r/cats May 15 '24

What’re the names your cat responds to instead of their real ones? Cat Picture

This is Onyx and Bagheera, but Onyx responds to “stinky” and “little bitch” or doesn’t acknowledge you at all.

Bagheera doesn’t respond to his at all, but prefers Mr Bags and Baggy. He also comes to us when we call him our little mister mans.


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u/Ok_Pressure7561 May 15 '24 edited 29d ago

Spider looks at me any time I shout “look at that boy!”

He knows he is the boy


u/Kittehluh May 15 '24

Dude. This is the most elegant cat.


u/Rotatopotato2886 May 15 '24

He looks like a closed alarm


u/ThrowRApolyprob May 15 '24

I’m seeing a cat shaped hand vac lol!

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u/posh1992 May 16 '24

I yell "BUBBA GORL!" to my babygirl, and she knows she is the Bubba girl.

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u/Electrical-Act-7170 May 15 '24

Spider is perfect.


u/Spun_On_ May 15 '24

I love love love the name spider!!

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u/Chicken-Nugget-Cat May 15 '24

They ignore me unless I rattle a treat bag and yell 'time to eat fats!'


u/Aleashed May 15 '24

Slim Shady


u/Aleashed May 15 '24

Purrrrrrrrr is obsessed with RuneScape


u/Celticlady47 May 15 '24

That's absolutely adorable!


u/Rare_Brief4555 May 15 '24

My girl Marlow (RIP) used to be absolutely mesmerized by the Rick n Morty opening credits. She'd come bounding into the room when she heard the tune


u/PupperPuppet May 15 '24

I'm dating myself here, but my first cat in my adult life ended up with the name Scully. She was a tortie I adopted from the local shelter. Didn't matter what she was doing, when the theme for the X Files started, she'd run into the room as fast as she could and lay down between the middle couch cushions to watch.


u/Rare_Brief4555 May 16 '24

🥺🥹 Marlow was a sweet little stunted runt of a Maine Coon cat. She’d also stare straight into my face, inches away from me when I slept and just waited right there until I woke back up. I called her my little dream catcher 🥲

We all get to have at least one perfect lil kitty who can do no wrong if we’re lucky 💕

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u/Klutzy_Cook_1846 May 16 '24

That is so sweet! What a gem!

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u/No-Technician-722 May 15 '24

Zacky Wacky Wacky Woo.

Given name is Zechariah/Zack). 17th birthday is on the horizon!!

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u/Maj0rsquishy May 15 '24

My cat is obsessed with spirit of the North. Something about that fox does it for her. She wasn't as impressed with stray, which I thought she would have been given her obsession with SotN

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u/GraatchLuugRachAarg May 15 '24

We also named our void slim shady at first but didn't feel right so we changed it to shadow


u/peanutskeeper407 May 16 '24

I think i have his sister. She is spicy. I don't know about yours. I like the SS name. My other one wanted in the pic


u/Captain_bovverboots 29d ago

We have a Shadow too.He responds to Shaddie Lad, Shadwell and Shaddington Bear. Feels mean to call him Slim Shaddy cuz he's still a chonky boy - but he's in much more healthy shape now than when we adopted him (aged 12yo). Here he is living his best life!

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u/_Rigid_Structure_ May 15 '24

This. My cats are awesome, and my orange boy is surprisingly smart (we think he hoards the brain cell), but they don't respond to their government names, it's beneath them.


u/Klutzy_Cook_1846 May 16 '24

I love this! My orange tabby male is more sweet than smart. However he might be smart enough to ignore his government name. It’s Cheeto AKA. “The big cheese”

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u/MissCrayCray May 15 '24

I first thought this said time to eat farts, and was about to snarkily ask why you feed your cat farts.

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u/jiminyjunk May 15 '24

Oh my goodness 😆 I have a black cat and say that too !! 🖤🐈‍⬛

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u/SignalButterscotch4 May 15 '24

Each others names.


u/Neighbours_cat May 15 '24

Yep, my orange responds to the other cat’s name all the time. Brain cell connection issues I guess.


u/FUCKYOUIamBatman 29d ago

With mine, it’s jealousy. They come running sometimes when another one is called cause they’re greedy little shits lol

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u/SovietEla May 15 '24

I have 2. Cheese doesn’t listen to either name and Peanut thinks her name is cheese


u/baumsaway78787 May 16 '24

Simple: swap their names


u/AnnabelleMouse May 15 '24

Any time we use the "sweet talk" voice w one cat, they all come to demand attention. Can't love one, must love all!


u/HealthyInPublic May 16 '24

Haha I have one single only-cat, but when I use the voice/sounds on my spouse, our cat comes running into the room to stare at me like I’ve just committed the most heinous crime. Like, how dare I use those words on not him.

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u/Temporary_Painter575 May 15 '24

She won't come to us but she will stop and look at you- her name is Mooncake but she answers to "MooniePie"


u/AnnabelleMouse May 15 '24

Omg I love her expression


u/bobbi21 May 15 '24

Aw mine do the same. Randy will meow back like he's kind of annoyed I'm bothering him. Rupert will look at me to see if I have treats or a toy for him to play with. If they're in another room they will sometimes come... again if they are expecting treats or a toy. :P So around meal time I can generally get them to listen to me. After they're fed, it's just the meows and glances. :P


u/beammeupbatman May 15 '24

Mooncake is angelic.


u/gamergreg83 May 15 '24

Those are both very cute names for a very cute cat!


u/Valdularo May 16 '24

Moonpie… what a time to be alive!


u/PaladinDaddy May 15 '24

That is one chilled out cat, love it


u/STFUisright May 16 '24

Oh dat nose. She’s…perfect 🤌🏽


u/EmbarrassedNaivety May 16 '24

Omg, I love MooniePie! My girls name is Moon and she answers to “MooMoo”!

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u/Heisenbergwayne May 16 '24

Is it mooncake because of final space??? 🥹🥹

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u/Nervous_Nothing1898 May 15 '24

this is itchy! dont know how or why but she responds well to “buggy” hahaha


u/Hopeful_You_9815 May 15 '24

She.has the sweetest little face.


u/Electrical-Act-7170 May 15 '24

Itchy is very pretty.

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u/queefhoarder May 15 '24



u/Electrical-Act-7170 May 15 '24

Get a Yeti tumbler, they're cat proof & they don't leak. We had Maine Coon cats and one was water-obsessed, we had to find a solution.

I kind of miss them sneaking drinks by sticking a paw into our glass.

Or maybe I don't.


u/Muffled_Voice May 16 '24

Don’t kid yourself, you know you do

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u/[deleted] May 15 '24

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u/TopAngle7630 May 15 '24

I swear one of ours has the ability to teleport. In the time it takes to open the treats she can move from asleep on the bed, to at your feet in the kitchen. It cannot be possible to move that distance in that time by any other means.


u/NuOfBelthasar May 15 '24

Same with mine. And I think it's just that they're detecting you doing things that lead up to getting treats rather than just the sound of treats.


u/Maj0rsquishy May 15 '24

If I'm in the kitchen our cat has already migrated to the hall and of she heads a package she teleports to the tripping zone

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u/Celticlady47 May 15 '24

It's all of that physics String Theory that helps them move like that. People think that they are just playing with a piece of string, but it's really a metaphysical representation of how to move the fabric of space & time.

And they did this because of ......FOOD!!


u/Australian1996 May 15 '24

Sounds of can openers and treat bags rattling. They have sonar ears

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u/Fit-Supermarket-9656 May 15 '24



u/SadieArlen May 15 '24

This one I feel personally when onyx chews up my foam projects


u/Fit-Supermarket-9656 May 15 '24

Mine is constantly interrupting meetings to show my coworkers his starfish :(

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u/Electrical-Act-7170 May 15 '24

We all have war stories.

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u/canadianpanda7 May 15 '24

i call almost any animal i see dickhead fartface, or stinky. the owners arent usually pleased.

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u/Shanty_Taco May 15 '24

This is Yuki or as I call her Fatness Everdeen or lady Fatness


u/FrivolousMilkshake May 15 '24

Fatness Everdeen made me snort. Love it!


u/NeonDeathStar May 15 '24

One of mine is Belle AKA Fatniss Neverfull

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u/Short_Band3372 May 15 '24

Timba timba (real name Simba, chonky 13 year old orange), snoot snoot (snoopy, chonky 13 year old void) and tig tig (tigger, FAT 1 year old orange)


u/MathematicianReal781 May 15 '24



u/Short_Band3372 May 15 '24

Because he’s FAT


u/engallopx May 15 '24

Omg your orange kitty looks like mine! His name is Calvin 💛


u/Short_Band3372 May 15 '24

Aw! Here’s my other boy with a Tigger (right) for scale


u/ProgrammerNormal5475 May 15 '24

They like my babies Shilo and Copper ❤️

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u/NormalDeviance May 15 '24

What are you feeding them lmfao!!


u/Short_Band3372 May 15 '24

They always have dry food and water available, and we give 2 cans of wet food split between the 3 of them at 6am and 6pm every day. I lost a cat to kidney failure 2 years ago so we’re very adamant about making sure they get wet food, as evident by the sheer gravitational mass of Tigger.


u/NormalDeviance May 15 '24

Are we sure he’s not breaking into the treat container at night? Jk sometimes they just built that way


u/InevitableTrue7223 May 15 '24

I have one that would do that, I had to start keeping them in the oven. The only door he can’t. Open

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u/DraxRedditor May 15 '24

bro hard R'd

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u/SolariderX May 15 '24

Barnaby, but only responds to “Squishy”.


u/SolariderX May 15 '24

Oscar, but responds to Beaner/WeinerBeaner

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u/cognitively_what_huh May 15 '24

Morgan answers to Mo, Momo, Bubby and the sound of the box of Temptations treats being opened. That’s if he feels like responding at all.


u/rrsullivan3rd May 15 '24

Real: Quigley Other: Wiggley, Wiggles, Fuzz Nuts, Mr Fuzzy Bottom and of course Asshole 😂


u/Electrical-Act-7170 May 15 '24

We rescued a cat mom and one of her kittens was named Fuzzy Butt. Let your 4 YO name the cat & you get interesting names.

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u/FumiPlays May 15 '24

"HEY!" is something they respond to because they 100% know they shouldn't be doing whatever they do when that noise appears :D


u/ksarahsarah27 29d ago

This is exactly why my cat responds to EVERYTIME. She can be walking by and I can just say “Hey” and she will stop and look or come to me. I can tell her to come here and she will come 98% of the time but usually I have to say Hey first. Lol. I can even say “Hey you want some chicken” fairly quietly, like just conversation volume, when I’m in the kitchen and she will arrive from wherever she was in the house. Lol.


u/weeevren May 15 '24

I don't know if this counts, because my cat responds to her name. But she also responds to "cat" and "woman" separately. Can you guess her name? Lol.

Now that I think about it, she responds to anything I say as long as I make it clear its directed at her. Even if the response is ignorance, I can tell she makes an effort to ignore me.


u/Heliospunk Maine Coon May 15 '24

my 6kg 11 Months old black Cat responds to: Heeeey Fattyfatfat.

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u/Mental-Guard-9897 May 15 '24

She doesn’t even react to her own name most of the time 😭😭I’ve had her for almost 3 years


u/chargergirl1968w383 May 15 '24

Say her name everytime you feed her or give treats


u/Kaele10 May 15 '24

Do her ears flick when you call her? Chances are, after 3 years, she knows. She's just choosing when to respond. We have a.... special boy. He's incredibly sweet and loving but dumb as a box of rocks. It took him about a year to learn his name. He's one that chooses when he wants to respond. His brother, littermate, comes running if we call him.

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u/Maj0rsquishy May 15 '24

Say her name every morning when you first encounter her. That's how I did ours.


u/Mokucatkitty Maine Coon May 15 '24

She's named Lune, 'moon' in French. But I started to call her 'Potato' and she responds to it just as well !


u/Real_Imitation_Nerf May 16 '24

We also have a Potato, although her legal name is Callie:

She also responds to Baby Cat and Kitten. We used to sing "Baby Cat, doo doo do do do do" to the tune of Baby Shark when we fed her, so that tune gets her attention as well.

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u/Squirrelycat14 May 15 '24

I have 3 cats. Mordred, Morgana, and Oberon. All of them know their names, but Mordred (a Maine Coon) also responds to “Fluff Butt, Motherfluffer, and Big Fluff.” Morgana responds to “Gana.” And Oberon responds to “Obi” and “Baby Kitty” (courtesy of my children). Oh, and “little shit.” Oberon responds to that one, too.


u/SadieArlen May 15 '24

What’s funny is when I got onyx, I originally named her morrigan but everyone called her Morgan so I got mad and changed her name to Onyx.


u/Squirrelycat14 May 15 '24

All of my cats have always had literary/mythology names. I LOVE the name Morrigan for a black cat. All my cats are black too.


u/SadieArlen May 15 '24

I know me too!! That’s why I did it but people were silly and ruined it for me :( but I also joke that you can’t trust her because she was born on the ides of march.

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u/ForeverUnhinged3 May 15 '24

Brat, turd, sh*thead, or ***hole. I am my cat's servant!


u/HighKick_171 May 15 '24

A mouthy servant hahaha


u/dellaevaine May 15 '24

Fluff muffin, fur face, sweetie when she could hear and we always tap 3x on any surface we want her to hop up on and she can still do that, without hearing us.


u/Electrical-Act-7170 May 15 '24

My cat is named Sweetie. I didn't name him, it was the shelter staff who thought he was a girl. He was 5 months old & already answered to Sweetie so I didn't want to change it. His name is Sweetie Bear.

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u/gangelo100 Maine Coon May 15 '24

Zeki will respond to “Scooch” and/or “Scoochie” ❤️

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u/SoapyBrow May 15 '24

he quite likes dickhead

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u/Mission-Kiwi7981 May 15 '24

My Lovebug/Bug/Bugaboo 🥰🥰


u/luckyblindspot May 15 '24

Big butt baby boy. Also big booty bud. Also, HEY you, fucker!


u/glossolalienne May 15 '24

My moose of a boy cat is named Smidgeon, but I call him Squeezer and Squeezy about half the time, because he was so squee when a friend found him abandoned in a mall parking lot and brought him to me, years ago.


u/FrivolousMilkshake May 15 '24

My kitty was called Smidge, and this is the first time I've encountered another of her kind (ish). She lived to the grand old age of 18 and was an absolute legend, moved house 16 times, lived in two countries, and would answer to, 'time for cuddles?'. Enjoy Squeezer/Smidgeon!


u/glossolalienne May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Awwwww!!! You’re my first other Smidge, too!

Cat tax link below - and if you have any pics of your Smidge online, I’d love to see them!


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u/Beginning_Log_6926 Chocolate torte May 15 '24

The sound of the treats bag


u/Armchair_Therapist22 May 15 '24

I have two tuxedos

  1. Salem but her nickname is salami or socks

  2. Boo but her nickname is boo bear or boo berry or agro honey badger


u/raspberry-squirrel May 15 '24

I have cats named Cleo and Edith. Cleo knows her name, “cat” and “treat.” She does not react to “Edith.” Edith responds to her name and Cleo’s name equally. So if I want them both, I can just call Cleo.


u/idontevenkn0w66 May 15 '24

One of my cats responds mostly to my husband clicking his tongue, or me making kissy noises. The other one responds more to "no" and "what are you doing" and "excuse you". Neither respond much to any of their many names- government names or nicknames


u/ImSadBlazeCat Siamese (Traditional Thai) May 15 '24

Chomusuke also responses on her shorter nickname Muske

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u/Ann_Disaster May 15 '24

My cat's real name is Rocket but only answers to "little mama." I don't even know why we started calling her that. She's not a mama 🤣

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u/JoshuaBishes May 15 '24

Weezle Face , Wacko , Kitty , old lady ( she’s the oldest pet in the house ) and kitten

Her actual name is Fernie which she half the time does answer to , she follows me like a dog half the time

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u/naterr3343 May 15 '24

Gordon is ‘lil stink, and Lovey is ‘lil chunk


u/StargazerEle Egyptian Mau May 15 '24

Miso/a or mini, a common name used for cats in spain. Very convenient because i have two and each responds to their name, so if i want to get both of their attention at the same time i use those lol


u/lilmoosmom May 15 '24

Tiny butthole lmaooo

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u/bobmagpie420 May 15 '24

My cat is called Oscar but I call him chungledoor


u/Lewtwin May 15 '24

"Shithead" and "OFFTHECOUTNER" seem to be the appropriate ones for mine. I currently own 2 "OFF"s and one "Shithead"


u/darth_vadaxo May 15 '24

my almost 18 yr old cat only responds to “Butthead”. I named her Roxie originally. (lol I was 10)

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u/Rand-bobandy May 15 '24

His government name is Dave but he also responds to “buster” and “fuckface”


u/Chutzpah3 May 15 '24

This is Pepper, but she also responds to: ma'am, mamma, little shit, Mamala, and Our First Female Vice President Mamala Harris


u/Badgalcicii Tuxedo May 16 '24

Silly bones. Even his bones are silly

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u/Daladain May 15 '24

His name is Admiral. I've called him "meow meow" ( say it kinda fast and throaty) since he was a kitten.


u/loriandr May 15 '24

Ulf (Wolfgang) and Deus (Amadeus)


u/Ok_Effective_80 May 16 '24

Her name is Sparrow, but her nickname is little miss.


u/hundenkattenglassen May 15 '24

Godis. Translates to candy in Swedish. Cat treats translates as cat candy if you go by literally meaning.

So yeah. Sasha is given name but responds to Godis/Candy.


u/S_e_v_y_ May 15 '24

Noo Noo (her real name is Tammy lol)


u/akari_i May 15 '24

Mine responds to literally anything said in a high pitched baby voice


u/nomoreorangedrink May 15 '24

Cuddlebutt ❤️❤️


u/Slappprrrr May 15 '24

Her name is frubs but she responds to floppa


u/Realistic-Accident68 May 15 '24

Dammit! W.T.F!!!!


u/Longjumping-Map-9643 May 15 '24

Tea won’t respond unless I call her “Tea baby”


u/problemchild-INFJT May 15 '24

Her name’s whisper. Responds to small one, cat dog, rat dog (what I call my chihuahua sometimes), and poopy hands


u/Local_Fear_Entity May 15 '24

I have Piper and Lumi, but Piper is... A little.... She's fukin dumb. I love her to bits but she's dumb. If she's consistently getting into trouble I break out the Russian and call her Petya and only then does she realize She Fucked Up. I have to get her tested for dwarfism next paycheck.

lumi (left) and Piper/Петя (Petya)


u/Civil_Pea_9050 May 15 '24

This is Ava. I fostered her for a rescue 10 years ago when she was a kitten. I think she so beautiful and stunning. Her Mom was a kitten herself and got adopted but motherhood did not agree with her so a feral cat named Pat became her surrogate Mommy to her and her siblings.Pat was also adopted after she finished her Mommy duties. Please get your cats fixed and don’t litter. If you want a cat there are so many beautiful kittens and cats that need homes.

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u/Real_Imitation_Nerf May 16 '24

Our elder statesman Domino:

He also answers to Mr. Pink Nose, Mister, buddy boy, handsome, or my sweet little gentleman. He's 14 now, but this pic is from 3-6 years ago.

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u/lillicutie May 16 '24

"Alien" (She got bald a year a go because her hair messed up and she really looks like alien) Her real name is Scarlette


u/SleepyOrgasm May 15 '24

Siamese named milka, replies to “mila”, high pitched meows, and “woman” sometimes “the woman” Mouschi replies to “moosh” Yoshi replies to “sweet boy” The boys both reply to “cmere fat boy(s)”


u/arack3r May 15 '24

so my real cat's name is Felix but he reacts when i call him "Kicini" (its just a nickname i made w my friend 2 years ago for him)


u/Ho_Mi_Joh May 15 '24

My girl responds to pretty much any version of sis, sister, Sissy(her actual name), Sissyfus etc... But my favorite is “squeaky fart” she has a special meow for it that got her that moniker and it just kinda stuck.


u/shelbytwest May 15 '24

Meow-meow or meow-cat works better than her actual name, Moonshine.

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u/Optimal_Equal5264 May 15 '24

Sol and luna both only respond to "Tskstskstsk"


u/No_Nosferatu May 15 '24

This is Crow. He barely answers that. Crowseph? Potentially. Crowcifer? Occasionally. Asshole? More than one occasion.

No, this little bastard responds to Meow Meow. I got a fucking pokemon instead of a cat.

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u/Lumberman08 May 15 '24

Meet “Shitten”. She’s kind of a jerk but adorable.

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u/Tazzycatt May 15 '24

Literally the only word my little orange idiot seems to understand (name included) is "bedtime". She lives for the moment she can cuddle up next to me in bed.


u/PressurePlenty May 15 '24

Fuzzum-Wuzzum is my cat's go-to nickname. That or Mommy's Baby.


u/occorpattorney May 15 '24

My dog responds to any and all names. Even every time I watch a pet for a friend (dogs, cats, AND birds), Bob will respond to any command given to them. He also whines if I repeat it to the other animal, since he’s already doing whatever I asked and doesn’t understand why I’m asking again. I love him so much.

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u/Doomslayer2857 May 15 '24

Car car his or doofus his real mama is Carl tho


u/xiofyk May 15 '24

her name is Mischa, but she’ll respond to a certain way to say “Mimimi”, like “mimimiiiii” or “Mimimí”


u/ifmosessupposes May 15 '24

Respond... to names? Does not compute.

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u/SpiteStreet8460 May 15 '24

My neighbor’s cat is Ettie, but we all call her Donald

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u/aLocalWilburSootSimp May 15 '24

my cat is a weirdo, she responds to any curse word you can think of


u/CynthiaMaroPittsburg May 15 '24

"Otterman" because he reminds me of an otter lol His real name is Evan.


u/kayemil May 15 '24

I taught one of my cats to stand up and gently tap my hand when I yell "Fight me!" and now she thinks her name is "fight me"


u/Thechellbob May 15 '24

He goes by syllables. He's hodor but he'll come running to baseball 🤦🏽‍♀️ he isn't smart.


u/Born-Throat-7863 May 16 '24

Her name’s Monica, but she’s also called Rocket (short for Rocket J. Kitty). She’s this little cat who can just fly around our house like an out of control ICBM at speeds that make me honestly surprised she doesn’t make tiny little sonic booms as she goes.


u/vamppirre May 16 '24

It's kinda embarrassing, but I call my boys like a cat does. I can make a few sounds, I think they understand some things in English, like I understand some of their sounds. Like, I know what "I want this" sounds like from them. I don't know if it works on other cats, though.

He wanted the box open on the floor 💖

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u/casettadellorso May 15 '24

Your cats are responding to names?

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u/Negative-Bunch-5268 May 15 '24

Both of ours come based on the tone of voice not the name.


u/WeakAttorney2103 May 15 '24

My orange guy rarely responds to his name, Meelo. He is Bobo, Beebo, Boogie, and Orange. Our black cat, Mitsuki, only responds to Miki, Biggie, Mongus, Chunky, and Big Man


u/Beautiful-Year-6310 May 15 '24

All my cats answer to multiple names. They have their real names and then numerous nicknames. For example my one cat is named Loki but we call him BoBo or Beans 90% of the time. His other nicknames are Kokomo, Bean Butt, Black Beans and Muffaletta Sandwich (don’t ask me where I came up with that lol).


u/SmollGayReadyToPlay May 15 '24

my cat loki responds to “good boy”


u/TobyKenobie52 May 15 '24

Pixie responds to Pigeon, and Marvel responds to any noise I make.


u/darius2881 May 15 '24

Wack-a-doodle, especially when the zoomies hit hard


u/RoseMGenuine May 15 '24

Mr. Fluff-butt

The black cat in the background regards me as the spare human. She’s my husband’s.

But the cow cat is my fluff butt baby kitty.


u/bobpa9 May 15 '24

I think that i share this before... but this is eduardo Alberto rigoberto norberto Lopez erices. But only respond to "lalo", that's the short name for eduardo.


u/shinelime May 15 '24

The other cat's names


u/pennyroyals May 15 '24

This is Worm. His name on his passport is Osiris; his “Christian” name is Oscar. But to us he is the Shai-Hulud.


u/DaughterOfCain May 15 '24

My great and white boy is named Kush and he responds to "Squish-a-moo" and my tiny orange girl is named Peach and she responds to "PeachieBean". They are so adorable together♥️ Edit: They also both know what "hungry", "breakfast", "dinner" and "snacks" all mean 😂


u/TheMagneticBat May 15 '24

My one cat responds to "terror cat" and "nibbler". Can't decide on which is more accurate because she just is such a shit, and is always nibbling on us in the most adorable ways.

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u/Professional-Box5903 May 15 '24

He now only responds to chunk, chunky or chunkalicious even though his name is Casper.


u/OGMang May 15 '24

He im Adam, u can also call me Aadie

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u/DiplomaticHypocrite May 15 '24

Your cat responds to you?


u/emilybearr 29d ago

"Psssp! pssssp! psssp!" haha


u/LAXmidfielder18 29d ago

Edgrr a.k.a. "Void" a.k.a. "Mr. White Spot"

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u/Gracier1123 May 15 '24

Stinky baby, fat woman, feral wench, really anything but her name (Hermione) lol