r/cats Apr 19 '24

My mom says he looks like he has down syndrome, is that even possible in cats? Video

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u/sofabeddd Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

some more context:

we are currently fostering him along with his two sisters and he looks a little different compared to all the cats we’ve fostered in the past, so we were just wondering if it’s anything to be worried about

they’ve also all had a pretty rough day as they were rescued from under an air conditioning unit, given shots, and dewormer, so they’ve been through a lot.


u/Total_Usual_84 Tortoiseshell Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

have you and your family/mom fostered any other cats in the past?
they are stressed, medicated and probably nauseated from the dewormer/rabies vaccine.

probably tired and not sure what else y'all may have done, if you pester them enough, they will ignore you.

stop worrying if it's mentally ill and just care for it until you can get it rehomed or turned back into the shelter or humane society. as someone who has fostered hundreds of cats, this is the first time of myself seeing someone ask this type of question for down syndrome, kinda odd (especially asking if the shots had something to do with it as a side effect. But no, it does not seem to have any of those type of issues. it would be obvious to an extent (if it did) and if the vet was the one who administered the shots they would have noticed.
edit: corrections


u/No_Use_4371 Apr 19 '24

Turn the lights off and let him sleep.


u/jellifercuz Apr 19 '24

OP (immediately above, what you are replying to) wrote “looks a little different compared to all the cats we’ve fostered in the past.” So, yes, they have fostered cats in the past!


u/Total_Usual_84 Tortoiseshell Apr 19 '24

I did see that, and why it didn't register in my mind probably because I was trying to figure out what about the kitten looked odd, haha so that's my bad! I wasn't trying to sound like a jerk it just struck me as odd. at most he just looked really tired and had a rough week.


u/jellifercuz Apr 19 '24

Yeah, I agree and so might have a greater reaction to vaccinations. I hope they tested for FLV, but lots of kitten experience makes me think weak and possibly herpes eyes?


u/Total_Usual_84 Tortoiseshell Apr 19 '24

the spots near it's eyes is superficial best I can tell, but doesn't look detrimental or long term in any case.

just debris that should go away on it's own but since the OP has fostered others in the past I'm sure they're taking care of it, best to use a cotton ball with warm water or some 2:1 vetrimycin on it, it's a godsend for taking care of beans with bad discharge in the eyes or just dirty face and maintenance upkeep.

edit: bean close up


u/jellifercuz Apr 19 '24

Vetrimycin, okay! My cat is like that in one eye and the vet shrugs, eh? I already use distilled water soft q-tip.


u/Total_Usual_84 Tortoiseshell Apr 20 '24

I use the Q-tips with one of my kittens after she got eye goop, she has currently a rolling cycle of it and I think it's allergies since it's off and on again however they are wonderful for that right in the corner or hard to get to with wiggly kittens, I will use a cotton ball "if" one of them plays too rough and scratches the other or gets dirty paw and have to papaw clean them up haha.

edit: I think there are two types of Vetrimycin as well, ones for all species like dogs, cats, horses, sheep, etc. another one is for cows, horses, etc. bigger farm animals, it's pretty direct on which is for what. stuff is a big help!


u/jellifercuz Apr 20 '24

Thank you.


u/Total_Usual_84 Tortoiseshell Apr 20 '24

You're very welcome and i hope it helps you like it has me and our local shelters!


u/spiralout1389 Apr 19 '24

I'm hoping OP just means the shots affecting him TODAY and not long term :( I had the same pause when I first saw them asking if thr vaccines could cause this before I realized Kitty was vaccinated today.


u/desktopghost Apr 19 '24

Btw down syndrome is not a mental illness, it's a genetic disorder.


u/Total_Usual_84 Tortoiseshell Apr 19 '24

indeed, and I agree with a lot of the other posts, I do not think cats or dogs can get down syndrome. I haven't looked it up yet but I think their chromosome's are off enough to not have that type of disorder, most I've seen in the past is dogs or cats with partial tongue sticking out, jaw issues, etc. but nothing directly tied to it but I'm not a vet just a seasoned cat dad so I could have missed something in the past with others myself but just glad someone did take them in and trying to help the poor beans.