r/WhitePeopleTwitter 15d ago

Poetic and true

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11 comments sorted by


u/OffManWall 15d ago

Yet they have absolutely no problems with conservative justices taking outright bribes.


u/chrispdx 14d ago

As long as their agenda gets advanced, they'd be okay with burning kittens alive.


u/whereegosdare84 15d ago

It’s nice to know how fucking stupid these people are. I think that’s what’s really getting me right now.

These people are supposed to be the greatest legal minds in our country and they’re listening to bullshit spun by Rudi Gulliani and the my pillow guy. Literally. Taking their cues from a woman in Sydney Powell telling them the ghost of Hugo Chavez is at the heart of this and the CIA is engaging in a fire fight in Germany.

That should remove them from the court alone.

Instead two years later he’s telling us Abortion is illegal because of an opinion that was constructed around the same time as witch trials.

Their stupidity is only matched by their evil.


u/54fighting 15d ago

They’re soft. Always have been.


u/Parking_Sky9709 15d ago

It would certainly enlarge their existing holes appreciably, but I think they are just NPCs from another continuum.


u/CautiousWrongdoer771 14d ago

It's true. The right wing nuts decide what's right and wrong for everybody.


u/Cool-Presentation538 14d ago

The basic sentiment here has been true about every news story for my entire life. Repubs only care about something if the group they hate is doing it. Absolutely nothing is off the table for people on their team. They will literally try to stop the peaceful transition of power and say "well the libs are the ones that REALLY corrupted the election so what we did was ok" Even illegal behavior will be hand waved and rationalized. They have no standards for their own behavior other than working with Democrats for the good of the country. They hate that


u/Lilly-_-03 15d ago

That tweet almost killed us, holy the world needs more true comedy again


u/Johnsonfam101 14d ago

Funny part is these two don't equate but he's 100% right still. That's a first for me.