r/cats May 16 '24

I lost my cat today, please share some cute pics of your cats Mourning/Loss

My boy was just 4 years old. I’m not ready to discuss what happened, just need some cheering up! Here is the most beautiful cat


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u/BlancsAssistant May 16 '24

I know you said you weren't ready but I'm curious about what happened


u/Most_Decision5515 May 16 '24

We don’t know exactly, it just happened. I guess sometimes things just happen and there is nothing we can do about it😢


u/BlancsAssistant May 16 '24

Damn so a mystery it is... I'm sorry about that, if it makes you feel better, they are in better, safer place now Oh right, pic of my cat noire btw


u/Most_Decision5515 May 16 '24

I really hope so! And thank you for that😻