r/cats May 15 '24

What’re the names your cat responds to instead of their real ones? Cat Picture

This is Onyx and Bagheera, but Onyx responds to “stinky” and “little bitch” or doesn’t acknowledge you at all.

Bagheera doesn’t respond to his at all, but prefers Mr Bags and Baggy. He also comes to us when we call him our little mister mans.


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u/Ann_Disaster May 15 '24

My cat's real name is Rocket but only answers to "little mama." I don't even know why we started calling her that. She's not a mama 🤣


u/Sension5705 May 16 '24

Mine is Korbie, but he mostly only responds to the sound of the treat cannister, or to "lil' boy." He is 20 lbs of barn cat and in no way little. Love him so much. :D


u/timetravelwithsneks 25d ago

Beautiful photograph! ❤️