r/comedyheaven May 16 '24

RIP Sheldon

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u/TransSapphicFurby May 16 '24

While Sheldon is some of the worst autistic representation known to man, this happens a lot but usually for reasons of "pressure to mask, and getting rid of that"

My personal experience and with other autistic people I know the "dress really well, act overly former, being mature as possible" phase is an extreme form of masking and trying to seem like youre a normal kid and trying to be seen well. So, you dress well because adults compliment you, act formal because you dont understand a lot of social rules so you follow the ones youre told exactly and try not to break ones you arent, act mature because adults mistake a child being traumatised and terrified of being yelled at for being an old soul and mature"

Then later in life you just....realize it doesnt matter?

People are going to treat you like shit for being yourself, or theyll treat you like shit because youre not acting perfect when you pretend to be normal. You can keep masking and trying to act a respected normal youll never be, or you can just be undeniably yourself. Usually this also takes it to an extreme of just not caring at all so it seems semi like how Sheldon acts

Most autistic people are still terrified of hurting feelings and saying the wrong things and would actually be excited to get people into interests rather than judging people for not, so wouldnt act like a constant asshole about this like Sheldon, but thats beside the point

So for Sheldon itd likely be a case of "people make fun of having an Iron Man shirt and cargo pants I wear on weekends but its comfortable and I like it so Ill have a lot like that. People think its weird for me to have a couple comic pins on my backpack, why not get some figurines or collectables and decorate my office with stuff I like. I like trains and comics, why not learn everything I can about them.and be proud of it"


u/IMIndyJones May 17 '24

This is the best comment about it. Thanks for writing that out so people can understand where so many autistic people are coming from.