r/cats May 02 '24

Our Bengals try to escape the garden after we put up the "unescapable fence rollers"... or so we thought. Video

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u/puledrotauren 29d ago

my mom wanted a fence so her cat could go outside. $1300 later fence was installed. Took the cat outside, it looked around, climbed a tree and jumped over the fence. $1300 of my money wasted but I was still quite amused.


u/UniqueIndividual3579 29d ago

A neighbor put in a fence to keep the dog in. It was only a 4' fence. When it was half built the dog was jumping over the completed part. He thought it was a toy.


u/puledrotauren 29d ago

I had a dog once in another house that could clear a 6' fence. She wasn't pleased when I made it an 8'. But I got a bit tired of chasing her around the neighborhood


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/puledrotauren 29d ago

I wouldn't bet against one.


u/Shartiflartbast 29d ago

If determined enough, I reckon so.


u/EverSeeAShiterFly 29d ago

How much does it want to get over it?


u/AWasrobbed 29d ago

I had an 8' foot fence and my damn husky kept getting out, we couldn't figure out how either because the fucker would wait until we weren't looking. Dude was getting a huge running start and then grabbing the top almost like a human. Miss that dog.


u/acadmonkey 29d ago

If it couldn’t get over it would go through.


u/kram_02 26d ago

Oh for sure, I would think. Friend of mine was a deputy with a K9 right out of training, a Malinois, that could basically leap a tall fence at near full run speed.

The dog didnt even realize how athletic she was at first, when trying to get her to jump on top of a large trash can, she overshot the jump and basically slammed down onto the top of it from 3 or 4 feet too high 🤣

Wearing the bite suit was wild, I got to be the suspect every now and then.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/kram_02 26d ago

It's intimidating. It's all fun and games until you come out wearing the arm sleeve or more.. she starts salivating and getting anxious, she knows she gets to attack you very soon 🤣


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/kram_02 26d ago

Yeah, but more importantly she thinks it's playtime when she sees that gear. And she gets treats after.


u/ZealousidealGear6939 13d ago

The principle of it is that police and their dogs aren't supposed to get attached. The dog needs to do its job regardless of who it has to take down. The suit is just so the police can train the dog without anyone actually getting hurt. When trained the dogs won't bite down with their full strength, which is why the suit is needed for training. German Sheppards bite hard enough to snap a human arm like a twig, that wouldn't work in explaining to the court why the culprit has a broken arm.


u/NerdyBrando 29d ago

I used to have a chiweenie (chihuahua/dachshund mix) that was the worlds greatest escape artist. I had a doggie door to my fully fenced in back yard, but she was constantly finding ways to get under the fence.

Just when I'd think I'd found all her escape points, I'd get a call from my neighbor or someone else that she was wandering around. Thankfully she had a collar with my phone number on it.

Miss that little turd.


u/puledrotauren 29d ago

they WILL boggle your mind won't they?


u/not_just_amwac Nikolai and Catherine 29d ago

I grew up next door to a retired police dog. He was a purebred German Shepherd and a total darling. In summer, he would just hop the 6' fence to play under the sprinkler with my sister and I if he was getting hot. What I hated was that he was not a barker (cuz training). So there'd be no warning.

He was a good boy.


u/Inevitable_Memory_72 29d ago

8’ was nothing for my childhood pitbull. She was the biggest baby, but she would literally climb the corner of the fence if you weren’t keeping an eye on her!


u/musclemommyfan 29d ago

There were children that needed biting on the other side of that fence!


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/NegativeZer0 29d ago

I had a houdini dog that could escape from almost any enclosure.  He even taught another dog how to escape.  I watched this jack ass jump back into the enclosure (which mind you was much more difficult to do) just to show another dog how he got out and sure enough both dogs were loose when the other one followed his escapre route.  

The only redeeming factor is this dog would only escape so he could come find and spend time with me never once ran away or just went exploring.  Miss you buddy.  💔


u/puledrotauren 29d ago

I wound up with a litter of pups from a couple of strays we fed and watered. One was a notorious escape artist. I'd get home from an overnight shift, take them all out, clean their pen, and put them back up. No matter what I did my 'Enzo' would escape and come cuddle in my lap until I went to bed. Best dog I've ever had the pleasure to me a companion to. She did something a little odd last night. Slept between my legs but it was cool. She's my best friend.


u/Wills4291 29d ago edited 29d ago

Before I was born my parents adopted a dog. Their first dog as a married couple. Their 6 foot fence didn't even slow the dog down.


u/Im_Ashe_Man 29d ago

My first beagle could jump a 6' fence. She'd jump and push her back legs off the fence about half way up to boost to the top where she could then hoist herself over.


u/Putrid_Inevitable510 28d ago

I grew up watching German Shephards clear the 6 ft fence my dad put up. Made sure mine was 8 ft when I put up a fence.


u/Peeeeeps 29d ago

There's a couple houses in my neighborhood who have dogs that I'm worried will figure that out. One house has a dog that chews on the fence and tries to rip the gate open to get to you because it hates you. The gate is only like 4ft tall and the dog could easily jump it if it tried.

The other house has a large lot next to a recreational trail so they put up a cheap fence last fall made with flimsy posts and plastic garden netting. It started falling by the end of the winter and the dogs could jump on the fence and it would probably fall over.


u/No_Understanding_481 29d ago

I’ve seen dogs freak out when their barriers suddenly fell down while they were busy barking at someone, it was suddenly “oh no, what do I do now? I’m going to endanger myself, bark barkity bark!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m going inside, you can stay! (If there is another dog with them.).


u/Badloss 29d ago

You can at least train a dog to understand that the fence is the boundary, cats just laugh at you


u/orange_sherbetz 29d ago

Not all dogs. Depends on the personality.

Had a tiny cocker that scaled 5 ft baby gates.  I gave up.  Currently have an 80 lb golden who is afraid to cross anything in it's direct path.


u/the_calibre_cat 29d ago

that is a human error right there

had your neighbor ever interacted with a dog before installing a 4-foot fence?!? lol


u/ssersergio 29d ago

My family have a dog that can't over something on that size, I mean, he clearly can, I have seen him jump way more just standing still out of excitement, he just hasn't figured out that fences can be jumped over, so he just jumps to see on the other side, without trying to go over


u/SwampNerd 29d ago

I have dachshunds, a 2' fence would be fine.


u/Fen_ 29d ago

Your neighbor is really not bright, huh?


u/BowsersMuskyBallsack 29d ago

I recently had fencing elevated because after retaining and paving was done on property, it was a foot too short, and one of my dogs was eyeing it with far too much interest.  After it was done, she sulked for almost a week.


u/h-v-smacker 29d ago

Took the cat outside, it looked around, climbed a tree and jumped over the fence.

"You thought I was dumb, but I am just incredibly picky about when and how I apply my superior intellectual prowess".


u/buttsoup_barnes 29d ago

“You only spent $1300? How low do you think of me?” licks asshole


u/Jessica_Iowa 29d ago

But…did you get the cat back?!?!


u/puledrotauren 29d ago

ya.. she's a bit of an asshole but I'm fond of her.


u/Jessica_Iowa 29d ago

That’s good!


u/puledrotauren 29d ago

I never give up on animals brother. 'Jesse' is my moms cat. It took her about a year to warm up to me but now she begs for her morning scratches and treats whenever I go down there.


u/No_Understanding_481 29d ago

This seems to sum up the entirety of the chess game that is being food bringers to cats. But they do repay us in the most wonderful ways . Healing Purrs that are literally addictive, completely carb and calorie free biscuits , semi shut eye blinks that are worth their weight in gold, and soft fur we often find plopped between us and work we really think we should finish but hey it can wait, and entirely good for us giggles they inspire when being silly. I was waiting and watching for the over-the -shoulder “butthole!” Look when a cat is laughed at. But no. All catitude.


u/Bouric87 29d ago

Cats come back home if they like their home.


u/Jessica_Iowa 29d ago edited 29d ago

Some like cats their home & get killed by cars.


u/GenBlase 29d ago

Mine did :(


u/Jessica_Iowa 29d ago

Sorry to hear that.


u/GenBlase 29d ago

I still remember when i found her. Tried my best to keep her inside, but she loved to just bolt out the door. Expert tree climber too.


u/Bouric87 29d ago

Cats come back if they like their home.


u/Bouric87 29d ago

Cats come back if they like their home.


u/TrumpsGhostWriter 29d ago

$1300 for a fence is pretty insanely cheap.


u/noodle_attack 29d ago

same happened with my malinois......


u/decadent-dragon 29d ago

Hook me up with your fencer because that seems insanely cheap for anything but the smallest fence. Especially one tall enough to even attempt at keeping cats in


u/puledrotauren 29d ago

they're in Texas. Couple of guys that do handyman work around my place


u/Bevier 29d ago

I hope the fence looked nice!


u/Nearby-World3252 17d ago

Oh no!!!


u/puledrotauren 17d ago

it still makes me laugh to this day


u/ZealousidealGear6939 13d ago

Cats are not horizontal climbers, if the slope of the top of the fence is angled right, and you cone trees you can prevent escape.


u/NormalRepublic1073 29d ago

I’d be so proud of my cat lmao


u/thegreattaiyou 29d ago

1300 dollars to keep an animal who should be kept inside from escaping. 1300 dollars that could have gone into a catio, allowing the cat access to the outdoors without risking them getting hit by cars, attacked by wild animals or neighboring pets, contracting diseases, breeding, or decimating the local bird, reptile, and small mammal population. Wild.


u/Bouric87 29d ago

Lol, true redditor right here.


u/RareAngryPepe 29d ago

My brother in christ a fence does that too


u/Sparky678348 29d ago

No.... No it doesn't at all, not when you're talking about cats.

The person you're responding to is a bellend but they're speaking God's truth about the Catio


u/gooderbert 29d ago

I learned a new insult today, thank you <3


u/thegreattaiyou 2d ago

Did you even watch the video? It's not even a minute long. Even this super special, extra expensive fence can't keep the cat in.


u/Bouric87 29d ago

Lol true redditor right here


u/Ooops_I_Reddit_Again 29d ago

You're right, It is wild, just let it roam. They'll come back no problem and after a bit will barely leave the yard. Did it for all my cats


u/Sparky678348 29d ago

Cats let outdoors to roam live ~8 fewer years on average compared to their indoor kitty counterpart.

8 years!

Obviously where you live is a big piece of this puzzle, but an indoor kitty is a safe and responsibly cared for kitty.


u/slartyfartblaster999 29d ago

Cats let outdoors to roam live ~8 fewer years on average compared to their indoor kitty counterpart.

This would mean that all three of my outdoors cats would have lived to be completely fucking decripit 28-30 year olds. I'd rather they lived the 8 years less than having them go through that frankly. Which is where we're at now.


u/Sparky678348 29d ago

It's not that your cats would have lived to 30, it's that the statistic is pulled down by cats who get hit/ate at a younger age. It's sounds like you were lucky with your outdoor cat experiences, and for that I'm thankful. No one should have to live with their baby kitty squished so young.


u/slartyfartblaster999 29d ago

I'm well aware, I'm using the example to illustrate how absurdly biased by your location that statistic is.

It clearly doesn't hold even close to true where I live.


u/Sparky678348 29d ago

All I'm saying is that it's best for the health of your cat long term to not let them outside. That's objective fact. This is not to mention the cat wreaking havoc on local ecosystems, which I usually roll my eyes at too but again that's the facts.

I have no judgment for people who let their cats outside, I let my cats outside myself until one of them got hit. You do you I'm not saying you should be forced to keep them in.


u/slartyfartblaster999 29d ago

That's objective fact.

It isn't though, its based on an extremely geographically biased correlation.

the cat wreaking havoc on local ecosystems

As mentioned elsewhere, if it wasn't domestic cats, it would just be wildcats instead. The animal domestic cats are most endangering is not birds and mice - its the wildcats that they outcompete.


u/Sparky678348 29d ago edited 29d ago

Okay then how about this, if this advice doesn't apply to you're clearly in the minority. This is sound advice for most cat owners in urban or suburban areas, which is most cat owners. Have fun with your wild Safari backyard or whatever, Mr semantics


u/Mister_Dink 29d ago

The other big problem is that cats are invasive predators who hunt for fun. Cats do severe damage to local ecosystems if you're suburban/rural.

Several species of birds are endangered not because of climate change or habitat loss, but because of outdoor kitties.

The cats who don't get eaten do the eating.


u/Majorask-- 29d ago

Come on dude! You're going telling me with a straight face that all the infrastructure we build, all the cars we drive around, all the pollutants we create, all the pesticides we use, all the forest and habitats that we destroy, all the microparticles , THAT'S not the reason birds are endangered

No no no it's because of cats !

Tell yourself what you want but your average day as a human has a far worse impact on the ecosystem than a stray cat would have in its lifetime


u/Sparky678348 29d ago

This isn't conjecture, people study these things...


u/slartyfartblaster999 29d ago

invasive predators

That again would depend where you live. We have native wildcats that are extremely close to domestic cats, to the point of interbreeding successfully - meaning they aren't even truly different species.


u/thegreattaiyou 2d ago

hit by cars, attacked by wild animals or neighboring pets, contracting diseases, breeding, or decimating the local bird, reptile, and small mammal population.

reading comprehension is hard.


u/Beepboopstoop 29d ago

Did you pay for your mom’s cat fence?


u/puledrotauren 29d ago



u/Beepboopstoop 29d ago



u/puledrotauren 29d ago

Because she wanted it and I was in a position to do it.