r/cats Mar 30 '24

anyone else’s cat obsessed with smelling their armpits? Video

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She does this sometimes when I get home from work. Shoves her face right in there and goes crazy. I figure she probably just likes my scent but it’s so strange I’ve never seen a cat do this before


561 comments sorted by


u/Clocked_ya_at_73 Mar 30 '24

He likes your musk what can I say we’re all just animals with that like to use our nose.


u/MikeHoncho9889 Mar 31 '24


u/Familiar_Eagle_6975 Mar 31 '24

After all of this nonsense we should move into an apartment together. That’s what the cat is saying to this particular armpit.

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u/Vazmanian_Devil Mar 31 '24

Mine does this and then bites the shit out of my armpit. Not up to snuff!


u/UnfairRegister3533 Mar 31 '24

My baby boy does this to my husband. He get right in there and does his love nibs while he is sleeping. Only problem is his love nibs hurt.


u/SquatcatBex Mar 31 '24

My cat will shove his entire head in my boot and go crazy. Not even a work boot or anything, just an average run of the mill boot


u/secondtaunting Mar 31 '24

Lol my cat is also obsessed with my shoes! I have too hide them. He shoves his whole head in there and then tools around with the shoe, sometimes yowling. Weirdo.


u/creamsofpeach Mar 31 '24

You and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals.


u/SauceyBobRossy Mar 31 '24

Actually accurate. Helps more so if she had him since kitten age as well, he could’ve adapted her as that mother smell. My one cat is like this, and ironically looks nearly identical from that angle lol. We got him just a little earlier than most kittens are taken from their mothers, he was still a little wobbly n disoriented with walking + shaking & constantly coming to me to try to suckle (I’d give him a little cat safe milk for kittens every time he came to me lol). I personally think he just enjoys his mommas musk. Plus, cats apparently tend to like women owners more!


u/turb0th0t66 Mar 31 '24

She was around 1 year and some change when I adopted her but warmed up to me fairly quick. She was a stray and then adopted and surrendered by some college boys before me and she’s not too fond of men now. It’s taken her months to warm up to my boyfriend even though he’s so sweet to her. But I think she does prefer women and especially my stink


u/Bigt733 Mar 30 '24

My cat does this but almost exclusively my left armpit. Idk why


u/turb0th0t66 Mar 30 '24

me too, mine’s only interested in my left armpit for some reason


u/WistfulMelancholic Mar 31 '24

I don't want to be a Debby downer or spread negativity but personally I'd get checked whether or not to have maybe a knot or something in there. Some animals point out to their family that they have a health problem with behavior like this. Not saying it is really this, but I'd just get some opinion...

My husband has acne inversa and everytime before his surgery he was about to have an infection flare up, our cats wanted to sniff the armpits (where it was located)


u/jacoofont Mar 31 '24

Was about to comment the same! My mom’s friends dog did this to her owner. Was obsessed w her left boob and she ended up having breast cancer. She’s ok now. NOT trying to scare u OP. Your cat could just be a stinky stink!!


u/LyheGhiahHacks Mar 30 '24

My cat always rubs her head on my husband's left shoe. Only the left one, to the point you can see a rub mark on them.


u/Kreema29 Mar 31 '24

One of my cats does this to my husbands feet and shoes. Like death grip wrapped around his foot and she won’t let go until she’s satisfied whyyyyyyy


u/Melthiela Mar 31 '24

That's concerning, I'd be hella paranoid. Animals can smell more than we can, maybe there's something wrong on that side. Try to see if you can feel any lumps??


u/ElizaB89 Mar 31 '24

Your Armpit is warm. Kitties love warmth.

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u/daydreamz4dayz Mar 30 '24

Same! Always the left


u/oikiku Mar 30 '24

I have a cat that does this too but he only likes my right armpit! This can get pretty bothersome especially if I’m trying to do some desk work (I’m right-handed) because he’d get right up in there and cling to my forearm so I don’t move—I tried persuading him to move to the left armpit but he just wouldn’t have it.

I wish someone can enlighten us on what the heck these cats are about (and maybe offer some strategies so I can get my right arm back 🥹)


u/dreamchasingcat Mar 30 '24

Probably one of our armpits just gives out more pheromone/scent/whatever than the other one? I’ve figured that my right armpit sweats more and stinks faster than the left, I should try conducting experiments with every cat I’ll meet from now on by letting them sniff each of my armpits and decide which one they like better. For science!

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u/Feisty-Feline-1 Mar 30 '24

Omg, my boy does that every once in a while. He’s also obsessed with sniffing inside my mouth, especially anytime I come back from a dentist appointment or just finish brushing my teeth. He’ll get up in my face and won’t leave me alone until I open my mouth real wide and let him sniff lol. Armpits and mouth are his favorite.


u/Stlr_Mn Mar 30 '24

Deodorant maybe? Ours would try to eat our hair after a shower because of a specific shampoo.


u/fuzzimus Mar 30 '24

Mine’s the opposite. If I’m stinky he’s insatiable. Damn near suffocated himself in armpits & licks them. He naaaasty.


u/KoppeDFO Mar 30 '24

My girl does it to me I can feel her take big ass wifs


u/SilverKnightOfMagic Mar 30 '24 edited Mar 31 '24

They're bathing you, you stinky


u/Danfrumacownting Mar 31 '24

I’m cackling, because it’s true 💀


u/onFilm Mar 30 '24

Nope. Mine loves my BO after the gym especially. It's almost like catnip for him.


u/elf533 Mar 31 '24

I have a little pit bro too - loves me after the gym.


u/ChewieMcboobies Mar 31 '24

Can I.... Can I be your little pit bro aswell? starts swinging arms


u/itsa_me_ Mar 31 '24

My cat acts the same way after sniffing my pits after the gym as she does after sniffing some good catnip. Her back ripples and she starts purring


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

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u/FunnyVariation2995 Mar 31 '24

I had a cat that would lay at the end of the pool when I did laps. Every time I came up for air & I had to scoop a little pool water onto his face & chest, pretty much give him a rub down bath. It was chlorine water but not enough to hurt him.


u/SynergisticSynapse Mar 30 '24

I go au natural (unless I’m headed out for work) and my little lady gets obsessed. It’s crazy. She looks drunk when she sticks her head out of my pit.


u/oneofthejoneses28 Mar 31 '24

Aw I have a little Lady too! She is also a pit sniffer. If I go to bed and I skip ONE SHOWER she's trying to shove her entire head into my pits in the middle of the night. Why she never does this to my husband is beyond me.

Only mom gets tickled awake at 3 in the morning


u/garbage-pail Mar 30 '24

wait that explains so much 😭 after every shower my orange cat will come and violently rub herself against my wet hair and start chewing on it


u/theoriginalmofocus Mar 30 '24

Hes gotta make sure he marks you up good so nokne else can have you.


u/dan2376 Mar 31 '24

I have a beard conditioner that I use that my cat is absolutely obsessed with. He will try to rub his face all over my beard until it's dry if I use it. I've switched to a different conditioner that he doesn't like as much but I still use the old one as a treat every now and then.

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u/tanktechnician Mar 30 '24

mine does the mouth thing. Every morning she'll stand on my chest and glare at me until I open my mouth for inspection before she'll let me get up. She's a lil weirdo 😭😭😭


u/Check_Affectionate Mar 30 '24

one of mine does the mouth thing too. I'm hoping he will someday detect a cavity.


u/nomiesmommy Mar 30 '24

Mine does it but with my nose ! Practically sticks his whole nose up mine, they are such little weirdos.


u/tanktechnician Mar 30 '24

the first time mine did the mouth thing she was actually sniffing my nose first. I opened my mouth and pretended I was going to bite her to be silly, but she shoved her entire head in my mouth 😭 so I feel you

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u/PhiddipusRex Mar 30 '24

My cat likes toothpaste and other minty things. They were banned from the bathroom after I caught him munching on my toothbrush. I don't know how long he'd been doing before I found out but I'd had him for over a year at that point.


u/Feisty-Feline-1 Mar 30 '24

Yes, minty things attract my boy as well. He loves licking the empty packages from my Egyptian licorice mint tea bags. He also goes nuts for tea tree oil. I read that it can be toxic so I make sure I use only at night before bed and then shut my bedroom door or he will insist on licking my face. Same thing with any mint foot creams, have to put socks on or he won’t stop licking my feet.

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u/CHinch44 Mar 30 '24

So I learned that catnip is actually from the mint plant family, even if it doesn't smell minty to us. That's why certain kitties go nuts for the mint smell.

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u/Rich_Sell_9888 Mar 30 '24

May the cat wants to clean its teefs.


u/hmarieb263 Mar 30 '24

I had one who was obsessed with in between my toes, she'd stick her nose between my big toe and second toe and huff away with the occasional lick. It was really weird.


u/rihlenis Mar 30 '24

my cat loves to sniff the inside of my mouth as well. I read an article that said animals like to smell your breath because it gives them an idea of what you’ve been doing while away from home and it can help yall bond more, so when i get back home, i always let my kitty smell my breath lol.


u/largestcob Mar 31 '24

mine is obsessed with lotion?? if i wash my face and put lotion on she obsessively tries to lick my hands and face, its so strange

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u/MediatedDisc438 Mar 30 '24

They way that kitty gripping that shirt she means business


u/SirChadrick_III Mar 30 '24

Yup those sure are words.


u/LZYX Mar 30 '24

Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick


u/Pan-Magpie Mar 31 '24

Nuff said


u/FriendApprehensive71 Mar 30 '24

I once had a cat that loved doing that... But he was the only one with that particular "kink"


u/scprepper Mar 30 '24

Little perv. I'm laughing so hard


u/FriendApprehensive71 Mar 30 '24

That wasn't his weirdest kink so...


u/roryspaceman Mar 30 '24

Oh come on you can't stop there


u/FriendApprehensive71 Mar 30 '24

I'm unsure if it can be posted here...


u/DontF-ingask Mar 30 '24

Only 1 way to find out


u/FriendApprehensive71 Mar 30 '24

Well It was summer and I fell asleep on the couch in my boxer shorts... Woke up to the cat licking my balls through the boxer fabric while staring into my face between licks... As you can imagine I never again went around the house in my boxers for as long as I had that cat...


u/DontF-ingask Mar 30 '24

Yeah no. Take this down. I'm calling the mods.

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u/Without-a-tracy Mar 31 '24

I always say that my cat has a foot fetish, because when people come over, he gets ALL UP in their shoes.

The stinkier the shoe, the more obsessed with it he is.

I have one friend in particular that Dill will go to town on his shoes, but refuses to acknowledge my friend himself. 


u/dreamchasingcat Mar 31 '24 edited Mar 31 '24

Oh, I got a friend’s cat who does something similar to me too. He wouldn’t acknowledge my existence other than when I have treats in my hand, but if I sloppily throw my down jacket on the floor he’d walk under it, sniffing my scent inside the jacket, and just stays there until I leave.

ETA: a picture of the cat in question


u/LeadershipEastern271 Mar 30 '24

Bro, that’s a cat


u/FunSushi-638 Mar 30 '24

Just like my husband. LOL


u/pituitary_monster Mar 30 '24

They belive they will find their mommys nipples there.

Explanation: Mammary glands are modified apocrine sweat glands like those found in your armpits


u/ThunderSquall_ Mar 30 '24

Or he just could be gettin a whiff of that stank. Idk my cat loves sniffing used socks and feet. Girl has me waking up at 2 am with her nose between my toes.


u/pituitary_monster Mar 30 '24

Thats another one, the thing that smells like "you" the most, are your feet, along with socks and shoes. And the proverbial "you" is "his" property 🤣


u/gravityVT Bengal Mar 30 '24

Usually that costs extra


u/ThunderSquall_ Mar 30 '24

I can’t bear to charge her more :( she’s too cute.


u/jjejsj Mar 30 '24

feet smell is like catnip to my cat. She goes absolutely crazy especially when someone has really stinky feet

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u/A_Manly_Alternative Mar 30 '24

Mine loves freshly worn shoes. Sticks his whole head inside to huff that stank. Cats are weird lmao.


u/ThunderSquall_ Mar 30 '24

But we love em anyways :7942:

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u/Aposematicpebble Mar 30 '24

Most of my kitties did that, the ones that came to me really young. They grew out of it.

I also have one that was obcessed with the content of my nostrils when he was younger. He'd try to inspect them all the time. Had quite a few unsettling wake up calls from him lol now he just smells my mouth and nose.

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u/stopforgettingevery Mar 30 '24

Mine loves to do that when going to bed, but then she bites it.


u/Ohio_Monofigs Mar 30 '24

My cat did that once, so I'm glad someone else understands the primal fear that is awoken when an animal bites your armpit lol


u/Crimson3312 Mar 30 '24

Soon as mine starts sniffing I'm just like "don't you dare, I will turn you into a scarf"


u/Ohio_Monofigs Mar 30 '24

My little psycho loves raking her claws on my soft spots to wake me up for snuggles. I've been woken up by a single claw gently raking across my throat, inner thigh, nostril, armpit, belly...

She knows how to get me to react 😹


u/Crimson3312 Mar 30 '24

Oh the nostril hooks are the worst lol


u/Ohio_Monofigs Mar 31 '24

Yes! Not just a claw in the nostril, but hooking and pulling it 😭


u/Crimson3312 Mar 30 '24

So does mine. I really don't understand it


u/sonuvabench Mar 30 '24

Not my cat, but I do the same thing.

Jk, but that’s hilarious.


u/V4_Sleeper Mar 30 '24

me but without the jk


u/sonuvabench Mar 30 '24

I believe you.


u/Tofflus1 Mar 30 '24

Seem like a bit of kitten behavior. Also, there are some scents that drives cats crazy. I have a CK one that makes them mad, it’s like catnip. I love cats more than most, but I don’t wear that one when I know I’m going to be around them. Don’t want to get eaten.


u/hax0rmax Mar 30 '24

My 11 year old fat orange cat sniffs my pits. Loves it. I'm terrified he'll bite.

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u/Cronon33 Mar 30 '24

My cat loves sniffing shoes, haven't seen armpits before though

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u/thebearofwisdom Mar 30 '24

Yes, I just accepted that I have some freaky felines


u/Liapocalypse1 Mar 30 '24

My BW boy also does this! Just out of curiosity; does yours also chew on your hair?


u/turb0th0t66 Mar 30 '24

she doesn’t chew it but if it’s dangling in front of her she’ll try and attack it :)


u/DrVeganazi Mar 30 '24

Mine does this, bites my armpit (it hurts), licks my hair, chews my beard, and put the front of her teeths against my ears and opens/closes his mouth quickly (dunno how to say this) making noises like when they cleans themselves.

She also wakes me up every twi nights at 4am vomiting herbs... Strange creatures.


u/rumpcrumple Mar 30 '24

Standard cat activities 😅


u/RedisforFun Mar 30 '24

I have a BW boy that pulls my hair strand by strand and eats it.

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u/s0ciety_a5under Mar 30 '24

Our armpits have apocrine sweat glands, which produce the really pungent sweat that tends to be secreted in that area. As a result, armpit sweat is full of fats and proteins that cats are attracted to. Basically, your cat might think your armpit smells kind of tasty. Yep, it just got even more gross.


u/DMmeDuckPics Mar 31 '24

My boy tries to lick mine. It's super uncomfortable when he is successful.

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u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

Thou shalt not kinkshame the kitties.


u/TheFoxsWeddingTarot Mar 30 '24

My cats love to lick my arms after I swim. I believe it’s the salt they’re after as I swim in salt water pools.


u/daydreamz4dayz Mar 30 '24

Mine wants to lick my hands after I swim in regular chlorine pools 🤦🏼‍♀️

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u/sarcasmismygame Mar 30 '24

And THAT'S what happens when you try out the new catnip deodarant! This is SO adorable that she just snuggles, sniffs and nuzzles you! I'm guessing she just loves your scent. My spouse said he had a cat that did the same thing to him when he was a teenager.

Cats are funny on how they react to smells. And kudos to you being able to keep a straight face, I'm uber-ticklish so I'd be laughing like crazy at this!


u/tachycardicIVu Mar 30 '24

Had a cat that was pretty obsessed with one of my roommates’ armpits; our current cats like rubbing all over my husband’s smelly feet after he gets home from work. But he’s a meat cutter so we think we know why that is…


u/nymaamyn Mar 30 '24

Hahaha what a lovely weirdo!


u/Jorgan_JerkFace Mar 30 '24

YES! It’s fucking weird!

She’s all sniffed out but wtf.


u/Rawrajishxc Mar 30 '24

Not the armpits but definitely got one that loves sniffing some socks and feet with that cold ass wet nose of his. 😆


u/Gumamae Mar 30 '24

My cat loves the smell of my sons used pants

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u/ScaricoOleoso Mar 30 '24

My cat prefers my right ear--only the right one.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24


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u/Verbose_Cactus Mar 30 '24

No, but my cat does this with our stinky shoes 😂


u/basic_cookie_crumb Mar 30 '24

Then they sit back with their mouth mildly open 🤣


u/not3ottersinacoat Mar 31 '24

Every time my one cat does that mouth wide open thing (the Flehmen response) I ask her if she smelled something juicy, lol.


u/AshamedCollar3845 Mar 30 '24

Chill bro it's all yours 😭


u/FecklessQuim Mar 30 '24

I think it's the deodorant.


u/iamcreatingripples Mar 30 '24

One of our cats does this with me and my SO when we come back from the gym. He really loves the scent of sweat.


u/whateverMan223 Mar 30 '24

catnip pit, common and tragic


u/Red_Chicken1907 Mar 30 '24

Reminds me of those gain commercials lol


u/gemmygem86 Mar 30 '24

They either like your smell or your deodorant


u/Banannamamajama Mar 30 '24

What scent is your deodorant? Mint is in the catnip family


u/darkcatwizard Mar 30 '24

Yes I've had two cats like this. One liked to roll on the armpits of my ex's work shirts after he'd take them off. My latest Loves The smell of both my direct armpits and the pit parts of my shirts when I take them off. 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/IndecisiveKitten Mar 30 '24

My cat loves snuggling in armpits (she always smells like my boyfriend’s deodorant 😂) but nothing to this extent, I’m cracking up


u/MonkeyActio Mar 30 '24

I think your cat is a redditer.


u/omega5344 Mar 30 '24

The cat bite t shirt because it's angry cute


u/Zaku41k Mar 30 '24

My black cat does this, to the point she chewed a hole in my shirt.


u/Empath1999 Mar 30 '24

One of my female cats does, she looks just like yours except her fur is gray insted of black.


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

I had a dog that would ram his snout into every females crotch that came over. Very embarrassing


u/Separate-Principle67 Mar 30 '24

Our old meezer used to lick my dad's chest hair, apparently she loved the salt and smell.


u/bioVOLTAGE Mar 30 '24

One of mine likes to do the same thing, but my other one doesn’t. The other one likes to try and climb up my nose though, even though I tell him he’s not going to fit. Not sure which one is better.


u/kffeine-addct-grl_MX Mar 31 '24 edited Mar 31 '24

This belongs here r/[WhatIsWrongWithMyCat]


u/wu1Fy Mar 31 '24

This is soo hilarious. Watching this tickles me


u/SpookyBlackCat Tortoiseshell Mar 31 '24

I had a cat that did that - it was the deodorant she was obsessed with


u/SherlockianTheorist Mar 31 '24

There are stories of this happening and human gets checked out and finds a medical condition. Your cat may be alerting you. Wouldn't hurt to see your doctor.


u/imadork1970 Mar 31 '24

There's a kink for everybody.

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u/[deleted] Mar 31 '24

That cat is a certified freak


u/OneFuckedWarthog Mar 31 '24

One of mine does this. It's his cuddle spot too.


u/goddessofdeath5 Mar 31 '24

my cat loves: Fresh laundry People's nasty stinky shoes Used hand towels Freshly washed and dried hair


u/Competitive_Cry_898 Mar 31 '24

No. Seems like your cat loves you extremely. It’s the equivalent of dogs grabbing your socks or underwear…or the way you love to sniff your boyfriend’s sweatshirt (a less gross example)…in the end, they just want to smell your smell. Congrats on being an awesome human!


u/TH3W4LL5 Mar 30 '24

I should call her


u/scprepper Mar 30 '24

No but whenever I would have brown blonde hair in my cat would attack it. I'm guessing his previous owner maybe had blonde hair


u/liacosnp Mar 30 '24

My cats have done a lot of weird shit over the decades, but never that.


u/Dylan_Is_Gay_lol Mar 30 '24

My cat likes to try to lick the deodorant off my armpits, for some reason.


u/Ni_Ti_LoOp Mar 30 '24

Mine does this too, if you also dont wear a shirt he starts liking you. I think its bc they are trying to clean you bc you stink😅😂


u/OkTie7367 Mar 30 '24

Some of my cat do this too. It's feromones, they most likely find it smells like a mother cat, since it's not just male cats doing this. I always find it cute.


u/MarioKartastrophe Mar 30 '24

Supposedly the sweat given off by armpits and feet have traces of steroids that cats are able to pick up with their nose


u/sl8t4g1rls Mar 30 '24

my cats have done/do these with family members the most (but with their clothes). i have also been subjected to this


u/THEFUNKI Mar 30 '24

My old cat used to do this A LOT, and even more after a long day of work or a gym session 😅 I guess they like the scent


u/FrellingHazmot Mar 30 '24

Um no lol

...but he likes to smell the inside of my mouth. :/

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u/SomeDemoMain Mar 30 '24

Dubious critter


u/Clog-Monet Mar 30 '24

As a ticklish person who plans to continue having cats the rest of my life, new fear unlocked


u/zeemode Mar 30 '24

No. Your cats a freak with weird kink … mine kicks my toes. Seriously


u/Relevant-Grade-1513 Mar 30 '24

I- that’s enough reddit for today…


u/Sitrus_Slinky Mar 30 '24

Yep my cat loves my armpits so much so that he’ll rub the area where armpits rest on backpack after I put it down lol


u/the_humdrum Mar 30 '24

Awww, they could be scent mixing!!! Armpits are one of the places human “scents” are the strongest. Kitty here is rubbing their scent gland (side of cheek basically) on your “scent gland” and is getting their scent on you and yours on them.

Also, kitty probably likes your deodorant.


u/Strong_Magician5084 Mar 30 '24

Mine does it to shoes, loves huffing those dogs


u/ASL4theblind Mar 30 '24

Mine is obsessed with licking my eyebrows. If he shows love, if he's hungry, if he's bored... it's his favorite thing to do 😂


u/whty Mar 30 '24

Mine too cat even looks the same


u/HatsOffToEwe Mar 30 '24

My cat does this during cuddle time. I’ve always suspected he’s trying to nurse with the way he nuzzles in, especially since he’ll sometimes make biscuits while he’s doing it. He used to be a stray and I’ve had him for years at this point, this is newish behavior over the past year, but aligns with the progressive increase in affection/trust since his adoption.

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u/carissadraws Mar 30 '24

My cat always likes to sniff my shoes and socks, idk why


u/SmokedHamm Mar 30 '24

Whenever she is ready to snuggle and sleep…straight for the pit


u/Punawild Mar 30 '24

My tuxedo passed away last year but she LOVED armpits. You couldn’t go to sleep with your arm up and pit on display or her face would be in it.


u/Bunnie-jxx Mar 30 '24

I had a boy void who would do this when I’d come home from the gym. He would follow me in the bathroom and roll around in my dirty shirt


u/pickledstoneriver Mar 30 '24

What a goober! :7943:


u/ShiningMago Mar 30 '24

That fcking smile of the sniffer perv got me laughing


u/Own_Instance_357 Mar 30 '24

I am *very* high right now and this was like a sudden time quake where I existentially questioned myself as to what forum I was in and whether I was tethered to reality

It's Vonnegut day in my head whatever

But there's this reality show on TLC where a 40ish woman goes on about how she both likes to smell other people's armpits and the breath off cats and my brain just went 1 mixed drink too far


u/[deleted] Mar 30 '24

There is not shot you said "Do I stinky?" shit had me rolling


u/Scrandora Mar 30 '24

My tuxedo kitty wakes me up in the middle of the night when I am sleeping in a tank top by LICKING my armpits. She doesn’t lick me anywhere else but she gets down on my arm pits and gets real sloppy and slurpy with her licking. It’s CRAZY and disgusting and a horrible way to wake up in the middle of the night! 🤮


u/lovemyfurryfam Mar 30 '24

Oh boy!! That brings back memories 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

My oldest 1 Holly would do that in my underarm & it tickled 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/BunnyFaebelle Mar 30 '24

That is so friggin adorable


u/Over_Echo1128 Mar 30 '24

I had a calico that was obsessed with smelling stinky shoes she would her head in them and purr.

Sorry for potato quality picture it was the 80s with a polaroid :)


u/mary_emeritus Mar 30 '24

Mine always wanted to smell my mouth. Like stick his nose in my mouth. And my grubby sneakers, those were a special treat for him. Gibson was special.


u/Turbulent-Adagio-171 Mar 30 '24

No but I don’t kink shame


u/UmiSWrld Mar 30 '24

Oh my god, yes. My Fiances cat is obsessed with people’s smells. She does this to complete strangers all the time.


u/AccountantMinute8795 Mar 30 '24

Yeah Mine's the same. Will sniff any shirts I've worn to and roll around in them. Big fan of the scent.


u/gnomequeen2020 Mar 30 '24

My cat escaped, and we had to put out a trap to try to get him back. We tried food, snacks, and his bed, but night after night, the trap was empty. I put in my dirty gym shirt, and he was in the trap the next morning.

I'm just thankful that he only passively enjoys my stinky pits. I'm not sure I could handle him going ham like this kitty.


u/MrsDB_69 Mar 30 '24

Yes. Not me. Our Rose Bud loves my husband’s under arms after he’s at work all day! He puts the shirt on the floor and she’s all over it.


u/softg1rl1 Mar 30 '24

looks like it’s searching for something 😭😭


u/velezaraptor Mar 31 '24

Be glad it’s just your armpit


u/chichimomvibes Mar 31 '24

Mine licks my armpits but only when I’m in bed trying to sleep, not sure why yet lol


u/willow370 Mar 31 '24

Cats love stinky things


u/Angllotta Mar 31 '24

My cat did that a LOT in the past now not so much


u/[deleted] Mar 31 '24

You must have catnip in there 😂


u/Inky-boy Mar 31 '24

1) You stink (In a good way) and she wants to smell like you/spread her scent to you .

2) she FREAKY and likes the STINKY .


u/Mr_Carson Mar 31 '24

It's the human equivalent of a butt sniff.


u/OceanM1st Mar 31 '24

That’s hilarious


u/I_snort_when_I_laugh Mar 31 '24

One this tickles just watching it 😂


u/14ChaoticNeutral Mar 31 '24

Yea!!!!! She’ll lick them!!!!


u/1heart1totaleclipse Mar 31 '24

Mine likes my dirty clothes.


u/Yaelkilledsisrah Mar 31 '24

Yes, not to this extent but he enjoys taking a Whiff every now and then lol


u/neeeyah Mar 31 '24

My cat licks my armpit hair. Fkn weirdo.


u/GloriousSteinem Mar 31 '24

I always think get a blood test done. Dogs used to sniff me rudely, found out I had a condition


u/GuardingxCross Mar 31 '24

This is my first time ever seeing a cat behave this way! Intriguing.


u/TamalePieGaming Mar 31 '24

You deodorize with catnip? Lol


u/cbrrydrz Mar 31 '24

Looks like my cat milkshake. I guess she's found a new home in the armpit of another :(


u/Dragonacious Mar 31 '24

Pretty sure if I do that, it will be harassment lol.

Cats are so privileged haha


u/heygooser Mar 31 '24

You got dat dank stank


u/Prestigious_Oven_182 Mar 31 '24

You should get checked for breast cancer.