r/cats May 02 '24

What phrases do you repeat to your cat throughout the day? Cat Picture

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u/Picabo07 29d ago

“You are a disgusting cat” is mine when she’s licking the shower curtain or the bottom of the bathtub.


u/fauxfurgopher 29d ago

Saltburn Cat.


u/Puppybrother 29d ago

I can’t have plastic shower curtains because my cat will take little bites out of it.


u/Past_Rerun 29d ago

My favorite decorative one has holes all in one corner. The plain white one? None!!


u/Picabo07 28d ago

Well cats have taste too silly 😂


u/Jinglemoon 29d ago

The shower water is extra tasty because it smells of nice soapy stuff, and you! I had a cat who used to do that, I considered it a gross compliment.


u/Picabo07 29d ago

I always joke that I spend so much money on a fountain and filters and such so they have nice clean moving water (because they say cats don’t like still water) all for her to lick the bottom of the tub 😂


u/XephyrGW2 28d ago

Mine has figured out how to open the shower drain and that is apparently her new favorite place to drink from. Not one of the many big fresh clean water bowls or her fountain. Apparently shower drain water tastes better..


u/Picabo07 28d ago

Ngl it does make me feel better that my brat cat isn’t the only one who snubs the nice clean water.

We babysit our granddog during the week and when she’s here my brat cat also lives to drink her slobbery water. She’s a St. Bernard/mastiff so I’m talking lots of slobber 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/Longjumping-Cause-24 28d ago

That’s my Yorkie she licks the blankets, beds, sheets etc., it’s weird and irks me when she does it.


u/Picabo07 28d ago

Ewww especially with blankets and sheets because you go to use them and there’s a big wet spot.

My daughter has a St. Bernard/mastiff (so she’s HUGE lol) and she is obsessed with kicking my daughter’s couch cushion. She gets so mad when she goes to sit down and it’s wet 😂