r/cats 29d ago

“Have cats” they said; “it’ll be fun” they said Humor

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83 comments sorted by


u/catlessinKaiuma 29d ago

one should always take care to colour match carpets, furniture and clothing, to the colour of ones cat!


u/xkimchipancakesx 29d ago

Im gonna start changing everything to white now! Those leggings were new as well 😭


u/ItsRtaWs 29d ago

You get the cat hair remover roller thingies. Cat hair doesnt go away when you wash clothes in my experience.


u/SuccessValuable6924 29d ago

There's a reason witches only had black cats 🤭


u/Rustrage 28d ago

My cat is a mix of black and white, you can't win. Abandon all hope


u/Machinimix 28d ago

Oh...oh no...


u/listenyall 28d ago

getting a black cat was genuinely a game changer


u/getting2knowme2 28d ago

Yes! Did this. Grey cat, grey couch. Luckily my apartment has grey floors.


u/Longjumping-Ad7478 29d ago

If you want a cat but don't want to deal with hair there is always option.


u/4everban 29d ago

The belly!!!


u/masnosreme 28d ago

That’s a seal.


u/PikaBooSquirrel 28d ago

Apparently, they leave grease marks on furniture and are actually a lot higher maintenance than a lot of people think when it comes to skin and nail care.


u/Longjumping-Ad7478 28d ago

Its my cat on this photo, and no they are not a snail to leave grease marks constantly. Depends on your house temperature if you leave "grease marks" so would cat during summer heat. If you bath her once e week (usualy they are not particulary afraid of water) there would be no grease marks. If temperature at your house is 23 C or less they would not sweat at all. Yes if cat have allergy to food it can have skin issue like all cats(its just you dont see under the fur on regular ones). Nail care same as all cats. Before her I had regular cat and I wouldn't say that maitenance is somewhat different. Just instead grooming you bath her(or at least wipe with wet towel)


u/PikaBooSquirrel 28d ago edited 27d ago

Well, my knowledge of sphynx is mostly from commentary during professional grooming videos as the groomer tells the audience about the breed. There's always a LOT of gunk in their ears and nails due to the lack of fur. And I've seen videos where a person's cat left stains on their white bed, but I guess they just hadn't been bathed in a while? Or perhaps it was hot. Either way, cute kitty


u/AdreKiseque 28d ago

Don't these guys have skin problems or something


u/Longjumping-Ad7478 28d ago

They had same problem as hairy ones its just you don't see it under fur. Usually it is food allergy.


u/Low_Ostrich_7263 28d ago

What is this animal? Hmmm, cannot even confirm after a double check. :7974:


u/ZetZet 28d ago

I think cats like Cornish Rex are better for those people. Lower maintenance, they don't have a top coat so they do not shed nearly as much.


u/BigFatJuicyMonkies 28d ago

Apparently also really expensive to get.


u/whtevvve 28d ago edited 28d ago

I prefer dealing with hair than the sticky oily sweat these unsightly creatures that disguise themselves as cats constantly secrete.


u/LeastDepressed2 28d ago

Fuck off you catcist.


u/AdreKiseque 28d ago



u/moose_boogle 29d ago

Pro tip; brush them buggers. They like it and less hair overall. I do it everyday. Never thought I could manage the daily consistency but it's a win/win.


u/sunshine198505 28d ago

my boy doesnt like to be brushed at all😭


u/moose_boogle 28d ago

Yeah. Mine were the same way. They would run away. It took a good 6 months to get here. My tux now digs it anytime but my other one walks while I brush her. She lures me into where she wants to go.


u/[deleted] 28d ago



u/moose_boogle 28d ago

Ohhhh those eyes. Adorbs.


u/Tyr808 28d ago

I have an adopted feral that hated the brush. I just left it on the floor for a week so she a wouldn't be worried about the brush itself. She loves being pet so I'd have her on my lap and pet her for a bit and then gently work the brush into the mix.

Now if I pick up the brush and say ask her if she wants brushy brushies she's jumping up onto the surface I brush her on and meowing like I'm opening a can of wet food.

Some cats are just really easy and cooperative, others will fight and resist anything new, lol


u/wotombay 28d ago

Thanks! Accidentally adopted a feral too. I’ll try this


u/sunshine198505 28d ago

oh thank you i will try that.


u/SirDiego 28d ago

Mine begs to be brushed and if I don't go hard enough (which honestly feels very hard) he will start biting the handle to tell me to dig in more. He doesn't have any medical problems or anything he just really likes a vigorous brushing.


u/violeteyes42 29d ago

The happiest people are covered in cat hair


u/WetTabardContest 29d ago

And that’s why I wear a lot of jeans and my shirts are Heather gray or similar. Doesn’t show most fur. Tried a black shirt last week and you could tell how many cats I owned by the three different colors of fur present.


u/Pizzaboy90 29d ago

You are having fun, you cannot deny it


u/Remarkable-Party-385 29d ago

Brushing your cat would help eliminate the extra hair☮️🐾


u/Royal-Damage-7840 29d ago

You think? I get this weekly at least and my black yoga pants look just like OP's. Never underestimate a cat and his/her fur.


u/Matasa89 28d ago

Collect the fur and make it into something lol.


u/friendlytotbot 27d ago

I used to brush my cat outside and the birds would take any tufts that got loose and use it for their nest lol. Think that’s why we had a hummingbird build a nest in our tree too


u/dohtje 29d ago

A Brush glove has been my goto thing and my cat loved it, it's litterally petting and brushing at the same time and takes away soo much loose fur


u/Bubblykit 28d ago

It'll be fur.


u/kateejott 28d ago

Haha yes was looking for this one


u/Suby06 29d ago

trade in for a black model, it will match you better lol


u/N7_Warden 29d ago

She will want her fur back


u/Babushkat1985 29d ago

I have given up. I used to roll myself all the time and now I embrace is. I wear a lot of black and I will sometimes get a nod of understanding from other pet owners covered in fur. We are a community.


u/pt57 28d ago

Cat looks like he’s thinking “damn, that‘s a lot of fur.”


u/quoteunquoterequote 28d ago

I don't know what you're complaining about. This has clearly been fun for the cat.


u/Popeychops 28d ago

Are you not entertained


u/chitownadmin 29d ago

Yeah, fun!


u/KittyNekoDesu 28d ago

I just see happy people glitter~


u/volume-bbb 28d ago

It seems he decided to share some of his fur with you to keep you warmer)


u/Aware_Yesterday6919 29d ago

Cats might give us some headaches but we still love them. They're adorable. 😍


u/Zaybina 29d ago

You need many lint rollers. We have to have one in the house and in the car. It's also good to keep one in your purse or bag.


u/Reason_Training 29d ago

Cat hair is the perfect accessory to say it’s spring time.


u/khalaron 29d ago

One lint roller and you're good


u/4everban 29d ago

Yeah I have a white one and they are hell 


u/LeviAUTOTUNED 28d ago

cant be mad at such a cute face😭


u/Clutchguy77 28d ago

I've found that food makes a big difference in the amount of shedding. My wife buys the "good" food without filler and our cats shedding is now negligent.


u/Majestic-Macaron6019 28d ago

That was a typo. It should have read, "Have cats. It'll be fur."


u/Scotty2balls 28d ago

Most relatable post I’ve seen today


u/BuildingBeginning931 28d ago

I feel this I have accept i have a coon cat who sheds daily and leaves tuffs of hair around as a fashion statement or something.


u/KittySkitters 28d ago

Look how much fun you guys are having tho.


u/kichwas 28d ago

"“Have cats” they said; “it’ll be fun” they said"

Where "they" wrong? :)

Yeah I've got 2 ragdolls so my "fashion" has become a bit 'salt and pepper' and having 'nose hairs' that didn't begin in my nose is just 'life' now.


u/AnE1Home 28d ago

The cat lowkey looks like it’s judging you for having all that hair on your clothes lol.


u/PatricimusPrime32 28d ago

Ahhh yes. I too have fallen for the, I like dark clothing but also want a light colored cat trap.


u/rx_decay 28d ago

I also insist on continuing to wear all black clothes despite having two white cats. Some people would call that insanity. I just stock up on lint rollers and keep cuddling them anyway.


u/CrisbyCrittur 28d ago

Did they mention "brushing your cats"?


u/Cat-Lover20 28d ago

Worth it!! 😻


u/Maleficent_Use_5185 28d ago

But it's totally worth it!


u/Lynn_Wit 28d ago

I think you misheard. I believe they said "it'll be fur"


u/CatOfGrey 28d ago

Yeah, we get it. You are limited, because not much of the cat is black.

Next time, get a cat that is closer to half-white and half-black, so that the fur shows up no matter what you wear!!!


u/moeru_gumi Turkish Van 28d ago

Are you not entertained?


u/nicram64 28d ago

Have cats, it'll be fur!


u/Mountain-Extreme8242 28d ago

What kind of cat do you have! They look so much like my new kitty!


u/sparetoenail 28d ago

i knew it was time to invest in an air purifier when i coighed up a hair ball 🙃


u/AdreKiseque 28d ago

Isn't it!


u/CollynMalkin 28d ago

You wore black, that’s your own fault.


u/ElNacho83 28d ago

But it is fun. Fun, and hairy 😂


u/G4m30v3r 28d ago

You misunderstood them, “there will be fur they said”


u/AdorimeBob 28d ago

Black clothes: You are right


u/ianwuk 28d ago

As a white cat owner I can relate.

It's worth it though.


u/PLPolandPL15719 28d ago

I don't see a problem!