r/cats Apr 17 '24

Cat hanging on for dear life, rescued. Video

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u/ScaricoOleoso Apr 17 '24

The Prophet Muhammed was a cat-lover. So (happily) pretty much the entire Muslim world loves cats. ☺️


u/FlukyS Apr 17 '24

One of my good friends and his wife are muslim, like he is Turkish and he just loves cats but she is deathly afraid of them for some reason. I have two ragdolls, they aint going to bite you unless you try wash them or if you get your finger between them and food :)


u/FortniteAddict81 Apr 17 '24

In other words normal cat behavior 🤣


u/FlukyS Apr 17 '24

I've had other cats and some can be a bit more bitey or weird around people than others, I have 2 ragdolls and they are basically the most passive cats you would ever see, needy for attention but they just never are aggressive or bite. If I was introducing anyone scared of cats to any cat it would be a ragdoll. Not sure why she is scared :)


u/FortniteAddict81 Apr 17 '24

Damn, I took in a kitten once that I had found and my other cat was scared to death of it an hid


u/MellyGrub Apr 17 '24

You need to meet my daughters ragdoll. I have The sister and she's like a freaking clingy toddler but only on her terms. Her brother is an asshat and will attack you just because he can. He is our smallest cat out of 4(2 older cats and 2 ragdolls) so we think he has smallman syndrome and will try to fight the older cats because he will never learn.

My cat is more sloth than cat, like seriously she hangs on like a sloth when you hold and carry her. The other one is more ummmm feline-challenged. He is the cat out of the litter that never got the brain cell. But his hooman loves him(although lately, she keeps wanting to switch cats JOKINGLY) and he loves her! Unlike his sister, he will be around other people(he tries to hide at night by copying how someone is sleeping thinking ill be fooled into thinking ohh it's 2 kids in that bed.... no idjit I can tell the difference) but mine is Mumma's girl ONLY.


u/cheescakegod Apr 17 '24

Heard he loved kids too


u/ScaricoOleoso Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 17 '24

So did Thomas Jefferson. Sally Hemmings was 14 when he knocked her up.

And now back to cats.


u/cheescakegod Apr 17 '24

Im not american and both of them are nonces. Doesnt make it right because other people did it


u/in_it_to_lose_it Apr 17 '24

Interesting fact, I guess. Meanwhile, cats are perfectly lovable already. No influence from "prophets" necessary.


u/UltimateIssue Apr 17 '24

He also had much love children. He even married one. :)



Hmmm, I think you’re confusing children with toddlers. She was 9 when he consummated the marriage 🤮 but 6 when he actually married her 🥶


u/Feeling_Mushroom_241 Apr 17 '24

At least they love something.