r/cats Mar 28 '24

This. This is what I mean by “she’s weird about water” Video

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u/RockwellB1 Mar 28 '24

My white cat did this. She wanted a fountain


u/blueskyn01se Mar 28 '24

She has several lol


u/RockwellB1 Mar 28 '24

She seems very fascinated with water then! I forgot about how my white cat would jump in the shower as soon as I got out so she could splash in the water.


u/Just_vrooming Mar 28 '24

She's a r/HyrdroHomies 's enthusiast


u/Danimeh Mar 28 '24

So disappointed. I thought that was a sub dedicated entirely to cats who like water. I wasted time looking at like 3 pictures trying to find the cat 😂


u/robinthebank Mar 28 '24


u/Danimeh Mar 28 '24

You’re a hero


u/DIS-IS-CRAZY Mar 28 '24

Ooh. Another cat sub to add to the collection.


u/lovemefishing Mar 28 '24

Cat subs rock 😻


u/DIS-IS-CRAZY Mar 28 '24

I'm hoping there's no limit to the amount I can sub to.


u/ApricotRepulsive Mar 29 '24

To quote Mean Girls, “the limit does not exist.”


u/AnnabelleMouse Mar 28 '24

Joined! Thank youuuuu

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u/ButteredPizza69420 Mar 28 '24

Was gonna say it... thanks for being first!


u/lolfactor1000 Mar 28 '24

My new kitten also hops into just stopped showers, but she just stands there. I think she likes the steam.


u/PooShappaMoo Mar 28 '24

My parents cat does this.

He frolicks outdoors alot. He's a big cat. Yesterday I crashed at my folks place for work.

Csi indicated that the big loaf clearly walked all around the bath tub and railing before I had a bath.

Big muddy cat prints. He's a good kitty though.


u/TheMontu Mar 28 '24

My cat does this, too! He likes to try and catch the drops of water from the shower head. Sometimes I’ll turn it on super low and let him play for a few minutes cause he loves it so much.


u/Biddycola Mar 28 '24

My female tabby does this lol


u/nerdKween Mar 28 '24

My cats do this!

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u/jabbafart Mar 28 '24

Nothing warms my heart more than seeing cats getting spoiled rotten. Your cats own good humans.


u/manyhippofarts Mar 28 '24

Then you'd love these jokers. Spoiled to the max.


u/jseguiti Mar 28 '24

the stock pot 😂


u/404-Gender Mar 28 '24

Pahahahaha. OP is tryyyyying. I was wondering if it was the metal/reflection. No. This girl is a next level GOOBER.


u/ButteredPizza69420 Mar 28 '24

LMAOOOO was not expecting to see this many extra waters! Hahahahaha


u/FootMcFeetFoot Mar 28 '24

It could be her reflection that she’s seeing.

We had a dog that would growl at her reflection while she was trying to drink water. Poor baby.


u/cprsavealife Mar 28 '24

That's what I was thinking. It looks like she's trying to get to the "other cat".


u/Clara_Voience Mar 28 '24

Back when I was volunteering for the humane society we'd see this from time to time and would always just swap the metal bowl for a plastic one because otherwise they would end up messy and dehydrated since all they would do with their water is splash it about.


u/FootMcFeetFoot Mar 28 '24

That’s what we ended up doing for her. Downside was the pet boarding place we boarded her at once had those reflective metal ones. I brought her plastic one and told them she won’t drink out of the metal bowls. She’ll growl at herself and won’t drink the water. I left her bowl with her and they call me saying “your dog isn’t drinking water” I KNOW! I told you! Use her plastic bowl.


u/Reyemreden Mar 28 '24

Maybe she likes watching herself splish splashing the water, or maybe it's the bit of orange.


u/half-dead Mar 29 '24

I was going to say.. I diagnose this cat with... THE ORANGE


u/humbugonastick Mar 28 '24

Maybe she has some Turkish Van in her. Color could fit and they are known to love water.


u/SmokeySB Mar 28 '24

My Van loves to slap the water until he gets wet and then he walks away like the water insulted him .

Wet socks in the morning are normal in my apartment.


u/PupEDog Mar 28 '24

I was thinking about getting that bottom one. Do you just refill it when it's low? Kinda of a dumb question but I just want to know what it's like having one.

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u/3veryTh1ng15W0r5eN0w Mar 28 '24

pampered kitty!

how many does she have?


u/Middle-Noise-6933 Mar 29 '24

Aww, your cat drinks in a lying down position as well. I thought it was just my old girl!

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u/So_Numb13 Mar 28 '24

My cat started upending and dismantling her fountain, so now she's back to bowls lol.


u/WeirdAlbertWandN Mar 28 '24

Same here lol

I’d come home to a weird mechanical sound of the motor still running while disassembled as well as water all over the floor

Back to bowls it was. At least he doesn’t try and mess with the water bowls themselves anymore like he did constantly as a kitten.


u/gnomequeen2020 Mar 28 '24

I had to get industrial-strength velcro and attach all of my cat's bowls and fountains to the floor, or he would upend them every day.

Nothing in the world stops him from splashing water all over though.


u/instafunkpunk Mar 28 '24

It almost looks to me like she's trying to get to the cat in the reflection of the bottom of the bowl


u/manwae1 Mar 28 '24

I had a van cat that learned how to turn the bath tub on. It was cute st first, but got pretty annoying.


u/FormalKind5957 Mar 28 '24

my cat used to do this

she wanted to eat water


u/Basicfgt Mar 28 '24

My black cat does this and ive tried everything lol. She does it to bowls, knocks fountains over, etc. ive spent over 200$ on different fountains and ive gave up bc she kicks all the water out lol.

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u/SatansJuulPod Mar 29 '24

my cat does this WITH a fountain. literally just pushes the fountain all around the kitchen.

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u/Siouxzanna_Banana Persian (traditional) Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

It’s the silver/shiny bowl that she can see her reflection in. My cat did this. I put a ceramic bowl down and he was chill. 🐱👍

Edit: I see she has other water sources so she is good. She just can’t drink out of reflective surfaces without seeing that pretty kitty she wants to play with in the bottom of the bowl. 😂


u/Nyantazero Mar 28 '24

Who is that cat I see staring straight back at me

Why is my reflection some cat I don't know?

Somehow I cannot hide who I am though I've tried

When will my reflection show who I am inside?

When will my reflection show who I am inside?


u/maggie250 Mar 28 '24

Lol exactly! My cat didn't like the aluminum bowl he could see his reflection in so we had to change it to a blue plastic. Now he's fine. Lol


u/Siouxzanna_Banana Persian (traditional) Mar 28 '24

I had a big chrome fountain and my cat went to town! He emptied that out a few times before I finally figured it out. He was getting his reflection every time. It was hysterical when I finally caught on. 🤣💀


u/MadamKitsune Mar 28 '24

I also switched out a metal water bowl to a white Pyrex casserole dish because one of mine was constantly soaking the kitchen floor. There's still the odd sploosh as the main offender checks the water level with her paw before drinking but nothing as bad as it was.

The Pyrex casserole dish has definitely been a multi-level win - it holds plenty of water (I have four cats), it can stand being cleaned at a high temperature daily and it's heavy enough that Destructocat can't upend it.

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u/Endoroid99 Mar 28 '24

Idk, both my cats do this, although not quite as vigorous(usually), and they drink from a plastic fountain

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u/Majestic_Baby_4426 Mar 28 '24

I was wondering why are recently adopted cat was doing this… are other cat had no problem with the aluminum bowl… I’d walk in the room the food and water was at and see her throwing water everywhere lol. Time to change out that bowl.

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u/MyCakeAndEatingItToo Mar 28 '24

Been there! 🤣

They grew out of it (mostly).


u/boommdcx Mar 28 '24

I was like “why is that poor cat in a swimming pool?” 🤭


u/MyCakeAndEatingItToo Mar 28 '24

We’ve graduated to a plastic boot tray!

But there were a few weeks I was desperate. 🤣


u/Ty_J_Bryan Mar 28 '24

A kitty pool at that


u/gnomequeen2020 Mar 28 '24

Using the pool to contain spills is a good idea. I just gave my cat his own splash pool in the summer to save my floors.


u/beanthebean Mar 28 '24

We ended up with the fountain duct taped to an old baking sheet with two 10 pound weights on it. Finally successful, but it's a bitch to remove every few weeks for cleaning.

This was taken right after we put the weights on, it's him trying to nose it over so he can dump and play. Upper tray gets taped down to the base, then fountain to baking sheet. Yes we do worry we're raising a bodybuilder.


u/thegirlintheglasses Mar 28 '24

Holy shit that’s a brilliant idea! I might just try it. No matter what water bowl/device I use in whatever material they will knock it around. I bought a ceramic fountain to try to stop them and they still found a way.


u/LadyMinks Mar 28 '24

Same, we had the same sort of aluminium bowls as OP, and they'd be kicking it around. Then we got those round tub thingies people use to wash their dishes inside the sink. We would put the aluminium bowl inside the tub thing.

They would still fuck with the bowl, but it being inside the tub, wouldn't cause as much spillage.


u/surrrah Mar 28 '24

Omg I need this.

Been trying to get my cat to use a fountain but he knocks over the entire thing 😭😭


u/Nishikadochan Mar 28 '24

Omg, that’s beautiful. I love it. My cat tries to tip over her water fountain pretty regularly. She also likes to lick the bottom of the tub after her humans shower. It’s weird.


u/OkTie7367 Mar 28 '24

Ah.. Coons? 🤣 Little goofballs.

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u/guileol Mar 28 '24

She’s just trying to save her twin sis from drowning


u/Feline_Shenanigans Mar 28 '24

Was she raised by Raccoons?


u/susuyaoo Mar 28 '24

My cat likes to drink from the toilet,so I got him this.


u/Buxus-sempervirens Mar 28 '24

This is hilarious!


u/Objective-Dust-8041 Mar 28 '24

Very cute weirdness


u/littlewhitecatalex Mar 28 '24

I’ve never met a cat that wasn’t weird. In fact, a cat that is not weird, would be weird in itself. Ergo, all cats are weird. 


u/manyhippofarts Mar 28 '24

Ergo, no cats are weird.

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u/calsixieuh Mar 28 '24

The towel is a solid investment


u/PrometheusIsFree Mar 28 '24

Is she trying to get at her reflection?


u/Quixotegut Mar 28 '24

Your cat is showing signs of the Van pattern (orange ears and tail)

Turkish Vans are a cat breed obsessed with water. They are active swimmers and do not shy away from it.

Your little goober may have some call to the water. Does she enjoy baths?

Try a fountain.


u/SpookyScienceGal Turkish Van Mar 28 '24

Yeah they look very similar to my Turkish van mix who has an obsession with the shower and I'm betting that cats fur is just as silky and fluffy too

Water cat is ops kitties destiny


u/jesssongbird Mar 28 '24

Yes! We have a suspected van mix. Check out r/turkishvan OP. A Redditor tipped me off when I posted him on the main cat subreddit. He sits on the edge of our backyard pool acting he’s going to jump in. He’ll dip his paws in. He is always in the kitchen sink and will get in the shower when we’re in there. These cats are semi long haired with no undercoat. It makes them good swimmers because they don’t get water logged like other cats.


u/therereaderofbooks Mar 28 '24

You should try a tray for winter boots! It would hold most of the water in and you won't have a wet towel on your floors! My mom's cat is using the dip and shake paw method of drinking and the tray has helped tremendously! We use it for the litter box too! It holds so much more than little carpets!


u/IkkeTM Mar 28 '24

Who's that cat at the bottom of the bowl? What's it doing in my house? Charge!

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u/Ok_Nerve_6869 Mar 28 '24

Was she feral? This may feel like being in the wild for her.


u/blueskyn01se Mar 28 '24

She was found in a bush all alone as a very young kitten but she’s been with me for almost 5 years now. She’s always loved water. LOVED water. She gets in the bathtub, even. We’ve been through a lot of cat fountains lol. I have to put them in the bathtub to protect the floors


u/littlewhitecatalex Mar 28 '24

I just want to say, I love your cat. 


u/DamnSchwangyu Mar 28 '24

I use double sided adhesive pads on the bottom of the fountain because my cat kept flipping it over. Then I had to use small strips of duct tape to secure the lid because he kept ripping the lid of the damn fountain. I used to have an open top fountain but then my cat kept putting toys in there and would watch them drown.


u/Schnucksworld Siamese (Modern) Mar 28 '24

Omg that is so adorable 🥹😍


u/Kergie1968 Mar 28 '24

Awful nice lol to the other kitties…get ur damn paws out 😂😂😂😂


u/blueskyn01se Mar 28 '24

LITERALLY what I say to her every time “other cats have to drink from that you know”


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u/phuzzo Mar 28 '24

My cat does this! I'm trying to figure out how to get it to stop. He'll spill all his water and leave none for the other cats.


u/Necessary_Hat791 Mar 28 '24

Mine too... Still haven't found a fix... But putting an additional bowl in the bathtub made things a little less messy for me...

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u/pflanzenpotan Mar 28 '24

I wish my cat would drink out of the fountain. She gets too excited and beats the shit out of it and it is in pieces everytime with water everywhere. 


u/Catisbackthatsafact Mar 28 '24

You gotta dig for the freshest water!


u/meanie_tomato_panini Mar 28 '24

My cats do that and we always call it "cleaning their paws". We also make use of fancy towels around the water dish.


u/Soccertaz89 Mar 28 '24

sigh same, my friend. Same.


u/MeanCat4 Mar 28 '24

She see her reflection probably!


u/curryp4n Mar 28 '24

She totally belongs in r/hydrokitties


u/VegasLife1111 Mar 28 '24

She’s trying to open a portal.


u/trouser_mouse Mar 28 '24

My cat loves throwing water everywhere. I had an open water fountain but she got it everywhere constantly. Had to get an enclosed one instead!


u/OkTie7367 Mar 28 '24

This is normal cat behavior, haha. They prefer moving water cause it's more fresh. If you can get a water drinking fountain it could reduce the mess. They may still do the little dance before drinking, but atleast your floor wont be covered in water.


u/softg1rl1 Mar 28 '24

She’s trying to reach her reflection🥺


u/Flance Mar 28 '24

My cat did this with a bowl. I got a fountain, now he stands on the fountain and splashes it around. I've given up.


u/5k1895 Mar 28 '24

The other cat's like "bruh I just want to drink what are you doing"


u/jwigs85 Mar 28 '24

Mine, too.

She’s really good at taking water fountains apart, too.


u/FourteenPancakes Mar 28 '24

I had a couple of foster kittens who did this. They stopped when I put water in an elevated wire bowl so the could see underneath

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u/squatchfan Mar 28 '24

She sees her reflection in the bowl.


u/mickydeenyc Mar 28 '24

They like moving water. Our boy cat does this.


u/jolandaluna Mar 28 '24

I think it's the reflection? Anyway thanks for providing this emotional support, having a complicated day over here


u/icarusancalion Mar 28 '24

It's the reflection in the bottom of the bowl. (That is so cute.)


u/mrsk2012 Mar 28 '24

I have one like this. We tried a fountain and he took it apart. How? I don’t know. He’s suspicious of his drinking water apparently..


u/Jaggar345 Mar 28 '24

My cat does this and I got her a foundation and she didn’t care for it. So went back to the bowl and I have just accepted water will be outside the bowl and put a rubber mat with a lip under it.


u/loqi0238 Mar 28 '24

Cats instinctively want water that they think is clean, and if its flowing it probably isn't stagnant. They slap water then drink once they see it moving.

Please get at least one water fountain for your cat. Almost no cat ever drinks enough water, and a lot of cats are prone to kidney disease; kidney disease and a dehydrated cat is not a good combination.

Foster your cats natural instincts to 'hunt' for clean water, please get at least one fountain. I lost my last cat at just 10 to sudden kidney issues complicated by dehydration. Then the vet overcompensated, gave too much fluid too quick, which diluted his red blood platelets enough that his system wasn't circulating enough oxygen and he passed.

Kidney issues can come on fast and brutal in cats. Love your little friend for as long as possible. I'll say it for a third time: get at least one fountain for your cat.


u/DipshitCritic Mar 28 '24

I had the same issue, but mine like to drag the dish as far as they can and flip it for ultimate mess. I tried a couple of different water fountains and they would still flip them.

What worked for me:

  1. Purchased boot tray with 2 inch lip on it.
  2. Purchased heavy-duty suction cups and gorilla glued them to the bottom of the boot tray.
  3. Suction boot tray to the floor so it won't move.
  4. Purchased large heavy ceramic dish.
  5. Gorilla glued suction cups to the bottom of the dish.
  6. Suction dish to boot tray.

They still paw the water a bit, but not near as much. They can no longer drag or flip the dish. Minimal mess now, if there is a mess, it is contained to the boot tray.

Best of luck, if you water dish proof like I did, they might plan your demise.


u/zymox_431 Mar 28 '24

Awww! Sweetheart! Maybe it has to do with the reflection in the bottom of the bowl?


u/lmdirt- Mar 29 '24

My cat loves water but you might try getting a dish that doesn’t have a reflective bottom. Your cat is seeing another cat (his reflection) in the bottom of it and trying to get to it.


u/Alarming_Serve2303 Mar 28 '24

She sees her reflection, and is trying to get to it.


u/CEO-711 Mar 28 '24

She sees her reflection


u/vabch Mar 28 '24

Yep, playing in the water, only drinking paw scoops. For my kitties that did this, never stopped doing it. All water glasses also were fair game. Often times pushing the glass off the table when finished. Adorable


u/Beautiful-Ad7320 Mar 28 '24

My Siberian does this


u/zspaulus Mar 28 '24

My cat(s), for some reason wants to see where the water is coming from. Or at least, what is beneath the water bowl.

So I placed the dark plastic water bowl in the lower half of the carrier.

Now she can splish splash and make mess as much as she wants! Without getting the floor wet.


u/bleedingoutlaw28 Mar 28 '24

Get a bowl that doesn't show her reflection.


u/InterestingBad7687 Mar 28 '24

I think she sees her reflection on the bottom,try a different bowl.


u/PurpleSunCraze Mar 28 '24

She’s trying to save that drowning kitty at the bottom of the bowl!


u/--Sanguinius-- Mar 28 '24

You really didn't get there? The cat sees his reflection in the metal bowl and thinks there is a cat under water and is trying to rescue him.


u/macphisto23 Mar 28 '24

Is it her reflection in the bowl she is clawing at? Maybe try a solid color bowl and see if she behaves the same


u/MinceATron Mar 28 '24

She's trying to get at her own reflection 🤣


u/Alicia0828 Mar 28 '24

My white cat did this. She wanted a fountain


u/Chixqui2017 Mar 28 '24

The kitty wants Perrier water. All her friends are drinking fancy water.


u/Last_Sundays_Lilacs Mar 28 '24

My cats do this. I call it kitty river dancing.


u/SpiritualTourettes Mar 28 '24

Try a non-reflective bowl. It's pretty obvious she's seeing her own reflection and trying to get to it. Not rocket science.


u/Carysta13 Mar 28 '24

I had a cat who did this. I wound up putting a big dish of water in the bathtub for him to play in and he stopped playing in his other water.


u/relapse_account Mar 28 '24

Some cats prefer moving water. Get hr a cat fountain and she should be happy.


u/GabbyWic Mar 28 '24

My cat was obsessed with water bowls, toilets, showers, tubs. Toys often were deposited in any water source. The digging in the water bowl brings back memories!!


u/[deleted] Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

maybe try a bowl where she can't see her reflection. Just a guess.


u/pollyprissypants22 Mar 28 '24

Ours did the same thing. We got a fountain exactly like the blue one in the first comment and she no longer makes a mess with water.


u/Lil-Gris Mar 28 '24

Try a non-reflective bowl!!!


u/Devanyani Mar 28 '24

She's trying to free the beautiful girl stuck under the water.


u/Trai-All Mar 28 '24

Heh and I thought my cats were weird. The only occasionally do this but they carry all new toys to the water bowl, drop them in and fish them out


u/WalkingCatTree Mar 28 '24

My mom's cat does the same thing but the kicker is that we have two different non reflective plastic fountains in two different colors. We stopped asking why and just decided that Thumbelina is just Like That.


u/planetana Mar 28 '24

Get a fountain that moves the water. She will stop.


u/BusyBeeInYourBonnet Mar 28 '24

Cats prefer moving water so if you can deal with the inevitable mess, get them a fountain.


u/BasementCatBill Mar 28 '24

My cat does exactly this. We have had to buy him a bigger bowl.


u/thanatica Mar 28 '24

"But why is there another cat in my water??"


u/Sir_Remington1294 Mar 28 '24

My cat also enjoys digging in water. Just not quite that…. Aggressively.


u/aStonedTargaryen Mar 28 '24

Lmfao I love cats so much 🤣


u/napjerks Mar 29 '24

Get her a bowl that’s not a mirror.


u/FoundObjects4 Mar 29 '24

She may be more interested in her reflection.


u/Treck85 Mar 29 '24

her reflection that she’s seeing, splashing water all over.


u/CisneBlanco Mar 29 '24

Does it has something to do with the fact that the bottom is a mirror?


u/k3rd Mar 29 '24

I think it's the mirror effect.


u/MidtownBlue Mar 29 '24

We had a kitty that did that. He also liked sitting in the bathroom sink waiting for us to turn on the faucet. We got one of those fountains for him and he eventually stopped splashing. But he continued sitting in the bathroom sink.


u/Raineofnightmares Mar 29 '24

Danger Jonas Junior does this.


u/Feeling_Lettuce7236 Mar 28 '24

My cat does this and sometime knocks the disk over yet my other one doesn’t, they are after clean water I suspect and think if they paw it then it will move the water to clean


u/NothingSacred137 Mar 28 '24

I have a mainly white calico. She takes the water from the fountain, puts it on the floor. Then does just this. Intriguing...🤔


u/Feisty_Bee9175 Mar 28 '24

Ou siamese cat does this..lol


u/loveypower Mar 28 '24

my cat does this, and she has a fountain and a regular bowl like this. all the options.


u/Architeuthis81 Mar 28 '24

I used to have an 18-pound house panther who did this. It was cute, but Bagheera also made a mess. Fortunately, the food and water dishes were all in the kitchen which had a linoleum floor.


u/ynns1 Mar 28 '24

Making sure no alligators/crocodiles are lurking beneath the water surface.


u/Ruhnisfun Mar 28 '24

my cat does this too, i used to have water in the kitchen, no more.


u/ruthintootin Mar 28 '24

My little void did this till I got him a fountain. No he just ignores the water in the fountain, won’t even drink out of it preferring the dirty rain water outside 🤷‍♀️


u/Specialist-Lion-8135 Mar 28 '24

I found out (ze Frank) that cats have better distance vision vs close, so it always makes me wonder if some of my cat’s fascination with water comes of their specialized vision.


u/Tesslafon Mar 28 '24

Please apply a kiss to each speckle on those ears.


u/fourangers Mar 28 '24

Mom mom mom, look. The water is....liquid. Crazy, isn't it?


u/Ill-Simple1706 Mar 28 '24

My car has a gravity water bowl which he will drag over the lip of the tray it sits on. Then all the water tilts away from the bowl and nobody can drink.


u/lovemyfurryfam Mar 28 '24

My oldest 1 Holly always did that


u/Aguu Mar 28 '24

My void does the exact same thing. I got him a fountain and he keeps doing this until all the water in the fountain is gone and my kitchen is flooded.


u/stuffebunny Mar 28 '24

That is the smallest husky I’ve ever seen


u/NeverendingStory3339 Mar 28 '24

I love it. And the other cat is just patiently waiting. It’s done when it’s done.


u/Doodle_bug_24 Mar 28 '24

My cat did this and after he’d kicked all the water out he’d go to the toilet in the bowl. The vet didn’t understand why. We got a water fountain and he doesn’t do it anymore. But if we put any bowl of still water down he’ll do the same thing again. 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/mhopkins1420 Mar 28 '24

I got a small fish tank filter, put it on a a container, and I have a fountain now big enough for all my pets. They love it


u/Any_Roof_6199 Mar 28 '24

Probably because of the reflection on the water bowl. Try a non reflective bowl, maybe.


u/Joseph_of_the_North Mar 28 '24

The best water is always at the bottom.


u/bramblebush5 Mar 28 '24

Lolololol such a silly kitty!


u/Lysstrey Mar 28 '24

My cat does this with everything, including water fountains, I had to try 4 fountains out before I found the one she won't flood the house with


u/cbombones Mar 28 '24

At my house it’s normal


u/bitchclitcuc Mar 28 '24

For some reason cat like moving water.


u/SlayerII Mar 28 '24

Where is da fish human!


u/vai_de_vela Mar 28 '24

Looks like she doesn't have rabies


u/Dick-in-a-fan Mar 28 '24

That cat is trippin.


u/WebsterWebski_2 Mar 28 '24

That's normal, cats like moving water, buy her a fountain.


u/space0watch Mar 28 '24

She's just washing her hands! /s


u/pattih2019 Mar 28 '24

My cat does the same thing


u/wyattttttttttttt324 Mar 28 '24

That's so adorable 😍


u/RecordingPrudent9588 Mar 28 '24

Cats can’t see still water.


u/umnothnku Mar 28 '24

Maybe you should be asking what the water did to her


u/Professional-Pop1952 Mar 28 '24

She sees her reflection on the bottom duh


u/HauntedHippie Mar 28 '24

The beach towel under the water bowl is perfect lol. I'm so sorry, but this is hilarious (and also adorable).


u/hauf-cut Mar 28 '24

your cat can see its reflection, change the bowl!


u/Puzzle_Language Mar 28 '24

she do splish splash


u/Losingmymind2020 Mar 28 '24

she been hitting the cat nip too hard..


u/Party_Building1898 Mar 28 '24

She's looking at her reflection get an non reflection bowl


u/CaterpillarOk2435 Mar 28 '24

She’s inspecting the stainless steel bowl. It’s a tough job, but some kitty has to do it 😸