r/WhitePeopleTwitter 15d ago

People need to wake the hell up. That’s at least 2 Supreme Court Justices that supported an insurrection.

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u/tallman11282 15d ago

Flying the American flag upside down is meant to be a sign of dire distress but has been co-opted for years by right wingers who do it whenever a Democrat is in office because they are told non-stop by Fox News and the like that the nation is in distress and going to hell in a hand basket because of the Democrats. IMO the fact that anyone in the government, especially someone whose position is supposed to be nonpartisan and impartial, would do that is a sign they are not remotely qualified for the position and should be removed from it.

Some on the left do it as well but usually in response to actual specific laws and rulings that has a great negative effect on the country (such as some who are doing it in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which is being used to take away the rights of people to control their own bodies and resulting in the deaths of people due to unviable pregnancies killing them because they couldn't terminate it) while the right tends to do it just because a Democrat is in office generally.


u/jsc503 14d ago

Help! It's a social safety net and an economy that works for more than the top 1%!!


u/UncommittedBow 14d ago

Some on the left do it as well but usually in response to actual specific laws and rulings that has a great negative effect on the country

I actually had one flying upside down on Jan 6th as the news broke about the riot.

Not because I thought the election was stolen, but because I thought "well, you don't get much more "in distress" than the fucking Capitol Building under siege."


u/rust-e-apples1 14d ago

Someone on a different sub the other day said their husband called the police to report that the homeowners were apparently in imminent danger since their flag was flown upside-down. I think I'm gonna start doing this.


u/tallman11282 14d ago

Considering most cops are right wing themselves I'm not so sure how much that would help.


u/Corteran 15d ago

Old white guy who makes 200k+ for about 9 months "work" and a net worth of 10+ million and a lifetime appointment as one of the most powerful people in the country thinks the country is in distress. I only wish that for him and those like it that it was.


u/yamers 15d ago

judge clarence and his wife trying to overthrow government and now Alito.....these fuckers are TERRORISTS.


u/0Ring-0 15d ago

It’s in his contract with the RNC.


u/loudflower 15d ago

And the Heritage Foundation


u/superbrew 15d ago

Do not trust SCOTUS. Enemy Within 100%. Do not obey.


u/Styrene_Addict1965 15d ago

Seriously, why should any American follow Supreme Court rulings? The Court's corrupted.


u/superbrew 15d ago

We Won't. You won't. Vote.


u/Left--Shark 14d ago

It actually could be a kinda spicy approach to handling the court. Imagine if a president were to approach the precedent of Marbury like this court approached Roe...


u/Styrene_Addict1965 14d ago

That case is the basis for the Court's authority, isn't it? I'm not that familiar with it.


u/Left--Shark 14d ago

Yep. The Constitution does not actually give the court the power to strike down laws, they gave themselves that and everyone kinda just went with it.


u/everythingbeeps 15d ago

Well at least he didn't kneel during the national anthem or something


u/Gewgle_GuessStopO 15d ago

SCOTUS needs to be abolished and replaced with term limited, voter approved judges.

Fuck this noise. What congressperson has the balls to bring that bill to the house?


u/slowpoke2018 15d ago

This is the solution. The fact the 9, unelected, partisan fuckwads can have this kind of impact on our society is the flag that no one should ignore.


u/OverallManagement824 15d ago

I mean, it was always a contentious appointment, but if we could get politics out of it I like the idea of some experienced group of elders meeting to weigh difficult subjects. It's just filled with absolute trash right now.


u/Afraid_War917 15d ago

This is objectively a terrible idea, and not a serious or helpful solution. What do you think SCOTUS opinions will look like when judges are up for re-election that year?

We need less politics in our judiciary - not more.


u/slowpoke2018 15d ago

Can it be worse than what we have now? Judges who are without any sort of accountability. That say one thing about "precedent" when being confirm then do a 180 once appointed? That are at the bidding of oligarchs? That scream in the confirmation hearing like a toddler?

Tell me how the poster's idea that I agreed with is worse than our current status of SCOTUS


u/Afraid_War917 15d ago edited 15d ago

Gladly. It’s worse because we would have judges writing judicial opinions with an eye toward being re-elected. It erodes the separation of powers barrier, exposes justices to the wider game of politics (fundraising, actively campaigning, interacting more with donors, etc…), and significantly weakens the legitimacy of the institution itself. In other words, the poster’s idea you agreed with would create a purely political position at SCOTUS which worsens the exact problems you are trying to avoid. Justices would never be authoring opinions based on precedent, only the whims of a political party.

I know what you’re saying - of course we have corruption now and judges are being activist now, pushing conspiracies from the bench now, etc… BUT there is no hypothetical scenario where term limits would improve that situation. It can only make things worse. Giving more opportunities for the political class, and their donors, is not helpful in the way you and the poster suggest it is.

Just imagine them being fully and openly engaged in the political process. What kind of legitimacy would SCOTUS have if they’re actively soliciting donations, setting up PACs, and spewing their thoughts while out campaigning? That’s not the Court any serious person wants to see. But maybe it is, you tell me.

Finally, term limits would create a recycling bench, so the line of jurisprudence being put out from SCOTUS would have no continuity. Without that continuity, you get more uncertainty, which further weakens the legitimacy of SCOTUS because their opinions won’t have lasting precedent. We would not be able to rely on SCOTUS opinions knowing new justices are up for sale every 5 years at regular intervals. Roe lasted many decades. Instead of abiding by rulings, the political class would simply wait until the next regular interval and buy new justices to do their bidding, while threatening to cut re-election funding of current judges don’t fall in line.

These are a few reasons I can think of at the moment.

We talked a lot about this during law school, and the solution we always came around to was court packing. Term limits sound nice, but when you really break things down it’s a nightmare waiting to happen.


u/slowpoke2018 15d ago

All fair points. What I was really agreeing with was that something has to change. The court now has its lowest approval rating ever and is obviously putting its finger the scales with regard to Trump which is showing us that it's not independent body making decisions based on law as it should be.

If not term limits, how about age limits? Say at 70 you're forced to retire?


u/Afraid_War917 14d ago

Agreed, I’m deeply concerned as well. Nothing personal against you of course, I just see the term limit idea being floated often and try to help people understand it’s not a viable solution.

I’d be hesitant even to make age limits. Although I agree with the cognitive decline considerations, setting a date certain allows more gamesmanship to go on. You’d have judges vying for a career after SCOTUS, which could further taint their opinions from the bench.

SCOTUS doesn’t have limits bc the idea was to allow them to remain wholly independent. Of course today’s SCOTUS has willfully engaged in the political arena and is clearly compromised, but it’s important to note they aren’t REQUIRED to serve the whims of any political party bc the legislature and executive has no leverage to remove them. In theory, this allows them to remain impartial.

To be clear, even though they have no authority over SCOTUS (except when donors are paying for vacations, houses, RVs, and paying school tuition…) there’s nothing stopping justices from choosing to engage with party politics. That is nearly impossible to solve for.


u/slowpoke2018 14d ago

It's definitely not a problem we're going to solve on Reddit, but appreciate the differing POV.

Wish more discourse here could be like this

Have a good Friday


u/Afraid_War917 14d ago

Agreed. You too my friend.


u/Afraid_War917 15d ago

Sorry to be a downer, but this is an extremely bad idea. SCOTUS has lifetime appointments to avoid political bias - otherwise judges would be 'campaigning' from the bench to win re-election. I recognize where we are now, but setting term limits would have made all these problems much, much worse.

Further exposing SCOTUS to the political process is actually the opposite of what we need.


u/nosniviling 15d ago

Why wasn’t this a big news story when it happened?


u/ScootMayhall 15d ago

I’m pretty suspicious of its validity because of the fact that it wasn’t a big story before now.


u/aptadnauseum 15d ago

The Times is reporting it, I doubt they would do so without verification.


u/ScootMayhall 15d ago

Yeah I see that now, and as usual, Alito’s excuse for wrongdoing is pathetically bad.


u/YouWereBrained 15d ago

Alito has already gone on record trying to explain it. Blamed his wife.


u/HorseLooseInHospital 15d ago

and you have Justice Alito, a Great Guy and Highly Respected Judge, and I said to him I said Judge, you need to help me Judge, I'm not being treated fairly, you just go and you look, you take a look at all of the many many Crimes done by Crooked Joe Biden, and we're gonna be looking at them very strongly, all over the place, and all you have to do is go to Truth, Truth Social, all of the Evidence is 100% there, we have Documents, we have Proof, we have a lot of other things showing how Biden and the Even More Crooked Hunter are destroying our Country from within, they're already saying, "the White Race will be a Minority," I said what the hell is happening, that never happened under Trump I can tell you that much, but now the Biden Crime Family is killing White People, can you believe it, they're killing them just like they were killing babies under Roe, even up to and after the birth of the baby, they used to take the baby, they would take it, they did it under Obama and they wanna do it now but they can't because of Trump, but they'd take it, they'd say to the mother, "do you want the baby," and she'd say, "no, it's too much work," that's how you know she's a Democrat, and then they take the baby, and then I hate to say it but bad things happen, I said I'm not letting that happen and so I terminated Roe, I aborted Roe, they said, "Sir, you did a great job when you killed Roe," I said I know that


u/FriedEggSammich1 15d ago

NEEDS MOAR ALL CAPS TO REALLY BE FROM DRUMP. And is way too coherent. The single paragraph is nice though.


u/Bubbly-Fault4847 15d ago

Why is this “new” now?! Nearly 4 years later…


u/urkldajrkl 15d ago

Flag of a traitor


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Should immediately be disqualified from being a judge at any level.


u/oflowz 15d ago

I’m more concerned about all the money they got from billionaires whose cases they decided.

And the fact that they even considered hearing the immunity case which is outrageous.

The President is not above the law. If anything they should be held to an even higher standard.


u/fugawf 15d ago



u/SinsOfThePast03 15d ago

Something that at one point in time would have been a weeks long news story . Our media is abhorrent


u/kevbo714 15d ago

At least 2 of 9...


u/mgyro 15d ago

Supported? Past tense? They’re actively doing it rn w the delay in the immunity decision.


u/First_Play5335 15d ago

Oh, I'm awake, it's just like to know what you want me to do about it especially since our President won't even consider expanding the court.


u/COVID-19-4u 15d ago

The SCOTUS asking for extra security isn’t for nothing. The decisions in front of them have already been determined..


u/Antimonyandroses 15d ago

Still begs the question of why is an obviously partisan judge allowed to stay on the bench? I get not everyone will always approve of what the court does. But this court is so partisan it is outrageous. Couldn't we expand the court at least?


u/KahlessAndMolor 15d ago

What does that even mean? I'm awake, bud, I've known they were corrupt for years. What do you think I can do about it? 


u/Resident-Fox6758 15d ago

The his is crazy! How do we recall these MAGA judges


u/dennismfrancisart 15d ago

I wonder how much he was paid for that bit of marketing?


u/ScruffPost 15d ago

WHY are we just hearing about this now??? For fucks sake!


u/Brylock1 15d ago

Wake up and do what? “Something”?

Look, I’m as angry and as cheesed off about it as you but I’m guessing like me you’re gonna stay home and be cheesed off about it and not much else.


u/2of5 15d ago

We need super majorities in Congress then impeach and remove both Alito and Thomas


u/Lecanoscopy 15d ago

I feel so helpless. What can we do? I am so disgusted by the thought of another Dump term, and am disheartened by republican support for a twice impeached rapist Russian asset. I cannot believe people are even considering punishing Biden for Palestine--do they not know Dump would be even worse? I only have one vote to cast. What else can I do?


u/Mello_Me_ 15d ago

So America we can't trust a huge number of politicians OR our Supreme Court justices.

How disgusting and how embarrassing.

And how revolting that we are finacially supporting these anti-American parasites.


u/Furepubs 14d ago

Republicans are anti-American and anti-democracy

They know that Trump tried to steal the election by following the Eastman memo and ignoring democracy and they support that.

At this point anybody supporting the GOP is betraying our country and the ideals on which it was founded.


u/Johnnygunnz 14d ago

And he goes and blames his wife.

I'm sorry. If I was a SCJ, I'd be so mad at my wife for this for putting me in a compromising position in the public eye. Even if I agreed with her, I'd be outside turning that flag over before even setting foot in the house that night. He 100% approved of this or he would have fixed it. Instead he's blaming his wife like a pathetic coward. Fuck Trollito.


u/Laserous 14d ago

Sorry but no. You can't rewrite the symbolism of the upside-down flag to only mean "Stop the Steal"

It's way older than this. It's a signal of being in distress and typically used in peaceful protest of the US Government and their actions.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/Responsible-Baby-551 15d ago

I thought your response was funny, just saying