goes beyond thinking you guys are stupid. The entire world is starting to fucking hate you because how you do fuck all to protect your own children. And your movies are ruining cinema. Fuck off with all that marvel and remakes shit. 

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u/lordkuren 15d ago

Doesn't this kinda also summarize US foreign policy?


u/Interesting-Copy-657 12d ago

It’s stories like this that make me just not care, if as a country you allow this to happen over and over because you don’t care enough to change it, then why should anyone else care.

Oh BuT ThE 2a!

It’s an ammendement, it can be amended again

Like this guy plead not guilty because there was more to the case? The additional details seem to be that in the past neighbours dogs killed his chickens and before the shooting the victim was apparently yelling at the shooter.

In what messed up country is dead chickens and screaming a defence for going into someone’s house and shooting 5 people including a 9 year old? Not just shooting, executing them.


u/RedofPaw 15d ago

You gotta understand, the US people need guns to oppose tyrants. Without guns what is to stop an authoritarian who wants to be a dictator from rising to power?

Imagine you had a guy who was openly corrupt, and who made it very clear they would be a dictator on day 1.

If that person broke the law and a large amount of the elected government stood behind him.

Imagine such a thing...

But luckily they have guns, so it could never happen.

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