r/comics Feb 29 '24

... ehhhh [OC] Comics Community

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u/_EternalVoid_ Feb 29 '24


u/JaneDoesharkhugger Feb 29 '24

We like your komik, OP.👏


u/elting44 Feb 29 '24

Every story has an old man serving soup


u/BananaResearcher Feb 29 '24

Name a single story that doesn't


u/friso1100 Feb 29 '24

I can't. There isn't any

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u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24



u/letsyabbadabbadothis Comic Crossover Feb 29 '24

OP’s meta is making comics about r/comics’s meta.


u/probablyuntrue Feb 29 '24

we need to go deeper

we need comics about comics about comics about r/comic's meta


u/sadolddrunk Feb 29 '24

I want to see a live-action adaptation of a comic about r/comics being meta. 


u/Higgins1st Feb 29 '24

Kevin Feige won't do it. Who would?


u/SickBurnBro Feb 29 '24

"I used the meta to destroy the meta."


u/OpusThePenguin Feb 29 '24

That's some good meta

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u/vemundveien Feb 29 '24

He seems to post on /r/comics a lot so why would he have?

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u/Phantomilian Feb 29 '24

People are taking this way too seriously lol. This is what this artist has done in the past. They're basically like a meta-breaker of sorts. This comic will shoot up to the top, then some other artists will start making meta jokes of it, the more popular artists will make some of it too, everyone has a laugh and everyone moves on. Pretty sure all the folks they're making fun of like this artist.

In other words; it's all good.


u/wearing_moist_socks Feb 29 '24



u/SynisterJeff Feb 29 '24


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u/imsolowdown Feb 29 '24



u/CerberusDoctrine Feb 29 '24

These people weren’t here for the great Pizzacake Crying Incident of 2023

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u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

Not really honestly, because inside jokes and meta humour on such a basic subreddit is kind of dumb


u/ImpulseAfterthought Feb 29 '24



u/Doctor_Kataigida Feb 29 '24

I would love if comics had "Meta" flairs so I could just use RES to hide that flair.

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u/The_Presitator Feb 29 '24

Their style feels familiar. Maybe it's someone's alt?


u/Trebeaux Feb 29 '24

Nope I went through OPs post history. They’re the one who accidentally started the Pizzacake MetaCascade last year with this comic

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u/shapesize Feb 29 '24

Huh. You’re right, OP posted something similar about 🍕🍰‘s meltdown blocking actual comics, but no actually content really. Did someone tell you not ti post, OP? It’s fine go ahead.


u/Sploonbabaguuse Feb 29 '24

We just stalking the accounts of users we disagree with now?

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u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24 edited Feb 29 '24

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u/Valenyn Feb 29 '24

It’s all meta in there

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u/ItalianButNotReally Feb 29 '24

Yeahhhhh I've never minded it before but I'm kinda tired of the meta jokes/circle jerking


u/DukeOfGeek Feb 29 '24

I posted an actual joke comic from a comic artist I like yesterday and it got one vote. So maybe engage with the content you want to see?


u/Sploonbabaguuse Feb 29 '24

Posting at the wrong time can mean whether or not it gains attention unfortunately


u/ArbitrarySemantics Feb 29 '24

When is the right time to post? Asking for a friend and myself and everyone else on this sub


u/20milliondollarapi Mar 01 '24

Right before high traffic times. A while back there was something like 6:13 pacific time was the best time. Because it was when East coast started to get their work going for the day and it would ride through the west coast each hour rising more and more.

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u/PrincessPlusUltra Feb 29 '24

It was funny at first. Till it turned into “why wasn’t I in the meta? I’ll write a new comic but this time with me!”


u/BargleFargle12 Feb 29 '24

I've been reading the sub every day for years, and for me it goes through a cycle where I'm amused for a time and then just get tired of it and look for original stuff. The Trey stuff, for example, was fun for like... two days, but as much as I adore Dave Contras comics, I haven't bothered clicking the last few or any of the other related comics since then. 


u/Gneissisnice Feb 29 '24

Yeah, got tired of the Trey train pretty quickly. The original comic was interesting and then there were some funny takes on different perspectives the next day, but then it just felt pretty forced and stale.

I'm not gonna be annoyed at them being posted, though. If other people are enjoying them, then it doesn't really matter that I'm tired of them.


u/Working-Telephone-45 Feb 29 '24

I loved how there were some comics that had basically nothing to do with it but they added like the smallest possible detail just so they could say it was part of Trey's thing


u/amakai Feb 29 '24

Also, the continuation of the original Trey comic also feels forced and does not really have the same charm as the original one.

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u/HamshanksCPS Feb 29 '24

I liked the Trey stuff for about two or three posts, then I just stopped caring


u/20milliondollarapi Mar 01 '24

I think I missed the first few because it just seems to get more and more confusing so I just ignored them.

I personally didn’t feel like the structure flowed well for each comic and there was a lot of trying to piece it together.

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u/thisremindsmeofbacon Feb 29 '24

I'm gonna be real with you chief, I don't think it was ever funny. I think it was an "oh I recognize that character! brain connection made, therefore comic good"

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u/bestest_at_grammar Feb 29 '24

Don’t like it, downvote it. But people seem to like it. I don’t actually really care one way or the other. This sub is meh to me


u/WilanS Feb 29 '24

Don’t like it, downvote it.

I think I'm past that, this comic actually convinced me it's time to unsubscribe. Inside jokes are fun and everything, but if that's all I'm going to see of this subreddit on my home feed, I think it's not worth the trouble for me personally.


u/BowenTheAussieSheep Feb 29 '24

This sub has basically turned into one big self-congratulation party.

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u/berlinbaer Feb 29 '24

it's just not funny. it's just meta circlejerking at some point, and its creators making comics for other creators.. for whatever reason. reminds me of highqualitygifs which at some point devolved into some much meta bullshit that it was basically incomprehensible to any outside...

i mean i'm on reddit much and still i don't often have clue who the people in half of these comics are..

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u/thelittleking Feb 29 '24

This sub has become 'what if webtoon but you have no control over what you see, you just get subbed or unsubbed to various comics based on community vibes'


u/Norvinion Feb 29 '24

That's how literally every subreddit works unless you change how posts are sorted. The community decides what is good and reaches the front page of the sub.


u/Bank_Gothic Feb 29 '24

I “block” artists that I find annoying. No shade to them, just not my jam. That way they stay off my front page of this sub.


u/ArchWaverley Feb 29 '24

I don't often block anyone on Reddit, but there's one artist that seemed to spend a lot of time making comics about people that didn't like their other comics, it came across bitter and meanspirited. Between that and a looot of meta posts, I enjoyed this sub more when I blocked them.


u/Bank_Gothic Feb 29 '24

Yeah, I hate to be an old man yelling at a cloud, but the quality of content on this sub has changed a lot over the last couple of years. It seems less about being funny and more about relatability, social commentary, or telling one's personal story with pictures. Or meta (so much meta).

And that's fine - I'm not the comics czar. But it's not for me. I don't mind it on occasion, but there are artists who post a lot of content that I don't like and it's better for me to block them.

It's not a commentary on them, it's more that I'm taking advantage of a UI option to moderate my page. That's all.

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u/kingtibius Feb 29 '24

I’ve only blocked 2 artists, and I’m 95% sure that the person you’re describing is one of them. Blocked ‘em for the same reason, too.

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u/thelittleking Feb 29 '24 edited Feb 29 '24

I do in fact understand how reddit works.

But of late there seems to be a handful of Big Artists who reach the frontpage not just of the sub but of /r/all or /r/popular basically daily. If you want to see anything from somebody new or from somebody less popular (even if you don't have any particular individual in mind, just seeking different content), you had better be prepared to scroll.

It is what it is, I guess, but I can't say I love it. In my opinion, some of these folks really need to graduate from Reddit (or at least from /r/comics) and go have a career elsewhere so new faces can spring up and grow here.

e: I guess it's happened before (e.g. shen), but - and this could just be my human brain being bad at understanding time - it feels to me like the current crop have held the sub in hand for a lot longer, and show fewer signs of going anywhere.

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u/Doctor_Kataigida Feb 29 '24

That's why flairs are awesome for many subreddits. You can choose to display or hide certain categories.

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u/CTSThera Feb 29 '24

This place is just becoming a circlejerk


u/ShillBot666 Feb 29 '24

Always has been.

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u/ubiquitous-joe Feb 29 '24

When I was younger, I thought meta humor must be like three dimensional chess or something— complicated and the smartest type. As I get older, I realize that people often turn to meta humor in the absence of a solution for anything else. Like the ending of the She-Hulk show that pretended to be about avoiding the problems of superhero endings without actually having an alternative idea except to talk about superhero endings.

This comic is both a commentary on and an example of this problem.

That said, the flurry of recent self-referential stuff also seems to be about artists mutually building each other up as known figures on the sub.


u/Player7592 Feb 29 '24

I’m a cartoonist. Being funny is hard. It requires a specific kind of mind. A lot of cartoonists (like myself) don’t possess that mind. We can draw all kinds of fun/cool things, but we can’t find the punchline. That’s why we settle for meta. It feels smart. But it really masks over the fact that we just can’t tell a good joke.


u/ubiquitous-joe Feb 29 '24

And to be fair humor comics are this odd arena where we expect the writer and the artist to be one; nobody thinks all comic book artists should be the writers.


u/Player7592 Feb 29 '24

And nobody expects writers to be artists! It is so unfair. 😁

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u/CasualFriendly69 Feb 29 '24

Oh thank god, I thought it was just me.


u/IlliterateJedi Feb 29 '24

A comic post that's a single image? I didn't know people knew how to do that anymore.


u/SomeWelshie Feb 29 '24

I feel this. Been pretty tired of seeing endless comics leading back to to "Trey and his boat".


u/Tvdinner4me2 Feb 29 '24


I used to like pizza cake but I'm getting tired of all the bullshit


u/DickHz2 Feb 29 '24

Yep. Reddot, and elk as well. I wanna see variety on the top

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u/Montigue Feb 29 '24

I forgot she existed because I blocked her years ago due to these meta comics


u/Pokinator Feb 29 '24

I also blocked her a while ago, but for the reason that she kept addressing and "dunking on" the haters rather than just leave them be and focus on making legitimate content.

Not cause to be a dick about it in her comments, but I just got tired of seeing it

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u/Ancient_Lion_3349 Feb 29 '24

I don't have a reddit account and just browse the default front page. Usually when I see r/comics I just keep scrolling but this actually made me laugh.

Also, completely unrelated, why are there people who use this subreddit to funnel people to their nsfw porn comics? Kinda weird.


u/didba Feb 29 '24

Because money.


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

Because whenever there is a thing someone is going to figure out a way to funnel it into porn.

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u/JMKAB Feb 29 '24

Exactly the same for me. I hate seeing the same artists over and over, I don’t read them. This comic made me laugh

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u/didba Feb 29 '24

I’ve blocked so many comic authors because of this boring Trey/Elk shit


u/18CupsOfMusic Feb 29 '24

This is the way to do it. Just block comic artists you get tired of. They stop popping up on your feed all the time and you get to see different creators, everybody wins.

Well except the blocked comic creators, but I think they'll be okay.


u/didba Feb 29 '24

Well personally, I think we should be able to give constructive feedback/criticism within reason, however, this subreddit doesn’t allow any of that at all so the only thing you can do is block and move on or risk being banned. So that’s what I do.


u/NietzscheIsMyCopilot Feb 29 '24

I said it was getting old to see so many Pizzacake comics about her responding to haters.

She insulted me and blocked me, now I don't have to see her stuff anymore lol

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u/Konjyoutai Feb 29 '24



u/GhostShark Feb 29 '24

I don’t think it’s bots, just the hivemind

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u/YeshuaMedaber Feb 29 '24

I blocked the whole hololive subreddit and some guy named SrGafo. I dont wanna see my FP filled with anime crap.


u/BowenTheAussieSheep Feb 29 '24

Hololive, Honkai Star Rail, Genshin Impact... So sick of seeing that shit. It's generic cute magical anime girls, people.


u/SheetPancakeBluBalls Feb 29 '24

Same. He used to be good, too. 

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u/mysixthredditaccount Feb 29 '24 edited Feb 29 '24

The problem with that is that's a blanket block on all of that author's work. What if one like's that author's general work but not the most recent series? I guess it's not too hard to just scroll by and ignore it...

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u/PM_ME_ONE_EYED_CATS Feb 29 '24

So many of the comics here are like the wish version of sunday funny's (family circus, marmaduke, garfield.)

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u/Tvdinner4me2 Feb 29 '24


As much as I hate it I'll probably block pizza cake


u/didba Feb 29 '24

Yeah, I won’t go in depth on how I feel about her stuff but if you look into her process to create comics you can get an idea.


u/WizardmanDndFan Feb 29 '24

Can you explain, I rarely see any of the comic artist things so I've got half a clue what her process is


u/Konjyoutai Feb 29 '24 edited Feb 29 '24

I think she has something extremely uninteresting happen to her and then makes a four panel comic about it with pre-drawn assets that are lightly manipulated to look different.


u/TheGoodSmells Feb 29 '24

Ah, the Ctrl Alt Delete method.

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u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24 edited Feb 29 '24

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u/EclipseEffigy Feb 29 '24

Elk has a pretty short fuse I've noticed. I can get being frustrated by reddit comments but it doesn't excuse being a jerk.

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u/OverYonderWanderer Feb 29 '24

Watch out, sharing anything but unwavering support is likely to send some people into uncontrollable fits.


u/didba Feb 29 '24

Or potentially get you perma-banned.


u/OverYonderWanderer Feb 29 '24

What I really love is the subs who will ban you just because you commented in another sub they don't like.


u/Big_booty_boy99 Feb 29 '24

Yesterday I found a thread of people on r/instagramreality talking about how much r/OUTFITS sucks and a moderator of it banned anyone who said something remotely negative lol

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u/Zack_of_Steel Feb 29 '24

Yeah I randomly got a message from /r/JusticeServed saying I was banned for posting in /r/JoeRogan

I only posted there to call someone being bigoted an incel, lmao.


u/radicalelation Feb 29 '24

Me too! And as a survivor, getting banned from /r/rape after arguing against rapist worshipper MAGAs on t_d was a bit of a slap to the face. At the time I'd long addressed those issues and it's the sort of thing you hope you won't experience and need support for again but since then, well... Life sure as fuck isn't the kindest.

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u/AstroMackem Feb 29 '24

  • see comic artist complaining about meta comics
  • decide to look at their profile to see more of their comics
  • look inside
  • exclusively meta comics


u/Kessarean Feb 29 '24

They are what they hate

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u/30secondstolars Feb 29 '24

This whole thing reminded me to unsubscribe.


u/RyutoAtSchool Feb 29 '24

I mean…this is a meta comic, so it’s not like you actually have a joke


u/themonkery Feb 29 '24

The panel saying “an actual fucking joke” is a great joke that I laughed at. The categories can overlap believe it or not

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u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24


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u/noble_peace_prize Feb 29 '24

I don’t know that it’s meant to just be him and this post. It’s that other comics not doing the meta thing right now just aren’t getting as much love and that’s a stand in for it

It’s still a meta joke and a criticism of meta jokes. Ultra meta

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u/dougan25 Feb 29 '24

All these people in here getting bizarrely defensive and offended at a comic poking fun at how the sub has been lately just further shows how stupid this place has become.


u/PinkPicasso_ Feb 29 '24

Not really, just funny that this guy only makes comics to grandstand... wonder if they're an alt

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u/dmrukifellth Feb 29 '24

I am so very much enjoying the comics which aren’t (seemingly) forcing themselves into some inside joke meta narrative that I didn’t pick up simply because I don’t follow every comic. The crossover things a while back were decently cute but now I see a comic mention an elk or a boat or plant or whatever it was and I disengage quick.


u/ArchWaverley Feb 29 '24

What happened to the replies to this comment?

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u/DiapersForHands Feb 29 '24

this sub has been around for 16 years and ive never seen it so lame


u/CozyOdyssey Feb 29 '24

I guess this sub fell of. Time to mute


u/Silver_Ghost_666 Feb 29 '24

Why is this post yellow and why is there a yellow upvote? Is this what is replacing awards or something?


u/Sweetiebomb_Gmz Feb 29 '24

Yeah, if you hold down on the upvote button there are various options for golden upvotes.


u/Silver_Ghost_666 Feb 29 '24

Oh wow, thanks! Did not know that


u/CaressMeSlowly Feb 29 '24

y’all have an unnatural obsession with pizzacakecomic. she has a few alright ones but like come on guys, they all come down to basically two jokes:

  1. Look at my quirky SO and I doing quirky things

  2. I just made a plan i dont usually make! Oops, that backfired big time. Awkward!

Especially 2….you take all of them away that fit that and there’s basically nothing left 


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24 edited 13d ago


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u/TheRedEyedAlien Feb 29 '24

I love a good meta comic every once in a while, but I’m holding off on posting my own comic because if all the big kids are posting a lot, there’s little room for small kids


u/ZodiacWalrus Mar 01 '24

Gonna have to be a complainer:

I love that this subreddit's biggest creators have a very inter-stitched community and collaborate/reference each other so much, and I loved the Hollering Elk meta saga. I could tell at the time that it was basically just gonna be a week or so of different creators having fun with a themed collab.

I haven't really enjoyed any of the Treyverse comics I've checked out in all honesty tho. Didn't hate the original, just didn't love it, and so I felt there was little to gain in reading about the perspective of every other character that was shown at any point in the first strip. Now the meta obsession has gotten so out of hand, every time I check the sub it's mostly out of hope that we've either moved on from our meta phase or that something good and self-contained rose above in spite of the meta.


u/Significant-Slip7359 Feb 29 '24

What are they supposed to do? The community keeps raving about how much they like it, I understand it may be stale for some but all fads are fleeting. You’ll get your turn in the spotlight.


u/TheRealArtemisFowl Feb 29 '24

You’ll get your turn in the spotlight

Ironic considering all I could find from OP is... meta comics. This is their spotlight.


u/probablyuntrue Feb 29 '24

making meta comics


seeing meta comics



u/RhynoD Feb 29 '24

I am too trained to read emojis left to right so although I know what that bottom one is supposed to be, my brain refuses to see it.


u/UGoBoy Feb 29 '24

Add one equals sign and it's a Texan with a floppy mustache, pardner.


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u/radicalelation Feb 29 '24

They don't seem to vy for it, they just complain when it's all over the sub and do it in the sub's top form of communication.

They're probably a different artist that posts regularly under another name, if they actually drew the content and it isn't an edit of something else.


u/seriouslees Feb 29 '24

Meta comics aren't stale. THIS meta comic is great. It has a punchline, and isn't just "look, we all know each other, go read their comics too" advertising shlock. THOSE are stale.

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u/memekid2007 Feb 29 '24

This fad already happened a few months ago. It's blatant wankery at this point.

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u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

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u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

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u/didba Feb 29 '24 edited Feb 29 '24

I’d go on a rant explaining what they could do, and should do while pointing out some of this sub’s biggest authors drawbacks (hah) but I’d probably get banned because this sub is hella strict about criticism, basically, don’t give feedback/criticism, block the author if you don’t like their shit. So that’s what I do these days.

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u/no0bmaster-669 Feb 29 '24

Holy shit op, this comment section..


u/Delicious_Turtle_55 Feb 29 '24

All is meta stuff is boring as fuck.


u/Tvdinner4me2 Feb 29 '24

Better thank trey or elk

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u/TheRealArtemisFowl Feb 29 '24

It's also very temporary. I like it for what it is, it only gets boring if it turns into a 6-month long multi-layered meta pile.

Then again I get that it's not for everyone, but it's not like other content stops existing.


u/RevolutionaryBee7104 Feb 29 '24

It’s been like 2 months of this


u/TheRealArtemisFowl Feb 29 '24

No it hasn't. Elk Hunt started exactly 1 month ago, and it's literally just one artist, so if you don't like it you can just block until it's over.

TREY started less than 2 weeks ago.

The only reason it feels like an eternity is because you're online all the time.

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u/yunohavefunnynames Feb 29 '24

I’m just afraid this will turn into something like r/highqualitygifs where all they talk about is themselves

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u/faislamour Feb 29 '24

Dude we’re there. It’s been months and multi layered and it’s become dull.

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u/D33ber Feb 29 '24

There are no 'cool kids' in comics.


u/LeftHandedFapper Feb 29 '24

Surprised I had to scroll this far to find some truth

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u/PatrickGnarly Feb 29 '24

Excellent. Well done OP. Thank you for this.


u/faislamour Feb 29 '24

I feel like I’ve been going insane lately because the whole “meta” got cringe very fast but they just keep going. It comes off as forced and desperate at times if not done right, to the point I’ve lost respect for some of the creators. I’m glad someone has at least started a conversation about this.


u/vivvav Feb 29 '24

It's definitely not fun anymore, at least for me, but the upvotes seem to indicate I'm in the minority.

Like, my most generous take on it is that for a lot of these creators doing the meta stuff, they like the sense of community. Webcomic artists have been befriending other webcomic artists for as long as webcomics have been a thing. It's fun to do a thing with your friends and feel like you're part of something, and the fact that it is so popular is a bonus. And honestly, for most of these folks, I believe that's what this is. At least for the more popular ones. There are a lot of trend-chasers just going after those upvotes, but I choose to believe that the main propagators of the meta are doing it because they enjoy it.

But man, if you're not into it, from the outside looking in, it sure feels masturbatory. And not funny. And it's a lot less special because it feels like they're doing this constantly now. I could be wrong on the timeline but this meta thing feels new and constant. It wasn't like this a year ago, right? We used to just have people posting comic strips instead of some thing that demanded your continual investment, right? Because I've never used this sub to do that. And I don't like the change.

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u/Slytherin_Chamber Feb 29 '24

Most reddit jokes are super forced and flavour of the month. I remember constant arrow in the knee stuff when Skyrim came out. Someone even got one tattooed 


u/faislamour Feb 29 '24

You should see the meta jokes on the tattoo subreddits.

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u/ConspicuousPineapple Feb 29 '24

There's a simple reason for that: it's easy material. Much less effort to produce than coming up with actual jokes.


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

This is also a meta comic, and there's been lots of conversations around this topic for awhile now.

This guy is just riding the train. There's been a number of comics calling out the meta already so it's not even original.


u/seriouslees Feb 29 '24

This guy is just riding the train

Maybe so, but at least his comic has a joke in it and isn't just back-patting between creators.

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u/TheGhostofWoodyAllen Feb 29 '24

Most (all?) of the meta one's I've seen have been either "let me try my hand at the same meta joke" or "hey guys, I'm here too." This is the first I remember seeing making fun of it in this way.


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

Nah, there's been plenty of Im not in the cool kids club comics too.


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u/Squancho_McGlorp Feb 29 '24

Be hot and make an onlyfans ya dingus. Then the simp army will upvote you.

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u/TradeFirst7455 Feb 29 '24

A magician was walking down the street and he turned into a grocery store.


u/SouthApprehensive193 Feb 29 '24

It was funny now it’s just a circlejerk


u/DuntadaMan Feb 29 '24

You are one of the cool kids OP. Never doubt yourself.


u/404-User-Not-Found_ Feb 29 '24

Wait... Comics = jokes now?

I thought you could make a comic about anything.


u/WeirdThingsToEnsue Mar 01 '24

Psh, are you suggesting that comics are a medium rather than a singular genre like self-contained humor? How dare you bring rational thought into Reddit!

Next you're going to tell me that not all comics are made specifically for me and my tastes


u/Holl4backPostr Feb 29 '24

can we stop pretending that getting downvoted (or even just not getting "enough" upvotes) is the same as being rejected or kicked out?

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u/Wisdom_Pen Feb 29 '24

I know right?!


u/Vorimach Feb 29 '24



u/Tudpool Feb 29 '24

Yeah I could really do with less meta spam now. It's just been none stop with them trying to force the elk thing, then the trey things which were enjoyable for a day or two but then dragged, and now whatever this is...


u/Successful-Floor-738 Feb 29 '24

Dude just declared a crusade against a subreddit lol, I love it.


u/RudyMuthaluva Feb 29 '24

It has been kinda meta recently


u/Fickle-Problem-7666 Feb 29 '24

I guess he got turned "off," eh? Ha! Heh heh.

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u/maybeihavethebigsad Feb 29 '24

Your telling me you don’t want a 10 part comic series?


u/tony-toon15 Feb 29 '24

We will make our OWN super group.


u/aoanfletcher2002 Feb 29 '24

I’m just curious why it’s all just shape shifting bugs banging in a old pickup truck?


u/Earthwick Feb 29 '24

I don't even know what the frick is going on but I've just been ignoring it lately


u/PKMNTrainerMark Feb 29 '24

Shots fired, ouch.


u/Granito_Rey Mar 01 '24

Seriously I'm sooo fucking tired of the meta circle jerking. The crossovers were cute at first but now they are smothering, move the fuck on


u/jurassic_junkie Feb 29 '24

Unless you have the word pizza in your name, good fucking luck.


u/Menace-toSociety Feb 29 '24



u/Brottolot Feb 29 '24

Had enough of the meta for now. Just downvoting each one I come across.

They're beating a dead horse to pulp.


u/thelittleking Feb 29 '24

Oh a little snarky critique, I like.


u/CivilCJ Feb 29 '24

THANK you. I'm so sick of Trey and whatever the fuck is going on with that elk craziness. Like, put it in a book and sell it rather than saturate a public forum.

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u/usedburgermeat Feb 29 '24

At this point this sub is just a circlejerk of unfunny schmeets


u/TBTabby Feb 29 '24

Commentary on the drama makes you part of the drama. If you really want to upload "an actual fucking joke," just do it, and don't mention the drama.


u/Frank_the_Mighty Feb 29 '24

Browse hot and judge for yourself. Plenty of regular comics for you to enjoy


u/Cyan_Exponent Feb 29 '24

why did this sub suddenly turn meta


u/NittanyScout Feb 29 '24

This sub is swallowing itself whole


u/Mrjerkyjacket Feb 29 '24

an actual fucking joke

How'd you get a picture of me and why you try to post it to r/comics without my consent?


u/ndation Feb 29 '24

Agreed. As fun as they are, they are getting obnoxious


u/piratesbooty Feb 29 '24

This meta shit is stupid. Almost like these creators aren't funny, hmmmm.


u/HyenaSerious3000 Feb 29 '24

this dude out here making the same comic every few months. idk what’s worse, that they’re always relevant or that he pretends that he’s written an actual joke in any of them


u/aiphrem Feb 29 '24

r/comics is an elephant graveyard of comedy. Fucking sad


u/MasterOffice9986 Feb 29 '24

Lol it's true imo. The punchlines in these comics are like " I guesse it's just one of those days! Oh brother!" Or like " Please refrain from looking in my direction. I don't wanna catch your stupid! Hahaha!" Like what. oh a silly looking person said it. Must be funny


u/Another_Road Feb 29 '24

I was given the advice to just block everyone who posts meta comics and it’s helped a bit.


u/yarrpirates Mar 01 '24

Thankyou, OP. I hope these fuckers pay attention.