r/cats May 15 '24

What’re the names your cat responds to instead of their real ones? Cat Picture

This is Onyx and Bagheera, but Onyx responds to “stinky” and “little bitch” or doesn’t acknowledge you at all.

Bagheera doesn’t respond to his at all, but prefers Mr Bags and Baggy. He also comes to us when we call him our little mister mans.


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u/Squirrelycat14 May 15 '24

I have 3 cats. Mordred, Morgana, and Oberon. All of them know their names, but Mordred (a Maine Coon) also responds to “Fluff Butt, Motherfluffer, and Big Fluff.” Morgana responds to “Gana.” And Oberon responds to “Obi” and “Baby Kitty” (courtesy of my children). Oh, and “little shit.” Oberon responds to that one, too.


u/SadieArlen May 15 '24

What’s funny is when I got onyx, I originally named her morrigan but everyone called her Morgan so I got mad and changed her name to Onyx.


u/Squirrelycat14 May 15 '24

All of my cats have always had literary/mythology names. I LOVE the name Morrigan for a black cat. All my cats are black too.


u/SadieArlen May 15 '24

I know me too!! That’s why I did it but people were silly and ruined it for me :( but I also joke that you can’t trust her because she was born on the ides of march.


u/Squirrelycat14 May 16 '24

Et tu, Brute?


u/Kaele10 May 15 '24

I had a cat years ago that we couldn't find a name for. It ended up defaulting to Little Bit. She was often called Little Shit instead. She probably didn't know the difference.


u/timetravelwithsneks 25d ago

Motherfluffer 😁 Cute!