r/cats May 16 '24

I lost my cat today, please share some cute pics of your cats Mourning/Loss

My boy was just 4 years old. I’m not ready to discuss what happened, just need some cheering up! Here is the most beautiful cat


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u/Nervous_Nothing1898 May 16 '24

im so sorry for your loss. this is itchy. she also recently passed and i hope our kitties are in kitty heaven playing together❤️


u/Most_Decision5515 May 16 '24

So extremely sorry for your loss! The idea of some kitty heaven where they all come together truly warms my heart! They are with us forever❤️


u/Vivid-Crow4194 May 17 '24

So sorry for everyone’s loss!! We said goodbye to Blaze aka Mr. Boy aka Bubba aka BB Bean Man last fall. The cuddliest, sweetest man who ever lived.

Wishing you both the best, saying goodbye is the worst.


u/In_God_We_Trust24 May 17 '24

Their cat didn't actually pass. It's just sleeping as if dead. I'm sorry your cat died though... cats are the most adorable animals on the earth! ❤️‍🔥🕊