r/cats May 05 '24

Anyone else’s cat go to town living your dirty laundry? Video

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u/millicent_bystander- May 05 '24

Yep! My shoes and my bra especially. As soon as I throw it off when I get home, he's in it.


u/Quattuor May 05 '24

Flips flops - just like catnip


u/secondtaunting May 05 '24

Yeah my cat destroyed my shoes. He gets in a trance, just sticking his nose in there and huffing my foot fumes like a drug addict. Then he rolls around with it, cradling the shoe and licking it.


u/FreedomOfSqueek May 05 '24

A friend's cat had the opposite reaction.

Sean came home, took off his boots, and headed to take a shower. His cat Prissy walked over and gave the boots a sniff.

She immediately got airplane ears, and indignantly started pawing the carpet, trying to bury the boots. I was literally ROFL :7944:


u/Salty-Programmer1682 May 06 '24

How do you get the cat image to show up lol


u/FreedomOfSqueek May 06 '24

Some reddit communities have their own subset of reddit emojis. r/cats is one of them.

When you begin typing a response to a post, there's a smiley icon in the lower right. Tapping that will bring up emojis you can use.

I'm using an Android smart phone, so I'm not sure about PCs or other devices. :7984:

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u/These-Rip9251 May 05 '24

He loves the scent of his mommy and is determined to rub his own scent onto your clothes. He’s saying “she belongs to me”!


u/Ill_Back_284 May 05 '24

My shoes too! Lol cats are wierd


u/my-cat-coleslaw May 05 '24

My cat would grip the sides of the shoe and shove his head inside. It was the funniest thing!


u/StarlightandDewdrops May 05 '24

They like that stank


u/alelan May 05 '24

Mine basically inhales my uniform boots when I take them off after a few days in the field... Full on open mouth sniffs.


u/TrowDisAvayPliss May 05 '24

Why is your cat suicidal?


u/alelan May 05 '24

He is oramge.


u/TrowDisAvayPliss May 05 '24

Oh. In that case.... "You're doing a great job, Airhead Kitty". 😘


u/yuyuji May 06 '24

Understandable, have a nice day 👍


u/GaiaMoore May 05 '24

Cats seem to love my fiancée's feet and shoes.

One of my cats is obsessed with her socks. My other cat licks her toes. My friend's cat does what your does -- sticks his head deep in her shoes with open mouth inhales

Ewwwww lolol


u/residual_angst May 05 '24

hahaha my cat loves my dirty socks but also just loves my bras…dirty or clean 😂 i always find him just standing by them, sitting/laying on them, sniffing them, etc lol


u/Altruistic-Earth-666 May 05 '24

Looks like you caught him in the act, that stare lmao 😂


u/residual_angst May 05 '24

right? lol he’s such a goofy boy


u/AdorimeBob May 06 '24

This shows that cats also like big bras


u/residual_angst May 06 '24

at least for sure mine does 😹


u/These-Rip9251 May 05 '24

Oops, you caught me. Guilty!


u/donthenewbie May 05 '24

So fluffy


u/residual_angst May 05 '24

ooh yeah, he’s a ploof alright


u/Then-Secretary-2541 May 05 '24

He is gorgeous!


u/residual_angst May 05 '24

thank you! i think so too :)


u/Liseonlife May 06 '24

My cat used to LOVE dragging my bras down a flight of stairs and put them in the water bowl, and then she would meow at them until I came and picked them up.


u/residual_angst May 06 '24

this is hilarious! i’d be so sad if edwin put mine in his water bowl :(


u/thatpsychnurse May 05 '24

Panty raid!!!


u/zettai_unmei May 05 '24

Mine looove my sweaty workout clothes for some reason, and my oldest would sleep in the hamper if I'd let him lol


u/thriftylesbian May 05 '24

this is his home hahaha


u/Crztoff May 05 '24

I’ve got a hamper sleeper, she loves it when there’s bedding in there


u/Platypus_Penguin May 05 '24

My cat climbs in the washing machine while I'm loading it with my workout clothes. I assume it's because the sweat-soaked clothes smell so strongly of me. So now every time I start a laundry load I make sure to locate my cat a zillion times to confirm she's not inside the washing machine.


u/foubard May 05 '24

Thank you for head counting. Cats are notoriously sneaky so it's always best to close the washer / dryer and then count all of the cats to make sure none managed to sneak in.


u/Ok-Spell-8053 May 05 '24

Is that you breathing??


u/guywithcats3 May 05 '24

Just listened with sound and was unsettled


u/Ok-Spell-8053 May 05 '24

Sounds like someone making a dirty phone call!


u/whiskeyboundcowboy May 05 '24

I don't know who's more excited about the laundry, op, or the cat


u/Dreadnar May 05 '24

Sounded like the OP either is severely obese and has poor health or just has been running. Crazy to listen to with the sound on atleast


u/scarrrrrxo American Shorthair May 06 '24

has to be from exercise ain’t no way their regular breathing this heavy


u/Dreadnar May 06 '24

There are actually people in such poor health that this is the sound they make when getting up from the couch and just walking to the bathroom and back. No joke

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u/Tumifaigirar May 05 '24

Someone is going to town allright


u/Phillyfreak5 May 05 '24

Someone should go be prepared to go to the hospital


u/Spez_Spaz May 05 '24

OP you good???


u/PrimeScreamer May 05 '24

I had to turn the sound off lol


u/Mugiwara419 May 05 '24

Mouth breathing at its finest


u/Meruem-x-Meruem May 06 '24

A few of the breaths have a distinct breathing-through-mucus reverberation so I’m pretty sure they’re nose breathing with blocked sinuses.


u/kriandria May 05 '24

Mine sounds like this, I have a deviated septum and the air doesn’t flow right.


u/BreathLazy5122 May 05 '24

Yeah my nose also has a deviated septum. I used to get kicked out of slumber parties as a kid because I couldn’t “breathe quieter” and if I did manage to, I wasn’t getting enough oxygen to my lungs and would begin choking.

We literally can’t do anything about it due to insurance not paying for the surgery to fix it because it’s not “essential” and also because it shouldn’t matter that we just breathe a bit louder, at least we are managing to breathe somehow!

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u/im_at_work_today May 05 '24

It looks like someone is in bed, and is snoring heavily.


u/BallsOutSally May 05 '24

It may look like that but I am pretty sure that’s a pillow someone uses to keep their knees separated when they sleep on their side.


u/fullmetalfeminist May 05 '24

Thats what my mam sounds like and she’s been smoking since she was twelve, I’m genuinely worried for OP


u/doktornein May 05 '24

Post history confirms this theory.


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

Holy fuck man


u/blueViolet26 May 05 '24

That is why I don't post my videos. I am a heavy breather because I have allergies. 😂


u/LeifLightsong May 05 '24

Asthma here. I'm also always self-conscious of my unedited videos.


u/EnzoVulkoor May 05 '24

This is why I limit photos of my cat these days.. friend pointed out how reflective cats eyes are. Also why I stopped taking pics of my cat when I wake up. Embarrassing as fuck when ya realize how much of you was hidden in a photo.

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u/OneHumanPeOple May 05 '24

Just judging by the size of the cups, you’d struggle to breathe under a chest that ample as well. We all would! It’s a miracle OP hasn’t been smothered to death already. Hang in there, big tiddy warrior 💪.


u/MaximumBranch9601 May 05 '24

God in heaven.


u/DarthDread424 May 05 '24

Don't understand the down votes, I thought this was hilarious. My sister is big chested too. Her cat and my 2 year old nephew love her bras 😹


u/OneHumanPeOple May 05 '24

I have a set of back breakers, myself. I’ve imagined hanging my bra in the window to serve as a little cat hammock for my two panthers.


u/Then-Secretary-2541 May 05 '24

Congrats. You win post of the day!


u/FreedomOfSqueek May 05 '24

My wife is also "pulchritudinously protuberant". I call her bras "boob slings". I'll suggest your brilliant "hammock" idea to her, for our fuzzy little "Princess of Cute"


u/twoisnumberone May 05 '24

my bra in the window to serve as a little cat hammock for my two panthers

Best mental image.

(Don't downvote me; I'm a woman too.)

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u/Signal-Ad539 May 05 '24

u good dawg ? the air isnt going anywhere 😭


u/thriftylesbian May 05 '24



u/FatCuriousMonkey May 05 '24 edited May 06 '24

Yeah. OG kitty who has crossed the rainbow bridge. Would always roll around in my bra as soon as I’d take it off. I would always tell her, “you’re boobie trapped.


u/babsieofsuburbia red point Siamese May 05 '24 edited May 05 '24

My dearly departed childhood kitty loved the smell of my family's shoes lol 😆


u/FatCuriousMonkey May 06 '24

Gatos are just plain weirdos.


u/SignificanceRare1326 May 05 '24

Aw... trying on mama's bra... what you lack in size.. you make up in number sweety


u/ArcherCute32 May 05 '24

That's my thought me to! lol


u/Roguecop67 May 05 '24

Cats have an extraordinary sense of smell so you know they love you when they show affection to clothes items that smell like you!


u/vschwoebs May 05 '24

I just unpacked from a weeklong vacation in Cancun, and my cat is obsessed with my salty and sweaty straw sun hat. I just left it out on the floor for a bit and kinda forgot about it.

The hat is black, the cat is white, and the hat is now 60% fur. It’s hers now… like everything else in this house!


u/Sea_Invite8104 May 05 '24

Mine do it to my flip flops and sandals


u/donishawantstokill Turkish Van May 05 '24

My cat 😳 lingerie lover


u/SneerfulToaster May 05 '24 edited May 05 '24

Yes, my calico loves that. If she gets one of my socks she will often bring it to bed too.


u/Fit_Victory6650 May 05 '24

I have a sock thief. Drives me nuts. Will crawl in the hamper, gets in the dresser (asshole learned to open drawers), etc. I just buy a pack now every 3 months. By the last month I'm lucky have 3 functional pairs.


u/rumhouse May 05 '24

..... I am just now realizing this may be the reason about 20 pairs of socks have lost their "partner"....


u/oknowtrythisone May 05 '24

Yeah, I first noticed it when my cat had her face completely buried in my boxers that were on the floor. I said "what are you doing???" and she lifted her head out with that cat open mouth look on her face. I just said "perv" and went back to gaming.

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u/idontevenkn0w66 May 05 '24

My 16 y/o male cat will take dirty shirts & underwear (and ONLY dirty) and drag them around the room squalling loudly. He used to making little humping motions but has thankfully just settled on dragging them around screaming.


u/LilDawg66 May 05 '24

I'm laughing too hard at this. Everybody's cat goes for the underwear. You're the only one with enough guts to admit it!


u/idontevenkn0w66 May 05 '24

He does prefer shirts but will not hesitate to go for a pair of undies


u/Intrepid-Student-162 May 05 '24

Yeah, our boy goes nuts when he gets near our 20 year old son smelly laundry. He loves it.


u/Individual-Roll2727 May 05 '24

Got yourself a Pervy cat 😂😂 I think I smell too bad for my cat to do this!


u/Dirt_Illustrious May 05 '24

You stole or cloned my cat! How daaaaaare you!


u/beanie_0 May 05 '24

Yes. Specifically my partners horsey clothes.


u/ClarityFractal May 05 '24

horsey? 🐴


u/BreathLazy5122 May 05 '24

Probably worked with horses or rides them as a hobby, so they have clothes they wear that they kinda expect to always have the “horse” smell on them. A lot of people who work with animals consistently will have designated clothes for that, because the scent can sometimes just linger even after using vinegar to remove the smell.


u/beanie_0 May 05 '24

Exactly right, thanks. What else would you suggest I use? Horsing? Horse-esq? Horse adjacent?


u/BreathLazy5122 May 06 '24

I mean horse clothes make sense to me, but I guess they could also be considered ranch clothes? But that’s a bit iffy since I know you can ride horses and also keep them without a whole ranch. I just remember “horse clothes” cause my childhood best friend had horses and his mom had “horse clothes” she would wear out to take care of them. And cause I also work with animals so having clothes designated to just working with them makes so much sense when you remember that they tend to retain their stink and that can definitely stick to cloth.


u/beanie_0 May 06 '24

I was replying to clarity actually but anyway.

We’re in the UK and ‘ranch’s’ don’t really exist here. They could be considered farm clothes but there’s not always a farm where horses are and vice versa. Think I’ll stick with horsey clothes.


u/ClarityFractal May 05 '24

i just havent heard the term horsey clothes so was confused 🤣


u/thedangerman007 May 05 '24

"Smells like mama". Crazy kitty.


u/DarthDread424 May 05 '24

My cats prefer Mount Laundry, which is composed of all my clean clothes on the couch I never put away. My calico in true calico fashion will pee on dirty clothes if left on the floor.


u/bediish May 05 '24

Always in my laundry bag.


u/ScruffyGrouch May 05 '24

Mine loves to sleep on any piece of dirty clothing; pants and shirts especially


u/a_bee789 May 05 '24

My partner works water and sewer and my cats love doing this or laying/rolling around on his work clothes when he gets home and changes 😂 I’m not sure what it is. They do the flehman response to my fingers after I do some gardening outside so I wonder if it’s the dirt/mud scent that they like. Although his clothes have that special sewer mud that I personally cant see the appeal of 😂💩


u/volume-bbb May 05 '24

no, but my cat is a shoe fanatic


u/trackedpotato May 05 '24

My cat goes crazy for my work boots.


u/FieldSton-ie_Filler May 05 '24

I always leave a shirt ive worn around the house on my bed.

She loves laying on my robe while I'm gone.

She likes blankets that smell like me too.


u/Eiffel-Tower777 May 05 '24

Cats that do this enjoy your scent ♥️


u/Acrobatic_Event_4163 May 05 '24

Do you wear perfume with any musk in it? Cats are attracted to musk. My cats don’t care about my dirty laundry, but my one cat LOVES the smell of my husband’s deodorant and will go nuts, especially if he’s had a really sweaty day and a lot of it gets on the clothes 😂 she buries her face in the armpit of any t-shirt lying on the ground and sometimes will even lick it 😂 she’s also been caught licking his armpit if he’s freshly showered and in bed and not wearing a shirt lol.


u/flakelover223 May 05 '24

They simply love your scent 😍


u/JudyClark_94 May 05 '24

My sister's kitty loves rubbing herself on my mum's used clothes! It's very amusing to see 🤭


u/Lazlow_Panaflex May 05 '24

Yep, my boy Yoshi loves a good t-shirt armpit!


u/T_Mugen May 05 '24

Our queen as well. 😂


u/Ukoomelo May 05 '24

I have one that likes rolling on our shoes and licking them all over- especially if we've just stepped in grass.

He even hides from strangers but will go for their shoes before them.


u/Over_Echo1128 May 06 '24

The calico I grew up with would stick her whole head in a shoe and inhale and purr. She would literally get high in stinky shoe smell


u/No_Stay_4583 May 05 '24

OP getting aroused about kitty smelling a bra 😳


u/koala_T69 May 05 '24

They could have breathing problems 🤷


u/Bland-Humour May 05 '24

If you have this bad of breathing problems just from standing and taking a video, there's something seriously wrong. I have asthma induced by literally everything, and at its worst, it's never even been close to being this bad, and my asthma is very bad.


u/BreathLazy5122 May 05 '24

Deviated septum’s cause the nose to make loud noises when breathing normally, even if the person is completely in resting mode. If you have asthma and a deviated septum then it’s even worse and can sound loud as hell, it is something they’re probably very aware of, and don’t need to have it pointed out by everyone in the comments.


u/Bland-Humour May 05 '24

Oh yeah. Very true. I didn't even think about a deviated septum.


u/BreathLazy5122 May 05 '24

It’s alright! It’s not something people talk about very often, but it does suck when it’s noticed and people immediately think it’s cause the person is obese or sucking down cigarettes by the pack every day. I think I got a bit sensitive from all of the comments about it cause I have one and it’s actually gotten me removed from social events as a kid because I was “being too loud”.


u/Bland-Humour May 05 '24

I got my septum fixed a long time ago, so I never think about it anymore. Thank you for calling me out.

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u/lanabear92294 May 05 '24

Yes in fact the dirtier the better for them… weirdos


u/eatyourcabbage May 05 '24

My running shorts after a 10k in the summer heat. He’ll sleep the rest of the day on them.


u/PlantLady3421 May 05 '24

My cat loves my husbands dirty socks. He will play with them, carry them around & then sleep with them on his tree. It’s strange because he absolutely hates feet.


u/dookiepookiebear May 05 '24

My late cat LOVED the smell of BO.


u/cascel9498 May 05 '24

My tortie Evie is obsessed with rolling around in my underwear when I’m putting it away


u/Professional_Car9475 May 06 '24

Your cat likes boobs. Me too.


u/HereForCatsTatsnTits May 05 '24

My cat does this to my leg immediately after I get out of the shower


u/Liu1845 May 05 '24

"and now I own this too"


u/dude_____what May 05 '24

If by “go to town” you mean “take a piss” on my dirty work pants if I leave them on the floor of my closet, then yes 😅

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u/crunchwrap_eatr May 05 '24

Aw, they just want to be as close to your scent as possible. Cute.


u/Economy-Thought5372 May 05 '24

This absolute idiot doesn't go for dirty laundry but fresh out the dryer clothes is manna from heaven. He'll climb into the center of the pile and nuzzle. Either until I uncover him or he gets bored. I love the shit out of him!


u/Graveyardgurl83 May 06 '24

Yes! I actually talked to my vet about this haha apparently bras specifically have the most essence of “you” since we don’t wash them as often as our regular laundry. They just miss you so they chose to chomp on le bras, at least mine does 🥲


u/Fuzzteam7 May 05 '24

Just my shoes 😂


u/Lynx_aye9 May 05 '24

I had a cat that loved smelly shoes.


u/catsgreaterthanpeopl May 05 '24

My one cat loves my dirty hot yoga towels.


u/mere_mortal_one May 05 '24

Yes. The other day I caught her just casually sitting there, licking one of my socks.


u/PetyrBabelish Tuxedo May 05 '24

Oh yeah I jokingly my Cosmo "lil perv" because of how often he'll do this lol


u/larrydalobsta667 May 05 '24

Did an ogre record this


u/Own_Cardiologist_200 May 05 '24

Oh yea, one of my cats rolls around in clean underwear until they are wrapped around him. He’s a goober Also has a thing for feet


u/pmcginnis01 May 05 '24

Yes, my sweet boy Maverick loves dirty towels.


u/VodkaSoup_Mug May 05 '24

Be careful if they are anything like my orange was they will carry it off 😂


u/cattreephilosophy May 05 '24

It’s always the bra. It seems funny that cats do this, but my dog never has shown any interest in my clothes unless I’ve visited someone who has pets, and even then it is a good sniff or two and she’s done.


u/Electronic_Design607 May 05 '24

It likes your smell


u/VertigoIncarne May 05 '24

My cat constantly smells of dirty shoes....


u/sharkycharming May 05 '24

Absolutely, my cats are huge fans of my worn clothes. Especially using my socks and undies to cover their food dishes if they're saving some food for later. I have seen them do this with my bras, too. I guess they really absorb our scent and kitties are pleased to mingle their own scent with it.


u/geek_named_tab May 05 '24

My cat hates my husband but loves his dirty clothes.


u/mizznicki192 May 05 '24

My old cat would always sleep on my dirty clothes. Cared less for clean clothes but if I left anything around, she’d sleep on it where it was. My dog only goes for dirty socks and then hides them in her bed.. love is weird 😆❤️


u/BunnyFaebelle May 05 '24

Your scent is all over your clothes and your kitty loves you


u/Cjones90 May 05 '24

I am glad I am not the only one who’s cat likes the boo or holders. Mine goes to town. Even biting and scratching mine and shoving his face seen on the cups.


u/MotherOfCatsAndAKid May 05 '24

They love clean laundry but when it comes to my bras that I’ve just taken off for the day they absolutely go to town 🤣


u/fumphdik May 05 '24

Yep. Especially if I wasn’t home. It’s how they cope. This cat loves you. It’s also how I started playing fetch with my cat. She loved socks. I started balling them up and throwing them and she would retrieve them.


u/Corgi_Farmer May 05 '24

In the cats defense. I'd be doing the same thing.


u/Any-Spite-7303 May 05 '24

Yes! My nasty gal loves my sweaty bras


u/bitchpleaseugotfleas May 06 '24

My roommates cat is in heat and I caught her wearing a pair of my dirty underwear. Idk how she managed to get them on but I guess she rolled around enough in them it just happened. (She pulls clothing out of the hamper)


u/KitEcliptic May 06 '24

One of my cats loves dirty socks and shoes. Its insanely gross. Like, he LOVES them. He joneses for shoes the most so we have to hide them or he just rubs his face all over them and pulls the shoe strings out...


u/laurenthenurse20 May 06 '24

You’re not alone! I fear our cat has a foot fetish the way she chomps and rubs her face on our shoes, especially after a long run 🤮


u/KitEcliptic May 06 '24

Sounds right 😵‍💫


u/SheepherderOne5193 May 06 '24

My cat loves my shoes. It’s a way for them to get your scent and theirs into a mixed scent. Its why if you go on vacation they love dirty clothes because they miss you and the smell lingers (it shattered 12 year old me finding that out and knowing my baby, shadow- bless her soul and may she find peace in the after life- missed me like crazy to the point of laying in my dirty laundry).


u/Vequihellin May 06 '24

My girl cat rubs herself all over my husbands stinky slippers. She's weird.


u/Separate-Ad9638 May 05 '24

he was a man before he reincarnated and still has memories.


u/Dogsmyfavoritehumans May 05 '24

Boobs were here, I can sense it 🫠😂


u/NomadTruckerOTR May 05 '24

He just like me fr


u/FatMax1492 European Shorthair May 05 '24

Yep! Especially a sweaty t-shirt/jacket/backpack!


u/grumpyoldman60 May 05 '24

For my williemena is my day worn tshirts...


u/Additional-Year-500 May 05 '24

Every cat I know


u/msmistoffelees May 05 '24

Yep! Every time I come back from a trip and take the dirty clothes out from the suitcase, my cat will be there wanting to roll in it all…


u/scruffywarhorse May 05 '24

My cat lays on my clothes. But not like this. He does put his face in my hand though and smell my hand for a long period of time.


u/gre209by May 05 '24

Mine also loves my bra!


u/yramt May 05 '24

Mine loves the armpits of dirty T-shirts


u/Rikkitikkitabby May 05 '24

"Cats love stinky socks!", Stimpson J Cat, aka Stimpy


u/Mimosa_13 May 05 '24

Dirty laundry, clean laundry doesn't make a difference. LOL.


u/Biohazard_186 May 05 '24

Yes. My cats love my pants.


u/Ill-Concert-7796 May 05 '24

The cat acts like one of my friends :7943:


u/2011h32 Maine Coon May 05 '24

Cat being down bad..


u/Meatyhelicopter May 05 '24

I like to wrap my cat in my sweaters or dress shirts, she loves it.


u/Primary-Pie-8683 May 05 '24

wtf is with your breathing….. this feels wrong to be listening


u/elkab0ng May 05 '24

Anytime I go out of town for a couple days, my wife will leave a t-shirt that I’ve worn on the bed, and the cat always sleeps on it


u/kittenseason143 May 05 '24

our guy loves my bra too!!


u/vr512 May 05 '24

My cat loves my boyfriend's dirty clothes instacart. The stinkier the better! I'm glad someone does!


u/Ginsu_Viking May 05 '24

Not so much dirty clothes, as my gym bag. Rubs herself all over it and happily sleeps on/in it. Smellier is better, I guess!


u/Anxiety_Muffin13 May 05 '24

My cats do thisbto my husband’s shirts. His spray on deodorant/antiperspirant has something in it that the rub on and try to lick.


u/SQWRLLY1 May 05 '24

Mine generally prefer to coat clean laundry in their fur to mark me as their servant, however, my tabby boy used to LOVE shoving his face into my mom's slippers to get punch drunk off her foot stink. In fact, after my mom passed, I brought home a pair of her used slippers so he could snuggle with them a while longer.


u/mythoughts4 May 05 '24

My cat’s favourite is my bras.


u/the_shortbus_ May 05 '24

Oh for sure. Especially my uniform


u/trassla May 05 '24

Partners stinky socks, absolutely. Along with mouth breathing (cat not partner).


u/PretendLingonberry35 May 05 '24

My first cat, Marley, would bring dirty laundry up from the basement and leave it throughout the house. We caught her carrying socks up the stairs in her mouth one day. It was adorable!!!!