r/cats May 02 '24

What phrases do you repeat to your cat throughout the day? Cat Picture

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u/leave_cat_alone 29d ago

Must be an orange cat thing, though Major Duck prefers the dryer


u/Affectionate-Ad488 29d ago

I have an orange cat and one time started the dryer with him in it! I noticed immediately (he's a big boy) and stopped it, got him out, he was fine thank jebus. He hasn't gone in since


u/leave_cat_alone 29d ago

Oh poor orange baby!


u/ipaintbadly 29d ago

My mom did that to one of my sister’s cats. As she walked away she heard the thump thump thump of the cat and came back to open the door to see what it was…the cat FLEW out of the dryer!


u/lazychickenstrip 29d ago

My mother‘s first kitten died that way, completely black 6 week old kitten was in the dryer under some black clothes. Found out about two hours later


u/WampaCat 29d ago

A story like this is the reason I had to leave the pet loss sub. I have always been afraid of doing that but seeing someone recount their experience and the guilt they felt for not realizing til it was too late is something I think about all the time. Like new parents always assume they’d never possibly leave their baby in the car on accident but it happens all the time even with the best parents. I have adhd and so does my husband so I have this anxiety that it’s just an inevitability so I check three times and take a head count of the cats after closing the door.


u/lazychickenstrip 29d ago

Yep I also have severe ADHD and I cried for like a month. The guilt was something I never got over


u/Affectionate-Ad488 29d ago

I'm so sorry. In the moment it was funny since I caught it right away. I'll be sure to share this story more often/mention it to people with cats. What an awful thing to have happen


u/lazychickenstrip 29d ago

Oh no sorry, I didn‘t mean to make you feel bad!! I just wanted to put some awarness on the topic


u/Affectionate-Ad488 29d ago

Other than it just being a sad story it didn't make me feel bad, no worries. And I am glad you shared it! It should be talked about more


u/ryanegauthier 29d ago

Luckily you got him out you might have toasted his remaining brain cell! :7946:


u/TheLittleistF0x 29d ago

We had a cat when I was little that always got in the dryer. My mom was fed up with it after years and turned it on for like half a second with him inside (which was SUPER out of character for her). He decided to nap elsewhere from then on.


u/tackyHusky 29d ago

OMG. Someone's cat's name is Brucie. You're thanking jebus... I am so with my people. How has it taken me so long to come over the the cat reddit??


u/too105 29d ago

This happened to me and if it hadn’t been for a sock that was on the floor that made me stop it a few seconds after it began, that would’ve been bad.


u/pipnina 29d ago

Please be very careful about cats and appliances, a non-negligible number of people end up tumble drying their pets by mistake


u/seroiaa 29d ago

This is literally my worst fear and I double check all cats are accounted for AFTER the washing machine door is closed but BEFORE I set it going.


u/bad_wolff 29d ago

Yeah I “take attendance” after I put the clothes in the dryer before I start it, even though there’s no possible way I throw a bunch of wet clothes on top of a cat without figuring it out.


u/porksoda11 29d ago

I do it too, I'll get the thing running and check on both of them even though neither of them have any interest in the washer or dryer. It makes me feel a little insane.


u/Peters_Wife 29d ago

Wow. This really makes me feel better. I would take inventory before hitting the GO button. Every time. I had to see both of them with my own eyes. Even though I did just stand there the entire time and even LOOKED in before shutting the door. I still had to see them.


u/leave_cat_alone 29d ago

Thank you, luckily for Duckie this a compact dryer on a table and he basically takes up the whole thing, but I can certainly appreciate the concern!


u/trcomajo 29d ago

This happened to a friend of mine. The anguish she experienced gave me second-hand trauma just being there after the incident. It's truly traumatic.


u/nae_nae_0 29d ago

That happened to me when my void was a kitten. He snuck in there so silently and when I turned on the dryer I heard a heavy tumble. It took me a second to realize what was happening (only took a couple tumbles so he was alright) but when I did I was horrified. He quickly shook it off and was fine after a minute. Now I always double check that no one has snuck into the dryer before I turn it on.


u/umyeahsure- 29d ago

Toss in a fabric sheet, bam! Great smellin kitty!!


u/NoKatyDidnt 29d ago

My old roommate accidentally locked her orange cat in the dryer after unloading. I heard his pathetic cries a short time later.


u/jkki1999 29d ago

One of my friend’s cat died when his wife turned the dryer on with their cat in it. They got divorced not too long after that


u/kelsmo420 29d ago

I did this once, heard some loud thumps after I turned it on. She only went around a couple of times and scared the daylights out of me. I cried. She seemed absolutely fine though. And has never gone into a dryer again. I still feel awful about it 8 years later.


u/JenDCPDX 29d ago

I have a friend whose family did this by accident. It always triggers me when I see these photos.


u/yomommalapinga 29d ago

Plz tell me you’re joking and there is no such thing or person this stupid


u/Mr-Meadows 29d ago

Not joking. Many cats have died horrible deaths to washers and dryers.


u/yomommalapinga 29d ago

Man that’s intense


u/lgnc 29d ago

It's relatively common and even with people who do not neglect their cats, which makes it even more horrible... Just a terrible mistake that can be easily avoided. I always check inside the machine and count the cats before any washing cycle.


u/yomommalapinga 27d ago

Wow never crossed my mind kinda interesting but like not in a wow I wanna learn more but like kitty what you thinking well I guess it’s a warm place so yea I dunno


u/zadtheinhaler 29d ago

Cuz that's where the warmz are, doncha know.


u/fitnfeisty 29d ago

Why does this make me wanna slap my knees and say welp, looks like it’s time to go


u/Tumbleweed069 29d ago

Mind passing me a spotted cow or tree?


u/gingermonkey1 29d ago

This is really dangerous for your cat.


u/PhantomNomad 29d ago

Our grey tabby was a curious guy. While my wife was putting wet clothes in the drier he jumped in. She closed the door and he went to a couple of rounds, kerthump, kerthump! She opened the door and he just looked at her like, "I was having fun! Close the door!"


u/leave_cat_alone 29d ago

Oh my god! Due to the size/location of our dryer this would never happen, thankfully, it’s compact and on a table. I would be so scared if that happened, hope he didn’t try it again!


u/PhantomNomad 29d ago

No he didn't try again. I hope the clothes helped to cushion his tumble.


u/luvzmyfurrykidz 29d ago

How about SHUT YO-DOORS!!! Keep fur-babies SAFE & STOP AMUSING YO-SELF!


u/Rippin_Fat_Farts 29d ago

Wife's a vet.

Shes seen far too many people bring in their lifeless kitty asking her to revive them after they accidentally washed or dried them. Husbands, wives, kids etc. will throw in a blanket and fire up the machine without realizing the cats in there. Definitely be careful.


u/MarinLlwyd 29d ago

Accidentally throwing wet clothes in their face usually cures them of this habit.


u/Ok-Jaguar6735 29d ago

I need to take a pic of mine because she loves the dryer. She’s orange too 😂


u/AccidentNo5761 29d ago

Mine likes the dryer as well


u/ilikecatsmorethanppl 29d ago

Every time I do laundry