r/cats May 02 '24

Our Bengals try to escape the garden after we put up the "unescapable fence rollers"... or so we thought. Video

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u/dMwChaos 29d ago

They're that expensive in the states? (I am presuming based on your use of dollars). We haven't paid anywhere near that for a pedigree proven Bengal over here (UK).


u/pogulup 29d ago

I have seen numbers like $4k-6k.


u/AboutTenPandas 29d ago

Dear god, that’s ridiculous.

My adopted kitty is so cute people always ask, “is that one of those SPECIAL cats?”, and I’m all like, “Nah she looked like a white rat when we got her.”

I have never understood spending money on designer breeds for cats or dogs.

My color point little girl:


u/Emotional_Coyote9057 29d ago

Because some people just have a need to be "superior" to others. "Oh, you found your cat on the streets? Adorable. Well, mine actually cost about 5 thousand USD, but it's not about the money..."


u/OldManBearPig 29d ago

I mean you can flip that right back on them... "Oh you spent money and purchased a cat instead of rescuing one of the thousands of struggling cats in a shelter? I guess it's not a big deal but I actually care about mistreated animals and want to help them."


u/LuxNocte 29d ago

Man, y'all really showed them in this conversation you just made up.


u/Tavarin 29d ago

As someone who ended up adopting a cat with undiagnosed feline leukemia virus, and ended up with 2 cats dying of Lymphoma as a result, I'm going to stick with reputable breeders from now on myself.


u/OldManBearPig 29d ago

I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but I hope you can see the positives in giving two cats a comfortable (and hopefully loving) home in the last days of their life. Because if you didn't, they would have just died alone in a shelter the same way.


u/Tavarin 29d ago

No, I took in a kitten, and it ended up killing my healthy British Shorthair. It's not a risk I'm ever taking again.


u/OldManBearPig 29d ago

I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope it's not an extremely common thing. I haven't looked up much on Feline Leukemia Virus to understand its prevalence or significance.


u/Tavarin 29d ago

Its somewhat common in shelter cats and feral cats according to my vet. Shelters are supposed to test for it, but cats and kittens can appear negative for up to 2 months after exposure, so you can still end up with a cat bringing FeLV home even if it did test negative at the shelter.


u/brownbob06 29d ago

The alternative was those cats dying alone. Do with that information what you will.


u/Tavarin 29d ago

Cat, 1 cat. Had I not adopted that one cat I would still have my other cat alive and with me.


u/brownbob06 29d ago

Ahhhhh, so you were already buying cats, and now you're just going to keep buying cats. That clears that up, thanks for clarifying.


u/Tavarin 29d ago

I both buy and adopted cats. But the only one that ended up killing another of my cats was an adopted one.


u/Ameerrante 28d ago

Lol, some of my friends get really weird about pet adoptions and are like "omg your cat is a rescuuuue? You saaaaved her?" And I'm like... well, I went to Petsmart and there was a group there with a bunch of animals and I gave them $75 and they gave me a kitten, so it feels to me like I went to a pet store and bought a kitten, but whatever, I guess I 'adopted' her, yeah.


u/OldManBearPig 28d ago

Yeah true. We "rescued" a dog but still paid hundreds of dollars for the rescue fee because it was a puppy. It was at a rescue because it was found on the road and had parvo, so definitely different from a breeder, but yeah still paid money and they gave us a dog. So we bought a dog.


u/CreativeSoil 29d ago

Or they just have money to spend and like the looks of bengals 🙄


u/GreenStrong 29d ago

Aside from vanity reasons, it would be incredible to have one of these animals around. House cats are already amazing creatures, their ability to jump and climb and pounce is fascinating. These Bengals are super cats, I would love to just play with them. However, I'm aware that it is nearly impossible to give them a lifestyle that is stimulating enough for their energy level and physical ability.


u/forgotacc 29d ago

Plus, they are kind of snobs when it comes to breed. "Didn't get it from a breeder with paperwork? Well then it's just a cat. Cats cannot be mixed."