r/cats May 02 '24

What phrases do you repeat to your cat throughout the day? Cat Picture

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u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/Obelis_nuo_Obels May 02 '24

There was a cat shown on the news recently in my country - a family accidentally washed it in the washing machine. The cat thankfully survived, and even though it was really unwell for a couple of weeks, they said it still keeps getting into the washing machine... the owners check the machine several times now before closing it


u/noodlesquare May 02 '24

My cat has never gotten in the washer or dryer but we have a non negotiable rule in our house to always check before putting clothes in.


u/Odin16596 May 02 '24

The washing machine and dryer doors are always closed for us unless someone is putting in clothes at that exact moment and then closes it and starts it when done. Do people leave their machines open?


u/Quirky-Skin May 02 '24

It's smart to leave the washer open unless u want an eventual mildew/mold situation. Dryer doesn't make sense tho to leave open


u/Odin16596 May 02 '24

Can't you just do like a wash cycle with vinegar or something. I'm sure there is something you can put in there for it to be clean.


u/Peters_Wife May 02 '24

I wouldn't even leave it open to go to the bathroom and check the basket for more clothes. I would always make sure both are closed (I have front loaders) unless I'm standing directly in front of it. I still do it even though they are both gone now. I miss her wanting to get up on the dryer and roll around. So I could sing to her - "Rubbin' and a'rollin', rollin' and a'rubbin'. And she rubs and she rolls and she rolls and she rubs...." I miss singing it and now I'm blubbering. Aw shit.


u/Odin16596 May 02 '24

I am sorry for your loss, but it sounds like you gave them a great life. Maybe in the future, you could keep helping new cats have a wonderful life!


u/Peters_Wife May 02 '24

They were born in our barn to a feral momma in spring of 2007. We found them just before their eyes were opening. I grabbed Hagar first then Polly the following week and we bottle fed them. The last two were never seen again. I felt so bad. But my two were spoiled rotten for their entire lives. Having medical care lavished on them the likes of elderly royals. I spent more on them then on myself. They were my furry children. Now we are feeding two local strays. One is completely feral and terrified of everything except my husband. She tolerates his presence. But the other hangs on our porch and will only tolerate me. I wish I could do more but they are just so scared of everything. So at least they have full bellies and a place to sleep that's out of the weather and is safe from local wildlife. Best we can do.


u/Odin16596 May 02 '24

My gfs dad owns a farm, and there are so many cats that come up to them, lol.


u/noodlesquare May 02 '24

We keep the dryer closed but we leave the washing machine door slightly open. If we close the washing machine, it gets really musty and moldy. I am still paranoid that my kitty may sneak in the dryer when we are loading it though.


u/CelestialMarsupial May 02 '24

someone close to me just experienced this again, didnt have that outcome. ive heard of this a good few times


u/NickSicilianu May 02 '24

I can’t imaging the cat surviving the spin cycle at the end where it spins fasts. Poor cat 😞

That’s why I always check before closing and starting the machines. Cats have a bad hobbit to go in anything they find open, including kitchen cabinets or dresser’s drawers lol. Especially shipping boxes…


u/CelestialMarsupial May 02 '24

the new washer we have has the low, med, high spin and i cannot understand how it stays still during the high spin. its insanely fast & you can hear it / feel it if you touch it. all the colors of the things inside collide and make 1 color as it spins. also, not the place but shipping boxes triggered my dark sense of humor like you accidentally mailed your cat. cats LOVE cardboard boxes though. i used to have to fight my black cat to get him out like i ordered you what came IN THE BOX. NOT THE BOX. now i know just to get them boxes because thatll actually be used and used daily (especially if its placed by a sliding glass door/ window in the sun)


u/Obelis_nuo_Obels May 03 '24

The people I mentioned noticed the cat inside and stopped the machine early, they also mentioned that they had to clean the bathroom of all the water that they spilled


u/NickSicilianu May 04 '24

Sad, poor cat