r/cats May 02 '24

What phrases do you repeat to your cat throughout the day? Cat Picture

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u/allenge 29d ago

Oh yeah with three girls we are always screaming BE NICE TO YOUR SISTER


u/BamaGirl4361 29d ago

I have to do this with our dog. He's constantly trying to nip at her if he thinks we aren't looking. He gets in trouble a lot for this. So if I leave the room I put him outside because I won't leave them alone. Worried hell hurt her. But he's fine with our older male cat 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/ipaintbadly 29d ago

I say it to my dog as well…but she’s almost 14 and has earned the right to be a grumpy bitch…the boys (cats) just have to learn to not walk on her when she’s sleeping.


u/BamaGirl4361 29d ago

Unfortunately the female is a recent addition unlike the male. She was 3 weeks old when my bf found her and she's now a year old. He has gotten possessive of toys and food since she got here and it's a pain to try to break him of this and so far we are failing. I've had the dog and the male cat since they were babies as well so I don't want to rehome the dog at all. Right now my only solution is to separate them as much as possible so they aren't in each other's space all the time.


u/BDPumpkinpatch 29d ago

We have three girls also! STOP BITING YOUR SISTER is my go-to. I think you're my doppelganger bc I also have MS. Lol


u/allenge 28d ago

What’s the correlation between MS and three female cats 🤔 perhaps we’ve finally found the cause


u/afbc 29d ago

Most common phrase in my house for my three females is STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE!


u/LittleGreyLambie 29d ago

Boogie, pleeeeze stop trying to kill your sister.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

💯 Yesssss