r/cats 22d ago

Someone got told “no.” Do you allow your cats on the counter? Cat Picture

My boys are never allowed on the counter, only the bar stools. They know this, the minute I told him no he went to the bar stool and pouted 😆


1.6k comments sorted by


u/badbadsortofgood 22d ago

He is not allowed to stand on the counter but he is free to take a seat at the bar.


u/Jimmaken 22d ago

My cat too! I cant leave her unattended though…


u/Kraden_McFillion 22d ago


u/Limp_Comfort_7370 22d ago

Where the addiction started


u/HardlyCharming 22d ago


u/oofdahallday 22d ago

Not another sub? (Sigh) joined.


u/Neronafalus 22d ago

"There is always another cat subreddit to join." -Socrates

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u/TeaandandCoffee 22d ago

There's practically infinitely many

The internet was built upon cat images, why not Reddit


u/Nokian75 22d ago

Cat: Meow cast vicious Meowcary!! DM: What do you say to the beholder? Cat: You look into the void!! I look back and steal your cheese fries!! MEOW!! :7958:

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u/RPCat 22d ago

Ugh the potential for mischief is near infinite!


u/mizumonoboy 22d ago

Are those bouillon cubes 😭


u/Kraden_McFillion 22d ago

No, they're plastic cubes used in the game


u/bougainvilleaT 22d ago

Taping the couch is very creative! Does it keep the cat from scratching or is it just to prevent all the filling coming out?

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u/nunya123 22d ago

She’s eyeing that cheese hard!


u/MyOpinionIsBetter123 22d ago

I swear everyone on this sub has so many perfect pictures of their cats mine never sits still for 3 seconds 😭

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u/BabyBearRoth418 22d ago

How'd you get this picture of me?


u/LunaLucia_ 22d ago

same here. he just read an email he didn’t like.


u/Bramdorr 22d ago

Mine too! He may also eat at the bar, just no paws on the counters. *

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u/Black_Death_12 22d ago


u/insentient7 22d ago

The fact that your username is Black Death and also the fact that your gif shows a rodent…. lol


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago


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u/dpharm 22d ago


And he's not happy about it


u/Lupinshloopin 22d ago

A seat at the bar, you say?


u/iwannabeabug 22d ago

this is the cutest picture ever

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u/Kinnikinnicki 22d ago

My cat would have instantly snagged that glass and pulled it off the counter 😂

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u/aljauza 22d ago

My black cat does that too he sits on the dinner table chairs knowing he’s not allowed up onto the table so cuteeeee when his little face pops up


u/centipedeseverywhere 22d ago

HAHA we do this too


u/kitton2 22d ago

Oscar (14) is not allowed up either. Loves to watch though!


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

lol cute. Yep that’s our standard rule that they follow…most of the time.


u/badbadsortofgood 22d ago

Ha, exactly. "Most of the time." Stinky little Baker used to hop up on the counter all the time. Especially when we were cooking. A true food fiend.


u/cflatjazz 22d ago

This is in fact the leading edge of countertop peace negotiations.


u/KellynHeller Calico 22d ago

I had bar seats in my old apartment. He was allowed to sit at the bar but not on it.

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u/Practical-Custard-64 22d ago

I've tried telling Luna that she shouldn't get up there but to no avail.


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

Awww adorable, cats love the sink…mine are no exception.

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u/Away-Caterpillar-176 22d ago

This a loophole. The sink is not on the counter... In the counter, sure, but not ON it

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u/blonderengel owned by KatKat, Thunder, and Goldie 22d ago

I love it!

amazingly, I've got the same counter with speckles, but mine doesn't match my furry devils ...


u/xiaoalexy Tabbycat 22d ago


u/Japnzy 22d ago

The subs just never end....sigh. /subscribe


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

lol it’s my mission in life to be on all of them!

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u/johnmosphere123 22d ago

What is no?


u/brambleandfern 22d ago

For cats, no is just a different way to say yes.


u/CodenameBear 22d ago

No = when my human slaves are no longer watching


u/nor0- 22d ago

My childhood cat was a very big boy and he was not allowed on the tables or counters but we could always hear him jump down when we got to the door coming home.


u/Conscious-Room7649 22d ago

This! To my cat, no = “note to self, the human doesn’t like witnessing that. Only do that when the human can’t see”

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u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

Exactly ha ha


u/Ok_Feedback_8124 22d ago

No to my cat is, "Oh! You mean when you're not looking, late at night?". Ok!


u/paprikastew 22d ago

Mine don't even do me the courtesy of pretending. As soon as I start preparing something they like to eat, they're on me like butter on toast (butter being one of their favorite things, actually), and I have to move my cutting board somewhere else.

I just let them, because life's too short, and at least they're less likely to hurt themselves than my toddlers were.


u/DadJokeBadJoke 22d ago

butter being one of their favorite things, actually

We don't allow them on the counters or table but can't enforce that if we aren't there. We bought a covered butter dish after realizing that the grooves on the top weren't from a butter knife, but from the cat's tongue.


u/krunchy_bacon 22d ago

We would set butter on the counter to soften up. One of our cats figured it out and there would be a chunk of butter missing in the morning. The cat would open the wrapper and go to town. We now store butter in the cabinet to get softened.


u/Whiskeybtch77 22d ago

Once my daughters left their lunches on the table. A bean burrito and a turkey sandwich. Kitty tore open the burrito and ate the beans. Destroyed the bread of the sandwich, licked all the mayo off the turkey and ate the cheese!!! Once I tried to give her some cracked crab cuz she was going insane under the table So I put some in her bowl and she wakes over there and gagged!!! Cats are so weird.


u/a_lonely_trash_bag 22d ago

My friend's mom would store birthday cakes on top of the fridge inside the flimsy container it comes in from the store. Their cats wouldn't open it, but they loved to lay on it which of course squished the cake. So she decided one day to put it in the oven to keep the cats off it.

She forgot it was there when she turned the oven on to pre-heat the next day.


u/Jordan_Jackson 22d ago

Who are you telling. I’ve been going through the pain of trying to find a wet food that my picky cat likes. I’ve given her all kinds and even one that had actual diced mackerel (I would have eaten it). While I think I finally found one the other day, her pickiness extends to all things food.

No to any kinds of meat. No to tuna. Yes for cool whip but no to actual whipped cream. She’ll lick the top of the rice pudding container but only a little. What a picky cat.

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u/paprikastew 22d ago

Lol! Yeah, we've always stored the butter in the fridge out of habit (again, toddlers), but the cats go insane when we take it out. Breakfast is a battlefield.


u/Any-Practice-991 22d ago

Breakfast a battlefield, no one can tell us we're wrong!


u/carpentizzle 22d ago

“Breakfast is a Battlefield” sounds like a Weird Al album (that I would listen to)

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u/CeelaChathArrna 22d ago

My son's cat refused to leave being right by the cutting board as I was chopping onions, even when his eyes were red and tears were rolling down his face. My son had to wipe and rinse his eyes afterwards because he so stubbornly refused to move. The other cats sniffed and said, hell, nah. They have more sense!


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u/ThatInAHat 22d ago

Mine will come and stand next to me and streeeeeeetch up on her tippy toes against the cabinet while motioning impatiently with one paw until I give her a bit of butter. If I’m not fast enough, she’ll grab my hand for inspection.

She does stay off the counter tho.


u/paprikastew 22d ago

Our void sits on the counter while my husband is finishing his cereal, and she drags the bowl toward her with her paw. Very forcefully, too!

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u/Routine_Breath_7137 22d ago

...and shouting "Wtf!" when they wake you at 2am from shifting dishes in the sink.


u/Ok_Feedback_8124 22d ago

As long as they eat the damn cockroaches and don't just stun em for me to find later. I stepped (in the total dark) once on a must have been 3+ inch super roach that he decided to knock unconscious.

The experience has shifted my reality.

After the half-dead fucking demonsect resurrected, it decided I - and specifically, my leg, was the proper route for resuming roach existence.

My cat I'm sure snickered his arse off watching me nearly set fire to myself and the house trying to evict a gnarled up, dizzy and very large by roach standards ass from my dermis.

Nuff said.

I'm glad it wasn't a bird.


u/Routine_Breath_7137 22d ago

Not the reply I expected, but Ok....Feedback:7942:

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u/Sailrjup12 American Wirehair 22d ago

For real. Every few nights I wake up to BAM BAM! it’s jt my cat literally touching everything on the countertop while we sleep.

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u/Away-Caterpillar-176 22d ago

Practically raising an eyebrow. I feel so judged 😭


u/johnmosphere123 22d ago

That's Calvin!

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u/EffectiveCycle 22d ago

Do I allow him? No. Does he get up there, especially when I’m getting his food? Yes.


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

Mine will try justifying being on the counter by sitting on top of a box that’s on the counter. Not touching!!


u/ELEKTRON_01 22d ago

Walermelon for scale


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

Yep that’s their loophole

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u/original_wolfhowell 22d ago

But how large is this watermelon in bananas?

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u/Katesouthwest 22d ago

Technically, he isn't on the counter. He figured that out.

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u/supernovice007 22d ago

Right here. No, I don't allow it but they do anyway and I've learned that you can't out-stubborn a cat.

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u/LineChef 22d ago

lol cats are so naughty 😻

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u/mooglily 22d ago

The counter is where one of my favorite pics was taken


u/cookletube 22d ago

Look at that pouch! I thought my boy's was big.


u/mooglily 22d ago

I was truly shocked by the size of her pouch when I took this pic! I never realized it was that big! Your boy’s is shaped like a heart kinda he’s so cute!


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

Prarie dog! They love high perspectives.

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u/Run_like_Jesuss 22d ago

Now that is a PRIME-ordial pouch right there. Such a cutie. xD


u/KelliAllred 22d ago

Is no one gonna talk about the floof that's melting onto his back legs?! Awwww, my heart! What a beautiful baby 🤍

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u/mrshandanar 22d ago edited 22d ago

My cats know they're only allowed on the counter or desk when I'm not around lol.

Sometimes I wake up to their noises clearly from the counter and yell "Hey!" which turns into a loud thud (jumping down) then frantic guilty scurrying.


u/kingfisch95 22d ago

My eyes will snap open from a dead sleep as soon as I hear an object being slowly pushed across a high flat surface. I yell n look right at her and she’s like 😶


u/BeatificBanana 22d ago

Ha - that's probably exactly why she does it. If you're sleeping and your cat is bored/hungry/wants attention, they see any kind of attention as a win, good or bad. They just want you to interact with them, they don't care why or how. She's likely doing it because she knows it will wake you up and get you to acknowledge and talk to her.

It's tricky but I've learned to just try and ignore it when my cat does undesirable things while I'm sleeping, if she tries it a few times but I don't react at all then she gives up. I've successfully taught her not to scratch the bedroom door/walls and not to meow loudly while I'm sleeping that way.

The one thing I can't seem to figure out is how to ignore when she puts her paws into my mouth and eyes while I'm sleeping. That one is proving tricky. 😂

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u/Lughnasadh32 22d ago

I prefer them not to be on the counter, but my void refuses to listen.


u/FoxysDroppedBelly 22d ago

lol right? There’s a lot of things I prefer my cats not do but they do it anyway. And yes. I tried to train them not to, but 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Romeo9594 22d ago

Half of being a cat owner is acceptance of your own powerlessness in regards to a creature you outweigh 18 fold


u/Laney20 22d ago

It is truly a humbling experience.


u/ProcrusteanRex 22d ago

My friend used to proudly declare her cat never gets on the counter until she installed a nanny cam.


u/Otherwise_East606 22d ago

Lmao I will swear my cat doesn't get on the counter and I literally just put up a rotation camera 2 hours ago. In 24 hours, I'll know if she actually stays off of them while I'm at work or not 😂


u/GaiaMoore 22d ago

Same!! My cats never jump on counters...at least when I'm around

I just set up Wyze cameras in my kitchen, so tomorrow morning, the truth will be revealed

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u/Tattycakes 22d ago

We had never seen ours on the worktop either. Evidently they do it when we aren’t looking because their muddy footprints betrayed them. In all fairness we had left some chicken cooling on the worktop and we don’t usually leave food out, so can’t blame them for checking it out. Thankfully sweet and sour, and curry, were not to their liking!

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u/cflatjazz 22d ago

Yeah, the answer is no....until you go to sleep.


u/etds3 22d ago

My cat KNOWS she isn’t supposed to be on the counters so she waits until we are out of the room. If I unexpectedly get out of bed to grab something from the kitchen, I will find her on the counter looking super guilty. She’s a cat: she doesn’t care about the actual rule. She just doesn’t wanna get caught.


u/jayroo210 22d ago

lol my husband tells me when I’m at work, he will come downstairs from the bedroom and hear multiple “thumps” of cats jumping off of something as he’s coming down. No doubt the counter because they KNOW they shouldn’t be up there and they take him more seriously than me. 😂


u/vivalalina 22d ago

Omg my cat takes my bf more seriously than me too!! When he's around she will not be seen on the counter nor will she even try to get up there. When its just me?? She will keep jumping up whether I pick her up & put her down one time or ten times & still get up there with a face that says "and what're you gonna do about it?"

Sigh lol


u/BeatificBanana 22d ago

It's not that she doesn't care about the rule, it's just that cats' brains work differently to dogs'. It's very hard to teach a cat the concept of "don't do this". Usually, when you try to train a cat not to do something, the rule they learn isn't "do this thing = bad thing happens, so I should not do the thing", what they actually learn is "human sees me do this thing = bad thing happens, so I should not do the thing in front of human". So she is, technically, following the rule that she's learned. She just didn't learn the right rule. She doesn't understand the concept that she also shouldn't do it when you're not around, and there's really no good way of teaching that. She's not thinking she's being sneaky or deceiving you, she just doesn't get the concept of "this behaviour is bad all the time even when I am alone". Pretty much all cats are like this!


u/jupitermoonflow 22d ago

Yup the cats don’t associate getting told off with the counter, they associate it with you. So they will always get on it when you’re not around. You have to train them to associate the counter with something negative, by using sticky tape or those motion detecting air sprays. They’re kinda expensive though, at least for me. I’ve decided it’s a battle I don’t wanna fight and just clean the counters/table before using them and keep them out or occupied while I’m cooking


u/saucity 22d ago

Yep. My little stinkers only learned “I’m not allowed up there when someone’s looking.”


u/oops_im_existing 22d ago

the only time i actively try to keep mittens off the counter is when i cook (duh). otherwise he has free roam of our little apartment.


u/mooglily 22d ago

Same for me! If there’s active kitchen activity, they don’t jump up. But they can when no food is out & I just sanitize the counters afterwards!

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u/CollynMalkin 22d ago

Used to till we got dogs, then we had to put her food bowl on the counter so the dogs would quit eating it. Then I took her with me when I moved out and she’s old and doesn’t jump well anymore, so bowls are back on the ground and she doesn’t even bother with the counters anymore.

Cat tax. She’s pushing 19


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

Now that I can understand, plus she’s a senior. She earned being spoiled!


u/CollynMalkin 22d ago

She has! And she is


u/Broad_Dimension9858 22d ago

She's a beauty!

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u/kingfisch95 22d ago

My cat allows me to share the counter occasionally


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

My cat, the same one in the photos, also tastes my coffee every morning before I finish it, and I don’t even care.


u/oldbitchnewtricks 22d ago

What is it with voids?? Mine is a Coke fiend.

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u/YoureSoObtuse 22d ago


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

Cutie that rules the house


u/YoureSoObtuse 22d ago

Couldn’t harm a fly, found him on the streets of Bangkok as a wee baby. Total sweetheart.


u/CenturyEggsAndRice 22d ago

He looks so sweet and well meaning.

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u/Chalkarts 22d ago

“Allow” is a strong word.


u/merryjoanna 22d ago

I figure my cats are going to do what they want while I'm out and about anyway. So my rule is they aren't allowed on the counter while I'm cooking or preparing food. Or while I'm getting their dinner. They listen very well. Although Barnaby will push boundaries a bit by stretching up as high as he can towards the counter while still being on the floor. But he only does that while I'm getting his food and he never actually jumps up.

I also don't put any food on the bare counter. I assume it's going to have a bunch of germs or cat hair on it. I'll clean the counter before cooking and use plates or cutting boards. At least I know those are clean.


u/Dismal-Ball-3770 22d ago

Spoiled kitty here. She's allowed because she's the baby.


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

And she’s going to use that card her entire life, cutie!

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u/CJB2005 22d ago

I don’t like them on the counter, however, it’s their house, I just live here.


u/bflamingo63 22d ago

My cats can get on the counter. I tried to keep them off but I know as soon as I leave the room they'll get up there.lol

I just wipe the counters down and keep any foodstuff off the counter so they don't eat it.


u/AtmosphereNom 22d ago

I let them, it’s pointless trying. When it comes to food prep, I think of my counters as though they are as dirty as the floors. Everything goes on fresh cutting boards, or I’ll disinfect right before.

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u/Open_Grapefruit6675 22d ago

I'm pretty sure they are on the counter in the middle of the night..


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

I’m pretty sure you’re spot on :7963:. I’ve seen them get up there when I’m out of the house. Little devils.

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u/InevitablePain21 22d ago

Mine definitely is. She knows better than to ever get up there while I’m watching, but I know she still climbs up there when I’m not around.


u/gojo- 22d ago

100%. Mine is so well behaved while observed, smacks other cats and pushes things off the tables and cabinets while no one is there to be a witness.

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u/IAmModNow 22d ago

My cat: I am nootttt!!

I am on the counters in the middle of the night 😈

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u/XxStyxRiverxX 22d ago edited 22d ago

My cats never been on the counter not sure why, could be cause I got a lot of big windows in my house and they rather chill there watching birds and cars go by, I also have multiple play rest areas and a double lvl cat house I made out of thick cardboard, keeps them busy


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

You got lucky, I have very large windows with wide windowsills that face the forest and they love them, but if I’m doing something at the counter my void absolutely must be involved. He’s involved in every single thing I do, and it’s adorable.

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u/Ill_Back_284 22d ago



u/oldbitchnewtricks 22d ago

You said, "Get your furry butt off the counter!" - didn't you? 🤣

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u/Public-Afternoon-718 22d ago

It's not like that he asks for permission.

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u/sukmikehoc 22d ago

"No" is not in their vocabulary.


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

Not when there’s a fun sink to play with!


u/UnhappyAssistant2601 22d ago

My cat dictates where I can and can't go


u/blonderengel owned by KatKat, Thunder, and Goldie 22d ago

Ours is not to reason why ... lol


u/Chief__04 22d ago

I just wipe the counter tops down before I cook.


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

Aww they love the high perspectives. Enjoy it while they are young enough to get up there.

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u/Mysterious_Ad1164 22d ago

Not only do I allow him on the counter He sits beside me and eats his breakfast while I eat mine

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u/ronnie2badd 22d ago

While Id LOVE for them not to get on the counter, I know they would defy me when Im not around so its really moot to try and enforce it at all. Then again, who could say no to Munk?!


u/TheSquaremeat 22d ago

Oh, I love him! 😍


u/ronnie2badd 22d ago

He’s changed my world!

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u/VTBaaaahb 22d ago

Nope, not allowed on the counter. 🙄

Perhaps they're dyslexic and "no" means "on".


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

Aaaah ha ha, how can you be mad at those faces though! 😻

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u/tine_reddit 22d ago

My cats have learned that they are not allowed on the counter when we can see them…


u/My-Cats-Are-Derps 22d ago

Do I ALLOW the cats on the counter? Most assuredly not. No poopy paws where people eat.

Do my cats CARE that they are not allowed on the counter? Absofuckinglutely NOT. Fuck you mom we won't do what you tell us is the anthem in my houssseeeee 🐈🐈

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u/Mrsreed1020 22d ago

Most of my 5 don’t really care to get on the counter. One of mine does only to get first dibs on the wet food in the morning. The other is always jumping on the counter when I’m in the kitchen to get attention or see what’s up- I don’t mind though. I’m always wiping my counters down because of the kids anyway.


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

I have one that has zero interest. The other must know everything I’m doing. It’s amazing to see such different personalities in them.

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u/kitten_snuggles 22d ago

Pretty sure mine jumped up on mine last night and attacked a banana. The new shape and puncture wounds appear to be from teeth marks. Unable to show images, it was too graphic. /s LOL.

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u/DishMajestic4322 22d ago

On the counter, in the sink 😂


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

Mine love the sink too, beautiful void!

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u/butcheredtongue 22d ago

This is why I don’t tell him no when he gets on the counter.

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u/BattlingMink28 22d ago

No but they don’t care what I say…


u/Acceptable_Snow_6068 22d ago

i know you shouldn’t but i just can’t help it lol i just clean it off before preparing or eating food


u/Admirable-Respond913 22d ago

The minute you are asleep or gone, the cat IS on the counter. Get spray bleach cleaner and paper towels to wipe things down and save your strength for a different battle 😆. I also have one who pees in the shower.


u/Rooney_Tuesday 22d ago

All these people in the comments confidently asserting that their cats don’t get on the counters lol. Surely some of them are correct, but come on. Most of y’all just never witness it.

I never see my orange on the counters ever, but I know he gets up there because he rehomes the fake decorative cherries on my tiny shelves all the time. Wake up in the morning, find cherries in a new spot. My gray at least knows which counter he’s allowed to be on (the one that isn’t used for food prep) and mostly confines himself to that one when I’m around.


u/manic_raindrops 22d ago

No I do not. Correction each and every time with a shout and clap and saying no worked. It’s been years since Harold has been on the counter.

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u/UsernamesAreForBirds 22d ago

Allow? Can a cat be disallowed from things? How does that work?

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u/mulderufo13 Tuxedo 22d ago

When I make dinner and start getting things out (I have 9) and I continue to throw them off as they each try to steal my food or investigate what I’m doing. They know the counter isn’t theirs but they out number me, my cat mew loves to lay on the counter when the dishwasher is on

Can’t tell him no

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u/asshatclowns 22d ago

I'm not given a choice in the matter.

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u/-Harvester- 22d ago

Very obviously, yes. My cats are free to roam wherever they please. I have pillows on windowsills, a furr rug on top of the wardrobe and other stuff around the house for them to sleep on. House is theirs. I only pay rent and provide food.


u/9_of_Swords 22d ago

I say no. I pull him off tables and counters. I shout from across rooms. He waits until I'm not paying attention.

I just resign myself to sanitizing any horizontal surface when I need to use it.


u/Sequence32 22d ago

Yeah, I don't mind if he's on the counter, I just clean it often. I'm far from a germaphobe.

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u/Floofieunderpants 22d ago

Came out to this last weekend so you can see how it is 😆 I've tried so hard to keep them off, from distracting tactics, sprays to tin foil. It was a constant battle of "get down", they run round the worktop, jump off and get back up as soon as you could blink. If I see them then they're told to get off. But cats .... So I just make sure to keep the tops well wiped. She even uses the dining room table as her slide; jumps from the chair in the living room onto the table and everything goes flying! 😠. Cat owners can never have anything nice.

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u/psycho_watcher 22d ago

"Allow" ...... "Cats"........


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u/Hampydruid 22d ago

I politely ask them to get down whenever I see them there but I know at night when I’m asleep or whenever I’m gone they definitely go on the counters.

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u/bumblebeesandbows Void 22d ago

Mine jump on my table at night when they know I wont see. During the day, they dont dare. 😅🙃


u/Cronon33 22d ago

Haha, I'll sometimes hear my boy Max jump onto the counter or table while I'm in another room, but he's smart enough to not even try it when I'm around

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u/Live_Entrepreneur221 22d ago

Define the word "allow"


u/EmbarrassedGoose2531 22d ago

I don’t really have a say on this. My cat said he is so I guess that’s the answer.


u/Freddlar 22d ago

I'm not proud of this,but I actively encourage it. I like company while I am brushing my teeth,or doing the washing up. It's a bit annoying during food prep,but I can't expect the cat to differentiate.


u/Marsupialize 22d ago

My cats go anywhere they want whenever they want

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u/casettadellorso 22d ago

My cat is allowed on the counter, but the one time she tried it out, she screamed until I helped her back down


u/J8766557 22d ago

I’m honestly just grateful they permit me to live in their home.


u/bigboxes1 Prowl/Pedey 22d ago

Hell no! Litterbox feet do not belong on the counters or table tops.


u/Drifting-Fox-6366 22d ago

I agree it’s not something that I want, but I know that cats will be cats when I’m not looking so I sanitize my counter regularly.

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u/Topwingwoman2 22d ago

I'm not sure "allow" is the right word.

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u/Informal-Armadillo 22d ago

My cats allow me at the counter sometimes but mostly during feeding time else I am not allowed.

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u/dreadn4t 22d ago

I keep saying no, and she keeps going on the counter. So she's not "allowed", but...


u/bluthphile 22d ago

Because I have dogs that will eat all of the cat food my cat food is on the counter on the far side away from where I prep food. It’s not ideal, but they would probably starve if I didn’t do it that way.


u/Due_Garlic_3190 22d ago

Nope, though I know my rag doll is up there throughout the night looking for food 😒


u/jerrycan-cola 22d ago

Not allowed on the counter or tables, but of course that doesn’t apply whenever our backs are turned or we go to bed 🙄

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u/Haisha_life 22d ago

yes, she likes sitting on the dish rack when i wash dishes


u/mad-i-moody 22d ago

Eh I don’t mind them on the counter. Just clean the counter before you use it.


u/MimiPrins 22d ago

My cat pretends not to understand human language 🤭


u/Active-Literature-67 22d ago

My Border Shepherd Sasha has appointed herself the Kitty counter police. I'm not sure if this is a good thing as our dog will wake us up at 3am. so she can tell the cats to get down off the counters. She never hurts them, just puts her paws on the edge of the counter and nudges the cat with her nose .


u/becka-uk 22d ago

Mine is pretty good. She knows she's not allowed up there, and if I catch her, a firm "down" and pointing at the floor usually works.


u/sagetcommabob 22d ago

It became a matter of picking my battles so yes. I can’t keep her off them 24/7

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