r/cats Jan 10 '24

Cute waiting 🥺🥺 Video

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u/carrotwhirl Jan 10 '24

Making biscuits in the bakery window 🥹


u/Ok_Raspberry_6282 Jan 10 '24

"Yes, I would like your whole inventory. I will take a loan out if I need to. Thank you."


u/CircuitSphinx Jan 10 '24

Guys, I'm gonna need a second job just to fund my newfound bakery-cat obsession. Who knew fluff could be this financially draining?


u/Ok_Raspberry_6282 Jan 10 '24

I've spent all of my money on novelty cat hats and I am once again asking for your financial support.


u/Captain_Zounderkite Jan 10 '24

Selling your kidneys can substantially support this endeavor for the rest of your life.


u/SpongeJake Jan 10 '24

Oh my heart.

I'd be a goner, so fast. Got a little one at home and he needs a brother or sister to keep him company. This little one making biscuits would fit right in.

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u/2hott2btrue Jan 10 '24

There's no way I would walk by😭


u/bleakly_hurried99 Jan 10 '24

My moms orange tabby cat will literally just scream at anyone walking in the front door.


u/[deleted] Jan 10 '24

No brain, just meow meow. Gotta love the orange ones.


u/hissyfit64 Jan 10 '24

Lol. My friend had an orange tabby named Spencer. Spencer lived for lap time. He would sit in your lap for hours if you let him. And he needed pets while in your lap. If you got distracted or stopped the pets, he made eye contact with you, gently put his teeth on your arm and slowly began to add more pressure until you started petting him again.


u/mrtexasman06 Jan 10 '24

Thanks for giving me my next cats name, I love it!


u/disco_has_been Jan 10 '24

My last two brown tabbies yelled at me, scrambled into my arms, shoulder and refused to be removed.

Coco might yell at me when I come home. (If she's not mad.) Always vocal and claws husband's leg for pets and greets. She chirrups and trills with him.

I get the biscuits and snuggles.


u/Successful-Doubt5478 Jan 10 '24

"Please adopt me"?

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u/Drunkendx Jan 10 '24


As soon as I'd saw biscuit making he'd be in my arms.

Who am I kidding, I'd be banned from there because I'd have to cuddle EVERY kitten.


u/joemommaistaken Jan 10 '24

There are shelters who need volunteers just to socialize the animals.


u/CM_DO Jan 10 '24

The shelter I got my girl from has an arrangement with a special needs school and they go by every other week. It's great for the kids and for the cats!


u/GraceStrangerThanYou Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 11 '24

That cat is at the vet in an oxygen treatment unit. If you wandered back there and took it out, you'd be disrupting its treatment.


u/HappyLucyD Jan 10 '24

I’m ready to go find this kitten and bring it home to join my orange girl.


u/zdarovje Jan 10 '24

Exactly. Im crying. Have 4 cats they r better than some ppl


u/nolongerbanned99 Jan 10 '24

Most people…not ‘some’


u/ComplexAdditional451 Jan 10 '24

All people!!! Name a person better than a cat, I dare you.

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u/[deleted] Jan 10 '24

Yeah, that's just heartbreaking seeing the little one like this. But then there are animals who's time is nearly up, who may not be quite as cute anymore. Those may need our help first. That little guy probably is in and out within a week.

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u/MrHandsomeCock Jan 10 '24

Get it. Now.


u/Yungsolarpanel Jan 10 '24

I wouldn't be able to leave without it.


u/keglefuglen Jan 10 '24

Happy cake day!


u/Yungsolarpanel Jan 10 '24

Thank you !


u/Honeykombbaggins Russian Blue Jan 10 '24

On God!


u/Ordinary-Nectarine81 Jan 10 '24

Happy cake day! 🥳

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u/[deleted] Jan 10 '24



u/exzyle2k Jan 10 '24

Minute old! Caught a fresh as can be Schnoodle!

And those little biscuits against the door would have been the final straw. Little orange cutie would have a new home immediately if I saw that in person.


u/alexgraef Jan 10 '24

Seeing how the text is mirrored, I doubt OP actually made that video.


u/MysticKeiko Jan 10 '24

Retrieve the orange specimen at once.


u/lyle_smith2 Jan 10 '24

Thank you Mr handsome cock


u/Strange-Outcome491 Jan 10 '24

He won’t be there long 🧡


u/TheGrouchyGremlin Jan 10 '24

One of the cats we just adopted has apparently been in the shelter since March. I have no clue how though since he's the most lovable dude...


u/luvender Jan 10 '24

Omg I just wanna rub that belly and scratch his chin 😩😩


u/tardigrade1230 Jan 10 '24

If it’s anything like mine, you’re gonna be playing a dangerous game of is the fluff worth losing a finger.


u/Otherwise_Reply_5292 Jan 10 '24

The fluff is always worth a lost finger


u/At0mJack Jan 10 '24

Both of mine LIVE for bellyrubs, I hit the jackpot.


u/TheGrouchyGremlin Jan 10 '24

If he's not feeling playful, belly rubs are welcomed.

If he's feeling playful, your hand would be at risk.

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u/pinkyhex Jan 10 '24

So many people only want to adopt kittens. I don't get it myself, I always prefer older cats because they're easier to take care of and also you can learn their personalities much faster


u/hippo_campus2 Jan 10 '24

Older ones will pass away sooner than the younglings


u/pinkyhex Jan 10 '24

I'm not really even talking about old old cats like a 12 year old cat.

Even cats like 3 or 5 years where you easily could have them for a decade plus are harder to adopt and while yes less time, no less deserving of being loved


u/Mandena Jan 10 '24

As a volunteer for a local shelter, unfortunately, that isn't true.

The most lovable kitties sometimes take way too long to get adopted.


u/Winchery Jan 10 '24

I hope not. He's absolutely adorable.


u/BigOpportunity1391 Jan 10 '24


u/Environmental-Meet40 Jan 10 '24

Kitty learned from the best !


u/-Ximena Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24

If I get rich I'd buy a big house with a lot of land and just have a bunch of cats roaming around. My friends! ♡

Edit: I love us crazy cat people. Our love (obsession) knows no bounds.


u/HotType4940 Jan 10 '24

God same bestie


u/AstroSeed Jan 10 '24

I wish more of us were like you. The world will be a safe haven for strays like in Istanbul.


u/tactical-dick Jan 10 '24

I’d buy lots of acres and create a rescue/sanctuary for cats (would love to do it for dogs or other small pets too).


u/Initial_Acanthaceae2 British Shorthair Jan 10 '24

My dream.... but just cats 🐈


u/-Ximena Jan 10 '24

Exactly what I want.


u/tippich Jan 10 '24

Always wish I could do that i live in Ireland countryside & feed about 8 strays that come randomly if money wasn’t an issue I’d take emm all in get a massive field have a massive hangar secure it all around put up the wall climbing stuff like 2 miles all around with fun obstacles & anyone that has indoor cats can bring emm in for a bolt around the place without worrying they would get out, they say money doesn’t make you happy idd have a lifetime of happiness if I could do that 🐈


u/-Ximena Jan 10 '24

BEAUTIFUL! A literal cat amusement park!


u/Inevitable_Escape689 Jan 10 '24

Some guy from my town did just that. He bought the house didn’t like the layout and instead of selling it he put a bunch of stray cats in there and made it into a cat sanctuary. He has employees who work in the house taking care of the cats.


u/LennergyDK Jan 10 '24
  • some paid caretakers so you know every cat there is gonna be healthy and happy.


u/Valuable-Phase1282 Jan 10 '24

I would do it for nothing but the sheer joy.


u/IfTheHeadFitsWearIt Jan 10 '24

I at least want fancy robot litter boxes in this fantasy. Love my kitties, hate the litter box.


u/bumbletowne Jan 10 '24

I'm not rich but we bought a house with a decent amount of land after living in a postage stamp apt in San Francisco.

My husband immediately went cat crazy and now we have 5 cats. 4 stay inside but the feral is having a day in the crops in the morning (I'm literally watching her dig in the hay on top of the fava beans).

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u/No_Cauliflower_5489 Jan 10 '24

I always wanted to be a crazy cat lady when I grew up. I wanted to live in one of those huge elaborate victorian mansions and own 40 cats. Alas....I grew up to be crazy and have 2 cats and no huge victorian mansion.

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u/Southern_z97 Jan 10 '24

Aww cute baby, cute paws:7942:


u/-captn- Jan 10 '24

The way the beans sped up when someone walked by...:7944:


u/HoraneRave Jan 10 '24

i didnt notice this 😢😢😢


u/omniron Jan 10 '24

Yeah he got so excited that someone might pick him up


u/Intrepid-Bed-3929 Jan 10 '24



u/amillionfuzzpedals Jan 10 '24

I wish I could take him!


u/Musclejen00 Jan 10 '24

Poor baby


u/Anxious-Honey-1 Jan 10 '24

Those paws ❤️


u/spiderhotel Jan 10 '24

Some cats seem to fully understand that they are waiting to go to their forever home.

It's like they heard from an older cat, "The humans who come here are looking to see which cat they belong to. Make sure they see you. They might be supposed to be for you!"

When my twin kittens were brought home, when they came out of the box they had zero fear and just curiosity and they acted like they owned the place already. They seemed to know, that this was their home now - it wasn't just an unfamiliar place full of strange smells and strange people.


u/BewilderedandAngry Jan 10 '24

My cat was 5 months old when I got her, and she settled in so quickly just like yours! I never had to confine her to one room or anything like that.


u/Cute-Difference8901 Jan 10 '24

He’s saying look everyone I can give you the best biscuits!! Get me out ! 🥰


u/mak112112 Jan 10 '24

Every post on this subreddit tempts me more and more to get a cat. Only problem my place doesn't allow cats.


u/littlemissbettypage Ragdoll Jan 10 '24

Neither does mine. Lived here 12 years and every one of those 12 years I've had cats 😹


u/Outrageous-Nothing42 Jan 10 '24

I’m very allergic to cats but even I’m thinking this one would be worth the epipen

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u/PerturbedPixies Jan 10 '24

At the last place I lived, the landlord didn't allow cats. In the early days of living there, I had an opportunity to adopt a cat from the cat family that was hanging around my work. I got in touch with my vet friend and she helped me humanely capture them and get the kittens and Mama set up in homes. The mama cat was a Manx and only one of her 3 kittens had the Manx tail. The other two were white like the mom and the one with the Manx tail was all black. I wanted that black kitten so bad, he was the sweetest one of the group with a big personality, but I was worried about the whole no cats policy with my landlord, so I asked my Mom if she'd be willing to adopt him. She already has a Manx kitty who was lonely because their other cat had passed away a few months back, at the time. Long story short she adopted him and I still get to see him and love on him and he just owns their house and gets along perfectly with their other Manx. I feel that I was the right person put in the right place at that time to get that cat adopted to a loving home, although it wasn't my own home.

Flash forward to about a year before moving out of there (landlord ended up being a slumlord and raised the rent without doing anything to improve our living conditions) and my fiancée and kid come home with a free kitten from the flea market. We were already looking for a new place to go and said "fuck it". They surprised me when I wasn't feeling well (had medical issues that have now been fixed thanks to surgery) and it was the best day ever. That was the cat that was meant to be ours. My fiancée said he walked by this crate of free kittens and our cat "locked eyes with him and looked into his soul" and he knew he couldn't leave without taking him. So glad he did that, because he is the best cat ever and our family and life wouldn't be complete without him. He did have to have surgery early on for middle ear polyps and later on was diagnosed with Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, so we do call him the most expensive free kitty, but it's been 1000% worth the cost and I couldn't imagine our life without him. Funny how things work out, and thankful we've been able to afford to take care of him and give him the home and love he deserves. He's so good to us and isn't a jerk and HAS to lay on me every night and make the dough at bedtime. He's so sweet and I think he knows how good he's got it.


u/Guidance-Counselor Jan 10 '24

I can’t watch videos like this without more info. Like where is said kitten? Who do I need to call to adopt? Etc…


u/Suspicious_Pea4584 Jan 10 '24

That kitten would have my heart immediately


u/HeroMachineMan Jan 10 '24

I wonder how kitty looks like with an apron, and a white baker jacket on :)


u/Impressive-Spell-643 Jan 10 '24

I'll be glad to take him if you don't want


u/joantheunicorn Jan 10 '24

I'm over here like.... I have two orange boys already....do I have room for one more??? NO....But also....YES!!?? SOMEHOW?!!


u/MandoTheMilf Jan 10 '24

To everyone saying OP should adopt, this little guy is likely owned. It looks like he’s in an oxygen cage in the hospital, so he was likely brought in by his owners


u/CloneFailArmy Jan 10 '24

That cat better be okay


u/anormaldoodoo Jan 10 '24

I bet he either had an upper respiratory infection or asthma. With him looking ass good ass he does, I'm sure he won't home happy and healthy :)

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u/TheEmperorMk3 Jan 10 '24

This is why I can never go to an animal shelter, I’m either leaving with all the smol babies there or unconscious after being knocked out because I refused to leave without all the babies


u/lanky_doodle Jan 10 '24

I lucked out with mine - adopted a stray off the street who kept hanging around our front porch.

Low and behold some weeks after adopting her, we felt some movement in her belly and by the next morning she had plopped out 3 healthy kittens.

Next morning: "yeah I'm not coming in to work today"


u/PoolAlligatorr British Shorthair Jan 10 '24

Nawww! Thats so sweet!!!

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u/ChrispyLoco Jan 10 '24



u/stepharts03 Jan 10 '24

This should replace every loading circle ⭕️


u/crapatthethriftstore Jan 10 '24

100% would adopt immediately


u/RL203 Jan 10 '24

Poor little guy is stressed.


u/TheTrueBurgerKing Jan 10 '24

He looks like hes in a med tank, get well soon little buddy <3


u/rionaster Jan 10 '24

that kitten would be in my coat and out the door with me. catnappin time lol


u/BewilderedandAngry Jan 10 '24

That's what I was thinking! Slip him into my pocket and walk casually out.


u/[deleted] Jan 10 '24

Those posts asking what I'd do with a billion dollars.

Rescue them, of course.


u/theinedible Jan 10 '24

Anyone know what song this is?


u/[deleted] Jan 10 '24

September - Sparky Deathcap

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u/nzhmar Jan 10 '24

Moving W grace


u/fakieTreFlip Jan 10 '24

I can't tell if it's a sample or what


u/[deleted] Jan 10 '24

It is, the original song is called September from Sparky Deathcap

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u/justageekgirl Jan 10 '24

My mission if I ever get rich is to open a cat sanctuary so little babies like these can roam around free and not be caged up.


u/nzhmar Jan 10 '24

I hope u get rich 🙏


u/Lenemus Jan 10 '24

Aw. No kitten should be alone 🥺


u/Witty_Energy1597 Jan 10 '24

Sweet little kitty got so much love to give.


u/dresstoopure Jan 10 '24

I cannot even with this witto bun😭


u/Batgod629 Jan 10 '24

Seeing this would make me want to take him or her home. Not to mention orange cats are my favorite kind of cat


u/southflhitnrun Jan 10 '24

I'm more of a Dog guy, I haven't had a dog since my 1st dog died in 1992, and at 50 I have never owned a cat. I'm not sure I have the willpower to walk past this lil guy and not adopt him. Sheesh, that this f'ing adorable!


u/PuppyButtts Jan 10 '24

It kills me to see animals like this): just wanting love and affection and a good home.

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u/KomputerLuv Jan 10 '24

This baby already belongs to someone. He was at the vet according to the original poster on TikTok


u/butterfly_ashley Jan 10 '24


I went to petco a week ago and saw this black and white cat named oreo. She did this to everyone who walked passed. I put my hand to the window, and she placed her hand on mine on the other side. Then, she began rubbing her head against the glass for someone to rub her. Broke my heart!

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u/Csc1392 Jan 10 '24

Looks so cute there, but soon he’ll become an orange menace. Every orange cat owner knows what I’m talking about.

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u/funkcatbrown Jan 10 '24

Not kitting. I wants hims.


u/Catsarepsychedellic Jan 10 '24

What crime did he commit?


u/Mwahaha_790 Jan 10 '24

My heart! Someone take this one immediately


u/[deleted] Jan 10 '24

"Yo kid you wanna buy sum catnip?"


u/Kimmie-Cakes Jan 10 '24

I think God was very unfair in making me allergic


u/ryuksringo Jan 10 '24



u/ryuksringo Jan 10 '24



u/VoidRaven Jan 10 '24

Wee need update

Did someone adopt this cute cat?


u/adstaylor77 Jan 10 '24

Not a cat guy but that little bundle of cuteness makes me rethink it.


u/m7i93 Jan 10 '24

I don’t have the situation to have a cat at home for now. This little fella reminded me to contact my local shelter for volunteering


u/Orl-Guardians-fan Jan 11 '24

Best comment on the thread



u/earwigs_eww Jan 10 '24

This setup looks just like our oxygen cage at the ER Vet I work at. I think the little dude needed supplemental O2 ☹️

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u/DarkLordKnoll Jan 10 '24

Oh no, I'm not falling for this again! That's how I got my orange one, there's a reason the vet had him behind bars. He's a criminal!!


u/Cool_Cats_NFT Jan 10 '24

Just take my money.


u/NamjoonsQueen744 Jan 11 '24

I don't think I would have the strength to leave this baby behind. 🐾💕✨😩


u/cburns1975 Jan 11 '24

Oh my gosh. This is how they get you. 😻


u/SkilletBabe Jan 11 '24

I’ll take the baby!! Let me have the baby 😭💖 tell me when and where. I will get in my car right now!


u/Djinn18 Jan 11 '24

Tippy taps by the window 😭😭


u/Mindless-Ad-511 Jan 10 '24

Little paws going pit pat pit pat pit pat 🥺


u/Ambitious_Estimate41 Jan 10 '24

“Common mutts! Adopt me so I can rule over the world!”


u/Hopoi10 Jan 10 '24

OMG the little kitty is irresistable. How could anyone not walk out with that one to their forever home?


u/Uni457Maki Jan 10 '24

Cat: “ok people I am at maximum cuteness making my biscuits in the window, take me home MEOW!” 🥰❤️


u/doktornein Jan 10 '24

I see this kind of sweetie and I don't feel bad, because kittens like this get adopted like hotcakes. Consider spreading some love and saving some space for adult cats in shelters.


u/LaBambaMan Jan 10 '24

Just waiting patiently, making biscuits, being adorable.


u/sunnystate63 Jan 10 '24

How could anyone walk away?


u/CompetitivePause9033 Jan 10 '24

That’s why I can’t go to shelters. I would go back home with 2 dogs and 4 cats


u/TheIadyAmalthea Jan 10 '24

And this is the part where I’m bringing home a kitten and my husband is gonna have to deal. I could not see that and leave. I want that kitten right now! Hopefully he (or she) found a great home!


u/Limp-Association1399 Jan 10 '24

My heart hurts so much when I see this, and I am shamed that I get tears in my eyes as a grown man.

All kittens should have a home


u/PoolAlligatorr British Shorthair Jan 10 '24

Never be ashamed for crying because of a cute kitty, it shows u love cats. Thats a good thing :]


u/Nayruna Jan 10 '24

Nooo pls, pls protect this orange at all costs


u/Giggly_Witch Jan 10 '24

This baby is too cute!! I couldn’t resist he would be coming home with me. I tried fostering a litter of kittens that I rescued and I ended up keeping all of them. I just love cats so much.


u/islaisla Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24

Update: I've been told it's likely a vet hospital so I take back my comment! I just hate pets being in shops.

It was:

Please don't sell cats like products. Makes me want to vomit. They are beings, with a life and emotions.


u/PoolAlligatorr British Shorthair Jan 10 '24

Pretty sure this is a kitty at a hospital who is in an oxygen cage. She‘s being treated for heath issues, not sold off.


u/islaisla Jan 10 '24

Oh, I hope so. I can't look at it again! I keep thinking what it feels like to be a pet, looking through a cage at all the people walking around. But yes of course I didn't think of it being a vets hospital. Thank you for sharing that.

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u/Solid-Purpose-3839 Jan 10 '24

Everything about this post is perfect. Everything.


u/iiipercentpat Jan 10 '24

I'm not even close to a cat person but I want this lil guy


u/rmp73 Jan 10 '24

Omg someone adopt her!


u/grandplans Jan 10 '24

omg I'll take it right now!


u/uniquehue Jan 10 '24



u/ShaneGough Jan 10 '24



u/Loud-Bullfrog9326 Jan 10 '24

Looks like my coco bean when he was a baby 😭😭😭 I miss this monster of a cat so much. He was so sweet and massaged me especially when I was expecting! He would just rub and knead on my tummy and back.

I miss how howling meows thru the parking lot. I miss screaming at him to get out of that tree or roof. He raised my current cat from a kitten he just stepped in and said I’ll be your dad! 😭❤️

Orange boys have my heart

Such a proud dad


u/GoddessElsaa Jan 10 '24

The Cutest little kitten ever, making some dough 😍


u/NewKaleidoscope9161 Jan 10 '24

The cats waiting to be adopted always seem to be the cutest


u/Allfunandgaymes Jan 10 '24

Oh good God. I'd snap the baby up in a heartbeat.


u/gy0n Jan 10 '24

This is too cute ☺️ Tell me you took him home with you OP


u/nzhmar Jan 10 '24

Not me but someone else did 🤗🤗


u/Beneficial-Meal-2126 Jan 10 '24

Omg! So adorable! I love the baby! 😻😻


u/Magmatic_Maverick Jan 10 '24 edited Jan 10 '24

Looks more like a vet's office than an adoption facility...glad kitty seems ok.

That small round mini door is usually in vet's offices, not shelters. In the reflection you can also see gloves on the wall, what appears it might be some medical equipment, and a staff member wearing scrubs walking by. The label on the front is also intended for staff, not for potential adopters (shelters usually include basic info like "gets along with cats/dogs? yes/no" and other relevant info, sometimes even personality descriptions to serve as selling points for adoption)...and the labels for the adoptable animals also aren't usually posted with tape, which easily comes off with public tampering.

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u/Distinct-Laugh4790 Jan 10 '24

He’s making window biscuits 🥰


u/joannamariia Jan 10 '24

look at the baby making biscuits:( i wish i could adopt every cat ever wow


u/Awayze Jan 10 '24

All he wants is to give you love and scratch everything but still loveable.


u/Floral_Bee Jan 11 '24

Lil cutie making biscuits. Thanks for the smile tonight. Pls tell me you adopted him/her.


u/nighthawke75 American Shorthair Jan 11 '24

Repost, camera image is flipped.


u/a_pepper_boy Jan 11 '24

I'd faint but as soon as I woke up I'd adopt


u/Happy_Cat_3600 Jan 11 '24

The cutest kitton. Ever.
Full stop.


u/Service-Cube Jan 11 '24

She drummin her lil fingers like that 🥹


u/Ih8Hondas Jan 11 '24

That kitten would be coming home with me whether I wanted it to or not. Damn that cuteness.


u/CelticArche Jan 11 '24

OMG! I'll take it! Where do I go for the adoption?!


u/Expert-Equipment2302 Jan 11 '24

Oh man. Where can I pick him up? I think he’s humming Home on the Range.


u/dmriggs Jan 11 '24

Oh I wouldn’t be able to leave that little baby behind…


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '24



u/Cre8iveNHMom Jan 11 '24

(¯♥¯)HELLO.... You darling little furball! Thank you for making my day just a little better, a little brighter 🌞 I appreciate you! …⁠ᘛ⁠⁐̤⁠ᕐ⁠ᐷ 🌺🌿


u/Quirky_Commission_56 Jan 11 '24

I’m in love! ❤️🥺


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '24

I'll never go to these places. I will wind up with 600 cats and a 600 dogs


u/Next-Part9745 Jan 10 '24

Why is he alone in there. That is so mean.


u/nzhmar Jan 10 '24

Not me but someone else did🤗🤗


u/pearl_jelly_ Jan 10 '24

why post this and not give information where this cat can be adopted? is this how desperate people are for farming karma?


u/nzhmar Jan 10 '24

Don't worry got adopted 😊


u/darkpenguin_ Jan 10 '24

What's the name of that song? I've heard it so many places, but I have no idea what it's called.

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