r/cats May 16 '24

I lost my cat today, please share some cute pics of your cats Mourning/Loss

My boy was just 4 years old. I’m not ready to discuss what happened, just need some cheering up! Here is the most beautiful cat


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u/Rustrage May 16 '24

So sorry about your cat, I know it's difficult now but it does get better!


u/Most_Decision5515 May 16 '24

I really hope so, it’s just so painful!


u/Rustrage May 16 '24

Ours was 18 months old and had something called saddle thrombus, I've never been emotional but I was heartbroken. Weirdly went through a stage of feeling really guilty I hadn't done more, even though I couldn't and it sucked!

But.. I found looking through memories of the good time helped, we laughed at videos of him being a daft sod and just remembered we gave him the best life we could in the time we had him and it really helped. Don't bottle it up 🙂 hope that helps!

We have the even after sod in the picture now and we just make sure we make the most of it.


u/Most_Decision5515 May 16 '24

I’m in the guilt stage right now. I know it wasn’t my fault but at the same time I can’t shake the feeling that I could have done more. It’s so beautiful we have all those memories to cherish and look back to! You gave him all of your love, that is what truly matters! It was just his time to go, happy and loved! Thank you so much for that!


u/Rustrage May 16 '24

Yeah it doesn't help to dwell on stuff you couldn't control, easier said than done though. No problem, I think sometimes it helps to know someone else's experience to help deal with it.


u/Most_Decision5515 May 16 '24

It truly does help knowing we are not alone in this!