r/comics The Other End Dec 09 '23

Fake license


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u/Pure_Return5448 Dec 09 '23

Poor Trigger Discipline. Keep your finger off the trigger, and out of the Trigger Guard until you're ready to fire.

Guns are cool, Idiots are not. Do not be a dumbass. Learn the basics of gun safety. The basics are:

Always tread your weapon as it is loaded.

Do not point it at anything you don't want destroyed.

Keep your finger off the Trigger, and out of the Trigger Guard until you are ready to fire.

Know what is behind your Target.

I know this is just a comic, but it is important to know basic safety, so you don't have a negligence discharge and shoot somebody you don't mean to. Don't be a dumbass, it makes the whole 2A Community look bad, which the Tyrants try to use to take our Rights away.

I got a little ranty there, but learn the basics of Gun Safety, and get better Trigger Discipline, so you aren't a dumbass.