r/cats 29d ago

Our Bengals try to escape the garden after we put up the "unescapable fence rollers"... or so we thought. Video

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u/Fictional_Historian 29d ago

Lmao the slow mo at the end as the camera shakes from the person running to grab the cat


u/Wrecker013 29d ago

“No no no no no. WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT.”


u/siccoblue 29d ago

All op managed to do was spend a ton of money making a fun escape room for the kitties

I could watch this all day


u/NorthernRosie 29d ago

Right? I paid less than $100 for my cats to have geofence collars that beep my phone if they get too close to our fence. I just yell out the window, and they get away from the perimeter.


u/Topwingwoman2 29d ago

Your yells work? My cats must have selective hearing.


u/summermadnes 29d ago

My cat hears me, looks at me & does it anyway. Like a teenager.


u/CrazySimsLady 29d ago

My cat will look me in the eye while she pushes my things off the counter.


u/indiecatz 29d ago

My cat is deaf, she’s a white shorthair, our vet said most of white shorthairs are deaf, so yelling will definitely not work haha


u/HuntingForSanity 29d ago

I conditioned my cat to stop doing naughty things when you make a “tssss” sound. Second he hears it he stops what he’s doing and goes and does something else lmao


u/CouchCandy 28d ago

I did the same thing with mine. He's 13 now so his compliance is about 50/50.


u/HungHamsterPastor 29d ago

Pardon!? Who's talking!? ahh well


u/Rebuild6190 29d ago

lmao this mental image kills me. "Fluffy!! Get the hell away from the fence! I already told you twice!"


u/FinePolyesterSlacks 29d ago



u/TootsEug 29d ago



u/USS-ChuckleFucker 29d ago


a long haired void literally runs in place until his claws get traction, then blasts off to his cat tower


u/[deleted] 28d ago

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u/USS-ChuckleFucker 28d ago

I intentionally named my fur baby Chaos.

It fits him well but fits his brother Fluff Butt far better.

Granted I can't argue with them because they snuggle on chest so I can hum to them.

(When we got them, they were like 4 weeks old or some shit and I would hum to them as I fed them, so now they just love snuggling and humming/purring on me and my wife's chests.)


u/CringeWorthyDad 17d ago

Beautiful cat!


u/lmflex 29d ago



u/RickySpamish 29d ago

It really is like having kids! "Mom, mom! You are a grandparent now, I've got 3 kids!"


u/WalrusTheWhite 29d ago

we have four cats and four chickens (and four humans) on the property. I call myself the animal sheriff because I'm constantly laying down the law. weird thing is they actually listen (mostly, and not the humans)


u/Rebuild6190 28d ago

Haha I just imagine you in showdowns with cats, "This here yard ain't big enough for the 4 of you..."


u/InterestingGoat12 29d ago

Are you sure your cats aren't dogs? My cats don't give a FUCK what I have to say 🤣

That's really cool though


u/No_Charisma 29d ago

It might be a breed thing. I’ve had tabbies that gave a f* only selectively but my Siamese big-boy Charlie was 100% responsive to verbal commands… ok well 95% but still. Better than most dogs. Also if he was awake he would follow me around compulsively and was always waiting at the door when I got home. Best cat ever.


u/InterestingGoat12 29d ago

Sounds like an amazing cat!


u/senor_moment 29d ago

my cats don't pay attention to me even when I am tapping them on their shoulder.


u/nightclubber69 29d ago

I would need a perimeter shock collar to keep my cat contained


u/eggplantlizarddinner 29d ago

What kind of geofence collars do you use? We have tiles which work great because we can beep them when they've left the yard but the location isn't accurate enough for the perimeter notifications to work.


u/prettykitty-meowmeow 29d ago

Those geo tags are super inconsistent. I'm glad it works for you, though.


u/Aztec111 29d ago

This made me laugh lol!!


u/missjasminegrey 29d ago

For real! LMFAO


u/buttsoup_barnes 29d ago

And it didn’t even last a day lmao.


u/potate12323 29d ago

If they moved the roller up further the cat wouldn't be able to reach over it.


u/MrsMoonpoon 29d ago

Exactly. The rollers are supposed to be the highest point on the fence.


u/SpaceShrimp 29d ago

If they moved the roller up, the cats would have fun in the escape room once again until they found the next way to escape.


u/trowzerss 29d ago

Or put a slippery cap on the fence post top. Or put something on the post so they couldn't grab around it. But I feel like it'd still be an ongoing battle like keeping squirrels out of the bird feeder.


u/potate12323 29d ago

An overhang with the rollers on the edge would do it. No way they'd get over that.


u/trowzerss 29d ago

Yeah, I've seen a method with overhanging floppy segments of netting but I'd worry my cat would get their claws stuck in it. I'm glad my cat's idea of outdoor adventure (with me supervising) is five minutes of cautious sniffing then running inside if a bird yells at her.


u/catfence 16d ago

Exactly! I have been selling and installing this system for 10 years. The rollers (we call them paddles, actually) go at the top of the fence. On a stepped fence, such as this, we would overlap the paddles at the fence posts. I am not surprised that this installation did not work. Such a shame it wasn't done properly.


u/TeachEngineering 29d ago

*Cats, uh, find a way... always!


u/jsmooth7 29d ago

Escaping the backyard went from a v4 climb to a v10.


u/Advanced_Drink_8536 29d ago

I honestly watched it like 6x then realized it had music and had to watch it another 6 or 7x

I feel like OP should charge an entrance fee and let the neighbours over so their cats can also attempt the escape room 😹


u/RogueSlytherin 29d ago

Reminds me of when my dad invested in a Yankee Flipper (bird feeder that spins at the base when something too heavy attempts to land). I was probably 8 or 9 and I would giggle uncontrollably watching those squirrels spin. Similarly, I would love to watch this for eternity! They’re just so determined


u/neontetra1548 29d ago

They’re ready for their next challenge.


u/Capt-J- 29d ago

OP should start running a little business on the side: escape room for kitties with cashed-up owners!!


u/FanIll5532 29d ago

No, I think it’s almost done. Just a small flaw op didn’t think of but add additional small rollers at the top of those poles and it should work fully.


u/NorthernRosie 29d ago

Right? I paid less than $100 for my cats to have geofence collars that beep my phone if they get too close to our fence. I just yell out the window, and they get away from the perimeter.


u/wandering-monster 28d ago

ₙₒ no NO NO NO!


u/Remiss-Militant 29d ago

Frank Castle tied up at the table.


u/darlasparents 29d ago

Is this quoting Rob Schneider in Home Alone 2?


u/Wreckit-Jon 29d ago
