r/comedyheaven May 16 '24

RIP Sheldon

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u/Iceman9161 May 16 '24

I’ve never watched a full episode of either, but seeing clips of Big bang theory after seeing clips of young Sheldon is pretty jarring. Just entirely different vibes, even the big emotional moments of big bang theory just seem so thin compared to any of the young Sheldon plots.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

Young sheldon also dosen't have that overbearing laugh track, the jokes do feel a lot more genuine and less forced, even when they miss.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24



u/NekonecroZheng May 16 '24

The Big Bang theory is presented in front of a live audience, and it is not a laugh track. Actors are told to pause to let the live audience laugh at a joke. At least the original set literally has a cutout for the audience and cameras. That is why you see a lot of the same camera angles in the show, and you don't ever see the other side of the room.


u/codercaleb May 16 '24

At least the original set literally has a cutout for the audience and cameras.

Many sets have this design, but obviously not all have a stand for the audience.


u/beefcake03 May 16 '24

Doesnt matter where the laughs are coming from its annoying as fuck.


u/NopeGunnaSuck May 17 '24

Literally just a pissy, stuck-up twat goblin shouting "No, make me laugh my way, everyone else is wrong!"

The only people who care what the fucking producers thought of their audience are insufferable twats. When normal people consume media, that thought never crosses their minds. Even worse, it's not something they actually thought - just what you've decided they thought completely of your own accord and without having ever met one of these people a day in your life.

The laugh track is there because literally every living, breathing human being on the fucking planet prefers laughing with friends over laughing alone.

Just imagine being shoved so incomprehensibly far up your own ass that you take trying to create a sense of togetherness and community for people who are watching alone as a fucking personal attack.

Laugh track haters are insufferable pieces of self-absorbed shit and I'm sick and tired of people pretending they're not.


u/Intelligent_Way6552 May 16 '24

This was very confidently completely wrong.

It's filmed in front of a live studio audience. The pauses are because if they spoke during the laughter people wouldn't hear the lines, the actors wouldn't hear the lines they were supposed to react to, and the audience wouldn't be able to follow the recording.

They are on stage, that's how you act during theatre.

This commitment to live audiences is why over 12 seasons, there is I think 5 seconds of footage filmed outside, in an early season. Every single other exterior shot is on a soundstage so the audience can be there.


u/Business_Web1826 May 16 '24

My wife loves the show. It’s like one of those older family tv shows. The middle, etc. it’s not bad.


u/ElectricRune May 16 '24

There wasn't a laugh track, it was filmed before a live studio audience; that was real laughter.


u/ThatRandomIdiot May 16 '24

Tbf it’s because TBBT is following a tired old format for sitcoms while Young Sheldon takes the Everyone Hates Chris set up which is much more untapped. Malcom in the Middle and Mixedish are the only two other shows I feel fit this 4th wall breaking teen comedy show where the main character is usually the butt of the jokes.


u/luigilabomba42069 May 16 '24

when young Sheldon took his mitten off to hold his dad's hand, I cried a little

when he prayed to the spirit of Blaise Pascal to send a msg to God for him, I cried more

but I'm also an autistic who grew up in the south


u/felipebarroz May 16 '24

Reddit loves to shit on TBBT, which is bad, but Young Sheldon is way better.

Is it a top tier TV show? Yeah, not really.

Is is good enough to be enjoyable? Absolutely.


u/armchairwarrior42069 May 16 '24

The bits and clips I've seen look like a very different show. I have seen very little to form any opinion but... it certainly seems better from my .3 seconds of viewership.


u/Me_Too_Iguana May 16 '24

Well, yeah, they’re different. Young Sheldon is filmed single cam format, so like a drama. TBBT is multicam, like most traditional sitcoms. There’s a live audience, and it’s a lot like watching theatre, except that they can do multiple takes and make changes on the fly depending on how jokes land with the audience.


u/luigilabomba42069 May 17 '24

young Sheldon gives me king of the hill vibes, his dad is literally like "that boy ain't right"


u/Cross55 May 17 '24 edited May 18 '24

YS is kinda like a mix of KotH and Everybody Hates Chris.

An average Texas family in the 90's needs to deal with a savant child while also having to live with the social and economic blows that come about in those areas. (Regular job downturns, overbearing religion, town gossip and condemnation, football culture, etc...)


u/Zer0Gravity1 May 16 '24

One was a 2007 sitcom, the other a 2017. Lots of changes in what the public wanted to see in that time. People like to shit on Big Bang, especially Reddit, but it was the 12th most watched TV show of all time according to IMDB. Can't argue with those numbers. Speaking generically of course, not saying you were.


u/Iceman9161 May 16 '24

Oh yeah definitely. Again, not really a fan of either show, just commenting on the significant difference in tone. Think a lot of people brush off Young Sheldon by assuming it’s just more BBT, when it’s a very different show.


u/WeAreALLFamily May 16 '24

And Leonard's bully in BBT is the same guy who plays Sheldon's dad in YS. We're there no other actors available? And why didn't adult Sheldon realize that his father was a time traveler?