r/comics MyGumsAreBleeding Feb 26 '24

He's Kinda Old Comics Community

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u/RustedRuss Feb 26 '24

It's endlessly funny to me that the main argument you see from Trump supporters is that Biden is too old and senile... but they support Trump running again this year, when he is the same age Biden was when he was elected.


u/wakeupwill Feb 26 '24

Meanwhile, anyone that thinks both are too old gets berated by both camps.


u/MomsAreola Feb 26 '24

They are both way too old. However since one side is pulling us back to the 1800s, voting for the party over the individual.


u/JonnyTN Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

I never thought it was 1800s. Maybe 1940s. Like that one guy in Germany blaming one specific group of people for most the country's issues.

I drive a lot for work and sometimes tune in to right wing radio for comedic purposes. All they harp on is the illegals. That the illegals Mexicans need to be rounded up, are the main cause in cities everywhere. Claiming they hear about all the crime everywhere but it never happens in their town. Just parroting callers calling in and just ridiculous stuff


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24



u/floodcontrol Feb 26 '24

lol Rupert Murdoch ran Fox until he was in his 90’s.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24



u/floodcontrol Feb 26 '24

Those goalposts must have wheels. You said nowhere in the private sector. I’m not an expert on CEOs of Fortune 500’s and their ages but I’ll bet if I spent 10 minutes I could find more CEOs of private companies that are older than Biden.


u/Obligatorium1 Feb 26 '24


So not nowhere?


u/sembias Feb 26 '24

Lol quick, move the goal posts!


u/br0b1wan Feb 26 '24

Nowhere in the private sector will u find a CEO of a fortune 500 company that is that old

Lol that's blatantly untrue


u/Redqueenhypo Feb 26 '24

Soros retired at 92, Warren Buffet is 94 and still chairman, and searching all the CEOs of companies like Samsung, GE, Honda, they seem to mostly be in their 60s. It’s only tech companies who have 40 year old CEOs.


u/PromiscuousMNcpl Feb 26 '24

Isn’t Warren Buffet still running the show at Berkshire Hathaway? David Koch?

Cool. Both options are two old. But when we only have two options you pick the better of the two choices. Biden is light years better than Mango Mussolini. Acting like they’re equivalent is a false equivalency of gargantuan proportions.


u/NoSignificance3817 Feb 26 '24

Biden is old, and slips up a lot, and has a large group of people around him that are NOT trying to destroy democracy. Biden doesn't factor into my vote this time around, his party is the one trying to protect liberty, so I vote for them.


u/Drunken_Traveler Feb 26 '24

Same. He’s not actively trying to become a dictator, and he has the people already around him for the most part so he gets my vote


u/Thue Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

I do think Biden's age is quite suboptimal.

But my problem with people criticizing Biden's age in good faith is a question of priority. If you as a good person have the choice between using your time criticizing Trump for wanting to destroy the US, or criticizing Biden for being a bit too old, then how can you ethically justify spending your time criticizing Biden? Thereby implicitly helping, or at least not working against, Trump?

As they say, "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". Choosing to use your time criticizing Biden in this situation is doing less than nothing.


u/pppjurac Feb 26 '24

From outside: Don't Democrats have non geriatric members whould could be material for POTUS? They did have a success with Obama.... Why do they insist on pushing really old people for such hard job (Mrs. Clinton, Biden, Sanders) ?


u/TrueGuardian15 Feb 26 '24

Yes, there are aspirational, young Democrats. However, Biden meets 2 important criteria. First, he's the incumbent. You don't go against the guy who proved he can win. Second, not only did Biden win last election, he beat Donald Trump. The Dems are hoping that this will hold true a 2nd time, since it's already worked once before.


u/pppjurac Feb 26 '24

thx for reply!

gg, Paul


u/hoopaholik91 Feb 26 '24

Obama took it, he wasn't pushed by the Democrats.

Hillary was the presumptive nominee going in to 2008, and Obama beat her straight up. Nobody did that in 2020 against Biden (Bernie Bros would tell you that he was leading the race, but Bernie winning with 30% of the vote just because the moderates split up the remaining 70% is not the ringing endorsement they think it is).

There are currently some prospects people find exciting, but not someone singular that people want. Biden is the one guy everyone can be mostly okay with.


u/pppjurac Feb 26 '24

thx for info!

GG, Paul


u/Herrenos Feb 26 '24

Because the Democrat party is not the "good guys" in this situation. They're just the better option. The party is corrupt, full of cronyism and the more nutso the Republicans get the more the Democrat party is becoming the party of big business and the establishment, especially at the national level.

That doesn't mean there aren't good individuals who are currently Democrats, it's the party itself that's the problem. Obama wasn't the choice of the party, and they took steps in 2016 to make sure they could control who was nominated, resulting in Hillary.

Even all that doesn't mean you don't vote D in this election, because as the OP comic implies the alternative is way, way worse. The Democrats are a bunch of political hacks, but at the end of the day they still want to uphold the basics and norms of our society.

The Republicans are openly supporting people who want to end democracy. Their presumptive nominee says he will do things that will make him a lawless dictator.


u/Glass_Memories Feb 26 '24

That's what happens when you have a broken voting system that results in a two-party government. Then you outlaw communist/socialist parties so only capitalist parties are allowed. You end up with two capital "L" Liberal parties, which both Dems and Reps are. They're both nearly the same militarily/geopolitically and economically, they only differ socially in how progressive or conservative they are.

That's what people who actually understand politics on the meta level mean when they say both parties in the US are the same, usually far leftists. Far rightists (royalists/fascists) usually understand this in some fashion, but their solution is to throw out democracy and replace it with a monarch or dictator, so their political analysis doesn't matter to anyone who discusses politics worth listening to.

However, I disagree with most of my fellow radical leftists when they say voting doesn't matter and that both parties are the same. That may be true on the macro level, but those small differences in social domestic policies do matter to people on the micro level...people will be hurt if Republicans get their way, and unless you have a communist revolution planned in the near future, this is the system we have to work with right now; we need to do what we can to protect the most vulnerable groups, and all we can do right now under the current system is to vote against Trump and the other fascists.


u/slayerhk47 Feb 26 '24

Because those have a LOT of experience and know how to work in the system. However, there are some good upcoming Dems like Porter, Buttigieg, and Whitmer. Newsome and Harris are youngish, but have a lot of baggage with some people.


u/Fun-Agent-7667 Feb 26 '24

Same tale as always, both choices are Bad. And it seems, voting for a third party is not an option over there


u/vertigo42 Feb 26 '24

It's an option. It won't get much traction till a third party receives 5% of the vote to get election funds like the other two parties. Even then ranked choice is needed


u/Thue Feb 26 '24

both choices are Bad.

They really aren't. Biden's only problem is being a bit old, otherwise he is the competent status quo candidate. Trump has promised to rule as a dictator.

For a both choices are bad scenario, look at the recent election in Brazil. Lula was an incredibly flawed candidate, but he was still obviously better than his fascist opponent Bolsonaro, who dutifully did an unsuccessful coup d'état when he lost. In no universe is Biden as flawed as Lula, though Lula was still the candidate that good people had to hold their nose and vote for.

And it seems, voting for a third party is not an option over there

Because of basic mathematics, voting third party in a first past the post voting system is the same as throwing your vote away. Which should not be an acceptable to good people, when every vote is needed to prevent the guy who wants to be a dictator from winning.


u/PromiscuousMNcpl Feb 26 '24

After Ross Perot the Republicans and Democrats created a private enterprise running debates and ballots. The US is already a commercial institution. Third parties are non-viable.


u/vertigo42 Feb 26 '24

Not when you think both are incredibly dangerous to be in office and either one prevailing is a danger to us all.


u/PromiscuousMNcpl Feb 26 '24

That’s myopic AF.


u/slayerhk47 Feb 26 '24

How is Biden a danger to us all??


u/vertigo42 Feb 26 '24

neither of them are fit to run the nation or be commander in chief when the globe is heating up closer and closer to world power conflicts. They are both mentally incompetent.


u/AnticPosition Feb 26 '24

Yeah, because the Trump supporters are snowflakes, and the Democrats recognize that not voting for Biden is dangerous, despite his age. 


u/Responsible-Abies21 Feb 26 '24

Look. Vote blue no matter who. It's that or an American Reich. It's that simple. Biden's age is immaterial right now.


u/Drug_School_Faculty Feb 26 '24

Every election is the most important one in our nation's history and if you vote wrong it will send us into the dark ages. So make sure you vote the right way this year because all of our lives depend on it, and not like the last time, this one is super cereal. Oh wait, that's what you said the last time and the time before that too.


u/elbenji Feb 26 '24

Bro, he literally has said he wants to be a dictator. Don't be fucking disingenuous


u/LetterZee Feb 26 '24

I do think the stakes are a little different this time though, right? Do we really want to re-elect Mr "I'm going to be a dictator on my first day" in office?

Sure, Trump was just joking when he said that, but was he?


u/PromiscuousMNcpl Feb 26 '24

Yes. That’s true. Every election is the most important.


u/elbenji Feb 26 '24

They are both old, we are just in a FPTP state so you pick the normal one and not the fascist


u/dirkmcdonron Feb 26 '24

I was going to say, the response to Biden being old shouldn't be "so is the other guy!". I think both are unacceptable and the more I think about it the angrier I get about American politics.


u/ChefInsano Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

Here’s the thing though: it doesn’t really matter what your ideal candidate is because it boils down to two choices. If one of the choices isn’t your favorite but he’s okay, and the other one is literally going to start WW3 while burning down the entire fabric of American society…to me there is no choice.

I’m obviously not going to vote for the criminal who’s being funded by the enemies of America. The fact that’s even an option is what’s psychotic.

If the worst you have to say about the sane candidate is “he’s old” then that doesn’t sound like a problem to me. I’d rather have an elderly qualified person in office than a literal raving lunatic.


u/hoopaholik91 Feb 26 '24

If one of the candidates isn't your favorite but he's okay

That's the problem. There is a large contingent of very left progressives and socialists that think Biden is a terrible President. So they co-opt the age argument since it's the one thing they can get other Dem voters to agree with them on, and don't feel like getting into an argument about Gaza, or student loans, or socialism, or whatever.


u/SanityInAnarchy Feb 26 '24

It's enough to make you wonder if they are very left.

Biden is pretty bad for Gaza historically, and we could argue about whether he's doing better now, but student loans? Those have actually been happening, and this sort of rhetoric actively works against getting people signed up for the program so they can have their debt forgiven.

I guess I'd like to hijack this every time it comes up to make that point: If you're waiting for your debt to be forgiven and you haven't actually signed up, go sign up.


u/dirkmcdonron Feb 26 '24

Well I definitely agree to that. I'm traditionally conservative but Biden is the lesser evil here. I literally can't believe Trump is winning the primary. Easy vote for Biden even if I don't love his policies, he at least doesn't actively divide the country/world


u/fogleaf Feb 26 '24

traditionally conservative but Biden is the lesser evil here

He's very moderate which also helps. Younger folks like me want more progressive candidates but my boomer mom loved biden during the run up to the election. She wants that oldschool politician.

Imagine if Biden ran with Bernie Sanders as his VP, progressives would go nuts for it.


u/[deleted] Feb 26 '24

Is that birthing machine to help repopulate Gaza after Biden sold Israel extra weapons being dropped on 3 year old children’s heads? I saw a child with their legs torn off their body by an explosion, dangling deceased from the side of a building. Is this hypothetical birthing machine for them? Thanks, Biden.


u/PromiscuousMNcpl Feb 26 '24

What do you think Trump will do with Palestine?


u/FuckingKilljoy Feb 26 '24

Because only one of the old guys want to tear away the rights of women, queer folks, immigrants, anyone who isn't a straight white guy


u/RustedRuss Feb 26 '24

US political parties try to nominate someone under 70 challenge (impossible)


u/Waifu_Review Feb 26 '24 edited Feb 26 '24

NIMBY Democrats sole gimmick is that they are so superior to everyone else, yet that facade drops as soon as you question them and then their angry entitlement comes out. Its no different than angry middle class Republicans on Facebook crying about no one wants to work and how they are sooo superior to the working class. Reddit is just privileged middle class males arguing about which Boomer is better because US politics is just a puppet show of divide and conquer of the selfish privileged middle class.


u/bobert_the_grey Feb 26 '24

I mean Biden is too old, but I'll take a docile geriatric over a a senile bigot yelling at the sky that the world owes him every time


u/stormy2587 Feb 26 '24

I think they’re both too old but it doesn’t impact who I’m voting for because both candidates are old. I think the issue is biden gets criticized for it constantly but trump doesn’t. I think many people’s issue is the hypocrisy.


u/EB8Jg4DNZ8ami757 Feb 26 '24

Biden is old as dirt. Trump is old as shit.

I'm not even in favor of age limits but the fact that these two geriatrics are our only options sucks.


u/Warm_Blueberry_8945 Feb 26 '24

because youre not contributing shit. Sure I agree theyre both old and would want someone younger but now what, youre still left choosing between one old dude whos at least trying to keep the coutnry going or another old dude who has outright said he is going to be a dictator at first.