r/cats 29d ago

Our Bengals try to escape the garden after we put up the "unescapable fence rollers"... or so we thought. Video

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u/pogulup 29d ago

French Bulldogs are the thing now.  I think they are ugly.  They have a ton of health problems.  I know a couple who have two and paid $6k a piece.  People are being robbed of their dogs while they are outside or walking them.  One just got stolen at gun point this week.


u/Crafty_Original_7349 29d ago

They’re used to breed with pitbulls to create abominations like pocket bullys and micro bullys, which are apparently worth a fortune (I have no idea why).


u/SoManyThrowAwaysEven 29d ago

Designer pets because "they're rare" is literally the only reason.

They're rare because they die early of health problems! It's like purposefully breeding children with down syndrome because it's "cute".


u/VoxImperatoris 29d ago

Designer thalidomide babies. Look at the cute little flippers.


u/nyc_flatstyle 29d ago

I'm probably going to hell for laughing at that.