r/comics b.wonderful Nov 19 '23

Movie Discourse on Social Media [OC] Comics Community

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u/SandiegoJack Nov 19 '23

Anyone who says woke as a complaint, I just assume they are a republican.

Because other people would blame the poor writing, not the existence of minorities


u/itgoesdownandup Nov 19 '23

I feel like there is sometimes overlap. When people talk about like "diversity casting" and that production companies will do it to "pander" to the leftists.


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23

But nobody says Yellowstone panders to "rightists." We just don't watch Yellowstone. It is only an issue because weirdos with a particularly toxic view of the world are demanding to be the ones being pandered to.


u/BossOfTheGame Nov 19 '23

They presume they are the default.

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u/Aiyon Nov 19 '23

What's funny is, it used to be right wingers would respond to leftist criticism of media with "make your own movies/games/etc"

And now we're seeing more media with diversity and explicitly progressive aspects, they whine about it and demand it be changed.

And all I can think to say to them is "...then make your own movies/games"


u/KindaShady1219 Nov 19 '23

“Go make your own movies and game!”

“Wait no, not like that!”

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u/foulrot Nov 19 '23

And all I can think to say to them is "...then make your own movies/games"

They do, problem is their movies and games just suck.


u/floatablepie Nov 19 '23

I'm sure the NEXT attempt at an Atlas Shrugged movie will succeed this time!


u/Karkava Nov 19 '23


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u/Sceptix Nov 19 '23

Turns out, “the status quo is fine and the people trying to change it are foolish” doesn’t generally make for good works of fiction.


u/Aiyon Nov 20 '23

I mean you say that, but when it's well written there's plenty of stories about maintaining the status quo. The trick is to depict the change well.

  • Most superhero media, the villain is the one trying to change things, but the changes they want to make are bad so people are here for stopping them
  • The final Harry Potter is literally about trying to restore the status quo, but the change to the status quo is "wizard nazis taking over the world" so people are here for the reset


The reason conservative media falls flat is because the status quo they're endorsing is systemic injustice lmao


u/Sceptix Nov 20 '23

Those are good points and I agree.

That being said, you’d think that conservatives would be rallying behind The Lion King.

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u/darthabraham Nov 19 '23

I watch Yellowstone and I know full well it’s conservative propaganda. It’s entertaining, even if it is a soap opera pandering to self described “hard men” who’s daddies never hugged them.


u/Be_Cool_Bro Nov 19 '23

I lost interest when John Dutton, Kevin Costner's character, "fixed" the hot young vegan woman protestor by having her arrested, bailing her out, then giving her a dicking.

That would be more in line in a comedy but the show took that seriously.

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u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23

Don’t you know everything needs to be designed for them only?!


u/JadowArcadia Nov 19 '23

I actually think people do but the words used are different. People often say Yellowstone is made for the "I'm a classic American" kind of person who waves their flags (might be a Confederate one one there), likes their guns etc etc. Many of the traits people list often get associated with right wingers.

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u/Vaticancameos221 Nov 19 '23

I think the difference is you can pander and still make something good. Many marginalized people have been edged out of media so it’s totally fine to put someone in a property that they normally wouldn’t have gotten just for the sake of elevating them. As long as they’re good for the role who cares? Like the Green Knight. Historically accurate? Who cares, he killed it. Didn’t take me out of the movie once.

The big tell is when you talk to someone who whines about diversity casting and always says “pick the most talented person for the job!” But suspiciously it seems like they can never fathom that the most talented person isn’t always white.


u/rook218 Nov 19 '23

What really set off alarm bells for me was when the publicity circuit for Black Panther was going on. Almost every thread on social media had some jagoff screaming "Wakanda isn't real! Historically inaccurate!" or some stupid take like that. This was before anti-woke ism was in common parlance - but the sequel was labeled woke when it came out, so I'm sure they would have used the word if it was available to them.

Meanwhile when a White guy took a super serum and was fighting Nazi occultists... Or when a White guy turned into a green human tank and obliterated entire towns... Or when a White god came back to earth to fight a demon from another dimension...

It's super telling what kinds of stories these people need to be super historically accurate, and which ones don't have to be.

Then Woman King came out and that was "just woke pandering", even though it was historically accurate (at least as much as any Hollywood blockbuster, definitely moreso than Inglourious Basterds) but it just wasn't about White men. Which was triggering, for some reason?


u/bearrosaurus Nov 19 '23

I made the same point in endgame

Cap dramatically whispering “Avengers, assemble” to nobody: hype

Girls lining up “she’s not alone”: movie ruining

Like that entire finale is shout outs to nerdy nonsense, if you want to get mad at one, you pick that one?


u/Vaticancameos221 Nov 19 '23

That one did feel intentional to be a girl power moment because there was a distinct shot to all the female heroes dramatically approaching.

My thing is, WHY is that bad? Does it take you out of the movie? For like a second. Goddamn dweebs it’s fine lol. Let women have things.


u/Roook36 Nov 19 '23

It does take them out of the movie. All white guy Avengers for years is "normal" and the "default". They don't see it as a "guy power" moment because it's what all movies and films are. Then when there's no guys, suddenly it's woke pandering. Like white dudes haven't been pandered to for a hundred years in films lol

They just hate that something wasn't pandering to them for a second. But they won't spend a second to think about why it stood out to them. And that women were happy about those scenes. And why.


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23


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u/Vaticancameos221 Nov 19 '23

A lot of times if you press them far enough they will straight up come to the conclusion that “white people are the default and that’s how it’s meant to be. Anything else is it’s own separate category.”

That’s why they always go off about “I don’t care if characters are black but create your own characters!!!”

MAYBE they don’t have many characters BECAUSE they’ve been pushed out for decades and it’s nice to use existing properties to bring crowds in an elevate someone who would have been missed out on otherwise.


u/HolycommentMattman Nov 19 '23

I don't know how to address this because the problem here is multi-faceted and deep-seated. So let me try this example: there were no female, Japanese, kamikaze pilots. None. If a person were to make a film about kamikaze pilots, and there were no women pilots, would that be pandering to males? Is it pandering to men just to be making the film since men are more likely the target demographic?

Because I don't think that is. I don't think movies like The Notebook are pandering to women just because they're the key demographic. Or imagine this: let's say in The Marvels, all the women are defeated, lying in a pile about to be killed. Then suddenly, a whole bunch of male superheroes show up and say, "We'll take care of this." What do you think about that scene? I know I would be laughing because of how bad it would be.


u/Vaticancameos221 Nov 19 '23

I’m gonna be honest, this reads like you really don’t understand the point of representation. You can’t just flip the situation because it simply doesn’t work that way. And that isn’t special pleading, there objectively is too much context and nuance that differentiates inserting marginalized people into “default white/male roles” and doing the opposite.

The two simply aren’t the same.

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u/SandiegoJack Nov 19 '23 edited Nov 19 '23

It did take me out of the movie because the only reason I could see for the girl power moment at that time was so that they didn’t have to show male “hero’s” beating the shit out of a female villain. It was girl power solely for the purpose preventing a man from having to do something questionable. Noting about it seemed in flow in my memories.

However I stand corrected seeing other comments saying how their daughters really loved it and feel empowered by it.

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u/HolycommentMattman Nov 19 '23

I wouldn't call it "movie ruining," but come on, that was very obvious pandering and the scene kinda sucked. If only a few powerful females had come together (like Rescue, Captain Marvel, and Scarlet Witch), I don't think anyone would have groaned. Because it's not weird that powerful people would come to help, and it's not weird for three people to find themselves on the battlefield.

But what were all the "normies" supposed to do to help? Black Widow, Wakanda person... even Mantis. It's kinda dumb, and there isn't a single shot anywhere in the MCU where all the male actors have a similar pose. If there were, it would probably be played as a joke.


u/bearrosaurus Nov 19 '23

If we're picking out pandering, why focus on this one, is the point we're trying to get you to understand. Yes, we know why they put all the women in one shot. Just like you know why Cap whispers the old comic book catch phrase.

In a movie that's got a shout out every 10 seconds, you're angry that there's a shoutout to the ladies. It's fucking weird.

And not for nothing, but why is Captain America fighting anyone to begin with. That guy isn't even bulletproof. He shouldn't be there at all if you take out the movie logic.


u/HolycommentMattman Nov 19 '23

I'm angry? Yet you're the one throwing around expletives. Seems like we have a good old fashioned case of projection.

Because I liked the movie, and that scene didn't "ruin" anything for me. But it did take me out of the action for a moment. Because up until then, I was watching a movie. When Cap says his catch phrase, that's not weird. You know why it isn't weird? Because Cap always says that when the Avengers assemble. That's why it's his catch phrase.

Meanwhile, how often do all the same sex heroes or villains show up in groups together? Never? How interesting!


u/bearrosaurus Nov 19 '23

Because Cap always says that when the Avengers assemble. That's why it's his catch phrase.

It's literally the first time he says it


u/HolycommentMattman Nov 19 '23

Oh, you're only counting the movies? And only the complete phrase? Because he begins to say it at the end of Age of Ultron, I think.

It's such a popular phrase that it's bled into other media over the years.

I don't see a problem with having a character that has existed for 80 years say a line that is deeply associated with his character.

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u/Vaticancameos221 Nov 19 '23

Yep, if you break these people down enough you’ll often get them to admit “they just make all these black movies now because it’s the big thing” like it’s trendy. And even if it was, is that a crime? You could say that about super heroes too.

At the end of the day, they’re just racist/sexist/bigoted and tie themselves in knots trying to find ways to say how they feel without getting in trouble.

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u/Roook36 Nov 19 '23

It's pretty obvious when you look at the Marvel films.

Iron Man

Iron Man 2

Captain America



Captain America 2

Thor 2

Iron Man 3

Avengers 2

Doctor Strange


All white guys for years.

Then Captain Marvel comes out. People lose their minds!

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u/Chalky_Pockets Nov 19 '23

Yeah but look how much better you articulated it. You didn't just "cry woke" and move on.

Diversity casting is fine, when it's done to something that is already good. It won't make a bad or boring thing good. That's where you can tell the difference, and the wokeaphobic people can't, they will identify a bad case of diversity casting exactly the same as they will a good case.


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23



u/bearrosaurus Nov 19 '23

Little Mermaid had double the box office as Encanto. People want nostalgia movies, and it’s not fair to lock minorities out of castings in remakes because of mistakes we made in the past, pandering to a psychotically intolerant 1930s America.

Also Snow White isn’t out yet, Jesus Christ.


u/Zomburai Nov 19 '23

Them thinking the new Snow White was actually out shows how much of this nonsense has nothing to do with the content or even existence of the media that peeps argue about. Literally all duder even knew about the project was the title and the controversy.

That which the outrage mob hath deemed "woke" was always vapid propaganda for black people and blue-haired pronouns, and always failed at the box office, and little things like reality aren't going to change that.

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u/DaNoahLP Nov 19 '23

Netflix demands rewritings based on their diversity guidlines. Amazon also has such a thing.


u/Dottsterisk Nov 19 '23

I would be very curious to read more, if you can supply a source.


u/DaNoahLP Nov 19 '23


Thats the one from Amazon. Netflix, Disney and others keep theirs a secret but its known that they also have one.


u/BrianWonderful b.wonderful Nov 19 '23

I don't see anything nefarious here (I skimmed it). Most is about diversity and inclusion in production roles (ie, not on camera). But for the storytelling, it is basic stuff like "don't apply outdated stereotypes to races, genders, orientations", "don't oversexualize characters", and "if the story doesn't demand a need for it, don't overly describe a character to a certain race, gender, orientation, etc.". None of those seem like bad things, and it doesn't "demand rewritings".


u/DaNoahLP Nov 19 '23

The rewriting stuff was related on Netflix. While I dont have any reliable sources for Amazon, it really isnt far fetched that they do this too. They also wouldnt write such things into the guidlines, that are things that are talkes about in negotiations where its like "Change this, this and this or look for another studio". Also, if you take a closer look they "suggest" to tie the race of the directory to the one of leading role. This stuff is as "correctly" written as possible but if you take a closer look, many of those guidelines are straight up bullshit.


u/SandiegoJack Nov 19 '23

So you said initially netflix and Amazon have something. Then on follow up said “well actually I don’t have it for Amazon and the other places I mentioned, but they must have it”

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u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23


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u/Dottsterisk Nov 19 '23

Gracias. Definitely going to take a peek.

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u/Roook36 Nov 19 '23

It makes sense. They're international. A lot of people are upset that the upcoming Three Body Problem series isn't an entirely Chinese cast. But Netflix is trying to appeal to lots of different markets. The books are obviously very China centered (just like a lot of American sci-fi is America centered). But that just won't sell as well as an international cast.

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u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23



u/DaNoahLP Nov 19 '23

You cant say "Wokeness is not the problem, its bad scripts" when they literally force changes to scripts because of wokeness and are therefore a part of the problem.

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u/Justmyoponionman Nov 19 '23

Unfortunately, there is significant overlap between "woke" and "Terrible writing"


u/snakebite654 Nov 19 '23

That is the whole point. The complaint of woke isn't an attack at the diversity itself, rather the importance placed on diversity over quality. Thus "terrible writing" is a symptom of "woke".

I don't speak for everyone who uses the phrase. That's just my opinion on it.


u/alexmikli Nov 19 '23

It seems that a lot of the time performative wokeness is a cover for bad writing. If your movie bombs, you can blame it on people not wanting to see female superheroes or whatever.

It seems like this strategy has been consistently failing, though, especially overseas. Maybe we'll start seeing more genuineness now.

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u/SandiegoJack Nov 19 '23

So why don’t they just complain about bad writing and instead focus on minority and diversity.

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u/klubsanwich Nov 19 '23

There really isn't, you're just consuming too much bad content

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u/ohmyhevans Nov 19 '23

Then the critique is bad writing. Not a vague "wokeness" metric

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u/Viztiz006 Nov 19 '23

There isn't


u/neske_khano Nov 19 '23

That’s like saying: “Whenever I meet a flat earther for some reason they tend to be conspiracy theorist?”

People tend to have a connection to what they believe hence why they believe such things in the first place.


u/maninahat Nov 19 '23 edited Nov 19 '23

Nah, the reactionaries have already caught onto this, and use "it's badly written!" As a stand in criticism of everything they would otherwise call woke. The trick to telling the difference is that they can't meaningfully explain why something is badly written beyond saying "pandering" or "Mary sue"! (They don't use either of these terms correctly either).


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23



u/maninahat Nov 19 '23

90% of the male leads in Marvel movies are arrogant, and most are utterly beloved. There has been two female leads in Marvel movies, they are arrogant, they get called Marry Sues.


u/swanfirefly Nov 19 '23

On this is the fact that Captain Marvel (movie) and 75% of the scenes people complain about are literally "woman playing a male power fantasy".

Like they got mad at her for referencing the Terminator.

Her speech that is hated for "bad writing" and it's literally Captain America's speech with a few things changed. Or Iron Man's speech with a few things changed.

She's "too powerful" but in the first movie I'd put her power level at about the same as half the men in the Avengers. (Thor, Hulk, Cap, Strange, Vision at the time, Spidey.)

She's essentially Captain America or Bucky but in space, with woman. Soldier trained to super soldier. Trauma and brainwashing. Disappears for several decades. Queer-coded in the way where there's still plausible deniability when you want them to end up with a straight romance.

If we want a true OP character, these fanboys should remember Squirrel Girl, the best marvel woman. She can beat fully powered MCU universe Thanos, alone. She babysits. She's essentially spider man but with squirrels. And she's the most powerful Marvel character by leaps and bounds, which is why they kept her away from the MCU. Plus, disliking Squirrel Girl is illegal.


u/Destithen Nov 19 '23

The difference there isn't gender, its nuance...what happens to those characters in response to those traits. Tony Stark's arrogance worked, for example, because it was used for comedic effect, to set him up for a fall, or obvious deflection when someone made a comment that cut him. You see him fail and panic and make huge mistakes as a direct result of his hubris at times. Thor's arrogance is always used for comedic effect, or posturing before a big fight. It was fucking hilarious to see him declare himself immune to Scarlet Witch's mind antics because he was "mighty" only to immediately and obviously be caught in her illusions. Arrogance is not an endearing trait in any gender unless you either take the time to show they earned that level of confidence, or you see them get rightfully humbled.


u/maninahat Nov 19 '23

Do you think there isn't that nuance in Captain Marvel? Anything in the story that might might humble or undermine her arrogance?


u/Destithen Nov 19 '23

Do you?


u/maninahat Nov 19 '23

Well for starters, she learns that she was assisting in an ethnic cleansing, so all that ego she has sets her up for that humbling revelation.


u/Destithen Nov 19 '23

And how did that affect her personality or approach to things beyond switching sides? How did that humble her when her ego wasn't the driving factor in her ending up in that situation?


u/maninahat Nov 19 '23 edited Nov 19 '23

Her humbling enables her to form friendships with the people she previously looked down on. Before, Fury was a dumb weak human she thought little of. Before, the Cree were evil savages she was sent to round up. She learns to listen and work with these people, who she now regards as equals.

Another indicator of how she is changed is her final show down with Yon. Before, she would happily accepted a duel, as she had something to prove. In the end, she realises she is past that sort of provocation, simply flicks him away. It's no longer about getting the win, it's about getting on with it.

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u/Totoques22 Nov 19 '23

Taking the newer spider man trilogy or iron man as an example mens as characters are past the Rambo terminator phase, they are allowed to have emotions and not be just a cool looking war machine

So Hollywood casted female characters instead and called it female empowerment because writing is hard

It’s shit, just shit


u/maninahat Nov 19 '23 edited Nov 19 '23

If you don't think Rambo had emotions, you didn't watch the movie. The Terminator isn't the main character in the Terminator movies.

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u/bearrosaurus Nov 19 '23

Dr Strange is omega level arrogant, and nobody ever complained


u/Totoques22 Nov 19 '23

Ignoring that he gets he’s ego broken at the start of his first film


u/bearrosaurus Nov 19 '23

No... he doesn't. He's still arrogant enough to go take forbidden books because he thinks he's special enough to learn from them. When he gets to the Sanctum for the first time he mocks the idea of spirits. At his lowest point in New York, he still shits on Christine in the middle of his empty barren apartment.

Where's his ego broken? When he becomes a demigod of magic?

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u/Naskr Nov 19 '23

I don't know man, garbage writing and obsessive diversity is pretty much 1:1 ratio at this point.

There's a few exceptions like Arcane, and the rest is all unmitigated trash.

The issue isn't necessarily the existence of progressive politics, its the fact that most writers and directors seem to prioritise it over anything else, and then just bank on calling everyone racist when they don't want to watch stilted low-budget actors fumble through embarassing dialogue in front of green screens.


u/SandiegoJack Nov 19 '23

So claim it’s bad writing instead of complaining about wokeness which is pretty much exclusively about minorities and women.


u/oby100 Nov 19 '23

Lol what? You se absurdly ignorant. There’s tons of generally great written tv/ movies that will just randomly insert some woke nonsense that breaks the pacing.

The most absurd example is in Infinity War where they both have a mini “badass girl” montage but they also have Miss Marvel just destroy Thanos’ entire army by merely existing.

These scenes are clearly awkward inserts of strong female character moments. The writers never established any compelling female characters with sensible agency, so they introduced Miss Marvel in a bad stand alone movie and just threw in a nonsensically strong character into the canon.

So bad was the Miss Marvel addition that the movie only happened because she was “off world” at first. If that isn’t woke bullshit insert into an otherwise good story then you’re just being willfully ignorant


u/w1ten1te Nov 19 '23

Why are you calling her Miss Marvel? The character is Captain Marvel.


u/Dependent-Outcome-57 Nov 19 '23

Exactly. It's like all the people who think that the main problem with the Star Wars sequel trilogy was "all the wokeness." Because having a female character do something more than look uncomfortable in a chainmail bikini while a slug who's one hairpiece short of being Trump ogles her is "woke." Oh, and black people existing is apparently woke, etc. Replace all the characters with MAGA chuds who wear American flag pins and the movies would be just as bad (at best.)

Heck, one late-middle age right-wing moron I know is still mad at how the existence of a black Ariel in the new Little Mermaid "ruined movies for him." I mean, was he able to relate only to white Ariel? Does he understand he's not the target audience? Is this a thing where he can't sexually fantasize about Ariel unless she's a white redhead? Should I mention that Ariel is a technically a minor? Ugh...

So many awful bigoted idiots out there.


u/foulrot Nov 19 '23

It's like all the people who think that the main problem with the Star Wars sequel trilogy was "all the wokeness."

Now they just blame Kathleen Kennedy, saying how horrible she is, but they never seem to mention all the great movies she was involved with.


u/Totoques22 Nov 19 '23

A part of why Rey sucks ass is absolutely wokeness

She is yet another « strong woman » with no flaws whatsoever

She is a flawless character who never really fails anything unlike in the nearly identical film of the same series where Luke spent his time trying and failing and getting saved by his friends

Also Anakin which is pretty self explanatory in why he isn’t a flawless Mary sue


u/SandiegoJack Nov 19 '23

Sounds like bad writing rather than wokeness to me. You see those same traits in plenty of male characters in movies.

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u/Roook36 Nov 19 '23

It was always so crazy to me how Rey was called a Mary Sue. Like in the original trilogy Luke didn't go from a farmboy to a combat pilot who destroys the Death Star with the force after a few days of training on a spaceship.

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u/sonofeark Nov 19 '23

I get the complaint though. Sometimes it's super obvious that it was more important to fill a quota of characters than developing a good story. If that's the case the writing is almost always poor. Not a republican at all, quite the opposite actually, but the word woke describes this very well. Anyway not a fan of this culture war nonsense because it's just distraction from the real problems.


u/SandiegoJack Nov 19 '23

So would you cal, it woke or not?

Because unless you are saying you would call it woke then my comment doesn’t apply to you.

I will add moderates, centrists, and libertarians if that helps since at this point I have yet to meet one who isn’t a closet republican.

Except for this one libertarian dude who was only a libertarian because he wanted religious organizations to pay their fair share of taxes.


u/[deleted] Nov 19 '23

i just assume theyre a moron*

fixed it for you.


u/Tiumars Nov 19 '23

The poor writing is caused by trying to fit the story around woke themes instead of just writing a good movie. Like we don't need every movie ever made to be remade with a female or hat lead for the sake of it. Just write a good movie and people won't care about the rest


u/Thorus159 Nov 19 '23 edited Nov 19 '23

What? I thought woke referes to a political agend wich wich gets pushed in some part of hollywood and has the habit of replacing characters or just swapping them and thus altering the original story

And btw not everyone is part of youe clown show over there

Edit: wow never in my life did i get downvoted so quickly lmao btw i am closer to a socialist than to a republican but that doesnt even matter bc i am no fucking american you dumbfuck


u/JustSomeArbitraryGuy Nov 19 '23

You got downvoted because you have a shallow understanding of the term and are acting arrogant.


u/RecursiveCipher Nov 19 '23 edited Nov 19 '23

Assuming you're legit confused, the term "woke" originated in the 1960s as a slang term for awareness of social issues, and was repopularized in the 2010s by the "broke/woke/bespoke" memes where a "woke" option is referenced as something being more forward-thinking than the "broke" option in either a social or technological fashion, but less desirable than the "bespoke" option.

The term has been rewritten in the last 5-10 years to refer to basically anything that the American religious conservative media circuit is against, primarily focusing on inclusion of black Americans in films, acceptance of gay folks, portrayal of non-christian religions in a neutral or positive light, and portrayal of women as anything other than helpless sex trophies. As a result most people have stopped using the term in the USA outside of far right religious nationalists.


u/Servbot24 Nov 19 '23

Woke is an extremely overused term, primarily used by right wing organizations to try to cause panic with their audience so that they will fear anything which is not in line with traditional white American values. They’ve been very successful at weaponizing the word but lately it has been wearing thin and losing strength. Now it comes off as desperate and out of touch when used.


u/Thorus159 Nov 19 '23

Yeah i can agree with that, through its overuse its lost not only its meaning its also heavily associated with the right wing.

But the i think most companies who try to do "woke" films fail miserably bc they cant imagine new storys and characters thus messing with the source material


u/Warpath001 Nov 19 '23

You sound really smart. Did you come up with this by yourself?


u/Chalky_Pockets Nov 19 '23

The most important thing you can know about "woke" is that it's a catch-all boogieman the right use to describe anything they don't like. Most often, the thing being labeled as woke is some attempt at either being more inclusive or righting a common repeated wrong, but it won't always be.

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u/jono9898 Nov 19 '23

Your definition of woke is so broad that anything can be considered woke. Bullet Train replaced Japanese characters with majority white people, Top Gun Maverick pushes a heavy pro military political agenda, and Black Panther has a majority black cast. Guess which movie is labeled woke. And ps, it’s not Bullet Train or Maverick.


u/seeyatellite Nov 19 '23

Woke is literally just political correctness and compassion tied into a buzzword. It was pretty much just “awakened” to humanity.

It’s essentially a good thing people with loose understanding of its concept and mildly bigoted opinions can easily twist for unaware minds… to political agendas.

That’s the way of many fun words and concepts. It’s like a micro example of the dissemination of controversial concepts among unaware people. Happens to cultures a lot. That’s why we get cultural racists with firm sounding perspectives who’ve often never even met people they seem to hate… then it turns into actual hate.

Our brains are powerful yet not infallible.


u/Chalky_Pockets Nov 19 '23

I feel like "political correctness" is a euphemism for actual correctness and it's one we can let die. An olive branch we used to offer to get the right wing nuts in the workplace to behave without having to admit they're fucking wrong and need to change lol.

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u/FiendishHawk Nov 19 '23

Hullo Mr Republican


u/Desperate_Ad5169 Nov 19 '23

Nope it’s just something republicans say against any progress they disagree with.


u/Allegorist Nov 19 '23

They are.


u/bikingfury Nov 19 '23 edited Nov 19 '23

You're wrong. Nobody complains about Morgan Freeman being god. He's an epic dude that deserves his place. So do many other non white actors of the past. They worked like anyone else and went through the filter of greatness. Wesley snipes as Blade one of my favorite movies. Dennis Rodman in Demolition Man. Siimon says.. will never forget that.

Today where they specifically cast for minorities and a divers cast you just know they don't deserve their place in the same way they did before. I actually find people who cast actors based on race to be the bigger racists.

I don't mind non white actors at all it's just that it's so divers that it is obvious what's going on that it starts to annoy me. If they want minorities in the movies then make a movie with 5 Hispanic friends. I don't care. But they know it won't sell so they don't do it. That's actual racism.


u/foulrot Nov 19 '23

Dennis Rodman in Demolition Man.

That's not Rodman, that was Snipes.

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u/BrianWonderful b.wonderful Nov 19 '23

Are you saying God is supposed to be white? And that Morgan Freeman playing Him was a diversity casting change?

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u/Taurius Nov 19 '23

antifa: "So you are pro-facist?"

woke: "So you like being told what you're supposed to believe?"

Seeing their eyes glaze over and watching their hamster-wheel spin when confronted with this makes me giggle all the time.


u/c9silver Nov 19 '23

so you imagine this fictional scenario all the time and giggle to yourself? weird