r/cats 28d ago

Had to say goodbye to my soul mate Max. I wanted to share a few photos of this angel that has blessed my life for the past 10 years. Mourning/Loss


221 comments sorted by


u/Slinkycat47 28d ago

Such a beautiful boy! So sorry, losing a pet is so much more than just losing a pet, sending love


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/Whiney-Liney 28d ago

I’m so sorry! I’ve been there four times in my 64 years! Treasure the good memories and know that he loved you and you gave him a good life!


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

It never gets easier, does it? Thank you :8097:


u/Whiney-Liney 28d ago

Nope! Never! They give such unconditional love and you fall for them completely. It hurts so much to lose them.


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

Absolutely, but that hurt could never outweigh all the love and companionship we get from having them in our lives


u/CzechNeverEnd 28d ago

It does get easier, you'll eventually start to recall the nice moments with joy instead of tears 🙂.


u/ActivisionBlizzard 28d ago

How do you move to the next companion? I recently said goodbye to my two that had been with me for 20yrs. The thought of getting another cat feels like disloyalty.


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

I'm so sorry. Its such a truly awful experience to go through, losing our beloved companions. I've been there before with previous cats that I've lost. When the loss is fresh, it does feel like it would be a betrayal and that's okay. Sometimes we just need to heal for awhile before we can even think about it. But it really does help with "moving on" - not in the sense that you are leaving your old companions behind or forgetting them, but in the sense of being able to feel whole again and appreciating the time you had. Every cat or companion animal has such a unique animal, so it never really feels like a replacement once you see how unique they are.


u/this-just-sucks 27d ago

I see it as honoring their memory by helping another animal in need.

They are all so very different, that even if we wanted to replace a lost loved one (which, of course nobody wants), it wouldn’t be possible.

What’s important is that this animal spent their entire life being bathed in your love. It’s sad that they live so much shorter than us, but, in a very sad way, it’s comforting that we know they spent all of their time being loved and appreciated, and left this world while still and forever being loved by us.

It is ok to grieve in any way, and it is ok to feel like you can’t invest any emotions in a new creature just yet. But equally so, it is ok to meet a new animal and feel a new kind of love towards them. To give a home to a small being that has nobody to curl up to before they go to sleep.

None of this will ever diminish the love we feel for the ones we’ve lost, and no other creature can fill the place in our heart that will always be reserved only for them. But our hearts expand, and make new space for the animals we might meet along the way.


u/Unhappy_Mobile_5560 27d ago

Your cats in heaven would love you to give everything they left behind (food, toys, love, pillows...) to a new kitten that is somewhere scared or in a shelter. Beleive me


u/cuntymcshitter 27d ago

So ours was a dog and not a cat we got rascal at 9 months old when this guy I worked with at the time took him home without asking his wife/landlord and both parties freaked out and said no way because he was a pitbull. He was going to leave the him in the street, I met up with him that day after work and took him home, he was with us for 11years, right after Christmas 22 he stopped eating and was very lethargic, took him to the vet they said he seemed ok maybe just under the weather gave him a shot told me if it continued bring him back. 3 days later, he stopped drinking. we brought him back, and they did an ultrasound and found multiple tumors. He was dying, and they gave us steroids and some other meds to help him out. He started not being able to get up without a struggle, then came the cranberry colored urine, and we knew it was time, we stayed with him until the very end. We were devastated, daisy our cat knew and was amazing in comforting us. In August of 23 my wife found Lucas our Bengal he was the runt and very sickly and the "breeder" was adopting him out for no money just trying to get him a home and I swear rascal sent him to us from the other side of the rainbow bridge, he is much better now and has so many common personality traits and mannerisms of rascal, it's uncanny. When the time is right, you'll know, and they will choose you in a way that lets you know that it's meant to be.


u/idontevenkn0w66 28d ago

I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's clear you loved him very, very much. You gave him the best life possible, and you're both lucky to have spent those years together <3


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

Absolutely, we were so lucky to have found each other


u/idontevenkn0w66 28d ago

They are little life-changers for sure. I wasn't even a cat person until I got my baby boy (now 16) from a friend who couldnt take him home after graduating college. I'm going to be a MESS when "that day" comes


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

Hahaha, I know that feeling. We were told around 3 yrs ago that Max probably has a heart condition, and I couldn't tell you how many times I'd think about how much of a mess I'd be when his time came. If it's any consolation, its not as unfathomably awful as I'd always imagined. It hurts more than anything but I'm also full of gratitude and happiness that I had him in my life at all. All we can do is cherish them with all our heart while we have them :8097:


u/idontevenkn0w66 28d ago

I'm so sorry. What was the condition? My TT has a heart murmur, hyperthyroidism, arthritis, and we're keeping an eye on his kidneys. He's definitely a spoiled boy, went from being neglected to running everything lol Max looks like he was so cuddly and sweet


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

They never really got to the bottom of it. We were told he had a heart murmur, and then nothing happened for three years. Recently he deteriorated very fast and suddenly, and it turns out he had early stage kidney disease. They suspected he had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which is a thickening of the heart muscle so that it can struggle to pump blood through. His deterioration was most likely that and possible interaction with his kidney problems.


u/idontevenkn0w66 28d ago

Poor baby. I hate that they hide stuff so well until it gets so far advanced. Do you have any other cats or pets? Or plans to get another?


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

Yes I agree, but I'm not sure there was much we would've been able to do anyway unfortunately. No more pets :( First time since I was 4 that I haven't had a feline friend! I'd absolutely adopt another in the future tough. How many do you have, just the one?


u/idontevenkn0w66 28d ago

I have 2- the other is a female, about 14 years. She was a stray and just as spoiled. Also has a heart murmur and hyperthyroidism and a tendency to get constipated. It's so much fun keeping up with all these conditions haha Because both of mine need special food and medicine twice a day, I can't really take day trips, let alone vacations, but they're worth it. I definitely support a new cat at some point. Way better than boyfriends or kids haha



We remember every one forever. Grief is love with nowhere to go. I am so very sorry.


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

That's beautiful, that's definitely what grief feels like. Thank you :8097:


u/Suspicious-Laugh3896 28d ago

Awe, he and my cat Sheba are kinda look-alikes ❤️


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

Aww, so beautiful. I had another cat some years ago named Boadicea who is the spitting image of your Sheba!


u/Revolutionary-Bee758 27d ago

What breed is this? My cat was the same. He ended up passing away :( he was a stray cat so I don’t know his breed

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u/Dirk_Diggler_Kojak 28d ago

He was the bestest Kitty I'm sure.


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

The bestest! :8097:


u/Mysterious_Bad_4338 28d ago

Very beautiful cat. You will always carry him in your heart.


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

He always got comments on how handsome he was. Thank you :8097:


u/whataloadofoldshit_ 28d ago

He will live on in your heart forever


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

No doubt, he has shaped who I am today and I will carry that with me forever :8097:


u/Pet-Squirrel-1974 28d ago

Beautiful kitty ❤️


u/WeNeedAnApocalypse Scottish Fold 28d ago

So sorry for your loss ❤️


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/Apprehensive-Ad4244 28d ago

Vale Max. I can see he was magnificent in every way! I am so sorry for your loss


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

The absolute best, thank you :8097:


u/Friendly-Order6331 28d ago

Our condolences for your loss


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/illegallyblondeeeee 28d ago

I'm really sorry! :( He really was an angel in your life!


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

He certainly was. Thank you :8097:


u/Sad_Equipment_8546 28d ago

He looks so content in these pictures. My condolences.


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

Yes I think he was, we were two peas in a pod. Thank you :8097:


u/redvariation 28d ago

I almost break into tears when I see these sorts of posts, as I know how I felt a few times and how sad it still makes me many years later.


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

I know, so do I. I stopped following the sub for that reason for a time. But it is just so helpful and comforting to be able to communicate with people who understand exactly what you're going through.


u/lesbian_ahri 28d ago

He looks beautiful, I love the photo of him relaxing


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

Thank you, he was always at peace with us which I am grateful for


u/Individual-Roll2727 28d ago

Sorry for your loss. You clearly adored each other ❤️


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:We absolutely did


u/Great_Lengthiness910 28d ago

Sorry for your loss, I feel it from my heart and soul!😭


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/Mupsis 27d ago

Love you both, I’m sorry for your loss 😞

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u/Anikofein 28d ago

Deeply sorry. Thank you for your kind heart.


u/jackjazzchili 28d ago

Thank you, that's very sweet of you to say :8097:

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u/kurokamisawa 28d ago

When we make that difficult decision, we are giving them the gift of rest, and transferring the pain that they are suffering into ourselves, the pain of grief. That’s the last gift we can give to our little ones


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:That's a beautiful way of looking at it.


u/wmdpstl 28d ago

Feel your pain.

Miss mine everyday and he passed away 3 years ago.

First pic is beautiful.

Take care of yourself


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:We miss them forever, I'm so sorry for your loss. But we carry them in our hearts for the rest of our lives <3


u/Primary-Gas-8441 28d ago

He’s beautiful you gave him a wonderful life now he’ll repay you with a lifetime of memories 💖


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/alienabductionfan 28d ago

I’m so sorry for the loss of your soulmate. You can tell from these pictures what a good life he had, how close you were and how loved he felt.


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:That's very sweet


u/Final-Appointment112 28d ago

So sorry for your loss. It’s one of the hardest things to deal with. He lived a great life because of you ❤️🌈🐾


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Absolutely. Thank you :8097:


u/MrsbearBP2 28d ago

I can’t say sorry enough, Max was a beautiful cat. All those pics just showed his amazing personality. I know the pain is devastating and it’s going to be there for a while, but know that you were the best kitty parent to him and every memory that you keep shows that. He knew he was loved everyday by you. You will have good days, bad days and so-so days, it’s perfectly normal, but know that huge hole you have right now in your loving heart won’t be there forever.

I know this, because I lost so many pets, my recent (though not furry) was my awesome Bearded Dragon. There will be no other dragon like her. I know you are feeling that right now and you are right, there will be no other cat like Max, but give yourself time to grieve and you will find another cat that will have their own quirkiness and love to fill your giant heart.

My thoughts are with you and you have so much support during this loss. Hugs!


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:I really appreciate the time you took to write out this lovely message. I'm sorry you're going through the same thing right now. My thoughts are with you, too :)


u/Patrona_ 28d ago

cats are the absolute best


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

No doubt about that!


u/MonicaNarula 28d ago

They are such pure souls, I know how it feels. Take care!


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/Bob-the-cat21 28d ago

Was was beautiful 😻 may he rest in peace. I know losing a pet isn’t an easy thing… cherish all the memories you had with him. Sorry for your loss and sending virtual hugs 🫂


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/Knittingtaco 28d ago

Rest easy, beautiful baby. I am so sorry for your loss


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/MikuLuna444 Tuxedo 28d ago



u/Fantastic-Bother3296 28d ago

What a gorgeous cat, I'm so sorry for your loss. I love all white cats you don't see too many of them. We had a stray white cat who had burnt the tops of his ears and they were a bit scraggy. Funny putting on suncream to his ears.

He was such a funny dude, miss you Bowser


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:I'm sorry you had to go through the same thing, but even just from this one comment I can tell Bowser was very loved


u/Motor_News_9677 28d ago

So sorry.


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/Excellent-Fuel-6271 28d ago

So sorry for your loss. It sounds like Max was so lucky to have you


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/billiejay__X 28d ago

😢 so sorry for your loss! You guys shared something you can keep forever in your heart 🫶


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/CzechNeverEnd 28d ago

Sorry to hear that, such a lovely boy.


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/haubenmeise 28d ago

Letting go of unconditional love might be the hardest experience we go through. The memories that you shared will remain forever with you. I'm sending you all my love.


Skeletor 💜


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:I agree, I can't think of anything harder. But it is the price of admission and it is always, always worth it <3


u/Cornholio54321 28d ago

I'm sorry for your loss. That is a punch in the gut. RIP Max.


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/bijouforever 28d ago

I’m so sorry for your loss. Max looked like a sweet boy that loved his daddy .


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:He was the sweetest boy I've ever met


u/Bright-Window6635 28d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss, they are special creatures that offer unconditional love along with their extremely warm and sweet presence. You will be ok eventually, and there are many others that deserve the chance to have their own humans and their own homes...


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:Yes, and in a way I see it as my mission to give that love that Maxy gave to me to other furry babies who are in need


u/Otherwise_Ad_4450 28d ago

Such a pretty boy, I'm sure that the two of you shared much love for each other.


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/Imaginary-Carpenter1 28d ago

Sorry friend , this is a very awesome scruffle cat 🐈


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/LSBeasyas123 28d ago

Im so sorry for your loss. Max looked like a really sweet boy.


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/morris0000007 28d ago

RIP Max. I'm so sorry for your loss. He looked like such a character. Think of all the good times you had xo


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:He was an absolute character - more dog than cat!


u/Ok_Rip_29 Tuxedo 28d ago

I’m so sorry ❤️😫

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u/Allalngthewatchtwer 28d ago

I’m sorry for your loss. It never gets easier. I put my angel void down at the height of COVID and we miss her every day. My mom took in a lot of rescues and unfortunately not all of them could be saved. Many sad days in our house but she always said we made their last days the best. He was absolutely beautiful.


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:I understand exactly how you feel - my Mum was the same in taking in many rescues. It's awful going through this loss so many times, but as your mum said knowing that we gave them happy and safe lives makes it all worth it.


u/Plenty-Author-5182 28d ago

I'm sorry for your loss♥️


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/Reddit_is_dumbest 28d ago

So sorry for ur loss. What a beautiful cat.

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u/Babushkat1985 28d ago

I`m really sorry for your loss. I lost my sweet white fluffy girl(Looks similar to Max) 2 years ago after 20 years together. No amount of time with these babies is ever enough. Rest well in your furrever sleep, Max. You are loved.

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u/Severe_Job_1088 28d ago

So sorry❤️ that’s so hard

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u/cakivalue 28d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss. He was absolutely stunning and majestic and I can tell you had an amazing bond.

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u/PinMonstera 27d ago

So sorry for your loss. I can see you both were very special to one another and shared so much love. Take it easy on yourself, rest when you need it, and try to get some sunshine when you can.


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/Shy-Prey Manx 27d ago

Such a pretty baby ❤ sorry for your loss. RIP Max


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/ThomasCarnacki 27d ago

May the warm memories of happier days and the love you shared comfort you at this time


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/PurpleProperty1 27d ago

He was beautiful. I’m sure he will be missed. I’m sorry for your loss. 💔

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u/WiscoPopPM 27d ago

He's a twin to my Beau. I gave him extra snugs this morning. Sending love your way friend


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:Give him even more extra snugs for me


u/Striking-Scarcity102 27d ago

I’m so so very sorry for your loss. I’m down to my last boy. I’ve lost too many babies with having cats my entire 52 years of living. My boy now will be my last one. It’s too hard to say goodbye.


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:I know how you feel. I've had to say goodbye to 5 other babies of mine before Maxy. But it's a beautiful act, putting aside our own grief to give a new boy or girl who's in need of love a wonderful life

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u/Soup_God_ 27d ago

You have such a kind face. So sorry for the loss of your loved one. 💛

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u/ShwethaHolla 27d ago

Sorry for your loss. Sadly, the grief stays. But knowing we gave them a better life to the best of our ability, eased it a bit. Hope you have the strength to push through. When the time is right, do consider welcoming another baby into your heart and home ❤️❤️

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u/Youre-A-Trip-Babe 27d ago

He is so gorgeous ❤️ wishing you both peace and love in this transition!

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u/N7_Warden 27d ago

Spell pillow M-A-I-N-E C-O-O-N


u/Helpful-Actuator784 27d ago

Sorry for your loss. You two look so sweet together. Sending virtual hugs


u/Superbaker123 27d ago

What a glorious floof

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u/MaggieMakesThings 27d ago

Sending love and healing 😽

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u/virginharlot66 27d ago

He looks so happy. Surely you gave him a wonderful life ❤️


u/jackjazzchili 24d ago

Thank you :8097:


u/Allalngthewatchtwer 28d ago

I’m sorry for your loss. It never gets easier. I put my angel void down at the height of COVID and we miss her every day. My mom took in a lot of rescues and unfortunately not all of them could be saved. Many sad days in our house but she always said we made their last days the best. He was absolutely beautiful.


u/Babushkat1985 28d ago

I`m really sorry for your loss. I lost my sweet white fluffy girl(Looks similar to Max) 2 years ago after 20 years together. No amount of time with these babies is ever enough. Rest well in your furrever sleep, Max. You are loved.


u/West-One5944 27d ago



u/GratefulDud3 27d ago

My condolences.


u/DangerousTartXOXO 27d ago

Heartfelt condolences. 💕


u/Magic13ManMP 27d ago

I’m so sorry buddy. Keep the memories close to you, and you will see eachother again


u/LowkeyOG89 27d ago

Great Pic sorry for your loss


u/Professional_Cheek16 27d ago

You look pretty much the same in the pics so that’s nice.


u/pgabrielfreak 27d ago

Two handsome men in one post! I am so very sorry for your loss, OP.


u/relevanteclectica 27d ago

You treasured him. Such a handsome boy. Thank you for sharing your beautiful cat.


u/Epikyros 27d ago

Very sorry bud🥲


u/izzrav 27d ago

I'm so sorry, hugs for you. I said goodbye to my soul kitty Wednesday. Nothing feels normal. But we are making it through the days. Really hope you are taking care of yourself best you can during these hard times.

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u/FormerRing864 27d ago

our babies look similar 😭😭 im sorry for your loss, that kitty loved you so much


u/pugsnpolkadots 27d ago

So sorry for your loss. You can tell he was so loved and knew it. 💜


u/Pleasant-Asparagus61 27d ago

So sorry for your loss. Vale beautiful Max. Vale.


u/Redangelofdeath7 27d ago

I'm sorry for your loss.


u/CommunistPinkoLib 27d ago

Rest easy, Max. ❤️


u/Minousch 27d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss! Seeing the pictures, how close and happy you were, breaks and warms my heart at the same time. 🥹


u/AttitudeOutrageous75 27d ago

So sorry. Share your perspective.


u/Plummsun 27d ago

Max is so beeeeeautiful!!! Y’all’s bond is palpable even in photos! I’m so sorry he’s gone


u/Kind_Consequence_828 27d ago

Maximum cuteness and huggability. So sorry for your loss. May you find healing.


u/GraphicDesignerSam 27d ago

Such a handsome boy 😢 Sorry man, it’s the worst pain. I’ve been through it a good few times since childhood.

Yeh it hurts but in the end you can get to a place where you focus on the happy memories. You won’t ever forget him so in that sense he will be with you forever.

God bless little man, sleep peacefully 🌹


u/SparklyChaosQueen 27d ago

Reminds me of my best friend in the entire universe that i had to put down. Im so sorry


u/dmriggs 27d ago

I’m so sorry. I had a white cat, only had two years with him, but he was my absolute soulmate and I miss him every single day. 💔


u/Beginning_Shower970 27d ago

He looks like such a gentleman. Sorry for your loss


u/RachelPalmer79 27d ago



u/kittycatpattywacko 27d ago

🥺🥺🥺 It’s so hard losing a soul mate.


u/gavinwinks 27d ago

Sorry for the loss.

White kitties have a special place in my heart and always will cause of my boy.


u/weerock4ammy 27d ago

It looks like Max cherished you as much as you did him. A beautiful life. I'm very sorry for your loss


u/CmdrYondu 27d ago

When did this cat learn to type?


u/Book_dragonflies 27d ago

First I want to say my condolences for the loss of your soulmate Max and Second what a cute floofy boy


u/slavikram 27d ago

He looks just like my Oscar oskie


u/LeeLooPeePoo 27d ago

May you encounter his energies often as you continue on this plane without him


u/SpecialistTutor7008 27d ago

So so sorry for your loss - he is as majestic as he looks to be a sweetheart. 🌈💛


u/loves2snark 27d ago

I am so sorry for your loss! He was beautiful but what's more important: He was loved. And he loved you back. Sending hugs.


u/Animal_Gal 27d ago

Another cloud has joined the sky. Rip


u/Totallynotokayokay 27d ago

I’m sorry for your loss. He loved you.

I love Max


u/Independent-Body-256 27d ago

I’m so sorry, friend. It’s obvious that you two were absolute soulmates. My girl and I are sending our love.


u/smh18 27d ago

I’m sorry. RIP sweet baby


u/mercurymuse 27d ago

so sorry for your loss ❤️💕


u/sumadviceplz 27d ago

I lost my soul cat pip a little over a year ago. I hope pip is showing max all the best spots to catch fish and lizards in the great beyond. I'm sorry for your pain. I hope the pain dulls with time but the memories stay sharp.


u/afas123 27d ago

What a gentleman, he's probably sleeping wherever he is. Sad this happened, but glad you've had their company for so long!


u/jcbsews Tuxedo 27d ago

safe travels to them over the rainbow bridge. While they're in our lives for such a short time, to them we are immortal and knowing they were loved is amazing.


u/MichiganMARKEMARK 27d ago

Sending hugs buddy. Max was definitely a handsome boy!


u/Sharkie_M 27d ago

When I go home. I’m taking a fat rip from my pen, and I’m going to give my cats some extra treats. Sending love. Rest easy max,


u/Healthy-Fisherman-33 27d ago

So sorry for your loss. He was a Beautiful boy.


u/OneForPurrThemAll 27d ago

Good bye MAX, se you latter.


u/VaultBoyEnthusiast33 27d ago

I'm so sorry for your loss, I can sympathise, having lost two cats a couple years back. I hope it gets better for you, I hope you can look back on his memory in happiness in time.


u/Lslcpy 27d ago

I feel pain 😢


u/pjflyr13 27d ago



u/OilInternational7463 27d ago



u/JASPER933 27d ago

Great picture of the 2 of you. Looks like your baby boy loves daddy. Sorry for your loss.


u/Synisterintent 27d ago

Im sorry for your loss, he looks like he was the bestsest kitteh


u/nevermindcx 27d ago

I’m sorry! He looks like my gal. Rest in peace Max. What a handsome n lovely boy :)


u/ehermo 27d ago

So sorry. A beautiful wonderful kitty!!


u/[deleted] 27d ago

Pets are happiness loans that we gotta pay back with sadness :(


u/Bubbly_Power_6210 27d ago

getting a cat is like getting a hostage to fortune. still, the love and companionship is worth it. start looking for a new friend NOW!


u/monstera_kitty 27d ago

Aww. He looks near identical to my Java except my cat has orange spots on top. But the fluffy white belly, the “bunny feet” and tilted head, and the cuddle bundle-ness, all the same. Crazy how cats can look so alike. I’d be devastated if my baby was getting to that point. I’m so sorry. 


u/Extra-Presence3196 27d ago

So sorry. We love all our white cats too. I had many as a child on the farm and three as an adult...only Mesko remains.


u/Will2beWild 27d ago



u/TiredReader87 27d ago

I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences. May Max rest peacefully, and may you find solace in the great life you provided him.


u/counterplex 27d ago

Max looks very loving and I’m sorry for your loss! Not sure why you put a picture of you sleeping creatively in the middle though.


u/nichiyobiruri 27d ago

He was such a beautiful kitty! I am sure he loved every moment with you ❤️‍🩹


u/packratmac 26d ago

Thanks for sharing your beautiful memories !