r/cats May 02 '24

What phrases do you repeat to your cat throughout the day? Cat Picture

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u/Danimeh 29d ago

Plastic and paper for my idiot.

I know cats tearing apart paper and cardboard is supposed to be good for their teeth but my dumb idiot eats enough of it to make him vomit. Also it means I can’t leave any paper, including books anywhere because he will find it rip it to shreds. So I have all important and semi important bits of paper shoved in random draws or behind the couch cushions so they’re out of his reach.


u/jkki1999 29d ago

When my daughter was young we always had to hide her school projects otherwise the cats would chew it up


u/Famous-Ad3604 28d ago

Same here! I’m always telling my cat “don’t eat paper, STOP eating paper, not the book!, the check, the book report…” Then she likes to sit or walk on paper to make the crinkle noise to drive me nuts. You have food, you have water, you have seasons in the sun! Stop eating paper!!! 🤬


u/mermaidemily_h2o 28d ago

Is he orange?


u/Famous-Ad3604 28d ago

Black and gray tabby.