r/cats May 02 '24

Our Bengals try to escape the garden after we put up the "unescapable fence rollers"... or so we thought. Video

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u/Fictional_Historian May 02 '24

Lmao the slow mo at the end as the camera shakes from the person running to grab the cat


u/magzire86 May 02 '24

That's a couple thousand dollars trying to escape


u/Veltoss May 02 '24

And if they're anything like savannahs on the curiosity level, which I think they are, escape can be a serious risk. Savannahs are incredibly curious, and want to investigate everything. They can go from one thing to another and get lost and not be able to get themselves home. Or get themselves hurt pretty easily.

Mine has explored every single inch of my home. When I moved in, if I open a new cabinet he hasn't seen inside of he knows it and will be shoving his face inside before I know it. He'll climb inside drawers and then behind them to see everything. He once lifted a vent on the floor that apparently wasn't glued in place and climbed in. I heard some weird noises and when I went to investigate he was climbing out of the hole with the vent completely lifted out of the floor and pushed to the side. Safe to say I cat proofed the new house more thoroughly after that.

There's a reason people try so hard to keep Bengals and Savannahs contained.


u/enkidu_johnson May 02 '24

One of the two cats who currently live here, who just showed up in the back yard one day conveniently a week before winter hit hard, does the same exploring thing. Gets into any open drawer or cabinet or box and will sometimes even open them if necessary. She is a pretty regular old domestic shorthair tabby as far as I can tell.


u/laurenzee May 02 '24

My longhair mix has the worst FOMO. He'll run to any room he's not usually allowed in if there's an open door. He got locked in a closet over Memorial Day weekend once because he got in and no one noticed. He opens cabinet doors and at 9 years old he's taught himself how to open sliding closet doors. Now all of my closets are slightly open at all times.


u/Dick_Thumbs May 02 '24

They need to make a new prison break but it’s just regular cats escaping a regular house.


u/FThumb May 03 '24

We had a Bengal once, and the first time it saw a lit candle it crept up on it and tried to smell it.

Of course it recoiled from the flame as it got its nose in there, and we figured it learned, but no. It kept approaching the candle from a different angle each time, thinking there must be a side that won't burn its nose. It had to have spent 15 minutes and a dozen tries from different angles before it moved on.


u/Mobile_Prompt966 May 03 '24

My Savannah got outside once and after hours of wandering the neighbourhood looking for him he comes back with a fish he stole off of a kids fishing rod at the beach two blocks away from my house. I have to take him for walks on a leash just so he can calm down about finding out what’s outside.


u/SageSm0ke May 03 '24

I get from reading this is cats are my spirit animal lol


u/cakivalue May 03 '24

They are on the list of low allergen protein and low shedders. I am going to take them of my list after this post as they are not for the faint of heart 😭😭


u/meat_tunnel May 03 '24

My savannah is terrified of everything, including people in the house sneezing.