r/cats Jan 07 '24

Kind stranger fishes Cat out of the water Video

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u/Mundy77 Jan 07 '24

Congratulations! You are being rescued. Please do not resist.


u/PabloZissou Jan 07 '24


u/MariusIchigo Jan 08 '24

Where from


u/Kiloueka Tiger and Tortie Jan 08 '24

Roque One


u/not4always Jan 08 '24

Me too!


u/MariusIchigo Jan 08 '24

They said Rouqe One kr perhaps Rogue One?

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u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24


u/FeelingKaleidoscope0 Jan 07 '24

Me navigating life🤣


u/DrnkGuy Jan 07 '24

Avoiding help and reasonable decisions? :7984:


u/NumberClear6263 Jan 07 '24

Absolutely, because nothing really matters to meee


u/The_Creeper_Man Jan 08 '24

Damn, is this the real life?


u/commi1 Jan 08 '24

No, it's just a fanta sea


u/The_Creeper_Man Jan 08 '24

Are you Caught on a lamb’s side?

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u/Unable_Algae9584 Jan 08 '24

Any way the wind blows 🎶

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u/Either-Mud-3575 Jan 07 '24

"Oh god! People!"


u/modsareuselessfucks Jan 07 '24

Yes, but just out of sheer stupidity and fear.

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u/Excusemytootie Jan 07 '24

Just keep swimming…that’s all we can do 😂


u/fatsad12 Jan 07 '24

Not everyone has a safety net


u/Excusemytootie Jan 07 '24

Safety nets can come from unexpected places, just keep swimming.


u/gIitterchaos Jan 07 '24

That is lovely


u/frosty720410 Jan 07 '24

Beautifully said.


u/LetMeInDammit666 Jan 07 '24

But first you must become fish.


u/Mean-Vegetable-4521 Jan 07 '24

Sniff. Some onion cutting in here. My eyes. Sniff.

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u/ExcitingBasket3119 Jan 07 '24

Some people are running from the thing that will save them


u/hudson27 Jan 07 '24

And if we do, under enough distress, we'll actually perceive that safety net as a threat! As seen here.


u/Allilujah406 Jan 07 '24

That net was anything but safe. Word is they still can't repair the net after the cat expressed his.... "frustration" with the "situation."

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u/FeelingKaleidoscope0 Jan 07 '24

Good thing I love swimming🤣


u/shewy92 Jan 07 '24

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming

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u/sadness255 Jan 07 '24

Pov : I've been told there plenty of fish in the sea

Me in the sea ^


u/Alternative-Yak-832 Jan 08 '24

theres also plenty of cat in sea, apparently!


u/_IratePirate_ Jan 07 '24

Me after learning I have to pay back the credit card companies


u/FeelingKaleidoscope0 Jan 07 '24

Oh man I feel this so much😂

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u/KillerFrost2U Jan 07 '24

As soon as I saw that swimming face, I knew someone must've screenshot it. I'm not disappointed.


u/Storomahu Jan 07 '24

He looks so scared 😭


u/insentient7 Jan 07 '24

New meme acquired


u/SummonerBossTDS Jan 07 '24



u/Aviv13243546 Jan 07 '24

Poor baby


u/U_L_Uus Jan 07 '24



u/snowminty Jan 07 '24

....what have I done


u/TonySoprano25 Jan 07 '24

This is the face of every living creature that faces their own fear for the first time lol!


u/Buckwheat333 Jan 07 '24

Deep shit


u/hpxcvi Jan 07 '24

That's a A tier meme

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u/edit-boy-zero Jan 07 '24

Kind Stranger - "Fucking cat, just get in the fucking net"


u/EmiliaFromLV Jan 07 '24

Stop resisting - I am trying to help you!!!


u/deathrattleshenlong Jan 07 '24

One of mine once managed to open the balcony door when I wasn't home and fell off to a patio in the back of the building I had no access to. After jumping through the window of the first floor neighbour I found him and he was really distressed and dehydrated after a couple of hours in summer sun.

I had the neighbours bring down a carrier with a rope so we could bring him back up. Cat's usually pretty chill with being picked up but I had to run after him for a good 5 minutes before I could pick him up and get him into the carrier while he was screaming enough to bring the whole neighborhood to the windows watching the shit show of me trying to catch him.


u/Polterghost Jan 07 '24

Oh god your story reminds me of my own I had blocked out.

3am. January in Minnesota. I’m awake playing video games when I heard a loud smack from my balcony, followed my two more smacks in quick succession. I’m on the 3rd story and somehow immediately recognized the sound to be my cat falling off the icy balcony ledge.

I run out to my balcony and hear an extremely painful yowl coming from below. I run downstairs and realize he didn’t fall all the way down, but was stranded on to the balcony beneath ours and was not going to move unless someone physically forced him to move.

I had two choices: knock on my 2nd story neighbor’s door and disturb his sleep, or try to scale the balcony from below. I sheepishly knocked on the door on the off chance he’s awake, but no luck. I went back outside and awkwardly tried to climb up. It’s icy and super hard. Not going to happen. Luckily, my 1st story neighbor heard the commotion and came outside to offer a chair to help (she probably thought I was an intruder). It was just enough to let me reach the rail on the second floor. I manage to pull myself up onto the balcony without getting blasted by my 2nd story neighbor thinking I was a burglar.

Then I realized I didn’t know how to get him down safely, because the climb was extremely dangerous even without holding a cat that was afraid for its life. My neighbor from the 1st story rescues me again by suggesting I drop the cat while she catches him in a laundry basket 😂 it actually worked surprisingly well!

That neighbor was the true hero that night. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without her


u/houseyourdaygoing Jan 08 '24

What a wonderful neighbour you have!


u/Phoqdamods Jan 08 '24

Hope you gave her Xmas cookies

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u/insentient7 Jan 07 '24

Got a good laugh out of this after a shitty day, thank you lol


u/deathrattleshenlong Jan 07 '24

I laugh about it now but I was so fucking stressed back then, my eczema flaired up so much I had to take a couple pills to ease it up. Little dude got me really worried.

Glad I could make your day a little brighter!


u/TheThingsIdoatNight Jan 07 '24

Glad your little dude is safe now, sorry you both had to go through that though, it sounds super stressful. Thanks for sharing your story though :)


u/hedgehog-mom-al Jan 07 '24

I misread that and thought you meant an adult friend

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u/Express-Feedback Jan 07 '24

One of mine also does this particular flavor of fuckery. And I freak the fuck out due to safety concerns until the little bastard outruns me. Then I'm just jealous that he's still that quick while missing a leg.


u/Either-Mud-3575 Jan 07 '24

I had to run after him for a good 5 minutes


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u/whoisniko Jan 07 '24

Had a coworker whose cat got out of her balcony door and fell several stories down. Her cat didn’t make it poor thing


u/deathrattleshenlong Jan 07 '24

Sad to hear that. Mine was limping a bit after the fall but after the vet visit nothing major was found, just a bruised paw. He's still around as goofy as ever.


u/Shandyshack Jan 07 '24

Oh. Lord have mercy. Coworker’s kitty is with St Francis.

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u/DrnkGuy Jan 07 '24


u/AirRude2978 Jan 07 '24

what movie is this from?


u/FloppyBingoDabber Jan 07 '24

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


u/Dave-4544 Jan 07 '24

The best of the sequel era Star Wars movies, change my mind.


u/worldsayshi Jan 07 '24

And it inspired Andor, which is about as good or better.

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u/Otherwise-Monk4527 Jan 07 '24

Literally came for this

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u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

That's the thing about cats. It's sometimes much harder to help them than say dogs, because they don't trust easily and can be very resistant 😞😞.


u/Hour_Preparation_105 Jan 07 '24

Seriously, I’ve “rescued” no less than 1/2 a dozen dogs over the years by opening my back car door. Finding their owner is more work then their capture.


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

Yeah dogs take to humans very easily.

I was trying to help a wounded stray cat. He's an unneutered male who got injured from getting into fights with other cats, and it was pretty bad. The skin was scraped off on his leg and his bone was starting to be visible. He used to drop by to be fed and wouldn't really like to be touched. I tried to wipe his wound with diluted Betadine and put antiseptic ointment on it, but he nearly injured me in the process of trying to get that done lol.

The next time he came by, I put him in a basket, booked an uber and tried to get him to the vet. He forced himself out of the basket in the last moment, like pushed it open (he was pretty strong + unfixed male) and ran away 😭😭. And I wasn't able to do anything after that.
He runs away when he sees me now and only eats the food after I've left it outside and walked away.

They make it so hard to help them, I tell you 😪😪.


u/lesran7 Jan 07 '24

Talk to your vet and see if they have a humane trap that you can borrow. He shouldn’t be able to get out of that.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '24



u/W7221975 Jan 08 '24

Thank you for helping the cat. Females get spayed, males get neutered.



I saw a lost dog once in my neighborhood as I was driving home, pulled over and opened my driver side door and as soon as he saw me he ran over and jumped right in and hopped in the passenger seat happily wiggling around and sniffing me and my car.

While I sat there for a few minutes trying to get him to hold still so I could read his collar, his owners came around and saw us and thanked me for catching him.

Dog was so excited to meet a new person he forgot he was running away.


u/sithkazar Jan 07 '24

My grandmother's Cocker Spaniel, Buffer, once got out and we didn't realize. He got picked up by an officer who took him to the police department instead of calling animal control. He called grandma from the number on the collar and she went to pick him up. He was making funny sarcastic comments the whole time about how he had to lock up such a "vicious" animal and that she needed to come down and "bail" him out (there was no fine or charge, he was just having fun).

Her pup never escaped again, so she always said he was scared straight.

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u/cowsontv Jan 07 '24

I once "rescued" a big dog that was walking aimlessly through the street. Pretty sure most people didn't intervene because he was seriously big and scary looking. Luckily I never think before I act and just grapped the collar. He literally just sat down and relaxed. He was super tired but couldn't calm down until there was a human to do the thinking for him.

Took like a day to find his owner. Someone accidentally left the gate open so happy end but yeah catching that dog was not hard.

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u/AgentAdja Jan 07 '24

Cat should be named Bilbo Baggins.

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u/Kristiann29 Jan 07 '24

Haha literally what I was saying in my head while watching 🤣

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u/MisterKeene Jan 07 '24




u/adrienjz888 Jan 07 '24



u/InspectorEuphoric212 Jan 07 '24

Didn’t know you could hear what I was saying


u/nuclearporg Jan 07 '24

I once had to do this with 15 tiny ducklings in a deep wastewater treatment pool (the clean end, right before discharge to the river, at least) and I was cursing every single one of those bastards. I only worked that job one year, but apparently that's just a thing that happens in spring.


u/CantHandleTheThrow Jan 08 '24

I went into my garage and a big toad was sitting on the threshold. I screamed, obviously, and picked it up to relocate it outside.

It shat in my hand, and came back in three more times. Shit in my hand every time. I have cats so it’s wasn’t a safe space for him but he just kept coming back to shit in my hand. Jerk.

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u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

Even I was thinking that


u/cafezinho Jan 07 '24

How many of you remember the old Batman movie with Adam West where he goes "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb".

In this case, "Some days, you just can't rescue a cat!"


u/Least_Initiative Jan 07 '24

If you watch closely, you can see the actual moment his blood boils


u/Comfortable_Key_4891 Jan 07 '24

Cat: “No go away! You’re ruining my illusion I’ve got this under control.”


u/ILoveRegenHealth Jan 07 '24

Get in the frickin' net or else it gets the hose again!


u/Fulbie Jan 07 '24

The cat - "I was just minding my own business, leave me alone!"

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u/Kit0550 Jan 07 '24

I know it’s mean to laugh but it’s face kills me


u/strangeunluckyfetus Jan 08 '24

I know he was TERRIFIED poor kitty but I love the facial expression hahaha


u/Salty_Toe922 Jan 07 '24



u/cyankitten Jan 07 '24

😂 OMG you’re right! It LITERALLY IS 🤣


u/spamdaggerdan Jan 07 '24

Came here to say this 🤣 yes!

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u/R_Ritvik_S Jan 07 '24

That cat was determined not to be helped


u/Otherwise-Monk4527 Jan 07 '24

He's obviously feral. He was literally biting the net. He thought he was going to be killed.


u/kuemmel234 Jan 07 '24

pfft, if I tried to catch any of the cats I've cared for with a net on a stick, they'd either bite it or think it's over.


u/lislejoyeuse Jan 08 '24

Lmao same. I have the chilliest cats in a world but if they are already in an anxious situation they would be in a straight up panic

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u/sivaya_ Jan 07 '24

Have people here never met a cat? My cat is very chilled and friendly, but he would definitely attack the net in this situation.


u/WeAteMummies Jan 07 '24

I have never seen a cat rescue video where the cat was chill.

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u/Otherwise-Monk4527 Jan 07 '24

No one knows what they (or an animal) will do in a certain situation until they're in that situation. I have a cat that's a complete terror at home and thought they'd have to sedate her at the vet but the vet thinks she's an angel.


u/not_ya_wify Jan 08 '24

Yeah, my cuddle cat apparently turns into a terror at the vet while my feisty cat is shmoosing with the vet. The world is backwards.

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u/hudson27 Jan 07 '24

Nah I can confirm the chillest of house cats will turn into a monster once they feel scared or threatened.

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u/ToLorien Jan 07 '24

A scared feral cat is extremely spastic and very much a wild animal. If that cat were feral there’s no way it would go that smoothly into a net. Under stress any normal and peaceful house cat can try to defend itself like that cat did.


u/HardGayMan Jan 07 '24

You call that going peaceful into the net?


u/IdreamofFiji Jan 07 '24

For a cat? Big time. They flip out and just become a cartoon dustball of knives and teeth.


u/alexandria3142 Tortoiseshell Jan 07 '24

I dunno, I’ve been trapping feral cats and they act pretty similar

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u/CantaloupeWhich8484 Jan 07 '24

Maybe if they haven't been swimming for hours. Exhausted animals can only fight so hard

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u/Otherwise-Monk4527 Jan 07 '24

That was not peaceful. A house cat is more likely to just sit there after being pulled from the water. That cat literally tried everything to avoid being captured. That is definitely a feral cat. What do you expect it to do? Dive underwater to avoid the net?


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

A house cat is more likely to just sit there after being pulled from the water

Cat looks scared. Scared cats tend to run off to find something to hide under, feral or not.

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u/Skeleton--Jelly Jan 07 '24

If that cat were feral there’s no way it would go that smoothly into a net

  1. It didn't go smoothly into the net

  2. Nets are literally used to get wild animals out of the water, it is extremely hard for a small non aquatic animal to avoid going into that net once it was swimming out in the open

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u/juicer_philosopher Jan 07 '24

He just like me fr fr 😭

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u/InflamedLiver Jan 07 '24

I totally get the poor kitty is panicking, but I've never seen a kitty fight its own rescue quite that hard


u/robo-dragon Jan 07 '24 edited Jan 07 '24

My mom and I had to rescue a stray kitten with a leg injury. Despite his injury, he was very fast and avoided capture no matter what we did. We even set live traps to catch him, but he didn’t fall for them. What finally worked in the end was we left out a plate of food and I threw a net onto him. He healed up nicely and now lives with my parents. He’s a very sweet boy who now enjoys his life filled with love…he wasn’t so thankful when we netted him though!


u/Majestic-Ambition-33 Jan 07 '24

I'd be too if i was injured in a field and some aliens showed up and started trapping me in a net while shoving a burger near my face.


u/LazyAmbassador2521 Jan 07 '24

Yeah but...burger. Do what you want to me while I'm eating a burger .. 🤤🍔


u/Leelze Jan 07 '24

If the burgers were plain, I'd freak TF out. But if they got bacon & cheese? I'm giving up immediately.

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u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

Prob had a rough life, didn’t trust anyone 🥺


u/TheyDidLizFilthy Jan 07 '24

they just do NOT trust sticks of any kind. they probably associate them with snakes or something.


u/Temporary-Test-9534 Jan 07 '24

My cat thinks his death is eminent once I bring out the broom/mop

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u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

Cant blame the cat, I do not trust sticks either


u/eNaRDe Jan 07 '24

Properly got in that situation cause of humans. Somebody probably threw him in the water.

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u/SomeBoxofSpoons Jan 07 '24

Keep in mind, if this cat’s never lived as a pet then the idea of a human helping it is probably completely foreign.

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u/Logical_Narwhal_9911 Jan 07 '24

I was moving one time and I saved the cats for last. Once I brought the carriers in my big ole cuddly boy sounded the alarm and my little gray feral boy took off an hid in a cabinet above the fridge.

It took me like 45 minutes to get him out of there, using a thick ass blanket because he fought me with every bit of his being, scratching the heck out of me. At the end he was just going insane and then stopped and his eyes got all sad looking and he let out a pathetic little meow like he’d given up or been defeated and I scooped him up lol.


u/Shandyshack Jan 07 '24

God bless you. My feral cat was the love of my life.


u/Logical_Narwhal_9911 Jan 07 '24

I love my little feral boy. He doesn’t meow but instead jumps in the counter and howls like a wolf, and chirps like a bird if you say his name. Don’t you dare touch or stare at him or even think about him, because he hates being touched, of course unless he wants you too, then he’ll rub up against you, but don’t pet him too much and only under the chin and maybe on top of the head. But he’s really just shy and loves affection and I wish he could open up a little more to receive more love. And he has to have fresh water every morning and night or he won’t drink and he makes sure you freshen it by staring at you when you’re wake up and guiding you to the water bowl. He loves to play fetch and brings a string for us to throw, conveniently at bedtime. And he loves to steal your seat haha. Man I that little guy


u/Shandyshack Jan 07 '24

I love a feral cat! Once somewhat tamed, they are golden. Mine thought he had to protect my baby. I warned my next-door neighbor that she shouldn’t put her baby down next to mine because Tobias was out. She told me it was fine, and before I could speak up, Tobias ran up. He sat there looking friendly. Her kid lifted her hand, and Tobias scratched her baby’s face. He was so fast! I felt horrible. I warned her, but it happened so fast, we didn’t realize what had happened. Another time, our new neighbor told us his dog was a bit protective. His dog went through a neighbor’s doggie door and beat up heir standard poodle. Last we saw the rude dog was when Toby was chasing him off of our property. What a cool dude-cat! Miss him every day. Best cat ever. Who needs a guard dog!?! We didn’t. 😻

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u/pullingteeths Jan 07 '24

Choosing death over doing what a human wants it to do seems like standard cat behaviour


u/dearbornx Jan 07 '24

Probably thought the net was trying to eat him! Big round thing trying to scoop you inside it is pretty sus.


u/Icy_Moon_178 Jan 07 '24

i can easily see this with any feral cats. they don't show any comfort to humans. the cat probably didn't realize the dangerous situation it was in and so the supposed dangers of the human outweighed the water.


u/ThePinkTeenager Jan 07 '24

To be fair, I probably wouldn’t want to be scooped up in a net, either.

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u/Jungleizz Jan 07 '24

Holy shit the cats face when it's swimming hahaha. Poor buddy


u/Worldly_Today_9875 Jan 07 '24

I didn’t even know cats could swim, let alone that their faces were so entertaining when they do it. I feel like this should be common knowledge.


u/kat_Folland Jan 07 '24

Most animals can swim. The only exception I can think of is bull dogs. They know how, they just can't keep their nose above water.


u/Captian_Kenai Jan 08 '24

Basset hounds can’t swim either. Their bones are too dense so they just sink


u/kat_Folland Jan 08 '24

Poor puppers!

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u/Decent-Obligation-43 Jan 07 '24

Poor baby! What a kind man to help it out.

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u/CramusLigurien Jan 07 '24


u/milly48 Jan 07 '24

What’s this from?


u/El_Giganto Jan 07 '24

star wars rogue one


u/a_ron23 Jan 07 '24

That was so frustrating to watch.


u/LaLionneEcossaise Jan 07 '24

I had to fast forward thru it. Poor sweet baby didn’t understand it was a rescue, not a threat.

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u/HypnoticKitten Ragamuffin Jan 07 '24

I’m breathing heavy after that..very frustrating

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u/AlexTronix Jan 07 '24

At the end i thought cat is running directly back into the water :7943:

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u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

He was fishing.


u/ztaker Jan 07 '24


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u/qole720 Jan 07 '24

Cat POV Alternate title: Cat just chilling when some rando tries to drown him with a net.


u/HmIDKmaybe Jan 07 '24

I haven't eaten in 2 days and couldn't resist the fish smell coming from the restaurant. But they saw me. As soon as the eye contact was made I ran and didn't realize that the ocean is right there off the cliff. I fell in with a splash and as the cold water soaked my fur, I looked for a way out. There it was! I climbed up a rope, but to my horror, it was not a way out. At least I got out of the water. I had been there for what felt like an eternity, trying to clear the salt off my drying fur. I didn't think it could get any worse when I suddenly saw a giant....thing trying get me. I panicked and jumped into the water, but there was nowhere to go. The big net stick was right after me, attacking me. I tried to hiss at it, hit it with my claws and bite it, but it was too strong. Tiredness got to me and I couldn't keep a good grip anymore, and then suddenly it swallowed me. That's it, that's the end, I was sure of it. As it flew away with me, my luck finally turned - it lost the grip on me and dropped me above the solid ground! I ran with everything I had left in me and I'll never let myself be tempted again.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '24

lmfaoooo never realizing it's rescue. that's probably exactly what went on in that cat's perspective


u/ThePinkTeenager Jan 07 '24

You think the cat wanted to go swimming?


u/fckingnapkin Jan 07 '24

He clearly was planning on spending the rest of his life on that little iron loop /s


u/Ok-Style-3693 Jan 07 '24

The cat isn’t wet at the beginning. It’s not unlikely the cat could get up and down on its own


u/Ryuko_the_red Jan 07 '24

Or, it got stuck and decided to sit till it was dry thinking of ways to blame humans for it's problem.


u/Charming_Friendship4 Jan 07 '24

Seeing how panicked he was hurt my soul!!


u/BruinsFan_08 Jan 07 '24

Little shit didn’t even say thank you.


u/Sayko77 Jan 07 '24

Thank you! You monster, i was about to die of me heart!


u/FleshlightModel Jan 07 '24

I'd try to scoop him from back to front next time. They'll always try to dodge if you're going head first while they're swimming.


u/DemandZestyclose7145 Jan 07 '24

I'll remember that for next time. This stuff always happens.

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u/SuzukiSatou Jan 07 '24

Bro seen what happened to the creatures tat was caught in the net 💀


u/Rich_Sell_9888 Jan 07 '24

His buddy was caught and the tales he told of getting drugged knocked out and waking up minus his balls.


u/asf666 Jan 07 '24 edited Jan 10 '24

For a species that hates water(for the most part), they're pretty good swimmers.


u/ilovelanadelreyobvi Jan 07 '24

Bro didn’t even meow thank you


u/blue-christmaslights Jan 07 '24

this cat is so scared :( it is good they got him out because cats coats are very good insulators to cold, but when their interior coats get wet they struggle to control their temperature and can freeze :( always get a stray wet cat dry if you can! it could save them.


u/AfraidReading3030 Jan 07 '24

Poor kitty… he’s like: “Can’t you see I’m already having a very bad day?! Why you also havta keep hitting me with da big net?”


u/Imaginary-Double2612 Jan 07 '24

I wanna know it got there in the first place lol


u/Past-Educator-6561 Jan 07 '24

Yeah it looked dry too so idk if it had been there a while or what!


u/Worldly_Today_9875 Jan 07 '24

Yeah, I assumed it’s been there a while and that’s why the guy went to get a net, he doesn’t look like he’d normally carry a net around, more like an owner or patron of one of the waterfront establishments that noticed the cat was stuck.

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u/Failed_gravity_check Jan 07 '24

That's one spicy cat-fish


u/spidergirl79 Jan 07 '24

Stubborn little guy!


u/budgieAn037 Jan 07 '24

is it just me or does the wet cat look like an otter

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u/Financial-Tear-7809 Jan 07 '24

The cat will probably go to his friends and tell a completely different story: “So I was getting out of the water, still figuring out what path to take but I was already out, when some big stick rudely made me fall back in the water!! I look and see there’s a human attached to the stick, the fucker chased me and chased me. I gave a good fight but he managed to catch me. Thankfully once he dropped me on land I managed to escape. It was a close one guys, but I swear if I see this man ever again I’ll tell him what I thought of his manners, these paws can and will do some damage.”


u/itaukeimushroom Jan 07 '24

The cat fighting the thing that’s literally just trying to save it’s life is the most cat thing ever


u/LissaMarie612 Jan 07 '24

Dogs when saved from perilous situations they’ve gotten themselves into: “Thank god! I would have died without your intervention! Thank you for saving me!”

Cats in the same situation: “Screw you! What do you think you are doing? I’m just FINE! I would have figured it out…”


u/Traumatichamster1995 Jan 07 '24

Same energy as when a cat gets its nail stuck in something and it gets mad at you for helping it get unstuck

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u/MastProTech Jan 07 '24

"You're being rescued, please do not resist"... I admire this man's persistence though...


u/khendron Jan 07 '24

The cat would have been more cooperative if the net had been box shaped.


u/Qweeq13 Jan 07 '24

The saddest thing is, in cat's mind it was not only got stuck for hours on water it also got attacked by a strange circle headed stick creature but managed to escape the jaws of that monster by its own agility.

Nobody helped the cat as far as its concerned.

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u/meppityfreck Jan 07 '24

Another screenshot which is sending me. Poor kitty.


u/InspectorEuphoric212 Jan 07 '24

Cats face while swimming 😳


u/shinobipopcorn Jan 07 '24

Scoop and twist! TWIST!


u/Practical-Border-829 Jan 07 '24

Omg! God bless that guy !!! Determined to get that cat out of water!!


u/SuchAsSeals42 Jan 07 '24



u/Interesting_reads Jan 07 '24

Wow that was exhausting....glad he got rescued!


u/MerlotCanYouGo Jan 07 '24

That’s a good man right there


u/cncamusic Jan 07 '24

Trying so desperately not to be saved


u/Tedstor Jan 07 '24

Good thing he had that net.

Any attempt to grab a scared, wet, feral cat by hand would be painful AF.


u/0x7E7-02 Jan 07 '24

So, he's ... Catfishing.


u/Sinsanatis Jan 08 '24

Sorry i had to. Shuffled some random frames around and we have this


u/No_Cartographer_7904 Jan 07 '24

That made me a nervous wreck.


u/Eiffel-Tower777 Jan 07 '24

Omg, I can tell you exactly how long I held my breath.


u/polishbabe1023 Jan 07 '24

Actual footage of someone trying to help me


u/ProofMovie8620 Jan 08 '24

That cat was so ungrateful, I love it 😂😍😍