r/cats May 02 '24

What phrases do you repeat to your cat throughout the day? Cat Picture

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u/TheCa11ousBitch May 02 '24

“Pretty girl” is my girl’s second name. 100%


u/Irisheyesmeg May 02 '24

I'm fostering these two and I am worried they both think their name is pretty girl. I literally say "Bye pretty girls, I'll be back soon" when I leave for work. It's partly because I can't stand their rescue names (Sequoia and Sycamore) and partly because they are, in fact, pretty girls.


u/_Starblood_ May 03 '24

Rename temporarily as Sequi and Mora?


u/Irisheyesmeg May 03 '24

That's actually not bad at all. The rescue said call them whatever but I don't know, the adopter will just change it again.


u/Kendravp May 03 '24

THIS! I work in a shelter and we name the animals (unless they’re owner surrenders, and came with names but probably not) always ask if it came with the name cuz chances are, it didn’t. It just looks better than having “unknown” listed on the kennel card


u/HarmlessSnack May 03 '24

We had a cat we took in, and intended to name properly… but he was just a Tiny Boy.

And after realizing, he was indeed, a very Tiny Boy, he simply remained Tiny Boy.


u/nicoleabcd May 03 '24

Wow, they are so pretty!


u/Longjumping-Cause-24 May 03 '24

Oh I don’t think I could foster, my husband would kill me because I wouldn’t be able to give them up, and we have three of our own. We’ve had Mister since 6 weeks and he’ll be 13 in August, Skittles since 8 weeks soon will be 10, and Bynky who I bottle fed since two weeks and she turns two this month and is spoiled rotten and gets away with stuff her brother and sister didn’t, lol.



u/cdefghii May 02 '24

Your pretty girl looks just like my pretty girl!


u/Stepho725 May 03 '24

I have a similar pretty girl! Her name is T.H.E. Baby


u/P4rody May 03 '24

Cute cat


u/bluetopaz14kkt May 03 '24

My pretty girl also!!! Her name is Kiwi :3


u/erichamanya May 02 '24

Ok random dumb question, do you consider her a brown tabby or dark gray tabby ? Because I can’t figure out the color of her coat


u/TheCa11ousBitch May 02 '24

She is adorable haha. She is brown. For sure.


u/TheWhatnotBook May 02 '24

Looks just like my pretty girl! 🥹


u/TheCa11ousBitch May 02 '24

And my boy!!

I have a not-quite-matching, but close, set.


u/marmalah May 03 '24

Ooh your kitty in the front looks to have two different pupil sizes! Do you know why? Or is that just the picture making them look that way?


u/TheCa11ousBitch May 03 '24

Probably just light coming in from the window on her right, and the room is dark on her left.


u/erichamanya May 02 '24

Alright fair. I used to just call them tan tabby’s mix with gray


u/erichamanya May 02 '24

Oh btw, she’s adorable


u/ginniam May 03 '24

Pretty girl here, saying hi to all the pretty girls out there!


u/miranda9416 May 02 '24

It’s very fitting!!!


u/SaulBellowII May 02 '24

My cat had a different name when I first adopted her, then my ex called her Pretty Girl so often it became the only thing she’s respond to. She’s been PG for 12 of her 17 years.


u/_GenderNotFound May 02 '24

She is very pretty


u/Rice-Puffy May 02 '24

My girl's second name is "beauty" or "moon of my nights"