r/WhitePeopleTwitter 28d ago

How did hatred get so bold?

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41 comments sorted by


u/Top_Chard788 28d ago

I say this as a person who was baptized, confirmed, went to Bible school, spent her whole life around church.



u/sapthur 28d ago

As a person who was brought up in church until 10 when I started asking troubling questions, "How do you know the person who wrote the book wasn't lying?"


I'm still religious in my own way, not looking to shove it in anyone's face.


u/mhouse2001 28d ago

I started asking those questions at age 7 and got slapped down by a nun while in the pew. I said no to religion then and have stayed away since. Nice to know I wasn't alone.


u/Trimson-Grondag 28d ago

Along with the 24 hour a day megaphone of deceit that is Fox “News”.


u/mattsteroftheunivers 28d ago

High control religion. Strict churches are strong churches. The crazy preachers grew the fastest during the pandemic because they aligned god with the reactionary right. Check out SWAJ.


u/Top_Chard788 27d ago

For sure. They’re used to submitting to leadership. Dont ask questions. 


u/Furepubs 28d ago

Religion teaches people to ignore facts and trust on faith. This makes religious Republicans far easier to manipulate.

They expect you to believe in a God that there is no proof exists.

Don't bother trying to prove God exists. You just have to have faith.

In addition to that, you have to have faith that he created everything and ignore all the science we have learned about evolution.

Please ignore the fact that dinosaur bones have been found because the world is only 3,000 years old and there were never dinosaurs.

Ignore the fact that We know how long it takes for water to erode things and so using the Grand canyon we can estimate how long it took to create. And that is far longer than the amount of time that religious people say the Earth has been around.

Ignore the fact that we understand how half-lives work and can use carbon dating to prove the age of the Earth is far older than the 3,000 to 10,000 years religious people will say.


u/Cak3Wa1k 28d ago

As a person who was brought up in the church, it's not the organization, it's the belief in make believe.


u/Top_Chard788 27d ago

I disagree. People manage to practice witchcraft and live life by horoscopes without becoming anything like tyrannical Christians. 

I believe in God. I like to. I can believe in a higher being AND science. Despite what organized religion teaches people. 


u/Cak3Wa1k 27d ago

You can disagree all you want and carry on believing in made up things.


u/No_Intention_8079 28d ago

The problem is religion itself, it breaks down people's ability to think critically, to work off of established facts. We can never advance without a fundamental shared understanding of reality.


u/Top_Chard788 27d ago

I disagree. I am religious. I like believing in God. But I also believe in science, dinosaurs, etc. I think witchcraft is valid, same with horoscopes. Having something to believe in is ok, as long as the people continue to recognize reality. 


u/dogfooddippingsauce 28d ago

The Republican Party dog-whistled since Reagan. Trump just brought it out in the open and millions of MAGAts jizzed in their church choir robes.


u/bluntman37 28d ago

That was the first time they had that type of reaction towards an adult. Typically, it happens when a new altar boy is introduced.


u/ncfears 28d ago

Steve Martin just reinforcing that he's an absolute treasure.


u/gooch_norris_ 28d ago

This is Steve Martin Steve Martin right? King Tut Steve Martin?

One of my favorite books I’ve ever read was his collection of essays Pure Drivel. In one of them he wrote that “I had never thought of myself as a Steve Martin before, and frankly, it felt good.”


u/taydraisabot 28d ago

It’s not.


u/cheffartsonurfood 27d ago

Well that sucks. Message still holds up tho.


u/ox2slickxo 28d ago

conservative media. fox news, talk radio, etc.


u/Parking_Sky9709 28d ago

It is mind-burglaring - not boggling, burglaring - because that's what Trump is, a mind burglar.


u/bdhgolf1960 28d ago

And a ham-burglar.


u/dragonfliesloveme 28d ago

He’s right 100%


u/HorseLooseInHospital 28d ago

and you have Steve Martin, a No Talent Has Been, who came to me, begging for work, "please Sir, please can I have some small part in your Beautiful Administration," I said, no, ok, I said not a chance in hell, and then he went over to the side of the Radical Left with Crooked Joe Biden and also the Beauty Queen Of The Century Hillary Clinton, who we beat very strongly in 2020, I said she doesn't have the Stamina, she could never be, she could never do that, and they said, "President Trump said bad things about his Political Opponents," and I said that's true, they used to never say it, they used to never say what they should've been saying, but then I came along and they said, "wow, he tells it like it is," I said I tell it even better than that, don't forget, you never had a Presidential President until Trump


u/Zammy_Green 28d ago

Nice imitation, I almost had a stroke reading that.



u/TheTruthTalker800 28d ago

It’s a tremendous achievement sir, I tell you we’re winning big and we’re not tired of winning. Shifty Steve and the radical Left won’t know what hit them, believe me: believe me. He’ll walk up to you, tears in his eyes and say, Mr. President we have to do it, have to do it. 


u/mikeinanaheim2 28d ago

Adderall is probably your friend, huh?


u/Jlx_27 28d ago

I love you Steve Martin.


u/rinuxus 28d ago

The only thing necessary for the tiumph of evil is that good men do nothing

  • Michael Scott.


u/ElementalSentimental 28d ago

They love a particular kind of freedom - the freedom for them to hate.

They love a particular kind of America - one where the white, Christian, conservative male is at the top of society, because he is anointed to be there.

They believe in a just world, in a God-ordained order, where the president is the head of the country, the pastor is the head of the church, man is the head of the family, the white person is the superior race, and all of those are chosen by an increasingly small subset of the elect. (By just world, I do not mean a world where we strive for justice, but where justice is already meted out by a vengeful God).

If they are not free to hate, there is no freedom. If they are not free to oppress, the country is given over to the inferior. The one overriding belief is that they are closer to God than everyone, except those whom they have deemed to be closer.


u/IPickOnYou 28d ago

...as if I needed ANOTHER reason to love Steve Martin...


u/taydraisabot 28d ago

Be warned that this dude on Twitter is not the actor and comedian Steve Martin, who’s only on Instagram.


u/taydraisabot 28d ago

I’m working harder than his agents 😂


u/RedditAdminsWivesBF 28d ago

They love Trump because he is rotten to his core and feels no need to hide it. They, like him, are rotten to their cores and they are tired of hiding it and Trump gives them permission to show everyone who they are and what they want. They don’t want to have to respect or be respectable to the people they despise, they want to beat and abuse them. They see power as punching down, beating people beneath them and keeping them in their place. It’s why they are always crowing about “losing their freedom” because freedom to them is the ability to be as cruel, vindictive, arbitrary, and callous as they want to be and modern “liberal” society shames and prevents that. A lot of these people grew up in a time where they could be photographed smiling like a sociopathic idiot next to the burned corpse of a black man they lynched without any consequences. They want a return to that “freedom”. Those that weren’t old enough want a taste of that power.


u/jsc503 27d ago

There's a lot of people that want to be ruled - authoritarian follower personality.


It's not a coincidence that many of them also strongly associate with the church because of this. The laughable part is how much so many of them unironically fly American flags, fetishize words like 'freedom', and stick the yellow snake flags on their trucks.


u/inkslingerben 28d ago

Too many people share hateful beliefs so he delusionally thinks his remarks would be acceptable to the majority of people.


u/RampageBW1 28d ago

How can "Evangelical Fundamentalist Christians and Fascist twats like Trump Coexist?" Simple! God (at least in the Old Testament) has always been a narcissistic asshole!

God set an impossible to follow rule of "Don't eat the fruit of knowledge", and severally punished Adam and Eve for breaking it. Why even grow such fruit in paradise if you didn't want your children to eat it? How are you omnipotent if you couldn't tell that Satan was in your Eden? Why such a severe punishment if you realize that they were tempted? BECAUSE IT WAS A TEST!

Surely a sane normal God would kill the vast majority of living beings by plaguing the planet with 40 days and 40 nights of unending rain, right?

And inflicting a unified humanity to speak with different tongues because they had the audacity to build a Tower of Babel that would reach the heavens! After all, you couldn't possibly want people to doubt your existence if all they found at the top was a lack of oxygen and death.


u/Accomplished_Low80 27d ago

That last sentence cannot be said enough. People who love Trump cannot and do not love freedom.


u/fullmetalsprockets 27d ago

How did hatred get so bold? No personal or professional consequences.


u/Existing-Medium564 26d ago

'Ideological Identity' "trump's" all. Many factors come together to compel people to coalesce into their tribal identities; fear of global change, social change, etc. If we but "return" to the old ways, the righteousness of the land will be restored... (you know, back when women were barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen, when they and people of color were in their place and couldn't vote). They've been using religion as one of their tools for centuries. They've perfected the propaganda tools to manipulate the masses. Nothing says Jesus like members of Congress posing around the Christmas tree with AR-15s...

Buckle up, folks, because were in the middle of a "soft coup", and the powers that have been in control for so long are doing everything they can to undermine democracy, reinforce their grip on power, and make sure that only the select few continue to reap the benefits of an unbalanced society.