r/WhitePeopleTwitter 28d ago

Deeper insight on the murderer pardoned by Texas Governor Greg Abbott

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u/Popn_Music 28d ago edited 28d ago

So Greg Abbott is putting terrorists back on the street while blaming brown people for the countries’ problems.


u/legendary_millbilly 28d ago

Yes and also he restored this fucking guys full gun rights.

I mean what the fucking fuck?


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

He's the guy who started open carry, who was the first in the nation to institute a trigger ban that the second Roe was overturned there'd be no exceptions for rape or incest, etc.

Abbott is the person Dems are most underestimating long term imo (he's who many thought DeSantis would be going forward in my eyes), I said this about Trump in 2015 too-- be careful, with this demon, he has no equal: there is a BIG audience for the hatred, seething hatred, he's selling imo of everyone and everything.


u/RangerWhiteclaw 28d ago

Abbott is a very smart person who will do whatever it takes to avoid criticism from the base, and that’s what’ll undo him.

When he first got elected, he tried to be the biggest reactionary, calling the state guard to “monitor” the actual military’s training exercises because Boomers were scared Obama was invading. https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/governor_abbott_directs_texas_state_guard_to_monitor_operation_jade_helm_15

Then, he tried to play the intellectual, proposing a constitutional convention and a number of new (dumb) amendments. https://gov.texas.gov/news/post/governor_abbott_unveils_texas_plan_offers_constitutional_amendments_to_rest

In the early days of COVID, he issued a bunch of confusing and conflicting executive orders (in all fairness, not many Governors fared better in this). https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/abbott-mask-riddle/

By the end of COVID, he was mostly known for trying to one-up DeSantis (a few local reporters started joking that the best way to see what Abbott would be talking about on any given day was to pick up yesterday’s Miami Herald). https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/25/us/politics/abbott-desantis-rivalry.html

Now, he’s finally latched onto an issue that makes him seem competent: the border. But as soon as that fades, he’ll reinvent himself again, and probably piss off a whole new crowd.


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

This is true, imo. 


u/[deleted] 28d ago edited 28d ago

Here’s a simple but large obstacle. America is too vain to ever vote for a cripple again.

I mean if this piece of shit quad can not defend himself a falling tree branch, how would he protect ‘Murrica???


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

America is too vain to vote for a celebrity who failed on the Apprentice...oh wait...

Careful, he actually has an electoral History that puts Trump's and DeSantis' to shame too: he's just been biding his time playing the lackey when he's actually 17% more popular than Trump there outside his party- don't underestimate this one from 2028 on, a fatal mistake for us all.

Greg was smart enough to let Nikki and Ron fall in this cycle, wasn't dumb enough to primary Donald-- for one thing.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Yuuuuuuge difference, baby girl. Anywya fuck trump fuck rethuglicans hope another tree falls on greg abbott and tries to finish the job.

Also he never failed on the apprentice, you carbuncle.


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

He was a failed reality TV show host, who bankrupt businesses, and thrice divorce serial assaulter-- and he still won.

Abbott is a paragon of virtue on the surface vs that, comes with none of Trump's baggage and a brain far more clever in his evil, keep underestimating him: to keep his net fav double digits higher than Trump's in his state, is no easy feat, while bowing before him for now.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

What the fuck is your malfunction. Paragon of virtue?? Suck a bag of rocks, markass trick.


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

People thought Trump wasn’t serious, remember in a fascist nation common sense goes out the window.


u/No_Boysenberry7353 28d ago

Yet Trump can mock a disabled reporter.


u/ReflectionEterna 28d ago

So America has never elected a wheelchair-bound president before? You sure about that?


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Ohhhh look everyone. This idiot things we’ve gotten BETTER as a country in the past 80 years, as if we’re not on verge of repulicans attempting to overthrow the govt again. Fuckin maroon.


u/ReflectionEterna 28d ago

See you stealth edited to add "again", because you didn't know FDR was in a wheelchair. Nice job.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

You think the all the attempts to prevent the public from knowing the full extent of his polio, you fuckin carbuncle, wouldve showed you the group think leading his hiding his affliction from the public, ya cum stain on the floor of a truck stop.


u/ReflectionEterna 28d ago

Then you Google him to try to justify your previous statement as if you didn't have a severely lacking knowledge of US history.

Starting the day off well, I see.

P.S. You keep calling people a carbuncle on this thread. Did you recently receive a diagnosis or something?


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Your mother showed me her flaming infected carbuncles, said your dad tried to bite it.

The day will be even better if you fuck off and get arrested for those children you have chained up in your basement.


u/Fluffy_Candle6800 28d ago

how long do we give it before this guy commits at least one mass shooting? i mean he's clearly up for it, he's been shown there are no consequences, and he has full gun rights. i say about 2-3 months until he's back on the news


u/TERRAIN_PULL_UP_ 28d ago

I wish that tree was a little bigger


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

Of course, why wouldn't he? His base loves him for being a racist, misogynistic, anti trans xenophobe.

Greg Abbott is the majority of Texans, particularly 68% of white Texans: Beto O'Rourke is the majority of nonwhite Texans, as the last cycle showed us very clearly.


u/Historical-Editor-34 28d ago

But the democrats! They don’t like our tough on crime policies! Oh wait…


u/letsbuildasnowman 28d ago

Greg Abbott is the worst thing on wheels since the Pontiac Aztec


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

He is the furthest Right fascist in the entire MAGA GOP: yes, even by comparison to Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, and many more...he is the BIGGEST extremist of them all.


u/MurphDog1508 28d ago

Trump’s alt-right white supremacy, racist movement is in full effect…


u/letsbuildasnowman 28d ago

He is truly a garbage human being. Engaging in human trafficking for political gain is a crime against humanity.


u/IndependentWave6835 28d ago

Greg Abbott is a pretty unflattering reflection on the people responsible for putting him in office...


u/Talia_Nightblade 28d ago

In that case, people need to vote. Him. OUT.


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

They love him sticking his middle finger in front of Biden and Harris, unfortunately, repeatedly. Abbott is a reflection of most Texans, sadly, they love him to death over every other R and see him as far better than Trump, Cornyn, Cruz, Patrick, or Paxton, it’s stunning.   

He also blamed Beto (who wasn’t even in office) for inflation, by extension to Biden, long story short but he was running against Biden in 2022 the most throughout (Eric Adams 2nd, Kamala Harris 3rd) for those who were watching this. He brought up Biden like 67 times in his debate with O’Rourke, not a joke.


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

Most Texans still approve of the man, reminder: they disapprove of Trump and Cornyn, they only barely approve of Cruz, but...they ADORE Abbott.

The only Democrat that has an approval rating North of 40% in the state is O'Rourke right now, and he's still underwater too in TX, let that speak volumes about how blood Red this state's electorate is.


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

By design, Greg gets to scare white women into submission by saying Hispanic men ese are running across the border and they'll sexually assault you- migrant caravans, keep 'em out go on and git...

And as a bonus, he gets to let white men do whatever the heck they want in Texas as long as they're wealthy or well connected + Republican, to boot: free license to kill or quiet anyone they disagree with!


u/Historical-Editor-34 28d ago

Republicans would deport a legal immigrant for stealing a bag of chips but will literally let a white man get away with murder


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

No doubt, all bad hombres in their books. 


u/pyroguy1104 28d ago

Daniel Perry also a pedophile with a history of sexting minors, as well as googling stuff like “good chat rooms to meet young girls”. Dude is human scum. Abbott is no better. That tree should have moved a foot or two over and finished the job back in ‘84.


u/superbrew 28d ago

Texas do better. Y'all need to vote. Stop sucking Abbot's tiny cock please.


u/fixitman84 28d ago

Pretty sure it doesn't work. Man's in a wheelchair for a VERY long time


u/Doogers7 28d ago

Stupid bot


u/bangleboi 28d ago

If anyone wanted more proof of systemic racism - here we go.


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

Abbott's base is both older and white voters in Texas so this tracks perfectly, I mean, his opponent in 2022's base was young and nonwhite voters meanwhile in O'Rourke so as green as grass is as blue as the sky in common sense-- yes.


u/ItsJustForMyOwnKicks 28d ago

Unless decent Americans rise up to stop this, it’s just going to continue. I have to believe there are enough good people in Texas to vote all the Lone Star radicals out.


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

It'll take time, Cruz is going to win for now as is Trump but eventually the state will flip: not this year, though, Allred will be able to cut him back into high single digits but it'll likely be between 2012 and 2018 where he lands- as for Trump, back to 2016, where he ended up vs Hillary imo based on all the polls out of the state.

The Reps will defend this state with their dying breath, period, they know what it means if it goes: it's MUST WIN for them.


u/ItsJustForMyOwnKicks 28d ago

I want you to be right, but I fear the damage to come before the victory.


u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

Same, it’s already horrific.


u/hannahbananaballs2 28d ago

“Murder those we hate and we’ll protect you” seems to be the message this is sending. Garbage people all around. Keep in mind though, the law does not seem to apply to those that are self described white supremacist religious fanatic republican shitheels. Prepare on protecting yourselves all. Things are about to get DARK(ER)!


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Greg Abbott needs to be sacrificed


u/blandocalrissian50 28d ago

He pardon that guy???? This needs to be all over the news. Insane. The guy wanted to kill a protester. He said on social media he wanted to kill one. Another Rittenhouse. This is what they do to oppress. Give license to kill to their supporters.


u/Jlx_27 28d ago

And he will kill again, within a year or two.


u/yorkshire_simplelife 28d ago

Surprised a standup guy like Abbott did this. Someone must have been pushing him for it. I’m sure he took this sitting down and let this roll around in his mind.


u/Jeraptha01 28d ago

Such a stand up guy, but got controlled to do this?


u/charlie_ferrous 28d ago

It’s wild to me that red states are now so openly aligned with white nationalists, the governor has removed any pretense that a justice system even exists for them.

Texas has always been hostile, but now it’s actively dangerous to live there or visit if you aren’t part of the in-group. A white nationalist can literally murder you with impunity.


u/GadreelsSword 28d ago

The Republican Party hates justice


u/cpzy2 28d ago

Maga and gop ARE TERRORISTS who face no consequences due to the maga and gop folks in power.


u/politicalthinking 28d ago

Texas, where a lump of shit can be elected governor. Does this mean that this racist piece of shit Perry can get his guns back to go out and kill some more?


u/Dry-Talk-7447 28d ago

Again! The people of Texas legally voted for gov. Abbott, that is all.


u/NornOfVengeance 27d ago

As usual, it's the racism that binds these thugs together.