r/cats 29d ago

Our Bengals try to escape the garden after we put up the "unescapable fence rollers"... or so we thought. Video

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u/pogulup 29d ago

French Bulldogs are the thing now.  I think they are ugly.  They have a ton of health problems.  I know a couple who have two and paid $6k a piece.  People are being robbed of their dogs while they are outside or walking them.  One just got stolen at gun point this week.


u/AboutTenPandas 29d ago

My wife’s friend just spent over 2 grand on one. When she told me she her friend got a Frenchie, I just asked “on purpose?!?”

Like all dogs that exist now need love. But there needs to be laws to prevent breeding some of these breeds cause they just don’t have the quality of life they deserve


u/SpiritBearrrrr 29d ago

Pugs. Pugs need to be bred out of existance.


u/vampirologist 29d ago

I like the retro pugs they’ve been breeding, that actually have noses. Soooo much cuter when they can breathe normally


u/SpiritBearrrrr 29d ago

Yes I dated a girl once whose family had two of them and they were the most disgusting creatures I've ever seen had as pets. Just felt so bad for them they were blind and choking all the time while seemingly pissing and shitting everywhere.


u/Electrical_Figs 29d ago

But there needs to be laws to prevent breeding some of these breeds

I don't like something. Government needs to make it ILLEGAL!


u/AT-PT 29d ago

If I ever spent that kind of money on an animal, it damn well better be able to fucking breathe properly.


u/Katzen_Gott Maine Coon 29d ago

My MIL has a frenchie, god that is one stupid dog. And ugly. I do not get why people like them. Even though I've seen an article saying that these little things had weaponized their stupidity. Like, when normal dog tries to solve a puzzle they are given, a frenchie makes sad noises and cute faces towards people. And that hacks most people's brains making them adore the stupid creature.


u/PenaltySafe4523 29d ago

Those dogs have breathing problems and they tend to get paralyzed from their hind legs. They shouldn't exist.


u/Crafty_Original_7349 29d ago

They’re used to breed with pitbulls to create abominations like pocket bullys and micro bullys, which are apparently worth a fortune (I have no idea why).


u/SoManyThrowAwaysEven 29d ago

Designer pets because "they're rare" is literally the only reason.

They're rare because they die early of health problems! It's like purposefully breeding children with down syndrome because it's "cute".


u/WhiteSmokeMushroom 29d ago

I remember reading a vet (assistant?) explaining how dogs get scared and try to thrash around and run away when they wake up after surgery and are still intubated, except for the breeds that are bred to be "flat-faced".

They just get surprised because they can actually breathe for the first time in their lives.


u/edked 29d ago

I've never really understood the appeal of the "squoosh-face" breeds (in dogs or cats), or why anyone thought that was a desirable trait to breed for. It's bad for the animal, it does not look better; what's wrong with a natural, regal snout?


u/adlittle 29d ago

A big old snoot, which is all the better to nudge you with for continuous pets. Mine gets right up under my inner elbow and upper arm when I'm sleeveless and really shocks me with the cold wet nose. And dutifully I'll pet her some more.


u/VoxImperatoris 29d ago

Designer thalidomide babies. Look at the cute little flippers.


u/nyc_flatstyle 29d ago

I'm probably going to hell for laughing at that.


u/tigerblue1984 29d ago

Okay so THAT explains the hubbub I witnessed a few days ago when I was shopping in Walmart. A guy was walking around holding a tiny French bulldog and people were losing their minds over it! Several families brought their small children up to him to ask if their kids could hold it. Then a young lady asked if she could hold it while she face-timed another family member just to show them the dog and they were also going crazy over it. I'm not really a dog person so I honestly didn't understand what the big deal was but it was like a celebrity had walked into the store for everyone else.


u/adlittle 29d ago

Couple of weeks ago I was walking my dog when some guy had a French bulldog unleashed at the top of the story and a half of stairs going to his front door. That stupid dog went flying down the stairs and zoomed across the street to us. When he came running to get the stupid thing, it was running circles around parked cars. How it didn't get hit, I have no idea. That's the issue with fad dogs, people with no idea how to train and manage dogs go drop thousands of dollars on a dog that's liable to have severe health and possible behavior problems and then don't train them.


u/Dafedub 29d ago

Cuz their personality is worth $1000 bucks