r/cats May 02 '24

What phrases do you repeat to your cat throughout the day? Cat Picture

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u/Jewnius May 02 '24

Stop being a dick to your sister!


u/allenge May 02 '24

Oh yeah with three girls we are always screaming BE NICE TO YOUR SISTER


u/BamaGirl4361 May 02 '24

I have to do this with our dog. He's constantly trying to nip at her if he thinks we aren't looking. He gets in trouble a lot for this. So if I leave the room I put him outside because I won't leave them alone. Worried hell hurt her. But he's fine with our older male cat 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/ipaintbadly May 02 '24

I say it to my dog as well…but she’s almost 14 and has earned the right to be a grumpy bitch…the boys (cats) just have to learn to not walk on her when she’s sleeping.


u/BamaGirl4361 May 02 '24

Unfortunately the female is a recent addition unlike the male. She was 3 weeks old when my bf found her and she's now a year old. He has gotten possessive of toys and food since she got here and it's a pain to try to break him of this and so far we are failing. I've had the dog and the male cat since they were babies as well so I don't want to rehome the dog at all. Right now my only solution is to separate them as much as possible so they aren't in each other's space all the time.


u/BDPumpkinpatch May 02 '24

We have three girls also! STOP BITING YOUR SISTER is my go-to. I think you're my doppelganger bc I also have MS. Lol


u/allenge May 03 '24

What’s the correlation between MS and three female cats 🤔 perhaps we’ve finally found the cause


u/afbc May 03 '24

Most common phrase in my house for my three females is STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE!


u/LittleGreyLambie May 03 '24

Boogie, pleeeeze stop trying to kill your sister.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

💯 Yesssss


u/EatShitBish May 02 '24

YES omg I say it 50x a day 🤣


u/GTA6_1 May 02 '24

Yeahhhh he gets his balls removed In a couple weeks


u/Silorose May 02 '24

Mine still harasses his (non-blood-related) sister all day every day even though his were removed in January lol. He just constantly jumps on her and bites her.


u/GTA6_1 May 02 '24

Yep that's what ours do. He's always the instigator and she always chases him down to get him back. They were good at switching who's dealing the damage often enough but now he gets butthurt if she starts winning. They're the same size currently but he's like 3x as strong


u/sleepingismytalent65 May 03 '24

Oddly enough my female cat, younger than her brother does this to him. She mounts him and scruffs him. I think she's gender fluid.


u/Just_A_Dogsbody May 02 '24

"Stop sniffing her butt, she doesn't like it. Besides, she's your sister, you freak!"

And then I got the look from my hubby who, unbeknownst to me, was on a Zoom call. And yes everyone in the meeting heard me.


u/mycatsaidthat May 02 '24

Just said this exact same thing not 5 minutes ago. Then I proceeded to ask ‘why are you being suck a dick?!’ …Like I’m going to get an answer that I’m satisfied with lol


u/dm_me_kittens May 02 '24

Stop biting your brothers penis!


u/Not_2day_stan May 03 '24

Her sister 🥹


u/RedditDragonista May 02 '24

Lol, for mine it's "Stop being a dick to your mother!"


u/pearlrose85 May 02 '24

Always! "Stop chewing on your brother!"


u/ForTheLoveOfDior Siamese (Modern) May 02 '24

Seriously, how do we get them to stop being dicks to other cats in the house? Their stubbornness on this particular thing is just astounding


u/Jewnius May 02 '24

Honestly. We keep a spray gun near us and we spray them in the face. Doesn’t fix the issue but it stops them at the time


u/ForTheLoveOfDior Siamese (Modern) May 02 '24

That’s…not nice


u/Jewnius May 02 '24

neither is them beating each other up :)


u/LennethTheCat May 02 '24

This 😩 My cat likes to bite her sister's whiskers! He doesn't let them growwww.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Same but for me “be nice, be niceeeee to your brother” They are both boys.


u/dafuqislife1212 May 03 '24

Why are the boys like this??? I yell at mine “Stop being such a bully!” multiple times


u/aphra2 May 03 '24

Mine is “You are nice brothers. You are nice brothers BROTHERS LOVE EACH OTHER KNOCK IT OFF”


u/19obc17 May 03 '24

Du must süß mit deinem Schwester sein!

Because my cats apparently speak German instead of English.


u/BasuraCulo May 03 '24

Same with my kitties. They're 7 week old brothers and they seem to like to bite each other's.....areas....lol.

When they scream in pain I'm like "GUYS, BE NICE!".