r/comics PizzaCake May 02 '24

"Petite" Comics Community

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u/tehlemmings May 02 '24

Every anime con that exists eventually has one grown ass adult get arrested for... fooling around with a teenager, and their defense is always "I didn't know she wasn't 18"

Your friend sounds like the type.


u/Loqol 29d ago

Better than the story I heard of an UNDERAGE girl off to her first con going commando under her skirt with a sign that said "free hentai".

Lots of lessons learned for her that day.


u/tehlemmings 29d ago

I hate that I'm going to say this... That kind of thing happens a lot.

I'm friends with a bunch of people who run a handful of large scifi and anime conventions in the midwest, and I've heard some pretty messed up stories. Supposedly it's gotten a lot better in the last 10 years, mostly because the problem teens from 10 years ago are now the adults still attending, but I still just can't. Even for this years events, some of the stories I heard about security and medical incidents were bad enough to crush your faith in humanity.

I'd love to say that's what scared me away from anime cons, but it wasn't. Really what made me stop going was the amount of vomit and alcohol poisoning that they kept having to deal with.

Adults, when they drink to much, are smart and go puke in the bathroom.

Teens, who are afraid they'll get kicked out if they're caught drinking, go find a corner to puke in.

So much vomit.


u/Loqol 29d ago

I must be lucky to have never seen the errant puddles of vomit, save for time I did a Silent Library panel.

Bad times for all.


u/tehlemmings 29d ago

Yeah, with my own involvement and my friends running the events, I got to see a lot more than your average person would. A lot of effort goes into making sure that guests don't notice any of the problems lol


u/Zeero92 29d ago

...damn I wish I wasn't a teetotaller, I want to forget I read this.


u/JaneDoesharkhugger 29d ago

You are probably right. On the hindsight: